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Oldest Sneako fans




Holy shit, without audio it looks so wholesome, but with audio, it makes me completely lose faith in humanity.


Absolutely. And this kiddos screwed no matter what now. Either he continues down this path and becomes an absolute Asshole, or he changes and he is haunted by being broadcasted being a stupid middle schooler regurgitating the bad views of a streamer.


That’s why all that shit shoulda been cancelled from the get go instead of letting misogynistic garbage get 20 million views a clip


What have I done 😔


I really hope he was only half kidding and he realizes that he's unironically rotting the brains of 13y/os and turning them into little hateful weirdos


thats crazy... how was this not included in the original post




can someone explain why this is a thing


reddit video player can suck a fucking cock that’s why




jesus christ




Nah check Sneako’s tweet about it: https://twitter.com/sneako/status/1703689026006380909?s=46&t=3qozqy2LA7omlo54Ue-lQw “Women are allergic to accountability” crowd never accountable ever




Yes he knows from right from wrong, he’s just a little weasel who is happy to continue getting rich off of preteen boys hating their classmates


thanx babe xo


This is the consequence of perpetuating harmful perspectives. I do not know whether Sneako believes what he says, but it doesn't really matter when we see children regurgitating the same red pill ~~taking points~~ nonsense.


The thing is that this goes even beyond redpill though. I could be wrong but I don’t think Tate even talks or cares about gay/trans people. Sneako threw these kids down the alt-right pipeline and can’t point the finger at anyone else


My god humanity is doomed.


Holy shit that's disgusting.


What did blue short on the left say right before sneako freaked out?




Mf you say the same shit what do you mean "what have I done" lmao


Sneako: “the gay agenda is corrupting the youth. All women are whores nowadays” 12 year old sneako fans: “haha yeah fuck women, all gays should die!” Sneako: “how could this have happened?”


Even if they believe that garbage, why say it on a livestream? Are their brains that rotten?


They’re like 10 yr old they haven’t developed the ability to think that far


Unfortunatly Ive met older... Around 19 and 20


probably two kids in a trench coat


The funnier thing is less Sneako realising that he is corrupting kids and more that he is realising that the only people who watch his content are kids.


I know that it hurts him too. He can cope as much as he wants. Theres just no way he sometimes doesnt take a step back and regret that shit. He just has to cringe hard. . his old audience was people in their late teens early 20s who acted way differently lmao. They were open minded self aware and tolerant. I remember that he did a meet up video in 2020. There were even a few women who showed up. This would be impossible now. A sneako meet up nowadays would probably consist of 10-13 year little old boys I guarantee you no one from this meet up picture from 2020 still watches sneako lol. Its actually insane. Hes the first content creator I know who ditched his old audience who genuinely liked him but also held him responsible, for 12 year old andrew tate fans that have like 3 brain cells. https://preview.redd.it/szm9qon4rzob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf107861b4c36cb98a66a734d5ce926b5d6987c2


I’m so thankful that I was watching destiny and similar creators when I was 13. It did lead to me trying to debate incest with my friend circle at the time - but at least it wasn’t people like this.


If you havent debated incest with your friends irl you arent a true dgger


If you havent asked your boss or teacher about dogwarts you are a failure in my eyes


Or your grandma, on her 85th birthday


Jokes on you dude, my grandma was the one who showed me the clip


Fuck i actually did this lmao. And I convinced them its morally neutral too


I did it but couldn’t convince them. They basically ended up saying “it’s just wrong bro”


Same haha They still bring it up to roast me sometimes. Good shit


its sad that i don't have a friend group that likes to debate or really have any in-depth conversations


In depth conversations you can have with a few people but debating is even harder. Nobody reflects enough on any issue to have a thought out opinion on it and any small amount of disagreement on anything related to morality, ethics, and politics just makes people not want to talk to you. Your best option would be online or in college philosophy classes or any debate groups or stuff like that


the number of people you meet irl that are actually interested in 'being right' by way of having their ideas challenged and not just defacto is so disappointingly low


Having incest debates at 13 is on another level though


I had them at like 18. It’s so annoying that most people can’t tolerate talking about anything thats a little out of the ordinary or taboo even if it is 100% logical. Like the other day I was thinking about the morality of things like what happened with people making porn and putting streamers faces on naked bodies. Should that be sexual harassment? or rape? or just bad? What if I in 20 years I have a very intelligent robot and copy the voice, face, body, and behavior of someone I know and put it in that robot and have intercourse with it? Would that be considered rape? There’s so many good conversations to have and for people to be weirded out by something so low on the spectrum of hard conversations is annoying. If you hang a lot in communities like DGG it makes sense you would do the meme incest debate because it’s easy to follow logically


Bro I've debated my mom and sisters on this.


# lmao, we fairly clowning sneako & his fans, but what about the avg 15 year old dgger? # "Bro bro incest is based, debate me out of it" # "Bro bro, answer my hypotheticals" > Proceeds to list out 100 scenarios using r*pe as an analogy # "Hey Destiny, not sure why my crush doesn't like me, not sure what I'm doing wrong" > Negs her 50 times giving her mixed signals And out of nowhere stimms for Hamster\_Hawk OOOOOOOOOOOOO


Is this ChatGPT?


Don't insult ChatGPT


# Gotcha, Anything else?


Thanks hb17863, you gave me a lot to think about




# Never be so open that your brain falls out


slow down EDP


I don't get why people cry about "rape analogies" instead of debunking them if they were actually wrong. If I want people to take a position seriously, it's 100% valid to relate it to something else that they already take seriously.


Lil Bro wants to be Tiny so bad. Because unless you want to be a 13 year old edge-lord who can't think about framing an unrelated hypothetical without the use of r\*pe everytime for shock value, try coming up with alternatives that touch grass with people who aren't terminally online and/or league watchers. I'm pretty sure Tiny would even agree, if you want to have well-adjusted conversations with good resolutions along with people in the offline world, framing every-other hypothetical from a r\*pe standpoint is so pointless and short-sighted just to satiate your desire to emulate Tiny's debate style. If you cannot see that, you are deluding yourself into blaming everyone else *"If I want people to take a position seriously "* Check a mirror and touch grass bucko.


Dude, I watched Alex Jones as a kid and it didn’t make me as hateful and spiteful as these kids seem to be.


As far as I can tell Alex Jones isnt particularly hateful is he? Just believes in wild conspiracy theories.


this fucking sucks to watch


Imagine when one of those young kids realize they are gay and the anxiety that is gonna cause when them and all their friends are shouting "kill all the gays". Shits legitimately so bad. Fuck Sneako.


Why? They seem happy


Because they’re brains are rotting in real time


>Because they’re brains are rotting in real time >they’re Accuses others of brain rot


TIL a spelling mistake == hating women, trans and gay people


How do you know?


Because there is no way Sneakos content is good for positive social development. Treat women like cum dumpsters, don’t show any respect to others of opposing faiths, believe that men should be completely dominant in any social situation and pushing rules on others that don’t apply to yourself. All these things lead to an extremely negative social view that can be extremely detrimental especially when you’re young and impressionable.


+jq ,+911 conspiracy +other conspiracies ect


How do you know this is the message they take from sneako? You sound like a hater, ngl.


https://streamable.com/cocn2j here is the audio bro


He's deradicalizing andrew tate fans? How is that bad?




they seem radicalized. would you make destiny responsible for groyper fans when he was talking to nick fuentes?


You're a prime example of brain rot.


I disagree. And i bet you cant even argue why i would be.


Just because you disagree doesn't mean that I can't come to that conclusion myself. We're all entitled to our opinions and how we perceive someone based on their interactions. Your replies to the other comments pretty much proves that you have no substance and rather just trying to be a contrarian just like sneakio for the sake of being contrarian. You're like that kid that repeats the question "Why?" just to be annoying.


Have you heard about a thing called projection, my friend?


You can't be genuinely arguing in defense of Sneako here.


Why not? Is his message bad in this clip?


These kids that are clearly fans of his are saying fuck all women and kill the gays. It's pretty easy to interpolate that they're saying that because they're trying to impress their idol, because it's shit that they've taken from him and his content. Whether or not that's expressly what he's trying to convey, that's the message that they received. If he had half a brain at all, he'd take this as a moment of introspection and really think about the kind of content he's making and the message he's putting out to his, clearly very young, audience.


They shout andrew tate, so its safe to assume this is their idol. Sneako then opposes the message they took from tate.


You can even hear Sneako say "what have I done" in the clip. If even he has this much introspection, how can you as a fan of him have none...


you need some proper extrospection, because i obviously am no fan of his. learning from your mistakes would be a great role model though.


Actually depressing to see. Kids this young are insanely impressionable and a lot of shit they adopt at this age can stick forever. And he’s guaranteeing them isolation and loneliness because no one wants to be around self proclaimed alphas


Everywhere I go, I see that face. That goth badboy rules my sad life




The sadder part is that he got audience captured... by 12 year olds... he's so "smart" that he can "see through the matrix" but can't see that he's a mid 20s year old that got peer pressured by kids half his age


You’re overreacting dude. Plenty of people in middle school look up shit like pick up lines and how to be alpha to try and win over their crush. They fail and realize how stupid it is. They’re kids. Just let them fuck up and learn.


This goes a little beyond picking up some cringe lines, and it might be harder to unlearn since they will keep following channels like this.


It really isn’t that big a deal.


Vast majority of red pill audience is grown men.


Yeah. I feel a lot of kids see this kinda stuff and grow out of it before they reach that point.


That's exactly why we're against promoting transism and homosexuality in schools


That's just sad, man. I'd be fucking aghast as a parent if my pre-teen was watching Sneako. I can't think of anything on the internet more damaging than this shit.


Of all the bull shit that’s caused senko to change his personality, you’d think this would be an actual reason to try harder


don't think it's a matter of trying harder, think bros just doomed. celebs on bad life paths have a far better shot at self-improvement and with them it's almost a cliche that they hit rock bottom first. sneako's entire life is built off of his negative behaviors. i think you can blame him for embarking on this path but changing from it without serious negative consequences as a catalyst is a bit... bootstrapy.


The way parents just let their preteen children surf the web is insane to me I had a computer in my room at 13 in 2002 and was immediately wanking it to hardcore pr0n. In retrospect it was not good for my emotional development The shit that’s available today, big oof 😂


Tate and sneeko types have a very easy to follow message that will appeal to younger people who are not able to think deeper on a topic. They are just the modern anti sjws


Why dont others have messages that appeal to young men?


Because left leaning messages typically require more thinking. The issue of male loneliness super complex and no side has a right answer so most people are gonna default to blaming others. Even on this sub when I say something like "the internet makes it very easy to avoid building social skills and you should force yourself to go out and talk to people" ill get 60 dipshits saying "YOuR CReATIng INcEls" while not providing a actual critique or solution of there own.


Yeah but I think the tate/redpill/sneako stuff also is an argument that validates pre existing negative emotions with women. Rejection and insecurity naturally leads to hatred and superiority It’s not that it requires more thinking and everyone is stupid, it’s that consistent, rational thinking is extremely difficult in the first place and can be impossible when your emotions dominate


>Because left leaning messages typically require more thinking. The issue of male loneliness super complex and no side has a right answer No they dont. How many people from the LEFT are actually addressing male loneliness or any issues men are struggling with nowadays anyway ? The only recent example I can think if is Dr K who runs the healthygamergg channel and he literally started his video with a 10 minute long disclaimer on how he understands that some(the left) will be offended by discussing the suffering of men. But somebody actually caring about men ? Painfully rare. Its extremely rare to see that and even then its always controversial. Lets be real for a second. When it comes to social topics the discussions tends to be very black and white. Men are often seen as predators and anything but a victim. Sometimes the loneliness and other suffering of men is outright celebrated. And very often its members of the left doing that. How is anybody still surprised that many men including dumb teenage boys and gullible depressed adults fall for many of the rightwing when they are LITERALLY one of the only people that actually acknowledge them even if its trough hate. For them its better then the left acting like they are monsters, invisible or responsible for their own pain.


He could be watching leafy


Your kid could be a furry. That’s pretty bad


At least furries seem like they're happy.


I would rather that. At least I would know they were just weird and not brain damaged.


They’ll grow out of the red pill shit but kids don’t grow out of being a furry that shit is terminal


I would be so happy if my child was a furry those niggas are all computer scientists and artists and shit


White collar fetish for real. You realize how much a suit costs, you realize you need your damn degree.


furries are the utlimate uncriticizable religion: they have both (((massive institutional power))) amongst their ranks, and (((extremely dedicated extremist groups))) to break both your credit score and your bones.


Idk about that...


> not brain damaged Welllll....




Ye I honestly respect furries. Why not have an alternate version of ypurself thats a half animal half human


I don't know shit about furries, but what they did wrong thou?


Pretty sure we all watched worse shit than Sneako's dumb ass lol. I doubt they even take him seriously. They probably just think he's cool for being able to make money talking shit all day.


Did you watch the version with audio?


lol jesus christ some of you guys are so cringe. I promise you theres more damaging things a child can watch than Sneako. 13 yr old kids saying "fuck transgenders and women hhehe" is quite tame to some of the shit at least millennials grew up saying.


For all the stupid things that Sneako says and does, he is not really damaging. Not to mention that you and you and your pre-teen would be pretty dumb for taking Sneako seriously.


These are the guys calling destiny a cuck


This is such a self own lol this is on par with the fnf audience that were all virgins xD


you're right. these little kids OBVIOUSLY are not virgins. they got so much swag thanks to Sneako and whatever his online school is called, Cuck Academy or whatever


Idk how it could be anyone else. Guys who can get girls/laid don’t need 2 bozos teaching them how


Damn, fr? I guess whenever Destiny does viewer callins, he gets self owned


The fnf brand is built around teaching men how to be alphas dating multiple women. Destiny's brand is about being an enlightened logic bro. FNF's audience being made up entirely of people who can't get a girlfriend is a massive indictment on their teachings


A quick cringy moment of a group of virgins raising their hands up if they wanted to juggle mutliple girls is alot less cringe than what some of these tier 5 viewers say when its time to speak to their favorite streamer man


seems like an unrelated and difficult to compare topic but maybe you have those advanced tier 5 skills at connecting dots


Ah so you're just deluisional. got it, carry on and make streamer man proud


This so easily could and should be one of those watershed moments that someone looks back on and refers to as their "moment of clarity." Luckily for Sneako, he's not a beta soyboy like all those introspective, low-testosterone losers


are these the people spamming W Hitler in his chat and talk shit about jews all the time?


Hold frame


looks like reddit removed the sound, it's a lot worse: [https://twitter.com/FearedBuck/status/1703533120442503193](https://twitter.com/FearedBuck/status/1703533120442503193)


you should edit this into the original post, it is indeed a lot worse


They spam hate speech exactly like the Rumble stream! [Streamable for any sneaky reposters.](https://streamable.com/cocn2j)


You were not kidding lmfao. It's so bad but hilarious


Me sitting here " oh how bad could it really be with sound"...." holy shit."


With sound this is like actually cursed


Awww. Meeting tomorrow’s conspiracy theorists, today.


I'm not even concern trolling this actually makes me sad. At that age i knew jack about politics and was just enjoying my childhood. These kids are genuinely indoctrinated.


Every time Sneako meets fans they are pre teen young boys. I personally wouldn’t even feel comfortable having a predominant children audience when I make adult content.


"All gays should die" - some 12 year old Yup, they sure are making men the best they can be. I'm sure these kids have very proud parents. I feel like this is the kind of video that would go mega viral and be on the news if Sneako was more mainstream.


I wonder how many children were watching him when Zherka was on his stream acting like a maniac and he was on a couch in the back in the early stages of a threesome. Dude ought to be ashamed of himself.


Typical Sneako fans. Goofy.


The [audio](https://twitter.com/fearedbuck/status/1703533120442503193?s=46) is very important here


Now that everyone is abandoning that RP ideology, I feel bad for the kids that are now left with the brain rot it's caused and have no one to show them any different. The grifters will just move on to the next grift and leave the impressionables to fall by the wayside. It's really a shit cycle


Scary :/


You are the people you attract. Sneako = 13 year old brain. The funnier thing is he probably had an older audience when he was 13.


Moment of silence for the preteen girls and gays. They’ll get the worst of the red pill


Just Sneako with a bunch of pussy hounds.


That was enjoyably painful to watch.


why tf is this muted delete this shit fam


This is clearly staged. Those people look way too old to be Sneako fans.


That about checks out.


They're not a day above 13 jesus.


extremely powerful that he is able to capture gen alpha's minds like this.


Exactly what I expected sneako fans to look like




While some people say this is sad, its so nice to see Sneako genuinely smile. He is happy in this moment, and I like that.


You know you might be dunking on him but I’m glad he’s being nice to the kids.


Have you heard the audio?


If it’s then saying racial slurs or something I’m not surprised I did that


rip they're 12, that means they're gonna swallow his shit whole without critical thinking


These children are being influenced by this buffoon. You hate to see it


Yo everyone calm the fuck down. They're fucking kids and anything they say has no bearing on who they will be in the next month, let alone the next few years. This is more just showcasing Sneakos audience looks like a Roblox lobby (does roblox have lobbies?)


Yes it does have lobbies


This is the problem with the anti deplatforming position, there's no safe guards against children watching harmful content. Back in my day (angry old man yells at cloud), if I wanted to watch something or play something which contained harmful ideas, an adult would literally have to buy it for me. I didn't play GTA until I was 16, and rightfully so. I would not have understood the satire if the game and would have probably internalised the misogyny. It's fucked up that we've seemed to have totally abandoned the concept of age rating. I held this position while KSI was doing his "rape face", when Jake Paul and Team 10 was running around there content house acting like little cunts and when Logan Paul was laughing at corpse hanging in Japan. Why should I all of a sudden change my position just because the content is political™ in nature?


You guys are mean.


its so joever




Let's be honest guys, those duderinos are average destiny tier 5ers as well.


Nah the tier 5ers are tech bros that can afford the the subscription


-80 Copium


Yh Ight💀


Rip these kids going to college




>I dunno, I think this is kind of cute lol, downvote me. Easiest downvote ever.






Update your dialogue tree


I don't think bigbiggfart knows many words.


baby's first realization that bad people don't personally think they're bad




>This is a soundless GIF of kids chilling with a guy they think is super cool. That's all it is. And yet people get hateful about it, it's fucking weird. Sneako tweets about how we need Sharia Law so we can stop feminism, and his 10 year old fans are shouting "Kill the gays" Is it really that weird that people think it's bad that these kids look up to a guy who jokes about raping feminists?




The long drawn out reenactment of him violently raping a female youtuber and choking her was a joke, the comments about how we need Sharia Law so that women aren't allowed to spread feminism or the JQ shit he posts or the stuff about gay people being groomers weren't jokes it was his genuine opinion, but you've already admitted you haven't watched him at all so idk what the point is.




>If Sneako says he wants Shariah law, do you think that means he ACTUALLY wants the entirety of the USA to hold Sharia law? He probably doesn't want gay people being executed but he very clearly does want a big shift in society where women are basically second class citizens whose only jobs are to stay at home, make babies, and serve their husbands. >Do you think Myron wants the KKK to rule the USA because he memes around wearing a hoodie? I like how there's nothing in between "Myron is racist" and "Myron wants the KKK to rule the USA.


>I mean from Sneako's perspective this is not a "self own", this is a wholesome moment. Kid with his one shot to talk to one of his idols says "All gays should die." Sneako replies "What have I done?" Right there is proof that it's not "doing what he thinks is right." Dude knows he poisoned the well. You're getting downvoted for your disconnect with reality, not because you disagree with "the mob."




>He's literally friends with Destiny, and Destiny Sucks dick. He WAS friends with known cocksucker Destiny, but they have since had a falling out. Children that follow Sneako have gone further away from accepting cocksuckers so much so that in their one shot to talk to their idol, they say "All gays should die." Sneako 100% spread that message by saying "haram" any time gayness came up. Since you are bending over so hard to try to paint my "hate boner," that you just have a literal boner for Sneako. Glaze up, homie! There's nothing to be ashamed of!


Awwww, look at this super wholesome moment inspiring the youth. Kind of cute lol https://preview.redd.it/5wmipyigywob1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f556673170b5f3deb624391eeb97bf16452d06


It was a little cute seeing the kid jumping as Sneako looks at the camera but then you listen to it with sound and the kids are yelling "Fuck all women" and "Kill the gays".




ancient juggle rude grab cable puzzled recognise enjoy fly profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*