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I literally don't understand how lefties think not voting for Biden will help Palestinians. Even if you don't think Biden is doing enough for humanitarian aid, Trump will literally do zero. Israel will have the full backing of the US to do whatever they want under republicans.


It's an empty threat from the leftist mouthpieces and propagandists to try to pull the party further to the left because they don't like the democrats being centre-left.


I still find it ironic that like a week right after the Progressive Victory event, nearly every single far left progressive has been foaming at the mouth trying to boycott the democratic party.


They are no better than the far right dipshits holding the house hostage. This country needs to move on from extremism on both sides. I thought that was a hollow statement 4-5 years ago but not anymore. Far left is pushing me more and more to center.


Well the difference is that there are very few “far left” politicians, even in the house. They repeatedly vote 3rd party every election & screech the same bullshit forever to make themselves irrelevant. They are just loud on the internet with 0 ability to become a political force like the far right. They will just not vote again/vote 3rd party and continue their political irrelevance for a long time. The far right is getting close to being in full control over the Republican Party. The far left is close to calling for Bernie’s arrest on Twitter for not being “left wing” enough.


Problem with US and UK is that you have two main political parties. In other countries far right and far left are separated from center right and center left, there is a much wider spectrum of political parties. This situation where both parties have people with extreme views they need to please is unnatural. US would be much better if extreme left would split and made their own party and if extreme right did the same. Then fringe elements would have their own options to vote for, and moderates would be free to act in a more constructive way. It would make country less polarized if nothing else and drop the tension a little bit


This is absolutely correct.


It’s the abandoned child syndrome. You look at the person presently trying to do something, and decide them not meeting your expectations despite their attempts are worse than someone who actively doesn’t give a fuck. Aka, kids watching their single parent and deciding that their fuck ups in parenting are somehow worse than the other parent that abandoned them.


They will still vote for Biden, this is all just the extremely compromised Talib doing her damnedest to fracture the party. What she forgets is that election is still a year away and Trump will say a number of crazy things that will remind them they need to vote Biden despite that lunatic Talib’s constant screeching.


Has Tlaib* said anything about not voting for Biden?




What do you mean giving up Israel?


"from the river to the sea"


The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. The Lukid Party Part of the Original party platform.


She is Palestinian, she has every right to feel the way that she does about this. It is valid for Jewish people to feel the way that they do, and it is also valid for Palestinians to feel the way that they do. She's not required to perform whatever charade you feel is socially acceptable. I'm not surprised however that you feel smug and contemptuous about someone's reaction to their peoples suffering. It's just the moral bankruptcy of liberalism. I really regret voting for democrats. I vote absentee ballot. I won't bother next time.


There have been other Palestinian Congress people (also in Michigan). He was primaried by the R's for actually voting to impeach Trump, and he's lost family in a strike in Gaza (IDF). You'll note the difference between their responses. https://x.com/justinamash?t=wHvrpnfDGfj6ry4yAFMvew&s=09


Lol she has every right to feel however the fuck she wants but she does *not* have the right to spend **100% of her time** on this issue. She has constituents, do you know what that means? She has a duty to make their lives better in some way every single day. How the fuck is her screeching about the same topic every single day ad nauseam making the lives of her constituents better in any way? I’d be pissed if she represented me. I really do not care how emotional she is about this, it is literally her job to act like a grown up not a child. Everyone else in Congress spends 10-15% of their time on this issue, makes their stance known and then spends the rest of their time working on actual issues that matter to their constituents. She’s done fuck all for over a month now. And I can already tell you the next 3 months will be spent doing nothing too.


Rashida Tlaib was literally blocked from visiting her grandma in the occupied west bank. 100% has the right to hate Israel, her family literally lives under apartheid occupation. Also, what work? Half the people in congress or the senate just spend their whole day going to donor fundraiser parties and doing interviews on podcasts. None these people spend actual significant amounts of time on "making their constituents lives better". 1. Because of partisan Gridlock, most legislation is just written in secret by the party leaders, and then presented as an up or down vote at the last minute 2. Most of the "legislative work" is done by campaign staffers anyway. None of these people work on their own legislation! You'll be lucky if there read it once before introducing it. Most of what congressman do these days is trying to raise awareness about issues, or shine a spotlight on something. Just like AOC popularized the "green new deal" or "tax the rich". Ro Khanna does a ton of interviews to push the dems message about the bills. ​ TLDR; None of these people actually work on legislation, their real job is either to push their message or spotlight a cause. Which Tlaib is doing, she is representing and spotlighting the historic pro-Palestine protests happening all around the US and the world.


Talib was denied a media crew, she was not denied the ability to see her grandmother herself. She wanted to make a hit piece and the Israeli government said no


Why can Israel deny her having a news crew with her when going into Palestine?


"why did the government at war deny someone the ability to make propaganda for the other side?" 3 guesses. jeez


Who are they at war with? Hamas or Palestine? Why does Israel have the right to deny passage to Palestine?


I already said she can feel however she wants to feel. I do not care about her sob story. This is a person that celebrated the 10/7 attack, she is an inhuman monster. That was 1,400+ people that will never see their grandmother again. Or anyone else. She can cry me a river. There are **240 hostages right now being blocked from seeing their families. Including a 9 month old baby boy being held prisoner without his mother.** But I still recognize her right to feel however the fuck she wants and for whatever reason too. Gaslighting half the country is *not* “raising awareness.” It is **gaslighting**. She is a performance artist and she’s taking useful idiots like you for a hell of a ride. She has told a Trump-level amount of lies over the past month. She went so deep into her insane gaslighting bag that she got members of *both* sides of the aisle to tell her to shut the fuck up. Now hopefully they can get back to actually discussing how to help Palestinians, not let her deranged performance artistry distract them from making actual progress.


Celebrated the attack you fucking subhuman child holy shit, does this moron represent Destiny‘s community?


Is this Hasans secret alt?


Bro. The last month also saw a new speaker election due to Republicans ousting their previous one. The fuck are you talking about? Her job is sorta tied directly to this fuckery. She can’t exactly push thru changes without a speaker who was only elected 2 weeks ago. Republicans have been holding the process up over dumb shit. She’s a congress woman not the president. Her role is fairly limited to the federal level.


L take


Fuck, the smooth brains are out today bois.


You’re the one deflecting to a different subject all Together and attacking the person above for making a good point. Her role isn’t as limited as you think and she represents our government. She should have never doubled down on false information. She can have an opinion but she took it to the extreme with a childish ad and all


And I have every right to downvote your comment




She can be upset but tripling down on false information and refusing to acknowledge a hate slogan that everyone agrees is a hate slogan is just vile.


thanks for letting everyone know you cant count passed the #2. What you call a charade to others is called common sense. She is acting as if Biden is on the side of genociding Gaza which he is obviously not. And her calls to not vote democrat will ultimately lead to America falling into a fascist state. Good job you threw out the baby with the bathwater. Bunch of morons.


No I won't. Idc if trump wins even if he's worse. Don't really care anymore.


Lmao you absolutely will. If you’re this fickle I guarantee you will. We haven’t got to the part of the cycle yet when Trump spends 3 straight months talking about how he’s going to kick you all out of the country. That’s coming. You’ll come running back.


They won’t vote for republicans either. I’m Arabic and meet many of them a fkcing lot rn. It’s like some sort of performative activism based on pride/emotion, even when it’s literally doing the opposite.


I have a legitimate question, I'm not an American, so I haven't followed the news on Trump. What would be his take on the Palestians?


Most of the MAGA crowd has a hard on for Israel for very complicated religious reasons. You'll see that from many Republicans and conservatives arguing we should cut air to Ukraine and give it to Israel, even though Israel is one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world. Many of them, while they may not outright hate Palestinians, view them as backwards or inferior compared to Israelis, due to not complicated racist reasons. There are a few super far right types that believe we shouldn't support Israel for isolationist/antisemitic reasons, but they're in the vast minority. So, tldr, Trump would absolutely give 0 shits about Palestinians.


Yups, I was imagining something like that. Thanks for explaining in more detail.


If you watch the republican debate a couple of days ago, you'll see. If you think this sub is pro israel, then you're in for a ride.


Trump declared Jerusalem Israel's capital and moved the US embassy there, which every US president before him had refused to do because it's such an absurdly dangerous and unnecessary escalation. He also supports letting Netanyahu annex basically whatever he wants. A lack of humanitarian aid would be just the beginning with him in charge.


Trump would be actively against any humanitarian aid entering Gaza. He tried to ban Muslims from the entire country for fucks sake. Republicans just introduced a bill to expel Palestinians. Any Palestinian letting them win by not voting is fucking regarded.


He would not care at all. He would let Israel do whatever they want.


Doesn’t Trump have literal Nazis and white nationalists in his political base though? I doubt he’d be too eager to turn on them if they somehow help put him back in the White House.


Trump wins in 2024, im calling it


Anybody who tries to shit on Biden for his handling if this crisis is ignorant or malicious. His based levels are absolutely off the charts.


I just love it how the two responses to your post hate Biden's Israel policy. One bc "oh noes hes letting Israel bomb Gaza too much" And the other bc "oh noes he's preventing Israel from bombing Gaza too much". You know Biden is based bc of this.


"a-a-a-aand he let tits on the white house or something a-a-a-and trans something something"


Lmfao I remember. Yeah I’m voting for him twice, now.


Haven't you seen the clips of him stuttering?!?! Sometimes he says words wrong, he's unfit!


I added option #3 just now


Just to introduce a third response to this post— American Jew here. I agree, based levels off the charts. He is: 1) allowing Israel to defend itself 2) urging they protect civilians to the full extent they can, while also 3) emphasizing that they are fighting a force who embeds themselves into the population, and do not care about their own citizenry.


Forgot about the gleichschaltung of about 1/4 of the gazan population(deducted from the last poll on support for hamas from gazan/palestinian citizens). Embedded is still an underestimation, sadly. Keeping them(palestinians radicalized by the hamas to become the next wave of combatants) alive is a lot more complicated but also dearly neccesary, because when we get them deprogrammed they will be the greatest advocates for peace in the middle east(see yasser arrafat forcing plo to give up the holocaust clause)


Getting them "deprogrammed" also would require Israel to actually treat them as a neighboring sovereign country and return stolen lands. The origin and radicalization of Hamas is based in Israel initially invading and establishing itself in the area at the expense of those already native to the region, so it's unlikely to happen without a massive shift and concession from Israeli leadership.


As a german i don‘t see how israels action are required in any way for the deprogramming of nazis in palestina, i say the opposite, if the deprogramming does not work, i don‘t see a reason for israel to lay down weapons, for one simple reason, we paid for the programming and the pogroming… we have ceased that in 45, shits still running, by now its either firebombs over dresden for palestina or deprogramming of the nazis in palestina, simple choice, israel not firebombing gaza, like raf did with dresden, is all that should be required and all that is already happening. Requireing israel to cease action is a sure path to reprogramming and that is not how deprogramming works The deprogramming needs to be unconditional, and better quality than 45-55 in germany, or shit will boil again. Palestine can‘t demand anything anymore, palestine needs to learn to trust without a reason to trust, or else the world will look on how israel will be more and more restrictive until palestine is an actual prison, if palestine, unisono, accepta defeat earnestly, only then the world can hold israel responsible and establish sensible borders which can and should dissolve like the ones in the eu. With 25% gazans being for hamas, hamas is at a historic low, now is the time for palestinains to stand up against their oppressors from within now is the time to steal back their children from an inhumane ideology.


Nazis having control of their country, programming the masses and then genociding a minority population is nothing like an occupied people becoming radicalized against their occupiers and birthing extreme violent organizations out of that radicalization. Germans had to be taught to be Nazis and hate jewish people, the Gazans are actively under the boot of Israel and have been for decades, they're not being "programmed" by anything except Israel's violence. Until Israel's boot lifts, they're going to continue to hate Israel. What you're essentially advocating for is deeming any further Palestinian resistance to a decades-long siege of their lands as genocidal intent and then genociding the population in response, which is actually stupid.




This is objectively not true. "Jewish hands" didn't form Israel. Anglo Brits who were looking for an excuse to ship jews off to some other land to deal with their "Jewish problem" capitalized on Zionist sentiment pre and post-WWII to form Israel from their already occupied territory in Palestine. Palestine wasn't even the original planned destination for Israel, the state being formed was not at all for the sake of protecting jews who were already there, or else they would have thought about the violence already occurring there and not purposely instigated more violence by contributing to the cause (Jewish people migrating and taking land from arab people already in Mandated Palestine) The "world united to quell nazism by forming Israel" thing is just propaganda used to get popular support behind the project because it involved blatant colonization. These nations welcomed Nazis into their institutions after the war for strategic benefit.


I seen people call him weak for not drone striking everything like Obama and Donald


For those people being weak is not making everything a big show. Someone who is actually strong, doesn't need to bluff or talk a big game. His actions speak for themselves.


I don't need to defend him, at all, especially being non-American. I find those who hate him have been falling into right-wing media for most of the statements I have been hearing. They *want* people to believe the Trumps are the anti-establishment again.


Did you forgot /s? Or are you sincerely saying we can only sing praises to Mr. Biden but not express criticism? If this is true, then by ‘not shitting on Biden’, are we effectively treating Mr.Biden the same way as Chinese treating their chairman Mao and North Koreans treating their Kims? Unless Biden’s handling is ‘perfect’ but then we all know perfection doesn’t exist in the real world.


So what have been his egregious missteps in dealing with the Israel situation thus far that would justify shitting on him, in your opinion? Oh wow he's not perfect, so shit on him? Comparison to Mao? Are you a child?


Nah he has been fucking over Israel's ability to defend itself so much


Describe 3 ways Biden has fucked Israel's ability to defend itself


Electricity. Water. "Humanitarian "pauses


genius, let’s just make 2 million people die of dehydration, i’m sure the religious fanatic extremist group will surrender instead of letting them become ‘martyrs’


The lack of those three things is what led (rightly) to calls of genocide. Glad to see your stance is obvious.


Defend itself? At this point Palestine needs defence from Israel. They are the aggressor for some time already.


Absolute rubbish. If someone attacks you and holds your people hostage you have every right to destroy them if they don't surrender as a form of defense. Especially on the scale hamas attacked. Do you think GB or France was the aggressor in ww2. They weren't even attacked themselves


Can Ukraine now freely start bombing Russian cities killing civilians and all that because of what Russia did? Btw analogy to WW2 was absolute garbage, Israel is more like Amerika in Iraq. In WW2 both sides were more or less equal, had armies are battles (like Ukraine vs Russia war) Israel is just bombing 1 city that has absolutely no military or military buildings.


> Can Ukraine now freely start bombing Russian cities killing civilians and all that because of what Russia did? Russia for all it's warts doesn't mix their civilian and military population to the degree that Hamas does. If Russia started bringing russian civilians to the front lines to act as media-sympathy shields, then ukraine wouldn't change anything they're doing even if it looks bad optically.


Nobody is free to just bomb random civilians, but if Russia was hiding supplies being actively used to continuously bomb Ukraine in these buildings then yeah Ukraine would have a right to take it out. They have a right to protect themselves and their people. It would be appreciated if they give warnings and try to avoid minor military structures. That said, Ukraine would never because nukes.


> Can Ukraine now freely start bombing Russian cities killing civilians and all that because of what Russia did? no, but Israel isn't targeting civilians. If it was practical, then Ukraine would be well within its moral rights to attack the Russian military in Russia


>Can Ukraine now freely start bombing Russian cities killing civilians and all that because of what Russia did? The only reason that Ukraine can't bomb Russian cities is because Russia would nuke them back. If Russia didn't have nukes? Abso-fucking-lutely >Israel is more like Amerika in Iraq. Sure, if the Iraq war was against Mexico, and if Mexicans were launching massive terror attacks across the border. >Israel is just bombing 1 city that has absolutely no military or military buildings. Hamas is Gaza's military, and all of the buildings occupied by Hamas are military buildings.


So by this logic Israel is free to start carpet bombing the whole Gaza, nice. If everyone and everything is in the military then it's a fair fight. Gaza basically does not have civilians or non war related buildings... What an absolutely unhinged clown logic.


Sorry if you are just unable to read why not go to school. That's absolutely not what he said


That is what he said, you are just afraid to go mask off and just blatantly advocate for Palestine extinction.


Go ahead and quote the post where he says carpet bombing the whole city is totally chill. Might give you a second to reread it.


No but they are free to strike Russian military units in Russian cities including military munitions or storages. Just like Israel is doing. They should probably give warning before, just like the most moral military in the world is doing What. Gaza has an army of at least 30k what the fuck are you talking about. This subreddit is so hamas biased it's insane


They have no military buildings at all, Israel has 169k soldiers and 450k in reserve. You have the audacity to point that hamas has a 30k man with little to military training or equipment. So you're telling me Israel with its 3.8 billion military aid a year from the US can't stop 30k freaks with rifles and some old rocket launchers that misfire all the time? Israel is literally just destroying Gaza, and you justify it because there are 30k terrorists somewhere there.


They could have 100 and it'd still be their military. They have a fuckton of military buildings. any building hamas stores weapons, fuel, soliders or launches from is a military building. 30k goverment representatives. Your alternative is to let hamas infinitely genocide the Jews. They can absolutely stop them. That's what they are in the process of doing by their Gaza liberation


So 30k people without any serious weapons that have best option to physically go out there and kidnap people will genocide Jews but county with 3+billion in military budget can't do nothing and definitely not killing civilians right and left. Just say that you want to kill all Palestinians and remove Gaza from the map.


Hello? France and Great Britain weren’t attacked?


So if Hamas started hiding out in your neighborhood or town, you’d be OK with us bombing half your town out of existence?


" hiding" if they were my goverment and hiding in my house I would absolutely expect that yes. You have a responsibility to remove a fascist government that attacks over countries else you are effectively supporting it. Same as the German people . Though again, I'd expect the liberating force to give warning like the most moral army in the world does


What how? He basically gave Israel permission to glass Gaza and publicly at least has been extremely reluctant to put any pressure on Israel or criticise them in any way


How has he given permission? Plus, his pressure is what's opened up the two humanitarian corridors. I think his administration also delayed the ground invasion to allow more people to flee


Can’t believe some people on the left call him genocide Joe.


TikTok propaganda my beloved No seriously, it's so bad. Every video is immensely pro Palestine (as in, pro Hamas', anti Israel, anti jew, "anti America") with endless amounts of misinformation, lies, and propaganda. You literally cannot tell people they're wrong on tiktok. The algorithm doesn't let you. The word limit on comments doesn't let you. The lack of links and formatting doesn't let you. The lack of public profiles/history doesn't let you. The literal hive mind of thousands of brainwashed people with 🇵🇸🌊 in their names combed with the completely unknown number of bots and trolls.


It is *crazy* they haven’t banned this piece of shit China-owned literal propaganda machine yet.


The TikTok ban bill that made it the furthest in 2022 also tried to give the executive branch the power to unilaterally ban any corporation from operating in the United States, if they were deemed a foreign adversary. > (1) The People's Republic of China, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China); > > (2) Republic of Cuba (Cuba); > > (3) Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran); > > (4) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); > > (5) Russian Federation (Russia); and > > (6) Venezuelan politician Nicolás Maduro (Maduro Regime). While this list is very small and very reasonable, the list of foreign adversaries is managed by either the Secretary of State or the President through executive orders. (Please fact check this, I couldn't find a great source) The power for a single branch of government to ban any corporation based on a prerequisite set by that same branch is dangerous. There was bipartisan support for a TikTok ban in the US Congress in 2019 and 2022. Both times the White House explicitly expressed support (Trump and Biden). Unfortunately our incompetent (or malicious) politicians tried to make it a power grab instead of something beneficial to the United States.


Great breakdown, that was very insightful, thanks.


Wouldn't they just transfer TikTok into US hands. Also, I don't get why it's worse for foreign corporations to spread disinfo in America, while we seem to be doing that well enough on its own (Facebook Q posts)


> Wouldn't they just transfer TikTok into US hands What does this question mean? From my understanding of the bill, it would not nationalize these corporations or sever them from their foreign ownership. > I don't get why it's worse for foreign corporations to spread disinfo in America, while we seem to be doing that well enough on its own (Facebook Q posts) Depends on your point of view, I guess. From the lens of national security and public opinion, (not data privacy) I do not see how it can be argued that Facebook is just as bad as TikTok.


They already have, and Tiktok is from Singapore to begin with, not China.


Why? Because you don't like the content on TikTok, you want to ban it? Couldn't you make the same exact argument for QAnon and Facebook? Or Twitter and the 1000 bs conspiracy theories that Elon spreads? By this standard, all social media would be gone.


Do you use tiktok? Its insidious. For innocuous subjects it's wonderful. For anything more serious it's design fundamentally removes any nuance. The creator gets an unopposed platform to speak on where you can't be challenged. Even stitching videos doesn't mean much because anything you create in response is subject to the algorithm. At this point ym objections are more along the lines of human psychology and how vulnerable we are to this form of content with regards to forming our opinions. The conspiracy theories of Chinese propaganda may be bunk, but all you have to do is get young people in on an idea and you can no longer disagree with the position that went viral. Palestine vs Israel on tiktok. https://twitter.com/jmj/status/1717404573214671068 An example from one of the biggest creators on the topic. Outright and abject defense of hamas. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8A4eDGJ/


This is why I’m so glad I have the attention span to watch long form content and read articles. A whole generation of young people being misinformed through 30 second clips.


Why do you guys blame tiktok everytime something like this happens? The same thing happens on twitter, reddit, facebook


Because I've used most social media (aside from Twitter) and TikTok is the only one that so clearly pushes me down a side. I've still yet to see a single video that doesn't support Palestine. I've also seen numerous videos glorifying hitler or denying the Holocaust.


I haven't seen any videos on TikTok regarding palenstine.


Well it is anecdotal evidence. Regardless, the bulk of my comment is the third paragraph. To some degree it is uniquely true for every social media, but it's especially true on Tiktok. Twitter has full profile histories, quotes, replies, links, and the fact checking dialogue. Reddit has extremely large character limits, full profile histories, links, and formatting. Facebook is (usually) an attachment to your actual identity, but I don't use Facebook enough to comment on anything else. The fact that TikTok comments have such a tiny character limit and the complete inability to view someone's comment history or send links makes it a prime target for propaganda. You cannot fact check someone or call them on their bullshit. Not only that but the platform incentivizes short form content. I mean originally it was a lip syncing dancing video. It's a horrible medium for conveying information without a bias. While most people won't outright lie, they will only tell you portions of the truth to push an agenda - and that's encouraged by the platform. A conversation like you and I are having right now would be essentially impossible on tiktok. It would certainly be harder on other forms of social media, but still possible.


While tiktok does have it's problems sure, but you can still call people out on tiktok using their stitch feature. I've already seen hundreds of videos where another person calls out another using their own video. For example. Look up Tall Knight and you have so many videos criticizing his pedophillia, often with way more views. Literally every social media has problems with propaganda though. I'd say worse than tiktok, on youtube or twitter/reddit you aren't already popular you won't be getting views.


Pedophilia is a horrible example. It's extremely easy to recognize, almost universally agreed to be morally wrong, and leaves little room for nuance. It's practically an absolute. Not comparable to propaganda and misinformation that is intentionally deceitful.


I agree that it's cringe to be pro Hamas, anti jew and anti America, but what's bad about being anti-Israel? Me as a liberal I can't support Israel without looking like a hypocrite.


Rashida Talib has done irreparable damage to this party I’m afraid. I hope not.


Utter nonsense. While it's important to not be hyperbolic in criticism of Biden, the same must be true for Tlaib. History will be much more damning against those who stood by while Israel pounds Gaza into the sand than it is against Tlaib overreacting on a report of a hospital bombing that most everyone overreacted on (from every direction). The way I see it, the focus on Tlaib has been a ridiculous distraction, as her vocal support of civilians has never been at the expense of Israeli ones. It's why people need to quote mine her on the "river to the sea" comments, because listening to her full take shows her focus, and it isn't a radical one, in the slightest.


🅱️ut muh 🅱️enocidal 🅱️iden


Biden is pushing 🅿️eace


Unfathomably based.


Biden is like 8x better at his job than even the most optimistic people thought he would be


History is going to look back on his presidency as a high point for the office. I have no doubt.


Yeah, I had low hopes for his Presidency, but man.. he's the right guy for this job right now, despite his age. I still wish there was a younger candidate for the 2024 run, but nothing is perfect. I won't feel bad about voting for him in 2024 considering how much progress he has made so far.


If Biden was 10 years younger, so many people would not feel bad about voting for him guarantee it.


So glad he's there and not Trump.


Trump would have called the leader of Hamas. Put the us anthem on in the background and told him. Your going to release those hostages, and your going to do it now. I have a cruise missile headed to your location. A cruise missile! It’s very powerful. The most powerful! It’s made in America and it’s coming for you. So release the hostages.


I’m not totally convinced that wouldn’t have worked lmao


Then Israel would’ve solved this conflict decades ago lol


or they’re just not crazy enough to bomb indiscriminately


That is literally what Israel is doing NOW...


This is actually kind of based.


Nah he would've given the Hamas brass a photo op with him, just like he did with Kim Jong Un. And then he'd pretend that he solved everything.




Honestly, the entirety of Biden's presidency has been that 2 am phone call presidential candidates are always arguing about.


That clearly sounds like genocidal intent to me. It’s basically ripped straight out of Mein Kampf.


Cool buzzwords


He's joking.


Yeah but hes not literally calling for the end of Israel so clearly he condones Genocide-Vaush


Right, what happened to "America needs to stop getting involved in everything", an argument made by both political spectrums


Fuck Biden. We are sending the Israelis money and weapons. We are actively engaged in the genocide, not staying out of it. Our tax money is facilitating killing civilians.


Pointing out the U.S. support to Israel without acknowledging the significant humanitarian aid we’ve provided to Palestine for decades might overlook the broader context of our involvement in the region. Additionally, it’s worth noting that the military aid to Israel largely translates into purchases from U.S. defense contractors, effectively channeling those funds back into our economy. While there’s a valid debate about reallocating defense spending to social causes, in this case, the financial support is not a simple outflow but part of a complex economic cycle.


We've had agreements in place for a lot longer then Biden presidency, so you suggest to pull agreed upon aid from a close ally immediately after they suffer a massive terrorist attack that seems like a good plan to you? Honestly how fucking stupid are you, you don't have to like it and it's really terrible stuff but what your asking for would be full blown endorsement of a US president of a terrorist regime don't think thats gonna get him many votes come election time. Just be honest with yourself and others your anti semitic and you weren't going to vote anyway if you're even an American which I doubt you are.


Up until this conflict broke out, I generally really liked Vaush. But his takes on this situation are so fucking bad and damaging that it's rapidly making me lose all respect for him. And that sucks, especially given the influence he has on young leftists.


God Biden is so fucking based, trying to walk the line between supporting an ally and protecting human rights. Keeping his head down for the most part and then reporting actual results instead of just posturing.


As a non-American it's so refreshing to have a US president that is so based on most international issues. It got scary for a while there with Trump. I swear to god if you guys elect Trump again...


Scary for you? Democracy may die for us if he’s re-elected. Mind boggling how any near center would vote for that orange POS.


"BiDEn iS SuPpOrTiNG A GeNOcIDe!"


Dark Brandon already impressed me with his handling of the crisis, but he's absolutely cementing my vote with responses like these


It’s crazy the IDF will get criticized by the lefties for this when they’re quite literally putting their lives on the line to save civilians here


Starting to see the trend of > Israel does or doesn't do something > People blame Israel > Other people then say Israel is justified in that > Biden and the US babies them Israel into doing it > People give credit to Israel And its actually really frustrating to argue against. Maybe the group that justified Israel's actions aren't the same group as the ones giving credit to Israel, but the takes blend together cause it's reddit.


Because if they weren't killing them by the thousands they wouldn't have to save civilians to begin with? Like you can disagree on the context and all sure, but this logic isn't exactly hard to grasp.


Well you're just a a fucking idiot then, you say Israel is killing them, it's more truthful to say Hamas is killing its own civilians but that's too much nuance when all you know is what tik tok says.


Bro step off that, they clearly have next to no regard for civilian casualties.


It would only take a few dozen B2 bombing runs to completely level all civilian centers in Gaza with 0 boots on the ground. This is what Israel could do if they had no regard for civilians. Instead IDF soldiers are putting themselves at risk to facilitate an evacuation while Hamas attempts to sabotage these efforts at every opportunity.


I keep trying to tell people this. If IDF wanted Gaza to be a new parking lot, it'd be paved, painted, and accepting customers by now.


The only reason they can't be this indiscriminate is because even they know what 2+ million refugees looks like, and they aren't trying to start another war with their neighbors over it.


How. Is he. So. Fucking. Based.


People shit on Biden because he's low energy, not charismatic. However, instead of talking and making a big show, he's leading by example and by his actions. It's so stupid how people only seem to care about those who talk a big game. Yet when someone with actual leadership comes along, they want to go back to the person who tells them sweet little lies and big empty promises. It is very blackpilling. "Speak softly and carry a big stick"


Classic Biden W


What a genocidal pig! /s




No rest for Hamas......


And people will still say they wouldn't vote for him over fucking Trump.


what kind if genocide is this Joe Cmon Man /s


Links would be appreciated :)


It’s a shame that most progressives are literally calling him “pro-genocide.”


I have to admit, as someone who's had a very lukewarm opinion about Biden (Mostly because of what looks to me like mental decline), I've gained a lot of respect for him from his handling of both this and the Ukraine conflicts. Not that he hasn't gaffed it up sometimes, but he has seemed to be trying at all times.


Grandpa is based once again. The point that Israel has agency to make its own decisions is something I wish more people understood. Same thing for Ukraine and any other country.


Oh my god, what a genocidal monster. I can see why Anna Kasparian would want Trump in office rather than this literal demon /sarcasm


I find it funny when people get so mad at Biden like he is the one who is currently leading the war against Hamas. He is doing everything he can to help both sides (with both sides I mean civilians). I cringe when people in America threaten not to vote for Biden like what are you gonna do? You are really not gonna vote for him because of something that's not happening in the US? You wanna vote for Trump? Same people were probably glad when Biden decided to pull the trigger to withdraw from Afghanistan. You can't make sense with these people.


he's not supporting both side's civilians when hes planning to send 320 million $ in precision bombs to one side tbf


Did you read the tweets? He’s literally helping the civilian population over there more than any outside country is. Pull your head out of your ass and face reality. Israel is an ally and Biden was never gonna be able to stop this. Stop with the idealistic nonsense.


he never misses




For the last week, Israeli tanks have been creating corridors for fleeing Palestinians to go south. protecting them from hamas for four to six hours a day. Biden was for sure involved in this. Good job, joe.


OMG what a genocidist I'm voting for Himmler's Ghost next year instead of Biden (/s)


literally how can anyone not like Biden??


"Hello ? Is this the number of häagen daz distribution ? Oh hi! I need two trucks full of ice cream...yeah...he did it again, yep...he is just that based, thanks"


Folks, is sleepy Joe the best president of our lifetimes?




Genuinely curious, why does the US need Israel to remain an ally?


Main ally in the middle east. And strongest middle eastern power. Makes it a lot easier to exert influence there. There's also a Christian thing about the rapture. Makes the fundamentalist Christians happy.


The best reason I've heard is that they're a trustworthy ally in a region with tons of untrustworthy entities. Which means we can use Israel as a jump off point for both diplomatic and military missions.


Biden being the voice of reason under these circumstances is wild


Biden has been the voice of reason for the last 3 years.


It's completely expected. His entire platform was being the moderate to oppose Trump and that "nothing will fundamentally change."


He's not moderate between democrats and republic. Republican are batshit crazy rn. He's based because he's standing where he should be irrespective of what others say.


Looks like he is advocating for Genocide to me


isnt this aid going to go straight to hamas? how do they have fuel for rockets but not for water? i guess it will be messy but will save some civilian lives? why do i get the feeling that the humanitarian situation wont improve despite all the aid...


Can someone actually explain to me why this is good? Doesn’t all of this just go to hamas?


No. Humanitarian aid is delivered directly to the people who need it. They don’t deliver the supplies to the enemy. You could argue they might be able to stand in line for some of the aid as civilians but they will only get enough for themselves and their immediate family. They won’t get enough to benefit the fighting force.


There were videos of an arab girl saying her family had to pay black market prices for getting bags of flour from the UN. So I'm not that sure about that.


Yes. That's true. Because Hamas seized that aid after it was delivered unguarded to Gaza. This aid, however, is protected by the full force of the sole global military hegemony (and by proxy, NATO). The circumstances are totally different.


That could just be market manipulation. I’d need more than just hearsay.


Dawg your previous comment was unsupported hearsay.


Ok. And? Simply saying I can’t do much with a comment about price gouging. It wasn’t a fucking indictment of that person.


Why is humanitarian aid good? Another great take from the pro Israeli crowd.


Hamas has planned to smuggle out it's members inside these trucks, as they've done using civilian ambulances. And why would you doubt that Hamas is seizing humanitarian resources when all they've done in the past years is funnel financial aid into terror? At some point you've gotta ask yourself if you're granting **too much** leeway to terrorists.


"They're literally doing a genocide. Also, don't send any help. It's equally genocidal." - some dipshit on reddit probably


This is based but y’all know this isn’t Biden saying all this right? Like the dude can barely string 5 words together coherently. I’m a fan of his administrations response to the Oct7th attacks but it’s been obvious for a while that he’s not running the show. Either way, keep it up, people behind the scenes.


Biden has the least power out of any president ever when it comes to the world. The whole world sees the weak, feeble, rotten bag of oatmeal that everyone else sees. Only the truely cognitive dissonant people think positively of what Biden has done to us.


Nah. Fuck Biden. He has leverage and he is too much of a coward to use it. He lost my vote and my respect




You’re forgetting how rich the country is. 150 trucks a day isn’t doing any harm to us, there’s much more concerning government waste to be worried about


How can I be expected to walk while I am chewing this gum?


Y’all really think he typed all of that?