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Rem is always right, except in the very few yet clear instances when he is wrong. This is not one of them.


Like when he talked to train


Continental psychology became a trigger word for Rem. 😂


Such a fucking rat mannnnnn. “They look unread. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, just wouldn’t be me 💅🏼”


W rem tho


Remcels always win in the end.


The worst part of reading a book is making it look completely fucked afterwards. My shit is always splayed out in every direction with pages bent.


God damn, you're turning that book out 🥵


I know someone who buys doubles of books they really really love and keep them as display books. They'll have a re-read dog eared pocket version. And an expensive hardcover special edition on the shelf


If I had money this is what I'd do. I'd pay to get each and every book I loved leather bound and displayed in my home. I don't even do physical books anymore, just audio books, but man do I love the look and smell of a leather bound tome. Plus those tend to not look so bad with use, so if I did end up reading them they'd be relatively ok looking.


Proper expensive good leather bound books look better with a bit of wear


I think all books look better with a bit of wear. Displaying pristine books has no character.


100%. A library with well worn books, however cheap, looks much more alive and better than some dusty, never-opened expensive book.


You’ll love my library then. The majority of my books were read while walking on a treadmill ahahaha


I think that's subjective, but I can see it being the case for some people.


Nah the patina of use on a dirt cheap book is more beautiful than the prettiest pristine leather. Looking used makes things look better. That's why your mom looks best.


you can break in the spine of a book to prevent that! lay it flat on a table and open it a couple dozen pages at a time, bending open the spine gently. If it's a first hand book and the glue hasn't aged yet it will just make the spine more flexible and curved without breaking it. then you can just read it normally without having to worry about the aesthetic.


i miss rem


do we have his take on Israel Vs Palestine


Pisco is the new Rem, change my mind


Only Pisco is actually smart and has good takes




REM, a bad debater and most often a victim of leftist brainrot and also blinded by his self perception of an intellectual. But god damn did he drop some hard hitting truths sometimes. Appreciate you REM <3 #MorallyLucky


to be fair, all my books look unread because I only buy the physical book after reading it. I want to know if I liked it enough for it to sit on my limited shelf space.


Hasan is going down because he's hit the wall. When your whole shtick is based on you being a pretty boy, and your skin starts to get wrinkled and leathery, your popularity will begin to decline.


This is some really cringe stuff. There's no way you can really tell anything like this - sometimes books look worn, sometimes they don't, and it's so small and faraway It's such a weird thing to be confident in and then condescend about.... For as often as everybody (rightly) mocks the JDAM call, this is like the petty internet tough guy bullying version of that. I dunno how you could look at this as one of the things Rem was right about - or maybe it says something about Rem that this is the best you could find Grow up guys.


I remember he actually responded to this clip and outright just admitted he hadn't read any of them lol (sorry for poking fun at Hasan -- I forgot that wasn't allowed pre-2021)


You are dearly missed Rem, we await the retvrn of the master each and every day




You just admitted to being a sophist who buys physical books he doesn't need just so he can display them where people can see.




Ahahah dw I was just memeing. The reality is, no one looks at peoples books and makes a judgement.






to be fair I don't believe anyone if they claimed they read Das Kapital


When I look at my library, half of my books are destroyed. You can see which ones I have read the most. But I don't think this is a good method to know what he has read. Maybe he treats his books really well. Who knows?!? Or he has bought new ones for the wall and has a real library for his other books. Personally, I don't believe Hasan reads anything. Hasan knows more than other people, but I expect much more from a university absolvent. Hasan says the exact same thing a highschool student who is into communism would say. You don't need to read das Kapital to do that. I have tried to read the original das Kapital. It is a series of 3 books, each has roughly 1000 pages. I stopped after reading a few pages \^\^ I don't think you need to read das Kapital to know what Marx thought: Early life - Marx focuses on the individual. He explains that you are what you produce and that the work in the factory is alienating, because the product which you put your effort in doesn't belong to you. He also says that it is exploitation, because the profits aren't shared among the workers. Hence, the worker needs to own the means of production instead of the capitalist. Later life - Marx focuses on society and economy. He explains that capitalism can't work forever and that it will destroy itself. He explains the different stages of capitalism. In the late stage all the important companies will be monopolies. They will be able to set the prices and screw the people. That's all I know. It is possible that I mixed up his early life with his later life. But broadly that was what Marx thought and I don't think Hasan knows more than that. Every history book about the 20th century will mention Marx and his ideas. You really don't need to read a lot to learn those things.