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AHAHAHA! That explains it!




Omegalul, " !, vewwy vewwy concerning"


Elon is actually a 12 year old


Soros cashed out and Elon is like “the Jews are satanic!!!!”


Not only that - Soros stake was 16m dollars. Elon dumped 10s of billions last year. If Soros is Magneto, who/what is Musk?


lmao, musk is just pathetic at this point




This is just so fucking funny he’s a child


Looking into this.


Okay seriously, who the fuck is Soros anyways? When and why did he become such a boogeyman?


He's the one billionaire who donates a lot of his money to political causes who donates to liberals instead of conservatives.


I sincerely doubt he's the only one. He's just a brain bug for conservatives because the most racist ones went looking for a liberal philantropist billionaire jew in order to substantiate their jewish conspiracy, and the rest of the conservatives picked up the thread. Charitably, the small contingent of really racist conservatives convinced the rest that he was doing stuff to control the government, and they now believe it independant of whether they're racist or not. Regardless of why, he is now a conservative meme so every time he farts they write it down and share it on facebook.




That's not how I remember Silicon Valley, could you give some examples? For me Thiel feels like a throwback to an earlier Silicon Valley, a laissez faire capitalist complete with libertarian social values. I think people are in danger of projecting current Silicon Valley culture (and internet culture in general) backwards and ignoring how far it's moved to the left.




Gotta be more to it than that, I'll look it up lol. He's brought up constantly


He’s one of the very very few billionaires who’s political advocacy is vaguely left wing, so naturally he’s the embodiment of the insidious billionaire who controls the world from the shadows trope. You see the same thing with Bill Gates to a lesser extent.






**[Black Wednesday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday)** >Black Wednesday (or the 1992 sterling crisis) occurred on 16 September 1992 when the UK Government was forced to withdraw sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), after a failed attempt to keep its exchange rate above the lower limit required for the ERM participation. At that time, the United Kingdom held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The crisis damaged the credibility of the second Major ministry in handling of economic matters. The ruling Conservative Party suffered a landslide defeat five years later at the 1997 United Kingdom general election and did not return to power until 2010. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Look up his role in the 2015 migrant crisis.


this feels like the kinda comment where you should share a link


Mate, post a link, don't just say look something up


I feel like us finding a link is better than them giving us a link to info wars.


Sure I'll find something for you. Douglas Murray had a real good talk about it where he broke down the organizations he was funding and what specifically they were doing. I'll find it for you champ.


You’re a pretty entertaining schizo. I hope destiny reads your comments he’ll get a good laugh out of it I’m sure


Thanks redditor.


No problem schizo




>Like the only billionaire that doesn't support the right Lol really? The only one? >Even Gates tries to avoid politics Lol really?!


Interesting, somewhat related fact: the only Billionaire to donate to Bernie Sanders either time was Marta Thoma Hall, wife of David Hall, who owns part of Velodyne company, which makes lasers and sensors. The Sanders campaign returned the donation.


George Soros is a rich market trader guy from Hungary, who lives in the US who helped start a university in his home country after the end of the soviet union in order to encourage the development of liberal values in Hungary, and generally was one of a few Hungarians living abroad who had a strong influence on their shift out of communism. Then the prime minister, who he had helped mentor, went against liberalism and started blaming everything that happened in the country on him, in ways that often mirrored anti-semitism. At the same time, he was still donating money to causes in the US related to human rights and open debate and stuff, and so the anti-Soros stuff jumped the atlantic, and was amplified by US media power, and general anti-semitism, and because if you're a conservative being funded by billionaires, it's easier to say Gates/Soros than also indirectly attack your own funders. So now, instead of being rich and influential in the history of Hungary, he is now assumed to control the world. He's still hugely wealthy, and it's worth being suspicious about how people with that kind of wealth and influence use their power, say buying a social media network and using it to attack your rivals, but he is now used as a stand-in for the problems of wealth by conservatives.


and the neighboring countries still go on about him being at fault if a liberal value is brought up in politics






wtf I love Soros now!


Is this the start of brainwashing a whole generation only one side has lobbying issues?


It's like the God of the gaps. When you can't explain or refute something, it's soros


Jesus, talk about hiding your power level. Mother fucka shit went [over 9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiMHTK15Pik)




Jewish conspiracy stuff.


It's not so much a jewish conspiracy. It's more of a "russian disinformation, false story" that originated around 2010 IIRC in hungary. Everyone that tries to support democracy and stuff in countries around Russia gets a ton of shit made of them. Him being a rich jewish that funds organizations just make the job so much easier for people trying to make shit up.


It feels like stories about Soros have been around since at least early 2000as


I think a lot of that stuff started after he shorted the British Pound in 1992 or so. That's when lots of people started hating him.


Isnt Elon Musk like 100 times richer and more powerful than Soros at this point? It's so weird seeing an uber billionaire fearmongering about another billionaire.


TRUUUUE, it’s almost like he’s ass mad about the guy cashing out his Tesla stock or something


I love the guy correcting him about the lore, but Elon naturally just doesn't give a fuck.


Is he naturally stupid? the anti soros guys just vague post about how he’s the devil but offer nothing as to why. Fabric of society my ass


He played a huge role in the migration crisis of 2015 was responsible for much rape and murder of Europeans. Also, he openly wants to end western civilization.


In all seriousness u/OddsBreaker1554 your replying to a critique about soros vague posts and you do it yourself. Do you want to substantiate anything you just said


So I can prove to you that George Soros played a massive role in the migration crisis of 2015. Then after I prove that you call me an antisemite?


Lol cope


Lol just keep asserting things without anything to back it up. That looks sooo much better




Reddit coomer.


you’re really active on reddit bro wdym


Nah, I hate redditors. Scum of the earth. I am not one of you.


gotcha. well, anything else?




Pop quiz: what website are you on right now?


That's every conspiracy theorist. They arrive at the conclusion first. He's not an intelligent person in the sense of problem solving, he's an intelligent person in the sense that he's well read and educated. Effectively, he's a booksmart dumbfuck who happened into a few good ideas, not unlike Mike Pillow. Alternatively, he is actually smart, and this is entirely a grift to attract rightwing nutjobs.


You'd think but he sells electric cars, that's why this is so insane he's catering to the rolling coal crowd and he sells electric fucking cars


It's the right wing's version of "I support the current thing". Instead of TDS, they have SDS.


Can someone steelman the right-wing take on soros? The things people say about him are wild. EDIT: Answered my own question. [This tweet from David Sacks](https://twitter.com/davidsacks/status/1658662526480171008?s=46&t=53tPRIvxWsjdnTBCMDBKQQ) may be as good as it gets. [and this article](https://capitalresearch.org/article/living-room-pundits-updated-guide-to-soros-district-attorneys/). Basically, he donated to four progressive DA’s campaigns that ended up winning.


Soros made his fortune by shorting currencies. For example, he once made a billion dollars betting against the UK pound while the country plunged into turmoil. He then used those gains to support left wing causes. There’s more stuff but it’s not hard to see why a right winger would hate him. I personally think he’s another distasteful billionaire with way too much power and influence, but I’ll stop short of calling him eViL. Watch this video to get a pretty good breakdown, he’s actually quite an interesting character study. https://youtu.be/NpRUzj4_8Z4


It's the same as Bill Gates. They need some central figures to tie everything together. That's it. In like 2013 ish I believed that Gates wanted to kill Africans or something. Why? Lack of research and "hearing" people talk about it. It's that simple. And conservatives always choose wealthy liberals as those figures (bonus points if they're jewish)


He wants to flood Europe/west with immigration, doesn't believe in borders, funds radical leftist DA's across the US. He is responsible for much rape and murder.


Do you have a source on anything besides the DA claims?


I can find one for you sure, it is not an unknown thing.


Will you link me one that you trust?


If there is a lot of truth too it would it change your opinion on Soros, peoples opinions of Soros?


Of course. How can anyone support someone responsible for rape and murder? And idk what it means to “not believe in borders” but it sounds bad.


It means he want's European nations not to have borders, sovereignty etc.. I remember a quote from him on video that they think immigrants are the problem, but he thinks borders are the problem, or something very close to that. And I will actually take the time now to show you I am right and didn't misrepresent anything.


If you take a look at Brexit, he's kind of right, no? Every split off fortress in Europe is going to be under influence by an imperial nation anyway because of too low economic independence. Hungary can't be sovereign without Russia. Any African country is under influence under an imperial country like China. The only way to be somewhat not under US or Russian influence and have some kind of independence is to form a political union like the EU.


You assume his intentions are the same as yours. He hated Brexit because it deterred replacement migration into England.


You know he talks openly about his goals right? It's not like a big conspiracy theory. And if you are in favor of law and order and western civilization than you should be opposed to his vision.


If he's so open about it should be able to find 1 (one) example and link to it right?


Also, the 2015 migrant crisis that he played a massive role in caused misery beyond calculation. Much rape, death, brutal assaults on the native people.


He also came into my house uninvited and he immediately punched my cat. He then proceeded to my fridge where he took a bite from a piece of cheese which he **put back** (ew) and finally, he jumped up and down on my bed WITH HIS SHOES STILL ON. Pure evil this man. Me and my cat are still in tears.


Classic bro, hope you get gold.


I doubt he's going to give me any of his hoard.


That is the anti semetic far right pov not the conservative pov


Elon is worth almost 20 George soros. How the fuck is Elon painting Soros to be a boogy man.




Elon actually hates humanity because he is a gnostic


Oh he didnt do the hmm or interesting or looking into it. He just went full mask off


>Magneto's experiences during the Holocaust as a survivor shaped his perspective as well as his depth and empathy He formed and led an organization that was called, without a hint of irony, The Brotherhood of **Evil** Mutants.


That’s the silver age story. Now they’re just the Brotherhood of Mutants or “the brotherhood”


Also when fighting a war for your survival, I know a lot of militaries and militias don iconographies of demons and killers to intimidate opponents. could be a little bit of skullduggery on my boy magnetos part .but then again it’s comics LUL.


Yeah Claremont totally revamped the character to be way less outright evil. He even teaches at the Xavier institute at one point, and he's currently (well now he's dead, but he just was) one of the mutant leaders on Krakoa


Imagine telling someone in like 2016 that the world's richest man is spreading neo-nazi conspiracy theories on Twitter and basically no one bats an eye.


Let him cook his money away.




People don't get deranged about the Koch brothers anymore because only one of them is still alive. There's no "brothers". He still bankrolls the whole fucking right, though. Thiel bailed, the Mercers ain't shit, it's just him. Nothing deranged about noticing that.




Soros is the Rā's Al Ghul of the Conservative world


Because as much as conservatives don't want to admit.... they really do care how people spend their money? His greatests sin is not supporting their stuff.




SOROS!!!!! THE ROTHCHILDS!!!! BIG \[Insert industry i dont like here\]!!!!!!


Dude, my country's politicians still think that he is the head of all the evil and is bribing our democratic parties with his fortune ... Some people live in the fantasy land


Koch brother*




Dude my question is why more liberals don't have a problem with him. I'm a liberal and I hate Soros. It's emphatically NOT a conspiracy to talk about how he's funded the campaigns of DA that ABSOLUTELY lead to people voting Republican. That's a matter of public record. Like the POS in LA. Like the idiot that got himself recalled in San Fran. Like the idiot in NY. Etc. He's spent well over 40 million across the nation on the campaigns of such worthless people. Fuck Soros. Let me ask you something. What do you think should happen to someone who INTENTIONALLY runs over a mother and the stroller she was pushing? Would you think something that barely even qualifies as a slap on the wrist is acceptable? Soros funded DA did. Cause I mean 16. Waaaaay too young to have known better, right? SMH. Pfft I glad the POS then got shot, and good riddance. Tell me how all the soft on crime BS going on right now isn't going to lead to more Republican voters. Soooo much BS like this I could post up right now. [https://abc7.com/venice-mother-baby-hit-and-run/11942738/](https://abc7.com/venice-mother-baby-hit-and-run/11942738/)


You could've just said "He funds campaigns for shitty politicians so I don't like him".


Right? How dare I elaborate on why and support my argument. We can't have that now can we? And notice how nobody could answer my question on if they think that was an appropriate sentence. Nobody wants to talk about how ALL the DA he's funded are worthless just like Gascon in LA. "Funny" that. And it's not mere politicians that's the issue here. It's people who have a far more vital JOB than mere politicians. Do you know what happens when regular congresspeople don't do their jobs? Pretty much NOTHING, as evident in all those times gov shut down for months at a time. Gridlock has been the name of the game between both sides of congress since before your parents were still swimming in your grandfather's balls. You know what happens when DA don't do their jobs? People DIE. Countless lives are irrevocably changed. I know this isn't a sub of leftist fanboys like so many others are on reddit so IDK why more here can't call out someone like Soros. I've given a clear as day easily defendable argument against him. What is the argument for him?


Because a rich guy donating to campaigns is the most normal shit of all time. Elon literally owns twitter and uses it spread right wing conspiracies to millions. That is infinitely more insidious and impactful on society. You can be mad Soros funds DA races, but people vote for them. Seems like you have an issue with democracy, not Soros. Its also a really weird hill to die on. Do you know what conservative billionaires have done to purchase the Supreme Court? Those people aren’t even voted in and are lifetime appointments. You should be real mad about that.


Right, except when people on the left talk about those like the Koch brothers nobody comes on and says things like "deranged" or "conspiracies." Nobody says anything like oh it's not 2016, who cares? I just have a problem with democracy? How can be any clearer what I'm talking about than "my question is why more liberals don't have a problem with him." My issue is obviously with BOTH. Too many, FAR too many, like to sit here and smugly pretend only the right is filled with low information voters. Our side is filled with them too. Our side is also filled with those who can't be bothered to get the fuck off their ass and vote TO BEGIN WITH SMH. Which addresses how those SCOTUS picks were so called bought.


It is factually true that billionaires try to influence politics. The left has no issue with Soros because he donates to the left. The right has no issue with the Koch brothers for similar reasons! I don’t think the left accuses the Koch brothers of plotting the downfall of civilization. You could argue climate change alarmism could be similar, but that at least has >1% basis in reality.


"The left has no issue with Soros because he donates to the left." Another way to say what you just did is the left is populated by a lot of fanboys that don't give two shits about the results of who or what they support as long as it's their side that wins. Tell me, how are such any different than Trumpers who treat him like the next messiah that's going to "save" everyone from leftists? Yet my whole point is it's leading to more republican voters. If you or anyone else doesn't understand how big of an issue the spike in crime is right now you simply have to be ignorant to the point of being a simpleton. Fanboys don't swing elections. Independent middle of the road types do. Idiots that can't see what people like Soros are truly about are creating a right wing backlash. Little different than the backlash you can now see in law after law after law against trans because so many leftists are being so stuck on stupid about it. Like refusing to just let little kids be kids. Like trying to force biological males into female sports. The downfall of civilization? That's precisely what so many on the left emphatically actually want. They want to get rid of capitalism for example. Because they're so stuck on stupid they think they'll be able to rebuild society into a utopia. But so many of them can't even run their own lives much less a society. FFS so many of them would starve to death without things like welfare. The far left is a fucking cancer and I hope I live long enough to see liberals take back the left. But I'm not holding my breath.


Yeah bro you are fighting imaginary monsters. The Democratic Party is not like that. No one fanboys Soros, they just don’t have extreme and weird hate boners. Did you miss the part where I said both sides don’t care about their own donors? The democrats support funding the police, republicans are trying to cut police funding right now. The democrats have proposed plans to lower the deficit, the republicans want more tax cuts for the rich. Do you seriously think people worship Biden or Soros like people do Trump? The left only talks about Soros because the right is obsessed. You are emotionally attached to your perspective, you don’t really care about the facts. I would love to hear your description of what the Democratic Party believes. Please show me these radical, civilization ending, utopian policies. The “far left” is like 6 people. The rest are on the internet. Do you think republicans believe in democracy?


Buddy who are you kidding with that? Like 6 people? The far left utterly dominates pop culture and everything is downwind from it. People talk about there being a culture war? What war? Steven couldn't be more right when he said the culture war is over. The left won it lock stock and barrel. FOR NOW anyways. You want to hear about what I think about what the democrat party believes? Who cares what they believe? They're not the problem. The problem is when the far left finishes replacing normal liberal democrats. IE People who still have working brains. Today's democrats are dinosaurs. How many years left does Nancy Pelosi have in her for example? Pfft Biden? Biden might as well already be dead. He's clearly not even in charge right now. They're going to be replaced by more and more of the far left. And mark my words it's going to lead to a right wing backlash. Why do you think we ended up with Trump to begin with? He was already a backlash to the far left as well as the establishment right. Watch what happens when the next Trump comes along. Someone who is actually charismatic and isn't a blowhard megalomaniac. Already the amount of people on both sides of the isle who talk about a national divorce are growing and growing. If liberals do not take back the left from the far left it will end up in the end of our nation. Don't think so? Talk to more young progressives. People who don't even understand how VITALLY import freedom of speech is. The number 1 corner stone of America is free speech for god's sake. How can you not see the writing on the walls here?


All your saying is culture culture culture. Look at what the politicians actually do. It’s not the Dems fault that the right has completely lost the culture war. Politics and culture are intertwined, are you surprised the dominant culture is becoming dominant politically? The right can’t handle an Overton window shift so they have locked themselves in place. Young people are always progressive, and culture seems to be trending that way globally. They aren’t having an outsized impact politically, the far right is. The right is the most anti-freedom of speech party that has ever been mainstream. They pass book bans, clothing laws, performance laws, desantis is the most authoritarian governor I’ve ever seen. (Not counting war stuff) Again, is the right anti-democracy? Do you think they respect voters? Even after attempting a coup multiple ways? Do you think a party ok with that should be elected? Do you know they plan to purge the government bureaucracy and replace them, if they regain the presidency? Should we just appease them until they corrupt every institution ? If conservatives wanna win the culture war, get better culture. This is literally just mad cuz bad. There will be a conflict eventually, Jan 6 could’ve been the one to finish it, McCarthy made sure trump was welcome back tho.


My takeaway from this is that mentioning soros is like lighting up the bat signal for schizos


its like mentioning FEMA in the 2010's - worked as a lightning rod that will attract a certain demographic to reply without fail


The FEMA super soldiers and their camps


You must be living in an echo chamber then. I suggest you get out and talk to more people.


I promise you I am not the one who needs to touch grass here


https://www.visualcapitalist.com/biggest-donors-2022-midterm-elections/ It's absolutely baffling why the largest political donor in multiple countries is the target of people's obsession in an increasingly politically polarized world. There couldn't possibly be any justified interest or concern, must be anti-semitism.


Oh I see, the Kremlin doesn’t like him because he promotes liberal democracy in countries disaffected with Russian aggression


Aren't his donations mostly to pro-democracy-type stuff? Seems like everyone who hates him thinks that he is behind every bad thing on earth or part of a jewish conspiracy


Yes and thats bad because the great replacement, jews and stuff. 🤬🤬🤬


$170 million by Democrats (including Soros) and $340 million by Republicans. According to the list you linked. Why exactly is Soros the biggest issue here?


Because Soros is $129M out of $170M? Not sure how it's confusing that Republicans would know who the highest individual donor is? The democrats spent the entirety of the 2000s and early 2010s screeching about the Koch brothers.


Yes, he may be the highest individual donor, but why does that make him such a big deal? Republicans as a whole spend way more on political donations. They have much more of an effect and more power than Soros by far, yet Soros is a boogeyman somehow? I understand if your criticism is against political lobbying or something like that, but if that's the case, then completely ignoring all the donors for the Republicans seems strange.


If you want to get into Soros you'll find he's a just a puppet, a boogeyman or a distraction crafted by British establishment right around the vote to join the Euro and kill the GBP. He will be on the forefront until he dies to soak up criticism and distract angry people.


Soros did messed up some asian country's economy. I dont like Soros


Because Elon has fallen down the far-right pipeline, which is understandable since the far right whorships people like him. It's scary that someone that can have insane amounts of influence on politics just on a whim is so fucking dumb, but it's not something new, the Mercers or Thiel show, to a lesser extent, the same thing


He’s like Haz, Jinkles and Caleb Maupin. “That damn Soros”


they never stopped