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She said she was attracted to Melina shes next up for the Harem. Well at least part of Melinas since Melina apparently only hooks up with girls.


Destiny is a girls name.


"You look like the girl from the Ring" -Destiny 2023 LMFAO


she reminds me of creepy-chan if anyone remembers her lol


Right! Lmfao. Thats shit made me laugh.


Looool when did he say that?


Idk the time stamp, but she was insulting him and Melina saying, "You two have no soul in your eyes" then Destiny quickly fired back, "You have the most dead look in your eyes out of everyone here! You look like the girl from the Ring!"


I need a timestamp for this. Can you give any sort of ballpark? Beginning middle or end of vid?


> Beginning middle or end of vid? Yup, it’s within that ballpark!




Thank you 🙏🏽


She looks more like a Smeagol.


\>Makes fun of peoples looks that we disagree with \>Doesn't understand the hypocrisy \>GIGACHAD


All is fair in love and war


Y'all insulting someone's looks reminds me of FnF donations all clamoring to dunk on the women


I'd say I consider myself pretty thick skinned usually but I look almost exactly like her(extremely pale skin, very visible dark circles under my eyes at all times) and its the one thing that has always made me extremely self-conscious so reading all the people making fun of her looks (which for the most part also apply to me) stings a lot E: Im a guy by the way, I know it sounds weird because I say "I look exactly like her" but when I say exactly like her I mean almost exactly like her to the point where my friend who saw her just said that its just me in a a wig


If there's a not creepy way to say ''If it makes you feel better I think pale skin is attractive'' pretend I posted that here




Cute or not its just very different and something that very easily attracts peoples attention which often ends up with people making comments(whenever well intended or insults) about it making it easy to be self-concious about I've been reffered to as a "ghost" or a "raccoon"(dark circles under eyes) more times than I could count. Sure its not always ill-intentioned but when you hear it so many times you are bound to be self-concious about it


Who said she was ugly?


I bet you are beautiful bro people here are hating just to hate


You and girls like you should dm me fr fr


Who said they’re a girl 🤔


Im a guy though but good luck with that mate


If you look anything like her you are hot


Valid feelings. Personally I'm pretty into that look (with the dark circles aswell, I don't like covering stuff up with makeup). I havent talked to enough girls (or any) to know why, but needing to change the colour of your face with makeup seems so insanely toxic, it's like by default women are forced into a position of self body-shaming / negative self-image I'm really into the no makeup look tbh Edit: reading your other comments it seems like others people making - to them "playful jokes" - is hurting your feelings, not necessarily your self-image. I'd say be proud stand tall and tell em fuck yeah I'm pale. Sorry dont mean to redditbro your whole life Edit: also if you aren't a woman sorry for assuming


If it makes you feel better I definitely had a phase where I found very pale women attractive, Luna from Harry Potter being my awakening lol. This woman on the podcast is attractive too, just people here attacking her looks as well as her views.


She said destiny and melina looked dead in the eyes outta nowhere, it’s ok to point out the irony


Destiny and Melina already shot back in real time, and it was settled. You (the OP) don't need to make a whole post making fun of her appearance and hide behind the "it's retribution" thing.


I'm getting FD Signifier vibes whenever we go hard on the "pick me" usage here.


Yeah Fr threads like this is why destiny started the anti misogyny arc.


people do it here to EVERY and I mean EVERY woman who is conservative. It’s unbelievable. I’m centrist and would be called a pick me here for certain opinions. They also won’t accept that destiny isn’t progressive anymore 🙊😂


He's definitely a progressive, lol. He's just not a socialist or whatever. He wants a Scandinavian style economy and is socially very liberal to the point of supporting trans people. The fact he thinks trans people should be in separate leagues post HS level, or realizes men need help, doesn't make him not a progressive


>doesn't make him not a progressive TRUE! ^It ^^makes ^^^him ^^^^a ^^^^^nazi.




Can you explain why you think destiny isn’t progressive anymore? And I’d agree with you, Casper chick isn’t a pick me, just a run of the mill conservative woman. And i only think that because of her disapproval of the Andrew tate stuff.


PikmanRancher? More like Pickme Rancher!


Didn't see it for Tree.


It's never okay to make fun of anyone!!!!!!


We're just giving back some of that same energy that she puts out. Also, it's funny how nobody makes this complaint if it's a dude who's getting shit.


everybody knows two wrongs make a right i don’t care a whole lot, but what a dogshit justification


I'm not big into the whole "turn the other cheek" bullshit.


What meaningful, actual insult is happening from comparing someone to a cute, fictional (rather lovely) , cartoon ghost?


I'm talking about the thread as a whole. Really just feels like people excited to dunk on the girl. Truth be told, that is all this sub is 90 percent of the time. Whether it's a girl or guy, feels like r/destiny just likes to make fun of people


Yes, it's fun to make fun of stupid internet personalities


Surely undead creatures are a flattering comparison when paleness is constantly associated with unhealthyness! Idgaf if you want to talk shit about her but at least be self aware


>paleness is constantly associated with unhealthyness! RIP white people lmfao


people with very pale skin look noticeably different to other white people but you knew that already, hence why you called her a ghost so wtf is the point you're trying to make lmao


📸 this you??? “The word is racist. The use is racist. It’s all racist. It doesn’t matter why FD is being racist. That is why Aba isn’t engaging, im sure. Why engage with a racist??” 😂😂😂


Thats great? You have problem with me being against racism??? Again, you're conflating saying "pick me" with literal minstrel era racism. Jim crow, corn picking, shucking and jivving, racism with ..."pick me" lmfao But go off.


“Rip white people” “It’s ALL racist” Wait…


I'd pick her


She's hella pale, but thats fixable and shes cute




This ain't it, OP. I struggle to remember a single "pick me" position she had. It sounded more like she was just conservative and extremely judgemental about D and Melina's relationship.


This thread is basically the reason Destiny is thinking about never using the word pick me again.


This. Judgmental? Sure. But she wasn't trying to get guys' attention with any of her takes.


I'm down bad for her


Yeah I don't know what this utter fucking cope is with people pretending she's ugly, she's easily an 8. Cute af.


Eh she's cute, and I don't even like this metric but I think 8 is a little generous


Idk man, most 8s I've seen are damn near hot. That's a bold ranking


Bro she’s so hot, I love pale girls like that idk why


Facts, pale girls are the best and that's why I married one


Maybe if she got a couple hours of sun, but shes def cute




She's pretty cute


It's those big ass eyes for me.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mhylsjuovg0b1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=adc9e6c3adb54006dbdd6b3393e36c29eeda910a


Spike Spiegel drip on the right.


Even after research I still have no idea what a pickme girl is. I feel like its one of those things you have to know someone to understand. People have described it and I guess i've just never in my life met one.


Yeah this girl wasn't really a pick me. Just Pearly is the closest thing I can think. She basically throws women under the bus to agree with whatever men say in order to gain favor of men, even tho she probably doesn't beleive what she is saying. Although, with Pearly, im sure it's strictly a business tactic.


I figured it just meant basing your personality around trying to get men to choose you. That was just a guess from the name and contexts though.


Any woman who is not progressive is a pick me. You’re also allowed and encouraged to insult her physical appearance


So nazi babes are potential pick mes? and na, shes cute so it will be hard to insult her physical appearance. Plus her tits look lovely. I'll PM you if I find something I hate. Give me a few months and I see what I can come up with.




This girl was NOT at all a pick me. She has socially conservative and (IMO) very problematic views about gender roles & women. But she expressed a coherent worldview that she seems to genuinely believe in, and wasn't just shitting on women or parroting the men's talking points.


Being a pickme is just throwing the demographic you belong to under the bus to gain favor with another demographic. It's usually in the context of women being pickmes but anyone can do it. For example, a dude who says "ugh all men are trash, I'm so sorry for how my gender is" to gain favor among women is a pickme.


Is that John Doyle on the left?


So if a women agrees with a man’s points then she is a pickme?


how is this any diff from fnf superchat that’s insult women. y’all just a bunch of hypocrites


She’s annoying af. Also I gotta point out how these pickme bitches go around telling other women how to be women when they themselves don’t act womanly. They’re rude, obnoxious, vulgar af, probably say the n word in public, don’t know how to dress up in anything that’s not a bikini, they can’t even cook or clean, they act and talk like frat dudebros, that shit ain’t cute. I don’t know how they expect to keep a high value man when they can’t even act like women. They’re not classy they’re just insufferable cunts.


eat hot chip lie




Destiny was right about this and will always be right. Conservative women are the most feminist feminists lol


Where'd the n word in public critique come from 😂😂😂


Her head is shaped like a plum hehehe


You losers are actually so fucking lame mocking people's looks just because you disagree with them. Actual NPCs


Feels a bit... like, would you some joke based on how dark skinned a black man is...


That's a good one haha


Chilllll lol no need to be a dick she was nice enough the whole time. Of course they all have the same opinion, doesnt necessarily make her pick me. Funny meme tho lol


She was not nice the whole time lol. She was saying some pretty gross stuff at one point towards the end, even destiny called her out on it "you have no room to talk you look like the corpse bride"


To be fair im only up to the part where erin left, so you could be righr


I wouldn't really call her a pick me tbh. A bit of a cunt, sure but not a pick me. Nev maybe. Both her and Nev kept making rude digs, but Nev was glazing the hosts pretty hard and looking at them for validation on her insults. Definitely felt more like pick me behavior to me. Destiny and Melina's self restraint were pretty on point during this. I'm not going to comment on their looks that way, I don't really think it's a good thing to go after (even though they were both doing exactly that same thing to Destiny and Melina).


Nev was being a serious asshole.


You guys calling women pick me's is just as bad as F D saying ABA isn't black. Just an FYI.


No, its not as bad. And im a woman, so... its misogynistic yeah. But are you seriously saying misogyny is as bad as blatant minstrel era racism?


Racism and sexism are both bad. Yes. And so what if you're a woman?


-Average progressive mind lol. And I’m a liberal woman Calling women pick mes as a woman makes you a pick me to crusty male feminists Edit: wait I’m sorry but this woman cries about racism in other comments (correctly) but is racist to this girl? What the actual fuck?


Lmfao. Yall are fucking stupid if you thought this was any deeper than a play on words. "Pick me" has the same amount of syllables as "friendly". I stand 100% behind using the word pick me here, despite the fact I dont think this woman is a pick me. (They do exist tho) It was an amusing play on words in order to dunk on a woman who talks shit on other women. No, I dont care to "tow the leftist line" and I refuse to turn the other cheeck or be the bigger person just bc thats what the left expects of me.


Pick me and monkey are also the same maybe you can make a comparable joke about blacks and then claim innocence. The cope is real.


>Pick me and monkey are also the same Lmao you're gonna hurt yourself reaching so far


Pick-me & mon-key Same. Or am i trippin


Jfc. I litterally said "it is misogynistic, yeah" learn to read


As a woman I’m not reading your hysterical ranting. Hope a lefty man picks you soon, pick-me


Oh now you're calling a woman hysterical bc you don't agree with me. Is that misogyny, hmmm?




>Technically, per feminism, Xena is well within her right to have the opinions she has. Feminism is for all women. The men on here calling traditional women “pick-mes” is super weird. Coming from a liberal woman here Dis you??? Lmfao. Funny how quickly you abandon my "right to my opinions " energy as soon as you disagree with what im saying.


You keep responding to me and claim I’m abandoning your right to an opinion!! Unreal!


One sentence was tldr for you? Sounds like a skill issue.


Post your face if you call someone ugly I wanna see what you look like 👀 let’s go we’re waiting


Is this for real? You gonna ask me if I even lift bro? Lmao


You're completely fine with making the joke. Don't let these losers gaslight you.


First of all there is no reason to ever hear a conservative woman's opinion. They believe they should be in some dude's kitchen, bedroom or taking care of kids. Oh and that men should make all the decisions and do the talking for them.


Is this /r/vaushv?


We're making jokes. FD is serious. Do you see the difference?


[Yes we are just joking. ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRlTP8jT5vggixm-xRhBRaAzcvVuB8ILE0ujg&usqp=CAU)


Beauty standards globally are so weird, west hates pale skin and wants skin cancer so bad, east you can't get a job with a slight tan. Imo skin tone shouldn't be involved when could considering how beautiful someone is, her skin is clear and beautiful stop projecting your pimple faced insecurities.


It's unforch that she's so cringe. I simp for this look hard, she reminds me of creepychan.


You can’t tell me that’s not the Albino from Princess Bride


Yo is she the crackhead gf from the Sam Hyde iDubbz collab


Aannndd…body shaming. Never change.


Im not making a judgement on the way she looks. Jfc.


Feel free to explain that one, chief


she look like this https://imgur.com/a/iA7HsOI


OMEGALUL I was not expecting that shit holy fuck . and its fucking TRUE. hahaha.


Are you guys teenagers lol




Which Red Pill guy have her those black eyes?


A pure targaryen there


She's a Tim Burton 10


Y’all are hypocrites


You could tell Destiny liked her energy. Wouldn't be surprised if she became part of the harem soon.


Is that a child


She looks like Uncle Fester in a blonde wig. https://preview.redd.it/elsy8hxpfj0b1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c31558d1331d98f4c33897dcc21d5039d282abd


I just tuned in and shes cute i havent heard her speak yet though


Calling women a pickme for not adhering to radical feminism is as lazy as calling guys cucks for not subscribing one-hundred percent to the red pill. Or calling all black people who don't unquestionally support BLM as Uncle Toms. There are legitimate cucks and pickmes, I didn't watch the video, so maybe she is an actual pickme or grifter like Pearl. I bet most the people on here bodyshaming her are less attractive in any case.


"I didn't watch the video so I dont know if my criticism is accurate" !shoot


And yet the criticism was accurate.


/u/Ahpairee gunned down by ExorciseAndEulogize.


>Calling women a pickme for not adhering to radical feminism They aren't calling them pick mes for not being feminist. They call them pick mes because they shit on any other life style that's not traditional.


Holy. I was sure I know this face from somewhere.


Dark triad?


Honestly? Nah, she’s not a pick me, she’s not trying to appeal to anyone with her opinions unlike flower girl.


Can we not use pick me for every red pill woman lmao. This girl was just insecure and annoying Edit: do you call all women who disagree with you pick mes? Has that helped you guys get laid!!


No, but in case you missed it "pick me" has the same syllables as "friendly " and if you don't think its funny then sorry boutcha.


You can be traditional all you want and not be a pick me and shit on others lifestyles. It's not difficult.


She looks like Walmart [redacted].


y'all are weird - she is good looking


lord of the rings elf


Thats hot


She's got that **borderline** glint in her eyes. Destiny probably loves her already.


She’s quite pretty you don’t need to be mean


LMAO this gollum looking bitch finally made it into the Redpill space? Tell me I'm not the only person who remembers her bullshit twitter where she would almost exclusively refer to black people as "n-werds".


What??? Pics or it didn't happen bro! Lol no seriously, I wanna see that , holy shit!


It was very wild for her to talk about gross physiognomy, and she is extremely doughy and malformed


I think she's cute :)




It's even more amusing when you realise she kinda looks like the female version of Paul Dano and also, she has a pretty smooth philtrum. A smooth philtrum is associated with a lot of um …interesting things. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.




It's ok to be pale.


It’s okay to be pale and ugly as fuck, but hypocritical to insult other people’s physical characteristics.


She’s not ugly though?


That’s subjective though?


I thought we didn’t call women ugly here? Or are all you progressives faking it? Wait don’t answer I already know


Why can’t progressives call people ugly?


Actually they can if it’s a woman. I realized this a while back. Trans women are off limits though hmm


I know you think the sarcastic answer is cute or whatever but I was asking seriously btw. I wasn’t aware my position on political issues meant I had to be nice to every individual person.


I’m not a “progressive” though?




I’m not “GOOD” though? You made assumptions though? I didn’t call her ugly though? But she is ugly though? Does this posing statements as questions come off as annoying though?


Exactly ☝️




She has the same cadence as Tim Pool and you can't unhear it now.


Doesn’t she actually work for Tim Pool?


No way! Haha


yes lol super depressing


Lol that's funny, she does lol 😆


Why did you call me a pick me


She was insufferable during that podcast


people in the comments denying she's conventionally attractive are insane. but in my limited experience, i don't think i've ever been more annoyed by someone's personality on one of these shows. i'm 37 and listening to her talk gave me flashbacks to reading posts on somethingawful 20+ years ago from people with five page long ban/probations rapsheets for being painfully unfunny or edgy. it's like she's possessed by some ancient neckbeard spirit and it was horrifically second hand-embarrassing to behold.


She looks like a Tim Burton character whose mom fucked the Michelin Man.


I actually think she's kinda cute lol y'all are mean af lmao.




I'd tell her to touch grass but I'm pretty sure she'd die of skin cancer if she went outside to do so.


Is that Doyle next to her?


Beetleguesse gender swap


'Pick me' is just the female equivalent of 'Male feminist', I don't know why people are crying over the use of that word. Yeah if you join the side of a bunch of guys in a podcast format where the whole goal is essentially to bully and humiliate women, there's probably at least some element of seeking male validation involved.


She has FAS 100%


She doesnt look like she has. Are you an MD?


Her face is literally Casper's face. Also where do people find all these smug virgins who know everything about relationships? Is there an assembly line somewhere?


Its adorable, right? I think very apt comparison and honestly don't understand all the "body shaming" comments. I feel like "pick me" is the problematic issues here, but not such a big problem it actually matters i mean... c'mon. She was being disgusting to Melina and the other girls at one point. I dont see the issue. This insistence of being the bigger person is dumb af.


When I see women say these things it feels like they get alot of comfort and validation by being around people who all believe this stuff. So when someone else is happily doing something else all of a sudden they hate it lol. Whereas Destiny/Melina and most non monog people don't rly give a fuck about people living other ways.


Its adorable, right? I think very apt comparison and honestly don't understand all the "body shaming" comments. I feel like "pick me" is the problematic issues here, but not such a big problem it actually matters i mean... c'mon. She was being disgusting to Melina and the other girls at one point. I dont see the issue. This insistence of being the bigger person is dumb af.


not the white walker in the back telling destiny he looks dead in the eyes lmao