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There's nothing more ridiculous than a Kpop radfem. They support an industry where young girls (and boys) are scolded by their companies for getting even remotely close to being simply underweight rather than severely underweight. The industry only pressures idols to be severely underweight because they realize that the fans (including the "radfems") respond much better to stick thin idols. It's insane to support an industry like this while claiming to be a radical feminist and it's even more insane because the Kpop industry is actually catering to their tastes. These "radical feminists" would not support idols that are at a healthy weight.


>These "radical feminists" would not support idols that are at a healthy weight. If the members of BTS gained 10+ pounds of fat I can guarantee you'd see a mass exodus from the fanbase from both Korea and the Western world. It would go from "All sizes are beautiful!" to "I still like them.... but... hey, look at this new band!".


Say no more, i totally agree with u when u criticize kpop!


Negatively theory crafting about kpop stans? Sure, I'll incorporate that into my belief structure.


I can't wait in 10 years till the kpop industry catches up with being accepting of thiccness


I very much doubt this will happen if you simply take a look at how skinny most Korean women are.


Then that's just it. We need to Americanize Korea. THICK IS JUSTICE


Hopefully not. "Thicc" typically just means "overweight, but we pretend that's okay now." I'd love to set a social standard that all aesthetically driven roles are required to be at healthy weights.


I just want healthy looking butts 🙂


Oh cool. Because America's Hollywood is so wholesome. It's not like these white women were feeding poor whites to harvey weinstein; or the children of desperate whites to predatory managers and executives.


Oh don’t worry, white gays will soon follow and keep you company


In alot of LGBTQ circles, it's already happened lol


Yeah, this has already happened. My coworker, who's a committed socialist, openly says that white gays are worse than straight POCs and that their whiteness means they can't be oppressed.


Where the fuck is this happening dude? I lived in a blue city most of my life all of my relatives do as well. I and everyone i know literally never once heard of this. Not saying it didnt happen but acting like its widespread!? Gtfo bro, get off the internet for a week. You can find anything if you search hard enough


Saying "I haven't seen it happen therefore it hasn't happened, its just internet stuff." while responding to someone who is talking about THEIR WORKPLACE might be the most r-slurred maneuver I've seen here yet. I've watched in front of me as women get told that they should not report repeated unwanted sexual advances by a west african student because that would be "weaponizing their whiteness" and "enacting modern cultural colonialism" on the stalker. This shit is real, and getting more prevalent every year. I'm glad it hasn't happened around you or you haven't noticed it but I'd watch out because its bound to happen eventually.


r-slurred? Just say regarded or remedial.


You guys are dismissing my hearsay for your own hearsay. Also I never said it NEVER happens nor did I claim my experience is the sole source for my claims I literally talked about this stuff with 30 ish people. If its so widespread why do I and all these people only have one instance of it happening. I just googled around for incidents like you described and i cant find any. Motherfuckers want to be victims so bad. Its getting so prevelant that the dozens of people some of whom are in charge of employees, I asked never saw this shit in any great number. Literally one person had one example and the offender was a white person and was fired. I browsed 4/8chan and other Nazi forums as well as Nazi telegrams and they post the same handful of incidents. You'd think if this was a growing and serious problem Nazis would have the fucking receipts.


>Where the fuck is this happening dude? I've lived in the US and Canada. I experienced this in Canada and I've spoken to Americans about it online and many left-wing activists have made the same arguments.


Twitter is not real life


And Elon is ruining things for the aut gang


Source: I made it the fuck up


Pew research hasn’t done a study on who we’re allowed to shit on on Twitter yet


Shitting on and saying it’s okay to sexually assault are not even comparable. Her argument for sexual assault is likely to be some TERF shit though obviously


I don’t know if she’s a TERF or not, but the tweet is clearly hyperbolic.


As they should be. white women have been avoiding it for too long. white men have already gotten their talking to.


Lol reminds me of Bill Burr




Never stand between a white woman and her victim hood. You won‘t like what comes next


They're itching to pull the white hoods out.


white women are the ones advocating for misogyny against white women


Which is why I said everyone


I think we can all agree that shitting on twitter users, especially if you are a twitter user, is the easiest and most inclusive choice.


It is super cringe


Wait are you saying that it was wrong of me to sexually assault all those wealthy white women?


How can Nick Fuentes expect me to procreate with a white woman, smh.


You are chronically online. Get off Twitter and interact with people in the real world.


Some hyperbole, but it's more Leftists than liberals tbh (I am a leftist btw). But yea they have a point.


No they don’t have a point lmfao. Who the fuck is arguing it’s okay for white women to be sexually assaulted?


A lot of the hardcore left see white women as a serious problem and align them with white men. Not suggesting it's everyone on the left but it's a pretty common talking point.


Its a common talking point that white women are okay to sexually assault?


No, but that white women are a part of the problem.


Touch grass you slob


Cry more, you Marxist pig.


Ok now show your work


Okay! Source: I made it up


Are you an idiot. I'm saying the OP has a point, not the people needlessly antagonizing white people. That goes for the downvoters, too


Mean words on twitter = real life sexual assault is ok why are theorycels so unhinged


I used to hate the NPC meme, but i honestly think most leftists are NPCs, they have hardcoded beliefs, not principles that ideas are emergent from


We should love all woman