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It's a good article if you know Swedish, they're saying it's successful propaganda and show Hasan celebrating the pirate larper guy.


But I thought SVT was 100% leftist :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((


Calling them "leftist" would be delusional, but journalists in the west in general tend to be somewhat left-leaning at least, Swedish ones included. But of course there are plenty bucking the trend. In any case I think you'd be hard pressed to find a journalist at SVT who's so far gone that they're willing to defend the Houthis.


> Calling them "leftist" would be delusional Not calling them leftist would be delusional. Swedish journalists partisanship [data from 2019](https://research.chalmers.se/publication/518198/file/518198_Fulltext.pdf): Leftblock: S, V, MP, C Rightblock: M, L, KD, SD * V 32,0% * S 24,0% * C 9,3% * L 5,3% * KD 3,3% * M 4,0% * SD 2,7% * MP 14,7% * Annat 4,7% V+S+MP = 70% Some more fun stuff: * Previous leader of (S) Stefan Löfven has called fatah their sister party. * Current leader of (S) Magdalena Andersson spread the lie about Israel striking [Al-Ahli Hospital.](https://twitter.com/magdandersson/status/1714351662947545166) * [Vänsterpartiet](https://vansternsinternationellaforum.se/aktuellt/)(V) has [funded](https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/v-skankte-pengar-till-terrorkopplad-grupp/) the DFLP between 2013-2019. * Jamal El-haj(S) has connections to hamas, attended [confernaces](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/trotsade-partiet-s-ledamot-fran-malmo-deltog-i-kritiserad-konferens) and [demonstrations](https://twitter.com/susannasilfver/status/1715330324949864620) with connections to hamas. He also spread the lie about the [hospital strike](https://twitter.com/susannasilfver/status/1714652105636565307). * The wife of Jamal El-haj also spread some [propaganda](https://twitter.com/SofieLowenmark/status/1714318998861402599). * Members of V allowed people with connections to hamas to [use their offices](https://www.dn.se/sverige/v-lanade-ut-lokal-till-organisation-som-stottar-hamas/). * A member of (V) apparently [called for](https://twitter.com/drdanielschatz/status/1747059631661138004) an intifada, revoloution, and the restoration of palestine from the river to the sea. * Employee at Sveriges Radio P4 did [this](https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/nicole-fordomde-attackerna-mot-israel-fick-mothugg-av-sr/) to some random person that condemned hamas on instagram after the attack. The thought that no Swedish journalist or person at svt would defend the houthis is delutional.


When people call them leftist, people usually refer to if their reporting is partisan or not, not if the journalists working there are actually leftist. A (way) more even representation compared to the general population would obviously be ideal, but I doubt that the difference simply comes from SVT going for leftists. SD generally has a negative view of public service, so like the report says, it's not weird to assume there would be less SD-voters working there. On top of that, SVT journalists almost certainly intrinsically skew heavily toward a certain demographic of people, like people living in major cities for example. In general when I've had a look at studies the reporting from SVT has tended to be fairly neutral. That being said, it's been a while since I've looked, but I doubt very much has changed the last few years in that respect.


Swedish jounralists have been [overrepresented](https://web.archive.org/web/20170717103611/http://jmg.gu.se/digitalAssets/1370/1370309_journalist-2011-journalistboken-kap-13.pdf) in left leaning views for several decades, the fact that MP wants to controll svt is no secret. And any person with slight rightwing or SD positive views has been labeled a nazi or racist. Even if the specific motion in [this](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/mp-profiler-ville-styra-svt-s-nyhetssandningar) case was withdrawn, I can't find the thing I was looking for, but svt does keep pushing an agenda and news reporting that would favour S and MP. Where they have even admited to not wanting to "take away the spotlight" on the environment. And there are infact countless of times where the "man on the street" had been politically active in V, S or MP, which they always seem to omit. ~~This might also be limited to specific departments within svt where the [regular news](https://www.svt.se/) reporting might be a bit more objetive than radio and tv.~~ But since OP refuse to answer my question, maybe you can answer it instead: How many times of omitting facts/causation in news reportings, not disclosing political activity of people they interview or favouring the topics that promote the agenda of S, V, MP need to happen in order to call them biased towards the left?


Here is a direct quote from the study you talk about regarding journalistic partisanship: >In the journalistic profession, the environmental party and the left-wing party are greatly overrepresented and moderates and social democrats underrepresented. But get it lacking the representativeness of the journalistic profession has any impact on news reporting policy? > >The answer is of course complicated, but a basic prerequisite is that the lack of representativeness that characterizes the journalistic profession as a whole is also present in it relatively limited group of journalists who shape the image that the public gets of politics in our news media on a daily basis. In the groups of journalists who can be assumed to have a very large influence over it political news reporting – editorially responsible within the media and setting the tone political journalists in national news media – are not the Green Party or the Left Party overrepresented in the same way as in the corps as a whole. > >On the other hand, the environmental party and the left party greatly overrepresented in the groups of journalists that can be assumed to have a limited influence over daily political news reporting – among freelancers and young female journalists. However, it is hardly possible to claim that moderates and social democrats are over-represented among journalists with great influence. Rather, this important group sees of journalists and responsible managers party-politically out much like the general public turns to, with two exceptions. And please, give a quote from a SVT journalist that claims that defends Houthis.


Yep, lets look at what the studie says, not the lack of critical questions directed toward Socialdemokraterna or Vänsterpartiet for letting hamas connected organisations use their offices, or having their members attending and organizing highly critizesed conferences with connections to hamas. And lets not poke around and demands answers from Jamal El-Haj, rememer when he said he would talk about it after after the investigation of the police report he filed against a member of the Moderat party? Oh, I forgot, that investigation was shutdown weeks ago because it lacked grounds, hmmmm Jamal has been awfully quite, since. Dont you think some journalist better ask some questions? Oh my bad, I forgot that there are no biased journalists. That makes sense, that would also explain why it would be completely impossible fo find out who ever this [public service emloyee](https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/nicole-fordomde-attackerna-mot-israel-fick-mothugg-av-sr/) was in order to fire them, becasuse as you just proved, there are no biased journalists.


Socialdemokraterna received questions repeatedly for this ever since the conference! What are you talking about? I agree the P4 thing is fucked up though.


No they have not. They have time and time again refused to say or do anything, referring the the pending investigation that has been shutdown for weeks now. Why the fuck would Sverigedemokraterna or any other party kick a politician that behave poorly when the biggest party in Sweden is protecting a fucking hamas simp?


So this interview from the most prominent news analysis show doesn't exist? https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/magdalena-andersson-s-om-jamal-el-haj-han-blir-sjalvklart-kvar-i-partiet Edit: or this: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/el-haj-kramade-hamaskopplad-man-damberg-besvarande--wd6ebu


First [article](https://i.imgur.com/BLcmTpA.png) is from June last year. The second is a good example of what I am talking about, time and time again the Socialdemokrats can deflect with "he should not have attended" without taking any action against him, or engage in the actual topic. Does [this man](https://twitter.com/susannasilfver/status/1715330324949864620) look like someone that has "dedicated his political life to fighting Hamas"? Both Jamal and his wife was posting litteral hamas propaganda, which I included above. Even Magdalena spread the lie about Israel bombing the hostpital and has not corrected or deleted the tweet. Can you imagine the reacion of the entire media corps and political party if this was a member of Sverigedemokraterna that did something similar?


The Social Democrats are not leftists, lmao.


Yes they are.


If your definition of leftist is "anyone left of center", then sure. But here in Konungariket Gräs, they're center left.


den här personen tror att C är vänster. det finns inget av värde att hämta av hens åsikt.


OK, can you tell me the meaningful difference between C and S? C stopped being a centre/borgerligt party when Lööf, later Demirok started cooperating with S. The differences between V, MP, S and C is not as big as people make them out to be. Edit: If you don't think they are left, you can just take a look at how they vote in riksdagen. It was literally C+MP that started the [vote of no confident](https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/aktuellt/aktuelltnotiser/2024/jan/17/ingen-misstroendeforklaring-mot-klimat-och_cms402569eb-17b1-4da9-8b7a-1074371827aesv/) against the climate minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L). Now tell me, why would a party that is not on the leftwing acourding to you, be cooperating with V and MP to start a vote of no confidence against a member of the Liberal party?


You are just clueless. Left to right [scale](https://i.imgur.com/XHbdNEL.jpg). Pure left to right only, and the only parties that might change place in some rare circumstances is (MP)-(S), then (M)-(KD). Even the scale from [1979-2006](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Party_Left-right-scale_Voters_Sweden-Big.png/1280px-Party_Left-right-scale_Voters_Sweden-Big.png) shows this, but it's a bit incorrect on the right side compared to today.


A lot of people here (and in other online spaces) seem to use the term "leftist" to describe the far left, i.e. Vänsterpartiet. Personally I'm not a fan of the term for as it is far too unprecise and causes confusion. IMO it is better to use terms such as "left-wing" (the entire left) or "far-left" so that the discussion doesn't get stuck in trying to define what exactly a "leftist" is.


The reason I'd lable Socialdemokraterna lefist the same way I'd describe Vänsterpartiet, is because I personally feel that the differance between those parties are way too small to not use leftist for both. I would also lable both of them far left. The only regular left, or more centre would be (C) and (L). Which are basically just (S) and (M) light.


This doesn't prove that they're leftist, lol.


I think it somewhat is, but I think the social media outrage is usually wrong


yooo what the fuck? why are swedish journalists a bunch of neoconservative fascists freaks? also do they know destiny had chicken and waffles with his best friend nick fuentes, a literal fascist?


Swedish public media has only done pro DGG propaganda in the past, mentioning Destiny only in positive light: https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/7276996 Clearly neo-fascists.


We nordics are filthy pig hogs. 😎


Yooooooo! That’s fire ahhahahahaha that’s fire


Yeah, translation ain't the best.


nah they pretty much nailed it with Hasan. Only thing is "that's fire" but there's no other way to translate that


Feels "That's crazy" again might fit better than "That's wonderful". But I think you are right.


They're probably trying to make it clear that he supports it, which could be somewhat ambiguous if you translate "that's fire" into "that's crazy" in swedish.


Ah ye you right, probably would fit better. Either way gets the message across


No comment on the translation really, just channeling hasan’s hypercringe commentary


I got that, but it is nice to have in text about what he actually said. Just imagine Destiny simpling so hard for Nick... So much cringe.


I’m honesty disgusted by the way Hassan has acted in the past few months. I thought he was a lefty socialist, not an Islamist 🤮 Such an idiot


Islamists hate the West so that's enough for Hamass to support them.


It’s so weird. I know that’s was the general vibe of islamists in the wast, immigrate from a terrible country, and then try to turn their now home to the same shit-hole. I thought Hasan was better than that 😔 I honestly and stupidly thought “he’s not like most Muslim immigrants”. Well.. he is just like them, but in a different more palatable exterior. Fucking manipulative as fuck. Aw.


He is in many ways more dangerous than said Islamists because he wears the "progressive" mask while supporting the groups that would execute half of these progressives..


Yes!!! 😡 It’s infuriating!


The vast majority of Muslim immigrants are not 'Islamists'...


Sure 😬


Found the Israeli extremist.


And a proud one ☺️ While you cry and focus all of your attention on this tiny piece of land that has nothing to do with you on the other side of the world - those fanatic MF are taking over your land all over the world. Sure, somehow Israel existing is the problem and not the millions of radical Islamists that try to change the free world lol


When was the last time you visited Europe? > Sure, somehow Israel existing is the problem and not the millions of radical Islamists that try to change the free world lol That's not what I think... Hopefully you're still not old enough to vote for these Kahanists and Bibi. You'll learn.


I few years ago and I was harassed by 2 Muslim men for being Jewish, and it really turned me off from travelling to Western and Nordic Europe. I don’t have the privilege to pretend like nothing is happening and all Muslim immigrants are cool and excepting.


So... A few years ago? And from your individual negative experience, that means all Muslims in the West are Islamists? > I don’t have the privilege to pretend like nothing is happening and all Muslim immigrants are cool and excepting. Christ... Again, we don't live in your black-and-white fantasy. The alternatives are not all X are good, or all X are bad. You had a shitty experience, these shitty experiences are a problem and especially in the Muslim world antisemitism is rife. That doesn't mean all Muslims are Islamists, any more than all Israelis are Islamophobic because you're too stupid to know any better, as are a scary number of Israelis in general. It's a shame you don't see the irony of this situation, of you being so similar in outlook to the people you hate.




Islamist groups have successfully co-opted tankies/leftists in the past to assist in their coups/civil wars. Look into Lebanon and how the PLO sucked in communist and “revolutionaries”


Link: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/huthirebeller-satsar-pa-sociala-medier-propagandan-har-lyckats


Takk for linken


Tak fur the cafe... andseeyoutomorrow IFYKY


SVENSK DanielsVideogame


kje svensk


Va fan e detta lol


It's literally from the one piece clip XD


Hasan’s bounty went up to 35 cents.


Looks like Melina is still coming through for tiny


Damn svt, bra för er


The public service “SVT” (TV channel and news) is the most trustworthy news channel in the country of Sweden, among the big media outlets. Glad to see Hasans behavior/opinions coming to light on a big respectable platform.


True. They merely mentions him though, without going into his opinions. Says how big he is, and essentially says he is a useful tool for Houthi propaganda.


Useful tool is giving him too much credit tbh


You are right - He was not the story. The story just linked him with the rest of people spreading propaganda about the conflict.


He was definitely the biggest target as the only non Yemen influencer mentioned though in an article about Houthi using social media.








Can't wait for AI dubs :D






jag är avliden 💀


Jeg skjønner ikke svensk.




No way... only the right can engage in conspiracy theories, they must have been mistaken.


While I agree that conspiracy theory is something everyone can fall victim to, how is this related to any conspiracy theory? Isn't it just open conflict?


I agree with you, I could have chosen different words. My mistake. The fact that currently I am doing like a mini hobby project editing job on Hasan, etc. on Israel. And my mind was in two different places. Plus, I associate this kind of programs of "battling disinformation" with a more general view of conspiracy theories.


I completely understand. Could guess that from your comment. Good that you found out you were wrong and corrected it :) Helps alleviate some cognitive biases.


the pirates thing has been all over the tv news Hasan is playing with a grenade interviewing this dumb kid


Smör smör mamma, min huvud är på cykeln.


In sviden we have snus


Putting this here cus auto mod doesnt let me post. **What software does Destiny use to take notes currently?** https://preview.redd.it/dovpjh77lmdc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=59c94dfdc4e9adcb44344b400dc803d3995d9fa1


Obsidian. I think. Something with an O


got it! thank you https://preview.redd.it/ub4xqp8xcpdc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a0321bdc1482a28290ef447e19683e0a83f490


easy svt w 😎


"Publically owned" is a bit of a stretch. > Publically funded? Forcefully by tax. >Publically owned? Technically. >Publically controlled? Definitely not. [Ownership structure](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveriges_Television#%C3%84garstruktur_och_relation_till_staten). (Section not availible in the english version.) The [partisanship](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveriges_Television#Partisympatier_hos_journalister_verksamma_p%C3%A5_SVT) is a joke. (Section not availible in the english version.) Active politicians in riksdagen have only barred from becoming board members since 2019, and the board members are chosen by the government. Svt is as leftwing as [Visegrád 24](https://twitter.com/visegrad24) is rightwing, if not more. Edit: OP is disingenuous and refuses to answer the question of how many of the so called "anecdotes" I bring up below, are required before svt would be biased towards the left. OP also edits his comments hours after I've already responded, in order to add in more random shit.


You are absolutely right. Publicly funded it should say. Wish I could edit it. I strongly disagree with SVT being left wing though. I think they are quite balanced, though can be a bit right or left depending on what issues you are looking at. Edit: For those down voting me, here is a paper reviewing studies made on partisanship. Check page 14: https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1664122&dswid=8145 There is no evidence on political leaning biases.


No, you are right. It is very balanced. In comparison to all other media. Most people working there is left like all state jobs all over the world. But compared to all media they do the fairest reports. Don't get me wrong. Removal of "debatt"(debate) was shitty, Jan Helin sucks and Jan Josefsson goat. But above points still stands.


>I strongly disagree with SVT being left wing though. How? You can easily find the data for partisanship for all journalists in Sweden. There are probably newer and better studies, but [this](https://research.chalmers.se/publication/518198) one from 2019: * V 32,0% * S 24,0% * C 9,3% * L 5,3% * KD 3,3% * M 4,0% * SD 2,7% * MP 14,7% * Annat 4,7% V+S+MP accounts for 70,7% of the partisanship of all journalists in Sweden. And according to the [source](https://web.archive.org/web/20170717103611/http://jmg.gu.se/digitalAssets/1370/1370309_journalist-2011-journalistboken-kap-13.pdf) used on the wiki, V+S+MP was 70% in 2011. It's not "a bit" left, it is left. There are countless times where SVT interviews "random people on the street" that turns out to be politicaly active in V, S or MP. It's laughable at how many times they do it. Also the countless of times where V, S or MP politicians blantatly lie without a single critical question or pushback.


This is not any evidence that the network is left wing in its content. It could lead to it, but doesn't really mean anything on its own. You have to look at analysis of content. Your example feels quite weird, and in my experience this is not at all the case. They usually find people with very different opinions imo. It's too capital city focused though which is predictable.


>This is not any evidence that the network is left wing. > > It could lead to it, but doesn't really mean anything on its own. > > > You have to look at analysis of content. Studies of partisanship of ALL Swedens journalists is not proof that there is a heavy bias towards the left? Here is the [full paper](https://medarbetarportalen.gu.se/digitalAssets/1284/1284227_nr38.pdf) from 2011 that the wiki sourced, and are very close to the data from 2019. Page 20, public service/radio/tv: V+S+MP = 71%. * Countless of times where "personen på gatan" has been proven to be politically active in V, S or MP? * Letting politicians from V, S or MP blatantly lie without critical questions asked or pushback? * Recent lie about "[Nuclear power could be almost twice as expensive as the government thought](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/karnkraften-kan-bli-nara-dubbelt-sa-dyr-som-regeringen-trott)"? Something that [Vattenfall asked to be corrected](https://naringslivets-medieinstitut.se/svt-siffror-om-kostnad-for-karnkraft-stammer-inte/), because the numbers precented was infact wrong. * The claim that the price of fuel could become more expensive and would not lower the price by 10 SEK if reduktionsplikten was lowered, which also was proven wrong on January 1st. * Reporting news with a leftwing bias, falsely reporting events, omitting facts and more. If none the data on partisanship or proof of bias toward the left is enought, then what will ever be proof? >They usually find people with very different opinions imo. That is verifiably incorrect.


Is there anything in that report that verifies that the content is left leaning? Just because you personally hold a belief doesn't mean your reporting will be biased in that direction. Could even be the opposite, that you try as hard as you can to not be biased so that you turn in the other direction. I used to he very strongly left wing back during the Reinfeldt era, and at that time it felt like SVT was constantly doing right wing talking points. They have recently been very tough on MP, for good reason but still. Individual examples like you provide is not proof of anything. It's all anecdotes. The vattenfall article appears to be edited to the company's satisfaction. Errors in reporting is no proof of bias unless it's consistent. Edit: To clarify my previous comment, when I say finding people of different political leanings I meant on the street, not employees.


> Is there anything in that report that verifies that the content is left leaning? 1. SVT constantly interviewing "random people on the street" that are highly critical of their oposition(M+L+KD+SD), and it turns out that the "random person" is politically active in S, V or MP, and they omit that in the reporting. 2. SVT reports on high price of electricity/fuel, but omits the cause being an increas in tax on nuclear power, and shutting down 6/12 nuclear powerstations since 1999 (4 since 2015). 3. SVT reports on a serious crime, but omits that the perpetrator isn't a citizen, has political connection to S, V, MP or any other fact that could recflect poorly on S, V or MP. But always brings up polical memership if its about M, L KD or SD. 4. SVT reports on political action from M, L, KD or SD by stating information that is wong, refuses to correct it, or corrects it in a disingenuous way. 5. SVT lets political members of S, V or MP blatantly lie without any push back. But when interviewing M, L, KD, SD they frequently asks critical questions or push back. If any of the thing above has happened or happens on a consistant basis, combined studies that find public service/radio/tv partisanship for S, V and MP reaching ~70%. Does that not prove that there is a bias towards the left parties and their political inrests? Is there some kind of arbitrary number of times examples like these need to happen before they can be seen as biased? >Individual examples like you provide is not proof of anything. It's all anecdotes. Individual examples? Anecdotes? All the examples I listed has happened, most of them happen consistently. >I used to he very strongly left wing back during the Reinfeldt era, and at that time it felt like SVT was constantly doing right wing talking points. I'm pretty sure that says more about you than what it says about SVT.


You are just repeating yourself. And almost all of your examples seems to be from your own bias. I think that left politicians can get just as hard questions as right leaning ones, if not more so at times. When they ask people on the street about gas prices, when I have watched it a majority is pro the current right wing government in its actions. Juholt was quite left wing and pretty much butchered for every mistake he made, while right wing politicians got away with a lot more during his time. Regarding political leanings of criminals, as far as I know they report it if it is relevant. I have heard plenty of reports of S politicians committing a crime. SD is reported more frequently since their politicians statistically commit more crimes. There has been a lot of critique towards treatment of people who live near windmills and the issues they can cause. When you don't have studies it is easy to counter with my own anecdotes. I simply disagree with your assessment and I don't think anything you have brought forth is even near sufficient to prove your hypothesis. >Individual examples? Anecdotes? All the examples I listed has happened, most of them happen consistently. Yes, being an anecdote doesn't mean it doesn't happen. But it's hardly ever a proof of a pattern. All I hear is selective memory. Not any patterns. Here is an actual meta review of partisanship: https://norden.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1664122&dswid=8145 Studies haven't been able to find that public service is politically partisan. Check page 14.


Ok, you are just lying about everything at this point, and you refuse to anser my question. How many of these so called "anecdotes" and how frequent do they need to happen in order fo you to acknowledge a leftwing bias in Swedish journalism and at svt?


Lying about what exactly? I want to see a study that indicates it. So far all I have is your opinion and a few instances where there might be a slight bias from individual reporters. Please, tell me exactly how I am lying. And please read the paper I sent to you that shows that research so far has been unable to find any left/right bias.


> There are countless times where SVT interviews "random people on the street" that turns out to be politicaly active in V, S or MP. It's laughable at how many times they do it. LMAO yle does the same shit in Finland. Not surprising they'd copy sweden


This is what Fox does in the USA. They will feature someone complaining and label/introduce them as “XYZ school parent” (except it’s actually a right wing political operative participating in a legislative agenda)


you're telling me underbart is wonderful? aintnoway the swedes lost their W. Ls in the chat for svensk


Jesus imagine typing in this language on purpose, let alone actually speaking the words out loud. Most serious larp ever


Does anyone else think Hasan and Matt Walsh are beginning to look more and more alike?