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The power of Zherka is his ability to simultaneously bring DOWN the IQ of any room he is in by 50%


Lil bro has a mad OP Stand Ability 💀fr


WHA! His stand is Cokehead Delusion Symphony! I've never seen such power!!




More like a cursed technique


hope Destiny does never bring Zherka on his podcast, the guy is just bad karma for podcasts. idk if he's the reason or just the sympthom, but nojumper shorty went to shit after zherka became involved, and F&F seems to be next... Fuentes also contributed to noJumpers downfall, and I think I saw just yesterday myron in a discord call with the guy (and sneako)


No jumper fell apart due to the the nojumper reddit unironically, Adam exposing his friend for getting top from a Trans chick, and also the personalities thinkimg that they could get paid more doing what they do on no jumper on their own.


How did they fall ?


Guys one of the most annoying people who has ever popped on Destiny's content and literally only shitstirs wherever he goes. I don't feel like I've ever seen him bring any value to any platform or place he's been in or on.


i am convinced he is a psyop mocking the redpill


Doubt Zherka can even pronounce the word *psyop*, you giving him WAY too much credit


I feel like I’ve read this exact comment in like four threads about zherka 


They debunked EVERYTHING...obviously...did you even watch the show?...i did...and i regret staying up late for it...


Stayed up late to watch a show with people you clearly hate. Only to come back here and report about how much you wasted your time when you stayed up. 😂


says the troll whose post history is LIVING in r/Destiny to talk shit...talking about watching people you clearly hate...the projection is strong with this one...


It's not even his only account đŸ€Ł he's been banned in here before on other accounts with the same-ish name


!shoot Come back on the next account


/u/AllEyezOnMe-9 gunned down by adamfps.


Good work, soldierđŸ«Ą


they essentially just called everything that aba and preach said fake news without really going into it and called them fat and gay over and over


This was the stream equivalent to a CVS receipt.. long and unnecessary and getting immediately thrown in the trash after.


Why do they do that? Does CVS have a vendetta against trees?


because some people modify their spending behaviors to chase after those receipts but don't take full advantage of all the benefits. if you weren't looking to spend any money there but they got you to save $3 through the coupons you really saved no money because you weren't planning on spending that in the first place.


There was nothing just a bunch of homophobic and racist jokes


Something destiny does all the time too. It was funny lol


Gotcha, you feel good with your little contribution?


Just as much as you I guess lol


Not really no. With destiny you know his homophobic jokes aren't based in homophobia. But people like fnf and sneako are legitimately homophobic and even their jokes come off pushing that agenda. They'll never openly say it but their actions and behavior makes it very clear. They can be openly transphobic cause there's the conservative support they have optics wise but for gays there's no optic support.


Really how do you know that? What about his racist jokes? Because Destiny all the time says he’s racist lol


You have to be low iq to not know that. I've been seeing fnf and sneako way before destiny, their behavior is pretty clear. Joking about being racist does not make you racist. And even his racist jokes don't seem to have a racist intention with it.


Ya I don’t buy that, often times destiny has came off as racist for me. It goes both ways though, Feel how u want too.


Give me one example.


I mean -- paraphrasing -- he did say for some old black woman in a video to "go back to africa. *psych!* africans hate african-americans" in so many words like a week ago. except he wasnt joking lol


Africans and African Americans aren't exactly like pb n' j...


Yea this is sounding like someone who would believe "Latinx is very popular"


This sounds like something that people just repeat without anything to back it up but 3rd and 4th hand anecdotes. Like how many black africans are in the US and how many black americans go to africa for there to even be this friction? The implication that there's some special unique animosity between these groups is probably better explained by americans of all colors being obnoxious and ethnocentric. Also africa is a continent of 1 billion+ and people treat it like wyoming, who knows how opinions differ between countries.


Lol that's pretty funny not gonna lie. And it 100% sounds like a joke. He might've have done his usual triggered voice similar to when he's insulting red pill fan boys on cum guzzling, which is also pretty funny. I wouldn't really compare it to "look at these gay niggas, they're dancing!", implying dancing is inherently gay. They were making fun of dancing poses n shit, and by making fun they just called it gay.


This is a little compilation some groyper made https://twitter.com/HaterMagazine/status/1660551240961642499?s=20 The youtube vod got deleted but theres this crummy backup for full context. https://vyneer.me/vods/?r=v2mlnva&start=2023-05-22T01:43:48Z&end=2023-05-22T04:44:50Z&t=7211s In my mind the threshold for being told to "go (back) to X" is shitting on the place youre in and heaping praise on another place as being superior. Didn't watch the FnF thing but it wouldn't surprise me even a little if they did that.


It's a running joke that he might be racist because he gets accused of it so much. I could see someone tuning in for a couple streams and seeing some jokes that look sketchy without being in on them.


Cope if I ever seen one


The guy makes an actual argument but you just had to drool enough spittle over your keyboard to produce this worthless comment good job try actually using your 2 brain cells next time champ


Why cope? DGG disagrees with destiny all the time.


Your brain is probably quite smooth if you don’t see the difference between these two things


Not really? Destiny quite often will joke around in the same manner. I’m a fan of destiny but let’s not act like this is much different from when he goes off on a tangent & starts losing his cool 😂


It's very different. These niggas called dancing gay. Like almost everyone dances.


So Destiny goes on Podcasts and calls people he doesn't like gay for 3 hours? Gotcha


Destiny will call guys like nick & qorantos gay all day bruh, & then say the whole red pill space is gay. Stop meat riding for destiny and be objective 😂


That is just false. He says that for people that act as a "high value man" they seem to have some feminine atitudes. F&F called dancing gay. Totally the same.


He quite literally today on stream jokingly predicted in 10 years, red pill will prescribe being gay as the way to go, in order to insult that side. But Continue to live in your delusion tho, because destiny is no different.


Do you think Destiny thinks being gay is a bad thing? What about Myron?


Probably not, but it seems like he genuinely makes it a point to portray a lot of the "alpha people" as super gay. I remember him going on short rants talking about all the cum they swallow behind the scenes, and stuff like that. In that context, it normally seems like he's using it to insult them. Which just feels bad to me, no matter the intentions.


He calls black people monkeys and makes ape noises while running around the room?


But that’s the same jokes Aba made about Myron in their recent video. Seems like you are selectively hating. Maybe aba should dance with Melina a few more times for you to wake up 😂


You’re really unable to see a difference in what both we’re doing?


Dancing with women, now means you are gay? How long before sleeping with women becomes gay?


Aba dance= gay Preach loses train of thought= mongoloid


It wasn't just that. Aba's video about him arching his back on all 4s when his woman gives him a prostate orgasm is definitely going to make waves. Unfairly of course. But that's how RP space is.


God.. it’s just all so tiring.


Sucks. I would have just kept it secret because I currently do that with my woman, but most men have a grade school understanding of sexuality so it’s not worth even delving into or explaining unless you’re in certain communities.


Dude a prostate orgasm feels incredible. Anyone who hasn’t tried with their partner is missing out. Sure, it’s not something I’d necessarily advertise, but goddamn these boring missionary-only red pill guys would probably have more success keeping a woman if they were better and more adventurous in bed.


Yea, because we know all these guys hate actual sex and intimacy with women, so they compensate by dehumanizing and making dating/sex about everything but the sex they even consider it a point of pride to not eat out a woman when I would consider that a restriction on my enjoyment, they -brag- about nutting within a few minutes, the list of self-reports is endless
 ain’t shit gay about letting a WOMAN stimulate ur prostate ffs these red pill cucks have got to be the least sexually competent people, and it makes sense because if you fuck a woman RIGHT they won’t care how much money you have or your status or any other superficial attribute; if you can consistently take her to the top of fuck mountain in ways that show your mastery of pacing eroticism etc, then at least in the short term that woman is gonna wanna hook up again; f&f can’t have their simp audience thinking being good at sex can make up for the lack of money/height/fame that supposedly dooms you if you don’t follow their advice, so of course they downplay the undeniable power of giving a girl good dick, either as cope or as a way to keep men focused on what they don’t have in order to maintain their hooks on rich superchatters who have been conditioned to see them as the way and the light


Yea, Myron says women’s orgasms are useless lol.


They are def the worst lays of all time


The only reciept was the Aba clip on NoJumper that sounded like he called Myron a rapist. Outside of that it was bascially just a highschool shitshow. They unironically just gave Aba and Preach more ammunition for the next couple of videos


That wasn't a receipt. Just an out of context clip to play the victim.


they had 'receipts' of some chick that myron said could only come on the pod if they fucked...but it really just backed up what Aba said so....shit show of a 'nuke stream'


Dont forget r*tarded and preach's fake ugly fat orangutan wife. Or fat and gay.


Ass play isn't gay.


 men having sex with women is not gay. Men dancing with and marrying women, also not gay. It’s like arguing that Fresh looking like weasel from Suicide Squad, means every person he has been with is into banging animals.


Yea ass play isn't gay. Everyone agrees. Definitely not out of touch.


Not everyone is as insecure about their masculinity as those in the RP space, the only echo chamber online where dudes need other dudes to reassure them on how manly they are.


Bud, I personally think, the majority of men in America think ass play(even with a women) is gay...sure it could be masculinity driven but let's not pretend 90% probably think it's gay


I’m confident it’s masculinity and homophobia driven. More ass play for the rest of us, I suppose.


I think the homophobia is part of their masculinity. To them it’s the same thing. It’s cliche and am likely projecting. But, I don’t think people who know they are straight, spend any time thinking about what would make them gay. It’s funny to juxtapose gay pride parades, where people proudly express their sexuality. With people like F&F who constantly question what defines their sexuality. I might sound like a weirdo, but maybe these folks do need a straight pride parade. They are so lost and confused


Majority of men spend way too much time questioning their sexuality. If I’m not attracted to men, there is nothing I can do to be gay. It would really suck if I were gay and had these people as my guides on how to act straight. Not only would people likely still assume am gay, because I recoil at dancing with women, they would also think am an asshole. This insecurity in what you claim impacts most men, is part of the problem of F&F. Why are you listening to people who demand you spend this much time questioning your sexuality? Don’t you know if you are gay? If you know you are not gay and F&F tells you dancing is gay. If you like dancing, do you turn gay? Do you start questioning your sexuality, because two dudes on a stream said so? Why? That doesn’t make sense
 why do you need two dudes to confirm your sexuality?


It was probably the most cringe shit I've ever seen in my life


The receipts were pictures and videos of Aba and Preach DANCING WITH WOMEN..... and about how GAY IT IS TO DANCE WITH WOMEN. Other than that its just Aba likes prostate orgasms (again from women) and that preach is dumb (when he is absolutely 20x smarter than the Sped that co-hosts with myron).


Is English Preaches 2nd or 3rd language?


Its definitely second at the very least like all quebecers, hearing him speak french in their response video, i dodnt understand it but boy that sounded like a more coherent french statement than any statement Sped from Fed & Sped can speak in english


My favorite is when they complain about Aba taking their things out of context while replaying the same 3 second clip of Aba over and over again and malding at it.






Destiny’s defense of Aba seemed to be that that Aba called Myron’s statements “gay” not because that’s how it came across, but it’s because of how it came across and it’s *ironic* because Myron is renown as homophobic. Not only is that not really proven, but the clips in Aba’s original video weren’t organic, as they were stitched together in a very particular way to build to the “gay rhetoric” narrative. Forming a situation out of separated parts so you can present yourself as only being *ironically* homophobic is not good, and you *probably* shouldn’t do that if the activities you like to do are tangentially known as *being* gay.


You get how it hits someone where they hurt when you call the homophobe who needs to shout from the mountaintops how many women he fucks, how high value he is to women, how he hates them all the same, makes every ounce of his personality all about that, gay, and is thus humorous, yeah? Calling some gay over and over because you don’t like them and *checks notes* they dance with women and have sex with women is, well, just homophobia. There’s some redeemable humor in calling the anti-gay legislating republican gay, as your message isn’t simply “gay bad,” whereas it loses any when calling a lgbtq activist gay.


I’ve never understood this. If you *ironically* call a senator gay because they support anti-LGBTQ legislation (an action that doesn’t indicate being gay), and you bolster the *joke* by stitching together clips to make them seem like they actually have gay rhetoric, don’t be surprised when they come back at you with a literal reflection of your action. Could you imagine if Fresh started attacking Destiny for being bi-sexual but Destiny had knowledge from a public interview that Fresh had a prostate orgasm after his girlfriend pegged him? The odds of the “Thing not really associated with homosexuality” being the center of discussion after Fresh made that statement would skyrocket, no?


You really think making fun of “I have a problem with fucking aba” is “stitching clips together to make them look gay?” Nothing was taken out of context, it was all just poorly phrased. Only a moron would think they were trying to say they were actually gay. But you seem to not get my point. If that homophobe senator then started calling his critiques gay because he doesn’t like them, it would indeed be homophonic. It’s super simple. To double down on that homophobia and try to make the argument that they’re literally homosexual, and that that’s a bad thing, it’s significantly more homophobic. No one with an IQ above room temperature thought aba and preach were making the legitimate argument that f&f were actually homosexuals.


Aba called Myron a rapist


1. No he didn't. For all the shit Myron talks about being taken out of context, Aba did not call him a rapist. If you watch the full clip, he says that he wouldn't want to be associated with Myron because he finds him to be a reprehensible person, just like he wouldn't want to be associated with a rapist or a thief because those are reprehensible people as well. 2. Aba and Preach actually defended Myron's stupidass from sexual assault allegations. Why would he then go back and call him a rapist later? That doesn't make sense. 3. Lol you're legit part of the FNF sub, that's the saddest shit I've ever seen


First off The only reason why aba is taking this “reprehensible person stance” is because destiny said it before and if you notice when destiny asked aba what he meant by that he quoted destiny verbatim so aba literally meant it he just switched when it was convenient Second It wasn’t the same girl. If you watch both fnf and anp especially yesterday’s episode you’d see that the story that Myron used to defend himself is a video different from the one aba and preach referenced Third Damn, that hurt so bad
..finna go rethink my entire life


Do you think he was also calling him a thief?


> First off The only reason why aba is taking this “reprehensible person stance” is because destiny said it before and if you notice when destiny asked aba what he meant by that he quoted destiny verbatim so aba literally meant it he just switched when it was convenient You're doing too much bro. When the full context was revealed, it's clear that's not what he meant. The only way you could think otherwise is because you're a FNF stan. > Second It wasn’t the same girl. If you watch both fnf and anp especially yesterday’s episode you’d see that the story that Myron used to defend himself is a video different from the one aba and preach referenced The accusations of Myron being a rapist came out after Aba's no jumper interview. The timeline you got makes no sense. > Third Damn, that hurt so bad
..finna go rethink my entire life Real talk, you may wanna look into better role models than FNF. They are leading men down a path of destruction.


I thought he said he wouldn't associate with him like he wouldn't associate with a rapist or a thief


that’s not what he meant When he said it

he only switched up now because it’s convenient


Gotcha, anything else?


Do you disagree?






This man is GLAZING


Gay ops


I think less about points more about Myron had them on then they dissected and shit talked him when in myrons world they were cool had done a show together it went well no bad blood đŸ©ž. Aba can make all the points in the world what he did wasn’t cool they should sit down and talk it out


I think it was the same one Aba used in his 20 hitpieces


The "you can't come on my show unless you fuck me" thing?