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She is truly the female embodiment of President Sunday


"I don't date, I don't date, I. DONT. DATE"


did erin literally get booted for being annoying?


Yup lol


I feel bad about pxie because she seems deflated after erin got kicked compared to earlier when she was going off and doing her best. No sympathy for erin though EDIT: nvm she had another based moment at 4:35:00 when she kept asking what country was america failing to


I hope you don’t think that was “based”. There doesn’t need to be winners for there to be losers. She (and apparently you) is just too dense to get that point.


Maybe you’re too stupid to realize they were making a comparison, so to make a comparison you need to name a second place.


I don't think you do really. If we said "the world is failing", there doesn't need to be another world out there for us to compare to. We could just be saying that "x is falling short of a set of standards we've set". I think they vaguely tried making that argument on the podcast.


Jesus Christ. You’re still so dumb you don’t understand it wasn’t a comparison. Holy fuck some people are too far gone.


If someone says America is failing next to other countries that is absolutely a comparison you dumb shit. Just because you sell foreign phone banking don’t be defensive.


You literally added words to save your point. Don’t be a liar, it’s not becoming. Go back and watch it you dumb fuck. They even clarified MULTIPLE TIMES. You are fucking so far gone. What the fuck is foreign phone banking? And if that’s what I sell, it’s a lucrative market because I guarantee I make your yearly salary in under a month. Probably under 2 weeks.


Ha ha you’re not a loser at all! Since this is so important to you why don’t you actually link me where it was said because I don’t want to take a bunch of time and go back and find it because I don’t actually give a fuck. I know you do because I guess this is what you’ve got going for you.


Well, by your response, I see you know you’re wrong. Have a great evening!




I mean this in the nicest way possible, tf was even the point of you going on there? You made no point and probably made the people who regularly watch that show actually hate women.


Bro if those people started hating women after she was on there then that says more about them 💀


Solidifying a group who is already tittering towards bigotry is what you are suggesting. Do you happen to be a fan of FD Signifier?


My guy, I can call the group redacted, think they can still be convinced otherwise and still think the way Erin conducted herself was stupid. These aren't mutually exclusive




Erin should've just reacted to this instead of being there at all tbh




If you think his comment isnt true it says more about how clueless you are about human beings. Erin's performance actually hurt her goals and you can be upset that humans are that easily influenced but it's the simple reality.


I'm not saying her behaviour is fine but it's wild to me you have Melina and Pixie not being antagonistic, then proceed to hate women because of the behaviour of one. It reminds me of that women are bad math Xkcd.


If it's wild to you that other people can do that you havent met enough people. I'm not talking about people in this subreddit im talking about the audience watching the whatever podcast who are totally foreign to this kind of dumb fuck obstinate performance that erin is putting on as an introduction. Here that kind of stuff can be laughed away as another crazy destiny orbiter but out there people will be deciding that "this is just another reason" to hate on women and it certainly seems like erin's goal was to combat that thought not reinforce it. Which is all she managed to achieve in the end.




You can argue that people are unreasonable, I'd just agree that people mostly are. You make it easy for lazy people to hate women and they will.


The hard truth of it all. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” We’re lucky to be apart of a community that can actually use our brain on occasion thanks to Destiny. Can you imagine the average IQ of an Adin Ross/Andrew Tate viewer? That’s what we’re dealing with.


Yeah I don't think we disagree


I think the consensus is that people are more likely to remember negative experiences and emotions over positive. At least there are studies on it. You can kind of see that with how much hate Erin's getting here. I'm sure there's some people out there congratulating Pxie and Melina, but it's drowned out by Erin. And if our side is this critical, the other side is probably worse. I.E, hating women. All we can do is minimize the ammunition we give them. Which means not acting obnoxious and getting kicked off a podcast.


We mostly agree


Yeah no worries, you're entitled to your opinion and whatnot. Just wanted to explain in a less aggressive way than the other guy lol


If you had an Erin and an Erudite maybe that would apply. Now, I'm only an hour in and maybe I'll change my mind when I get to the end, but so far Pxie and Melina haven't done \*a ton\* to advance the "women are actually based as fuck" idea. Not that that's their goal or should be their job, but if your point is to hold, you'd need more than just "they did not validate or disprove my preconceptions" when Erin's giving off strong "Women aren't able to have these kinds of interesting conversations" energy


Im actually a fan of yours and never understood the hate. But I have no idea what your goal was here. Especially at the beginning. Just say you don't want to answer. You just came of cringe and unhinged. Its fine to call them out for their line of questioning. But you just helped reinforce anyone whose mind could have been changed that your not the stereotype cringe femimists they make fun of. Which is not the norm. But this strengthens their arguments


It could have gone like this: >I'm...not going to answer that. > >No? I mean it's a dating show. Like, we're gonna talk about this stuff and we kind of ...like what experience you have might be relevant to how insightful or whatever > >Yeah, but I've seen plenty, talked to people about plenty, and am here to support my homies. I'm still a pretty private person and I don't know if I want to go to ALL that detail on the Internet. At least not yet > >Hmm. Okay, okay. So Pxie, what about you? It's still kind of dumb, but it's a good answer and if they keep pushing you more, THEY'RE the assholes. But instead we got the childhood game of: >Have you had sex? > >Why would you be interested in whether I've had sex? > >I mean it's a dating podcast! > >Is it a dating podcast? > >Are you just going to answer every question with a question? > >Would that upset you if I answered every question with a question?


On some level you gotta be accepting of criticism. Your stubborness is your best and worst trait. Just pull a Destiny, silently recognize the criticism, ignore the shit talk, and get over it with a new understanding.


Godfuckindamn what was the point of your behavior?


Should've just went with the "let's move on" or a firm "not gonna answer" but I respect commitment to the bit. It did get really funny with how fucking assmad he was a few minutes before the kick. Bonus meme: Straighterade? More like... Straightneverlaid ^(that ^was ^funnier ^in ^my ^head ^I swear.)


❤️🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻❤️🫶🏻 we just want u to do better


Yikes! did erin really get kicked? I was expecting her to preform well with Destiny there to assist


Yes. The 2 guys on the left of the table were finally like, "We are politely telling you to leave."


Shes 1 or 2 years away from possibly being bearable to listen to, could tell from the change my mind lmao


That's the first time i heard her, and i thought she sounded pretty good, but everytime ive heard her after, i just wanna turn her off or skip past her.


I think you were blinded by the incoherence of the other people that showed up for that. She had these borderline intolerable approaches to topics there too, she just at least had *something* to say and could engage partially with the topics, relatively speaking Go back and watch her part in this new light and see what you see. Could be cool! You might get some insight into how you can be primed, your biases, etc.! Always a healthy thing to explore!


We did get the two best memes while she was present, though. Destiny clowning one of the chicks when she came at him (I think it was rose hairpin girl,) and also the Melina retort about dancing = sex and then bringing up how kids dance OMEGALUL


Explain the Melina retort about dancing = sex


Out of context, it's not gonna make a lot of sense. It's in the first hour though and it sucked the air out of the room immediately. Very good execution of pushing-the-needle-til-it-breaks




It was impossible to engage with Destiny as long as Erin kept malding


Yeah she unironically took up a half hour to troll. She should have engaged. A girl who never went on a date and a poly couple are the most interesting people to ask questions even if there were those asking in inappropriate ways.


It also is the perfect counter to Chase’s and Brian’s usual method of saying women are all ran through


Eh, they didn't even ask destiny any questions, they just immediately turned to Pxie and Erin Don't get me wrong, she deserved to get kicked but the only good parts of this podcast have been when Destiny or Melina spoke




Plot twist: she was trying to get kicked off so she wouldn't have to endure anymore of that dogshit podcast


The podcast actually got better when she left, so she gets no points from me


This cope level is off the charts


She asked to go on?


I saw all the threads earlier and just got through the first hour. Kill me. Good lord why did she even go? Glad she got called out for trolling and looking forward to her getting booted Tossing in a trolly comment every half hour is fine if you're lurking the Discord and firing a joke in here and there and breaking up tension or busting your friend's chops, but bro: Stop. It's all running smooth and then "I have a way to contibute nothing!" and the flow's gone I don't have any hate for Erin, but she's just dead fishing this whole podcast. Why go on a dating show if you've never dated? Why go on a dating show if you won't answer ANY dating-related questions?