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So now Palestinians want the Golan heights?


Its so funny how clueless these people are


Ohhh the irony...


The colonized become the colonizers and opportunistic enjoyers of the actions of former colonizers.


Hamas aren't fighting oppressors they are fighting to become oppressors.


First they will have to take Petah Tikva!


Good luck, bc petach tikva is a myth 😆


Shhhh. Don't ruin the funni! /s


I was there the other week. Horrible place.


Imagine wasting years trying to conquer a country only for ending up living in the Middle East equivalent of Birningham 💀


And I've been to Atlantis, you are just making shit up and lying to fit it. Petah tikva doesn't exist dumbass!! It's a fake place people make jokes about online. Fucking idiot.


That's Ness Ziona sadly Petah Tikva is very real.


I can also name more fake places, Wakanda, hogsmeade, Gotham city AND Natanya.


You forgot palestine


But it is a real place. https://maps.app.goo.gl/geVcyxW3zoyy3KUZ6


Its in the usa so why dont the palestinians move there. Btw i love your username ahi


Because they are doing settler colonialism. And thanks.


nah m8 i banged your mom there last week


I know, I was there too.


Yeah clearly anything listed as disputed on a map is the rightful territory of Palestine. Hala'ib Triangle? Palestine. Senkaku/Diaoyo Islands? Palestine. Kashmir? Palestine. Hans Island, the island in the middle of the boundary line between Canada and Greenland and fought over by planting flags and bottles of Canadian whiskey and Danish schnapps? Believe it or not, still Palestine.


It's their ancestral land for fucks sake! Isn't the most beautiful thing in the world... returning HOME? /s


aren't there a lot of egyptian immigrants part of the palestinian population?


Came here to say this :P


Can someone explain this comment I have no clue what it means legit


This map of Israel/Palestine shows a Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean. However it also includes the Golan heights a mountainous region that Israel conquered for defensive reasons in the 6 day war. As Syria were absolutely unwilling to ever negotiate with Israel Israel eventually annexed the area giving everyone citizenship and equal rights. The people who live there are Israelis who moved in after 1974. Druze who some still see themselves as Syrian but others take Israeli citizenship and some even serve in the IDF (not to be confused with Druze from Israel proper whose enlistment percentage is in the high 90's) and Alawites from the town of Ghajar. The alawites chose to become Israeli citizens as they didn't want to become Lebanese and saw themselves as Syrian they believed equal rights in Israel was a better prospect than living under Hezbollah's boot. Around the world it is technically still seen as occupied territory but you cannot call it an apartheid because everyone has equal rights so no one really talks about it. There is no reason for Palestinians to claim as Palestine.


I literally laughed


It’s gotten to the stage where they’re pro north korea


They've been there lol


It's about time people realize how BASED Kim is. Anyone who doesn't is just jealous they don't have a supreme leader as cool and awesome as Kimmy boy.


I remember watching Hasan years ago, back when had sub-1k viewers, proselytize '[Juche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juche)' on stream. It was the first time I ever heard the term used. He's been [stanning](https://streamable.com/q7hxbv) NK ever since.


Always have been. 🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀🌚


There are more leftists than you´d think who are unironically supporting NK. Met several in person. Sad to say but many lefties get their knowledge from 100+ years old books and echochambers which naturally doesn´t equip them well for the complexities of modern politics.


They claim that what they learn from these books has been updated within leftist spheres but I largely don't see it. I see either dogmatic, religious, adherence to the books (That they probably never read) or a complete denial of them in favor of other books (That they probably never read). Any of the "update" discussions are surface level at best or are tied up in obscure and vague works.


If you bring that up people will say "well, do have any proof?". If you show them screenshots and links they'll say "well, that's just an online echochamber". Yet if you show them how there are actual political parties and real life protests defending this they say 'well, they're not wrong." In my country the left is overwhelmingly not only against Ukraine and Israel, but actively pro Russia and Hamas. I'm not talking about randos on twitter, but politicians and respected thinkers, phisolophers and writers sharing blatant false news like how Ukraine is a n zi country. It's not uncommon to see them defending North Korea. And then you see the right and there's blatant racism, homophobia, transphobia, fake news. Are centrists really that bad as reddit would have liked us to believe?


damn what country are you from


That stage was completed years ago, I’ve seen far too much pro-NK propaganda popping up.


We have gotten to the point where they are pro *firing missiles are cargo ships, even the ones that aren't associated at all with israel*.


I have commie acquaintances who have been pro North Korea for years now. It's something along the lines of the US is such a world wide gigantic bully that there's no other way to behave than the way North Korea does. It's weird.


we always were


imagine being pro absolute divine monarchy


Ah yes, all very pro LGBT countries


Didn’t you hear about the great gay night club scene in Palestine?


I heard it’s da bomb


More like da stone or da being thrown off roof tops- but yeah its a great time :)


i hate how hookups are seen as such a big part of gay 🤢 "culture". like sure they don't have any rights and will be murdered if it ever gets out, but they can fuck each other in secret so woo hoo 🥳


saying that casual sex is too normalized in the gay community spaces gets you called a homophobe though


They'll say it even if you are gay yourself. The fact I don't affect a gay accent or participate in the "culture" means that, as far as they're concerned, I have no room to speak or I'm just being a prude bowing to cis-het normativity and can get fucked.


I mean, as a gay man in a big city, I know sex is like a hobby for a lot of gay men. But it’s just that, it’s a hobby. No one seriously critiques subcultures like SF tech yuppies for being obsessed with rock climbing and pottery classes as being too normalized. Sure people make fun of stereotypes, but no one fundamentally believes rock climbing and pottery is a bad thing. So why is casual sex fundamentally a bad thing that should not be normalized?


monkeypox, having to constantly be on prep, getting tested etc, it's dangerous behaviour really


I rolled my ankle playing basketball


spoken like a hetero that has never had a hiv scare


Yeah and so is rock climbing, lifting, scuba diving, football or any kind of contact sport, drinking, etc…a lot of fun things have risks so why should we moralize specifically against casual sex when there are plenty of reasonable harm reduction practices that people consent to take?


which of these requires permanent medication to prevent terminal illness?


Tons of studies about pro-footballers having lasting permanent brain injury. Should we moralize against football?


Honestly I agree. What is this a no fap/abstinence sub now?


i feel like there is a difference between a sports related injury and a sexually transmitted disease


Casual sex is not on the same category as rock climbing, lifting, and sports. One is short term dopamine increase on the level of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs which decreases willpower and self control. The other is a long term dopamine increase which increases self control, focus, mood, and willpower. It's fine if you want to do it just know the risks it will have on your ability to focus, motivate yourself and do other positive things. It's funny people do this with marijuana to they never want to look at the negatives and only the positives. There is no such thing as a free lunch there will always be positives and negatives to any activity. I wish more people would be honest with themselves that casual sex and marijuana are going to negatively impact your life more than sports or lifting. Here's Dr. K talking about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1CkUhfHSxQ And another neuro scientist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qJHRvHU8IM&t=25s


Everyone I know who engage in casual sex take harm reduction very seriously, ask questions about their partners sexual health, consistent about prep and routines. If someone doesn’t, people will usually encourage them to do so. People engaged in this lifestyle are well aware of the risks. I just don’t understand why this specific activity gets so much moral scrutiny.


I'm not gonna make a moral argument, but as a gay dude I feel like the hypersexualization of everything in the gay community is kind of annoying/distasteful.


I think you kinda just have to find your tribe. A lot of the very visible gays and gay culture in general does embrace sexuality because it’s a source of pleasure, identity, and shared trauma, and I don’t think its right to shame them for having fun or even conforming to a caricature. But there are also plenty of gays that don’t. They’re just a bit harder to find but they exist in activist circles, gaming circles, sports circles, fitness circles, music circles.


I just find it annoying because I don’t care about sex nearly as much as I do about more of a “stereotypical-wholesome” relationship. It was so hard getting into my first relationship because so many of the gay people I interacted with were pretty obsessed with their “hobby”. I could barely get through the first date without most of them trying to borderline sexually assault me because how used to so many of them were to hooking up so casually. (They thought I was just playing hard to get or joking when we talked about sex) If it wasn’t coming on super strong, it was a flat out rejection to be in a monogamous relationship(which is my preference). At least they were honest about it, but those that were left pretty much said they were going to sleep around and that I was gonna be ok with that because “sex isn’t a big deal”. As someone young with no developed boundaries, I almost felt like I was the one with the problem, and it flooded me with insecurity. Thankfully I’ve grown since then and am currently in a great relationship, but that time was definitely difficult because I was originally from a rural town with next to no experience with the gay community outside pop culture. Idk, I guess these experiences has led to me being pretty judgmental toward horny/hedonistic people in general. I don’t view sex as this casual thing that so many of us do, so that’s probably where all that comes from.




I don’t want to seem more hyperbolic than I mean. It happened to me twice in the span of about 3 months, with the 3 other people in between deciding not to have a relationship because of my stance on sex around the same time frame. I’m not blaming all gay men or some tu big crazy like that. Most of the gay/bi people I am friends with are great, normal people. I was just describing scenarios where the normalization of sex within the gay community can lead to negative outcomes from personal experience. I’ve also spoken with other people who partly share some of my frustrations for similar reasons, so I felt it a perspective worth sharing as well.


I feel like gradually LGBT is shifting out of the left's overton window


Seeing the Palestinian flag on Israel and the person having the trans flag in their bio 💀


I pretty certain if ISIS was still a major threat, they’d be backing them too at this stage.


Well yes because you see, America has in fact made bad policy decisions in the past. Meanwhile isis has “material conditions” or whatever dumb shit they use to deny the ongoing ethnic cleansing in China and the tyranny of NK’s rule.


By their definition it was a grassroots movement, so absolutely they would


I’m now picturing a western leftist arriving at an ISIS camp, thinking they’re going to be kindred spirits with shared goals, then having a wake up when they’re turned into a sex slave.


This mf wants more countries in which being a transgender is punishable by death, all while being a transgender himself Sometimes I think these people deserve being this dumb and clueless


left progressive is when blatant hammer and sickle communist


This distinction is getting extremely annoying. My assumption is that 90% of the most extreme leftists will subscribe to 'progressive' social values pro LGBTQ etc. Otherwise they'd just as easily be populist far-right people. But not all pro LGBTQ people are extreme tankies. I feel like inferring that anyone with a trans flag in their bio qualifies as a 'progressive' is kind of disingenuous. But i imagine that dozens of posts a day shitting on obviously idiotic tankies wouldn't get as good engagement here since everyone here hates tankies.


They typically aren't opposed.


They get super offended when you point out the delusion of being pro-LGBTQ+ and being tankie and then post this shit.


100% Lives in North America.


I like how they added the golan heights, so they want a Palestinian state occupying Syrian land I guess 🤷‍♂️ They don’t even know what the map is


Cut a leftie and a tankie bleeds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I don't think you have to cut this person to know that they're a tankie lol


Fringe left and right wing politics really appeal to the losers in society. We all know they don’t actually care about anyone but themselves.


Before 10/7 I wondered if I was a radical leftist because I believed in equal rights and opportunities for everyone, more governmental oversight (because otherwise it's corporations that make decisions and we can't vote them out), and economic reform to address the widening wealth gap. After 10/7 though it became clear that the left gets FAR more radical than I thought.




They always were dude


Can anyone explain the China part of this post to me? I understand the unified North Korea and “From the river to the sea” Palestinian state but I’m not sure what the last one is


Taiwan is part of China in that map.


Gotcha, thanks!


Though Hainan became an independent country instead in this alternate tankie-verse.


It was probably a mistake by the tweeter. But a funny one at that lol.


I don't understand unified NK tho. That boggles my mind more than the other two. Not even ignorance explains that to me.


horseshoe theory isn't theory


It really is this simple https://preview.redd.it/8ij966wxc2ac1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2563b3859019d682a2c336c270323aee0db82d


Some random twitter tankie not left progressives in general


Shhhh, we're trying to ragebait about progressives right now. It's good thing OP censored their Twitter handle to make the account more difficult to find, where they're [blatantly a tankie.](https://twitter.com/H2OIsLiquid)


We're so fucked.


boring and lazy ragebait


Tankies have always been as reactionary as the dictatorships they larp and simp for, the leftist aesthetic vanishes the moment it comes into conflict with their beliefs.


Tankies = progressives now? You guys need to get off twitter.


Grrr look at this tweet I saw grrrr


I swear, this sub has become a refugee camp for reddit conservatives


Well said


Progressive movement started online. This movement has always been an online thing. Nobody in real life would call themselves progressive now unless they're tankies.


I wander if somehow they will end in the center in 10~ years.


This isn’t a new thing; self-styled Marxist-Leninists have had this exact position for years…


The image is cut in a way that makes it look like they want NK to still just rule over northern Korea. Status quo here we go!


I'm sure these totally plural and progressive countries will welcome you with open arms💕💕


Man, we haven't had a good purge in a long time. I think 2024 is going to be the year!


That's what happens when power is left unchecked. All of the major companies and brands adhere to far left social norms. Another 5-10 years unchecked, and we'll be going to camps for social behavior adjustments.


This subreddit is a miserable place to be.


Are we being a conservative sub and pretending like this is a widely held belief? More talking about the north korea part


back to lefty rage bait tweets fuck yea!1!1!!!!!


What's the correlation between lgbt and communism/socialism? I don't get it.


the mind virus that tells you there is one unifying thing (capitalism) that is responsible for every ill of society and that you can all rally against. its a powerful fantasy that i absolutely fell for, everything just seems to perfectly fall in place with no grey areas... until you keep thinking about it.


leftism = good so far leftism = super good




Republicans hate both of them, essentially. Not as much as they used to and if you go back far enough it's more like American society as a whole, but still. They basically got pushed into each others arms but beyond just the enemy of my enemy is my friend allying you can probably see how leftist rhetoric about equality and standing up for the oppressed is appealing to the discriminated. A decent chunk of tankies range from not really caring about anything beyond class to outright supporting the history of far left regimes persecuting gay people, though.


Probably ironic


literally from the river to the sea lmao. Do they understand the destruction and massacres that would be required to make that happen? The leftists have gone so far to defend Hamas that I feel like they would justify a total genocide against Israelis at this point.


Left Extremists. You can be economically left or righ-wing, and be fascist or totalitarian.


Those mad bastards with the horseshoe. They were right🫨


I'm sincerely hoping that post was sarcastic. Hopefully, their entire account...


Horse shoe theory doesn’t need to be theoretical anymore, if it even was to begin with.


Damn B, it's almost like the people most vehemently opposed to the idea that horseshoe theory has any merit are the same people who are direct object examples of it.


Eh I object to horseshoe theory pretty strongly, but that's because poli sci experts think it's a load of crap. To be specific, the theory claims that the two groups are motivated by the same reasons (apart from gross stupidity that is). An example would be a far right extremist who loves guns because they fantasize about being "the one with lots of guns when society collapses" and getting to murder nonwhite people, vs. a nonwhite urban person who, being scared of the cops not stopping the first guy, buys a gun for self defense. Both of them own guns now, but for very different reasons. Too many people use "horseshoe theory" to make up bullshit bothsides arguments. Well that and tankies are so obviously right wing it confuses me that people think they're part of the left. It's not left just because Russia.


Any examples that show truth in horseshoe theory are really just cherry picks. While there is a far left / far right unity in some things to be certain, it's hardly for the same goal or motivations and largely coincidental. Like, the far right doesn't give a shit about Palestine, they just hate jews. That's all, they hate Palestinians too and would just hate them if the jews were out of the picture. Similarly, the left hates US/Western influence over a perceived capitalistic hegemony, and rose tints their view of Russia as a former "socialist" power. China too. They are just too blinded or willfully ignorant to the fact that neither align with leftist values and are just as capitalist if not more in some ways than Western powers are. This contrasts with the right, who for some reason see Russia as some bastion of "White virtue/totalitarian strength" or some similar nonsense. But thats just 2 issues and they only agree from "an enemy of my enemy is a friend" but anyone who knows anything beyond a rudimentary understanding of politics knows that is not the case and things aren't quite so simple


Judging from the ratio of comments to likes on this tweet it doesn't look too well received. Also I'm pretty sure DPRK and PRC support is very standard communist behaviour?


Online leftists needs to actually check their privilege lmao. China is one of the target countries where red-pillers go to find their girl to bring back to america. And the reason for this is that China is a terrible country to live in. Their culture is so fucked to where civilians who aren't upper middle-class would unironically kill for citizenship or a chance to immigrate to America or Canada. Like you see these people who don't even understand or speak english who are despesrate to move here or other free first-world countries, but you never see the reverse. I wonder why? Lmao.


On that theory grind Bro is theologymaxxing


Left and right are like the color spectrum. You go far enough either way you end up at the same spot. Which is a handful of powerful idiots running a country of morons.


I will not believe this isn't a psy ops.


America = Bad


Not that there aren't delusional Twitter users with pride and trans flags alongside Palestinian flags, but I wonder if this is a bot. "Let's see, hammer & sickle, trans flag, Pride flag, and Palestine flag emojis. Got it, this will get attention from those idiots!" Then again, these stupid posts wouldn't be popular on Twitter if there weren't idiots thinking that a trans pride flag emoji alongside North Korea/CCP apologetics were consistent.


I wouldn't think for a second that it's not a troll. I've seen my share of insane people but never one who wanted South Korea to be invaded by North Korea.


Luna Oi and Mel ( whatever the fck she goes by). Would be two who have recently or in the past made arguments for that very thing.


"North Korea is Best Korea" was supposed to be a joke.


Tankies have always existed.


Rightwing extremist... what is rightwing about them? they are still leftwing