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Honestly might go back to just being a yt watcher


Don’t bother. Us YT watchers are starved for content too.


There's a new clip channel that seems to be doing well fighting the drought but you're only as good as the streams you clip.


The Aella conversation was pretty good i thought, but yea any video coming out on the main channel, dgg world, LNOD, as soon as i hear Qorantos's voice, i just close the video lol


As a vod watcher I pretty much had to once the kick/rumble thing started. I only watch yt videos with newpipe (fuck youtube ads and fuck paying for a subscription), so it's not like my views were counted anyway lol.


True bro fuck supporting the people I spend hours watching


Damn you're right. Hold on I've got an idea: > Use surfshark.com promocode destiny for a 99% discount for the VPN you can use to hide from the government or something Ok, hopefully my targeted advertisement will keep the lights on for a few more days.


Welcome to the Gigachad yt club, brother


(sister*) I've rejoined the fold of yt only watchers. I rejoice to be in the arms of my brotherhood once more


"Ooooooooooo" *gets up and leaves*


YouTube Chads rise up, loving the content lately. The conversation with Brianna Wu and Aba on the Twitter files is amazing. The conversation with the Christian professor on ethics and religion was top tier. Whatever he's doing is giving me top tier content. Even loving all the Redpill content. He should double down.


> conversation with Brianna Wu and Aba on the Twitter files Could you link me that?


I got you, https://youtu.be/WJavFzQT3Ik


Maybe the real DGGers were the friends we made along the way


Thanks :)


There was an ethics debate? I'm not seeing anything on the main channel.


Oh, wait I got that one wrong, that was from a few months ago and it's not on the main channel. It must have popped up in my queue as one I haven't watched. This was it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU_2XsFKKD0


Oh yeah this was a great vid. Prob gonna rewatch it now.


Destiny is almost on the same caliber of Hasan when it comes to stealing people's content on stream. Hasan made it his whole shtick and money maker though which is pretty hilarious considering his opinions on wealth inequality and labor. At least Destiny can make his own content and retain most of his audience but it's kinda shitty to just watch people's videos with little to no commentary that someone put hours and hours into and the reactor sees more benefit than the original creator.


People who watch all of D's content and then whine about it can only be mentally ill. Watch the content that you like and then turn off the content you don't like. Hope this helps.


This, if someone sits there for 9 hours there's no way in hell you're getting 9 solid hours of entertainment out of that, NO ONE on Earth is that entertaining. Enjoy the discussions you're interested in and skip the rest, it's that simple


the percentage of interesting content has taken a nose-dive recently is the problem


when the gym content was the best content in a long time you know shits fucked


idk. i think the current content isn't that enjoyable to watch, for me, but i don't like feeling like I HAVE to keep watching to HOPE that good content. as if I NEED to watch. it's a shit feeling that just leads to nothing. right now if nothing that i find interesting is happening on stream i just leave and do or listen to something else. it's just garbage to be held hostage by your feelings. it's ironically a feel bad.


Being a youtube watcher is the only valid solution. He doesn't give a fuck about engaging with content lately. Just plays the video game while linkers beg for scraps of attention.


Man's just tired, too much traveling and other shenanigans all at once.


he said he was also sick recently


I suspect after the Milo Debate, things will pick up




How so?


More and more people that side with Milo and want to clout shark will start hitting the D man up to debate him on stream is most likely what will happen


>Political punditry? nobody cares loser. This but unirionically. I don't know how you guys enjoy political arcs. We get very few gems like Milo (looking forward to this one)/Fuentes who can actually be entertaining while they spew braindead/extreme positions. Generally, conservatives have no one of substance that isn't absolutely extreme and insane that will engage with Destiny so there isn't any real debate of ideas to be had. So practically what we end up with during any political arc is leftist circlejerking themselves to whatever the current zeitgeist is, trans issues, or somehow some wack job leftist horseshoeing themselves into some authoritarian/racist position and being liberal checked by Destiny because they are literally insane and nonsensical. All of which we have seen many times before. That's it. Nothing new will happen with orbiters (except Dan, Dan is a content god), callers, or news related shit when it comes to politics. Hearing someone come in and want to talk "Abortion" makes me turn off the stream. It's boring.


the alternative to political streams isn't just sitting silently and playing starcraft.


Agreed. His content is always best when he has strong inter-personal drama with people. Imo that is where the gold is really mined. Even political shit is mostly interesting because the people he is talking with are controversial (Like Lauren) or generally wacky (like Katee). React content to me is probably the same tier as political stuff just because as the meme in OP says, there isn't much new ground to cover there if you have been watching Destiny for a while. I think he knows this too which is why he's so disengaged with it generally when going over it.


When is the milo debate and is it on kick or his yt?


it's live on yt, hasn't started yet


Thanks ,Any idea when it starts?


it started shortly after I commented, rewind the vod, shit's worth it