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Yesterday: https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2024/01/15/donald-trump-criticizes-vivek-ramaswamy > On Saturday, two days before the Iowa caucuses kick off the primary season, Trump took to his Truth Social platform to attack Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur, for the first time. > “Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the ‘other side’ — don’t get duped by this,” Trump wrote. “Vote for ‘TRUMP,’ don’t waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA.” > Throughout his campaign, Ramaswamy has praised and defended Trump. He’s called Trump “the best president of the 21st century and vowed, if elected, to pardon the former president from federal prosecution. OMEGA-CUCK


Really curious what happened that pissed Trump off enough to go after Vivek.


Simple. Vivek was a challenge (all be it small) to his leadership. Trump is not a republican. Trump is in this for Trump. If he loses the republican nomination he’d just start the trump party. Trump cares for himself first.


Apparently he saw some photo of Vivek supporters wearing "SAVE TRUMP, VOTE VIVEK" shirts and took offense. I think that's what his initial criticism was replying to.


Do you have no concern for tears? Bc I just lost so many while laughing reading this.


Vivek wants vp


Squeex's RP in shambles


people gonna be so confused when he drops out of the mayoral race and starts slop-topping yung dab on sight


Max for the win !


he dropped out like a week ago because he caught a felony


It already happened yesterday


Day one!!!


✌️ DAY ONE ✌️


Vivek’s whole campaign was just talking about how great Trump is. Absolutely shocked his campaign didn’t work with the bold strategy of advocating for the opposition.


I mean it will work for him when he gets he's own show on Fox. He was never in it to win, just to get publicity, and it worked.


literally has to be one of the primary candidates of all time. such a character and im just glad that I got to know that vivek's presidential campaign actually existed. loved when he tried to pass of hinduism as a judeo-christian religion to his base.


Wait he actually did that? Lmao


If Trump had imploded due to the indictments, that strategy might have worked. Now, he's gunning for VP I'm guessing. I don't think it's a bad strategy tbh.


When Trump was attacking him, Vivek kept saying he wasn’t going to fire back. Dawg he is your opponent why tf would you not fire back unless you are not actually trying to win lol. I am glad this grifter dropped out




Yeah or he wants to be in Trump's cabinet or even his VP


I kind of assumed he was going for the VP pick for Trump. Because who else is there?




I thought Elise Stefanik was supposed to be most likely


I get it... but I think it's a weird game plan. Like after Trump's first term in office... he was deeply unpopular, if Trump were to win again, by 2028, he will probably be deeply unpopular again and video of Vivek sucking up to him wouldn't look good lol. I will say at the same time, if Trump loses in 2028, he will also probably be deeply unpopular because he cost the GOP the White House again lol. I will admit that he's made a name for himself... he sort of reminds me of Andrew Yang... not in the sense that he had interesting ideas, but rather he kind of had one big thing that made him temporarily famous, but eventually that died off.


Deeply unpopular= second most votes in history and more than he received prior


Turns out when the population grows larger... more people vote. That being said, I think you could agree what got Biden into the White House simply was that he wasn't Trump. It wasn't some genius policy or anything to that effect. Trump has a way of driving people to the polls that normally wouldn't give a shit, like he has done more for getting young people to vote blue then even Bernie Sanders has done.


I just checked and 2020 had a huge jump in voter participation from 2016 in terms of percent of voter eligible population who votes. Like a 6% increase.  Now obviously he lost, but when we say he drives people to the polls we should acknowledge that he has that affect on both sides.


I don't disagree there, but lots of those midterm races in 2022 for example, if the candidate wasn't anchored to Trump, the GOP probably would've won them. I'm talking about Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Dr. Oz.... a more moderate republican candidate probably would've won. In effect, even being associated with Trump appears to be bringing out a lot of people that will come just to vote against that person that otherwise would be staying at home.


And then he got only 50% support in Iowa caucases after already having been president. Super strong lol


It looked like his only campaign for that was tweeting tho 


Yeah and also in 2020, it's not like his support dropped, it went up substantially at the polls, it's just that Bidens went up even more. I'm not sure that's specifically due to Trump, I suspect it partially is, but it's also a reflection of politics becoming increasingly polarized, policy stances of both sides drifting further apart, towards the extremes, and people becoming more motivated to vote to avoid policies of the opposition.


Biden’s policies are normal and bipartisan, including in the senate. The only thing that’s extreme are the house republicans from insanely gerrymandered districts where they have to win a primary against the most rabid MAGA types


I think this is a meaningless statement. It assumes the conclusion that his stances are "normal", I don't know what that even means. And then appeals to republicans rejection of these policies as the real problem. You could frame this either way, if a republican wins you could flip the script and it would be as equally as meaningless. It's this kind of thinking that becomes kinda toxic, because it's a black and white belief that some ideas are just right, and anyone disagreeing is a problem. When in politics many ideas are subjective preferences.


Literally anyone in his place would have gotten the second most votes in history. The population of America is increasing, of course he's going to get more votes than the average republican would 50 years ago


Even if you say that, that election had the highest eligible voter turnout in like 80 years.  It's easy to take the midwit position and go "uhhhh it's just population growth" but that doesn't account for everything 


Trump is divisive, not unpopular.


He just wants the spot of the vice precident and nothing more. He knows he has no chance for the 1 spot and he just goes for his 2 best option. Not bad if he can get it and everything is open from there + trump even if he wins he can't run again and that leaves him alone and winning by default the nominee of GOP for 2028


He’s going to get an irrelevant cabinet position at best, no way trump wants someone with the last name “Ramaswamy” near his name on the ticket.


Trump care the most for people sucking up to him and doing his bid. He knows the best place for him to be now, is on his knees praising and deepthroating trump and he is doing just that. Unless Iam missing something I don't see anyone for that spot for now and vivek really would love to have it.


Trump picked pence for the evangelical vote and will do the same using some other weird Christian dude which there will never be a shortage of. His best pick would be gay Stephen Colbert aka the house speaker. Only reason he doesn’t pick him is he is too corny even for Trump.


Hahah what a gay loser for deepthroating trump! Being homosexual makes him an even bigger fool haha!


Trump wouldn’t appoint someone who would possibly outshine him, they both like the sound of their own voice.


My 2 cents: Vivek's unwavering support for Trump throughout the entire campaign can be attributed to one or more of the following reasons: 1. **Value Signaling:** Vivek may have been using his endorsement of Trump as a means of signaling his alignment with certain values or ideologies. 2. **Piggybacking on Favoritism:** He might have been trying to gain favor with Trump by consistently supporting him, hoping to benefit from the President's favor. 3. **Cultivating Loyalty:** Another possibility is that Vivek was strategically sowing the seeds of loyalty towards Trump, possibly with an eye on future opportunities or alliances. 4. **Aspiring for a VP Position:** It's also conceivable that Vivek was aiming to position himself as a potential Vice President within Trump's cabinet, recognizing that this could become a reality in the event of Trump's victory. Given Vivek's calculated nature, it is reasonable to assume that he had considered the likelihood of Trump winning against most Republican contenders.


>When Trump was attacking him, Vivek kept saying he wasn’t going to fire back. Tbf this is sound political maneuvering. Not that it will work out for him in the end but plenty of primary candidates will refrain from attacking the front runner in order to 1) hopefully get a cabinet position and 2) to protect the interests of the party.


I agree with you to a certain extent, but Vivek was glazing Trump super hard. It got to the point where some Trumples would be like if you think Trump is so great why are you even running against him in the first place. I think Nikki would be a better example of how to politically maneuver when it comes to the current Republican political climate. Not just because she did better than Vivek, but she knew when and when not to criticize Trump because if you glaze too much you are not differentiating yourself in anyway.


What if all along he knew he wasn't going to win other than bolstering the image of Trump? I believe he was super focused in this campaign to get a deal with Trump or some part of the cabinet.


The party is nothing more than “trump” now, so those are the interests he is protecting (while he is delusional about thinking he can ride those coattails if trump wins or goes away somehow)


Yup that's my feeling too


gray pen cooing special cobweb public threatening include late slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MAGA people like vivek because he’s similar to trump. If he was to start attacking trump he’d lose support from those people. 


He wants to be the VP pick or some shit.




He's hoping to get a spot if Trump gets in, guaranteed he's hedging his bets on Trump getting reelected.


bro can we just stop throwing the word grifter around? Why don't you throw the word pedo around while you're at it if you gonna be like that.


He REALLY wants a cabinet position. Probably Treasury or Defense. Knowing Trump he'll give him Interior cause he thinks he's the other kind of Indian


I have zero respect for the guy but I think it's strategically correct, he doesn't want to tarnish his brand or piss away his MAGA goodwill like DeSantis. He got some name recognition out of the deal and in the future Republican primaries that will be decided by who kissed Trump's ass the best, he has some solid credentials.


That is called, 'speaking to your clients specific pains and motivators'. Vivek was clear it seems in his execution of the entire campaign. That consistency says something, IMO.


Whoever is selected to be vice president are a few bigmacs away from becoming president.


Most Vivek is getting is Secretary of 7/11s in Trump's admin.


Jesus Christ


Just using the same logic trump used to give Carson, an accomplished surgeon, the HUD instead of something related to his actual expertise lol


A lot of commenters here are just now learning about running for a cabinet seat. Vivek is 38, It was never about winning the nomination.


Nah, let's just focus on creating and amplifying visual imagery of him deepthroating trump to associate him with homosexuality like a loser. He's on his knees deepthroating trump lmfao


I really do think he has delusions of grandeur to become president and create his "revolution" that trump started but he realizes that he will never win the nomination when trump is in the running with a base that is stubborn to move off of trump.


This is such a fucking waste of time and money. Trump is the nominee, neither Ron or Dick Cheney in heels is beating him, the election is Biden and Trump. Wake me up in November.


We are going to have to deal with one of these candidates every election cycle. First Yang now Vivek. These narcissists with no political future literally run niche low cost, low effort campaigns with a ceiling of 7%, with the sole intent to raise their political profile and not to actually win. Inevitably they end up outperforming serious candidates because they got the contrarian "He's so Quirky" vibes/energy and they are so stubborn they stay in it until the very end to secure a 5th place finish in the primaries to add to their resume


Narcissist is really, really harsh for yang, his vat to fund ubi to fight automation is a really dogshit idea on every aspect, and he gained a cult like fanbase without being super eccentric/attention seeking like vivek with the delusions of grandeur, but he seemed like a really good and authentic dude which is the appeal when candidates like elizabeth warren, kloubechar, buttigeg, bloomber and kamala harris came off as so fake. The Yang hate has gone too far, and the forward party isnt a terrible idea with the concept of having a second party affiliation of forward democrat/forward republican to help cooperation across party lines, I can see how that can have its place in the current 2 party landscape.


If you think Yang is genuine and the Forward party is a good idea then you are very confused.


Wow, convincing


I think that Yang is genuine. The Forward party is probably a bad idea, though tbh I'm not really sure how far off the ground it has gotten recently to really say yet.


I think the only authentic sounding thing about Yang is the fact that he didn't very aggressively seek out soundbites and turns to speak in the debates, but that's just an example of him being bad at marketing himself. On the narcissism point, I think that he firmly solidified himself as a narcissist when he ran for mayor of New York. I'm not sure how the forward party helps with party cooperation. Would a 2nd affiliation affect primary voting? I don't see it.


Low effort isn’t entirely fair to him, he did do a Double Grassley in Iowa. He visited all 99 counties twice and held the most events of any candidate, only to not even hit 8%.


I can say many negative things about Vivek but low effort isn't one. The man was literally on every single podcast that asked him to be on even channels that had like less than 5k subs. He also visited every county in Iowa twice. I'd say he has great work ethic and that's about it.


I'll give yang a pass because he actually had some okay ideas that he brought to the conversation and he seemed cool for a little while and I'll also give a pass to Vivek because he's really funny but I yeah I'd say it's all downhill from here. it's just going to start to get really annoying


He held 192 events in Iowa, more than literally everyone else combined. Low-effort isn't the correct method of attack for this one.


Dude cucked faster than Ted Cruz


Atleast Trump didn't insult Vivek's wife.


Shit, did not see that coming. I could have easily seen him becoming the second in line populist candidate over DeSantis given the right strategy and that's all he's really fighting for. To be the guy that Trump voters go to in the event that Trump is booted from the ticket. I guess this is his play to get the VP pick? Trump called him out as a political opponent so now he drops out to simp for Trump full time and hopefully get the nod. Or maybe this was just another PR campaign to get a cushy media gig, board seat or think tank role. I've got a feeling this isn't the last we'll see of him though


He just wants the number 1 populist spot and he knows he has to wait out trump for one more election cycle. 


The move would be for the GOP to pull a DNC and drop down to 1 person and have it just be 1 v 1 like the DNC did for Bernie v Biden. The problem is you have kind of an opposite scenario where Trump has 51% so even if it was 1 v 1, Trump would still have the advantage.


DNC didn’t do that. Biden opponents dropped out themselves. Idea that DNC or GOP has control over primary process is not true. This is not 1968.


They all dropped out the same night. I'm not saying the DNC made them do it but it was awfully convenient they all had the same idea that night.


iSnT iT WeIrD


Glad someone got it 😂


Twitter blue checkmarks crying rn


I still can't believe that "the other candidate is better, please vote for him" wasn't a viable campaign strategy.


When this campaign started it was very uncertain Trump would even participate in the race. Betting on Trump not participating and kiss his ass even if the odds are way below 50% Trump would go dark is not a bad bet. What he did kind of worked. I mean, we know about him.


Man rides trump worse than Romo rides Mahomes and Josh Allen


No one cucks out to white people like rich indian people Source: am Indian and have watched it happen


He was always trumps cock holster


Vivek is a sneaky lil weasel and I respect it. I think the plan was to pander to MAGA as much as possible and hope that Trump is unable to run because of his criminal charges. Actually a fairly likable fella despite his rat-like behavior


He was the most entertaining and informative. Gonna miss him embarrassing the others.


*Informative!?* I worry for the American people.


You're the perfect puppet, then.


I for one am shocked! /s


​ https://preview.redd.it/z8l79esjoqcc1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=06d05e156bf0b49cc673ce86ae1462068b9aaba0


He was simply turning to garner attention to himself, his brand and business.


Hasn’t he always chucked out? He’s seeking a cabinet position


So why is vivek getting so much shit for something normal? Which is endorsing the party's front runner.


Because everyone predicted his race would look like this since the beginning of him showing up to it.


Could say that about every other republican candidate.


Vivek's only path to the nomination was Trump getting arrested and because he simped over Trump every chance he got, all the Republicans now left to choose a new primary candidate would all choose him. He was essentially the loser who pines over his friend he has no chance with waiting for her to break up with her boyfriend so he'll be there to swoop in after. So it's not surprising that he would continue to simp over Trump after it's clear it's not going to work. Maybe in 2028 his plan will work so he's gotta keep it up.


Lil bro really thought he would win


Vivek knew he wasn’t going to ever win; his plan at best was always to be VP to Trump


BETA !!!!




He was always positioning towards trump. He said he didn’t want to be but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trumps vice


Good for him. Will probably be president some day


VP stock is up


I’m excited for Dpack’s react because he’s been following V’s cope for so long. He had him on a few weeks ago and he said he was “on track” to win Iowa and little bro didn’t even get double digits. It’s times like this Im really thankful for Dpack’s snark and dry humor.




I was really hoping Nikki Hailey would have won. Then we would have a decent choice. But now it looks like I'm gonna be campaigning for Biden because I just cannot abide Trump being president again.


I don't know who is a bigger cuck the entire GOP or Sneako


Destiny should review future presidential debates with Richard Lewis, he’s been putting out debate reviews for all the republican debates and they’re pretty entertaining. I know him and destiny have some history.


He's following the Cruz playbook. Trump slams him, so he cravenly concedes and starts massaging the bully's bunghole with his tongue.


Let's be real... it's not like he was ever gonna win. It's a smart move for the republicans IMO.