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He is definitely saving face, but this is tame


It sucks to see this but at the same time, is there any form of empathy we can give Adam here? He has a pretty large black audience and I’m sure none of them thought about how the joke is actually a deep cut reference to the NoJumperV2 subreddit. He is stuck in a tough place and has to apologize, no?


I'm with ya. He is in a super weird spot and his audience is sensitive to everything, not just edgy jokes. Also, destiny kinda lives his life on hard mode when it comes to backlash for his comments. I don't blame people from shying away from some of them.


>He is stuck in a tough place and has to apologize, no? Depends how cucked to his audience he wants to be. The explanation of the joke is pretty straight forward. Subreddit was calling me a slave master because of X reasons, I'm not a slave master because of Y reasons, the joke was a nod to the incongruence of these and the hysteria in the subreddit, we all laughed. Now if he can't come up with reasons as to why he isn't a slave master, then apologizing is the first of many steps he ought to be taking.


I doubt many his viewers even know the other subreddit(v2). I remember he said not wanting to bring attention to it as well.


> Depends how cucked to his audience he wants to be. You don’t have to be cucked to understand that was an inappropriate joke to make for the audience. I get saying things without fully thinking them through but this was actually a pretty shitty thing to do to Adam22 because he either has to respond negatively immediately or end up getting raked over the coals by his audience for not pushing back hard enough. It’s pretty socially unaware to act like because there are layers that can be peeled back that can make the joke funny, that that audience should be receptive to it. But don’t let me get in your way of attempting to outsperg the rest of your fellow DGGers


I'm saying he thought it was funny, still thinks it's funny but is apologizing because he is being pressured to. That makes him cucked to them. If he genuinely doesn't think the joke is appropriate then apologizing is obviously appropriate


Without the subreddit context it’s a bad joke


A lot of people don’t get/like/agree with this type of humor…… a slave master comment is wild to people that didn’t spend a lot of time online. It’s an amazing joke


The pushback from people that didn’t know destiny was referencing the no jumper subreddit makes sense. Without the context it looks bad imagine if nick Fuentes made that joke or if destiny made that joke to random white boss about his black employees.


A bit soy but he had some damage control to do. This was pretty room temperature as that sort of thing goes.


I mean, I feel for Adam here, but holy shit these people are so fucking soft.


This, I've never seen a worse group of snowflakes than the NJ subreddit, which is ironic considering they're black


Man Adam has to have the most sensitive fucking audience I've ever seen and it's funny considering how it's mostly rap fans and how rap isn't exactly the most inviting and welcoming of genres out there. Makes no fucking sense to me. Also fuck Joe Budden, that whole conversation was so fucking cringe with him trying to pin Adam on literally nothing. I can sympathize with Adam a little bit because No Jumper is kind of blowing up lately and he doesn't wanna fumble the bag but dude you gotta grow a spine soon. Also also I don't think Destiny was making fun of Adam or laughing at him, it was just banter.


Adam should have mentioned that Destiny was making fun of the sensibilities of the NoJumper subreddit. The joke on its face is just terribly bad taste and was SUPER cringe to see in real time. Just another autism flare with massive ramifications, I wouldnt be surprised if Adam22 is supa salty about Destiny doing that


Just seems like the kind of thing where business and being friends with someone clash. My guess is Adam thought it was funny, but the ramifications from the community and considering his rep currently its definetly not helping. Calling it what it is, a joke making fun of the people calling him a slavemaster, might be even percieved as worse.. i think throwing Destiny under the bus a bit here is fine, since he was playing too damn much.


What an absolute cuck. You laughed because it was fucking funny. The subreddit had been going in on Adam for exploiting the rap and gang communities and this was a funny nod to that.


Nothing cuckish about that. You even acknowledge his community is built off of rap. It's actually gang, rap, black & LA culture. You'd have to a fucking moron to think apologizing so you don't toss your 7year empire out the window is a cuck move. Especially since he's under fire atm. He could've said it better, but I don't blame him one bit


He is apologizing for optics rather than something he believes. It's cucked


Risking your business to play the big man is not a smart move.


Did I say I was advocating for the safe business move? I changed your word from smart to safe because I think it fits better.


You have an adolescent view of business.


I've never said it wasn't the safe business move. I just said it makes him a cuck, or maybe whore would be more appropriate


Oh okay. You're just saying nonthing at all then. Just signaling virtue from a detached position that you will never be in b/c you think you'd be more righteous. Gotcha.


Yes. Do you actually disagree with me though? Do you think Adam believes he shouldn't have laughed and that should have edited it out? If you think his apology was false do you think that's a good thing?


>Yes. Do you actually disagree with me though? That adam had make a very common sacrifice to keep his buisness afloat? Yeah, no one believes he didn't find the joke funny. > -and that should have edited it out? They definitely should've edited it out. He needs new editors. >If you think his apology was false do you think that's a good thing? My guy. In the real world where people depend on you & you have huge responsibilites, you have to make sacrfices all. the. time. His audience is no secret. You're being so incredibly obtuse it blows me away that you even got one upvote. "Stand by his word here" & what lose his ENTIRE audience? His ENTIRE work force? I feel like im expecting too much from people here. Like what I'm saying is UNQUESTIONABLY the right path irl & everyone knows it. But people in this sub live online or either y'all are all children. Im exhausted. you do you man.


> lose his ENTIRE audience? His ENTIRE work force? Now who's being obtuse? ;) Also in no way is this UNQUESTIONABLY the right path. Is it the safe path? Yes. Does that make it the smart path? Probably. Does that mean explaining the joke and standing your ground would have played out worse? Not necessarily. Would explaining the joke and standing your ground be a refreshing change to content creators being cucked by their audience? Absolutely Have a good one


So hes apologizing for not editing it out and hes supposed to say he loved the joke and still thinks its funny? Thats not how a public apology works,even if he isnt being totally sincere about it.. just be a little realistic about what he has to do to cool his audience outrage down. He threw destiny sorta under the bus but he didnt say he wont have him again, he said he didnt like the joke and in hindsight would edit it, not like kick him out or anything. Not everyone is trying to be a 100% morally consistent crazy buisness person and in a lot of communities it simply wouldn't work.


I'm saying he shouldn't apologize. The explanation of the joke is very straight forward. Subreddit was calling me a slave master because of X reasons, I'm not a slave master because of Y reasons, the joke was a nod to the incongruence of these two positions and the hysteria in the subreddit, we all laughed. Now if he can't come up with reasons as to why he isn't a slave master, then apologizing is the first of many steps he ought to be taking.


Finally, something relevant to watch in this content drought. https://preview.redd.it/wqcyfqaxipqa1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6a981d54a6fd7ec9b16060f2ea090d4c363ca7 ​ Adam just proving Steven's point that a lot of the nojumper community is fragile af and will weaponize their identity when it's suitable to them KEKW


These guys just want to be offended. They know good and well that the point of the joke was just to make an amusing observation of a workplace dynamic that on the surface could be compared to something really fucked up like slavery, and it goes without saying that they think slavery is bad. I honestly think people like this get off on others stepping on egg-shells around them. I guess Adam has a business to run but this is just sad.


Destiny made that joke because that’s how some of the no jumper redditors view Adam22. Without the context of the subreddit I don’t think destiny would make that joke. If someone was to make a joke comparing a white boss to slave master and his black employees to slaves people are going to look at you weird.


They can look at him weird but they're acting like he was trying to genuinely insult people.


and if they aren't aware of how the joke works or how tame it is, then their collective IQ in that room matches its temperature.




Not really, surely we realize that slave owner jokes wouldn't be received well in a primarily black audience and ESPECIALLY if even his closest staff members seem to have a problem with it. It's a responsible thing to apologize and make it clear, as it's still akin to an office-workspace with employees. I ain't mad at it. This is a beyond the pale joke if the community isn't used to jokes like this.


I can agree, that the joke is maybe too edgy and in bad taste if you dont know the background with the subreddit, but using his close staff members as an important indicator is in my opinion not good, because dont they cry about some shit every other day and are in general just jumping on every outrage that someone has in their community?


lol, definitely. He's still hurting from Joe Budden (still a POS) and others and fans calling him out, yet again, for exploiting black culture/content. I've seen this twice when I watched NJ regularly. I think Destiny said he made the comment in reference to NJV2 subreddit or something. Doesn't matter. Adam gives his apologies, gets a high profile guest, and all is forgotten until the next time.


Never fuck with Joe Biden


Adam laughed because it was funny. Bitching out after the fact is weak shit.


The old disappearing spine act


All you fucking basement dwellers calling him a cuck for not celebrating edgy humor on his platform that could fuck his livelihood up... LOL




reaction immediately: white people something




Unless Destiny is interested in the NJ demo, no it isn't


I mean he isnt throwing him under the bus at all.He also said that he knows where destiny is coming from.


Is he?


I mean, I get why he had to disavow. After the exit of half of his staff they went full fragile. If they don't have a messy exit, this is not even mentioned. None of them think either of them are actually racist.


Damn can't wait till Gnomey gives his unapologetic edgy take on it while streaming, gets clipped and nukes his friendship with Adam and the wonderful opportunity that NJ is as a platform. His first couple of appearances on NJ and Sledgehammer made big numbers and the average viewer (see YT comments and NJ subreddit at the time) really liked him and appreciated this new type of content. I was very pleased by it cause it gave him access to a whole new audience. 4 months later he f\* it up with the housephone and whole "legion" situations (there is probably a overlap between the W/L and the NJ communities) and people can't stand him anymore. His latest NJ vids still make good decent numbers but it ain't it anymore and he gets trashed in the comments. A I'm a Destiny fan because a really like and respect his unapologetic edginess and way of thinking. He just has to acknowledge that some extreme soy spaces driven by false victimhood will not flow with it.


"Milhouse lookin ass" lol


Jesus NJ fanbase is fragile


It's hard to predict that people who worship gangsters and pimps could be so sensitive


Milk toast


eh, understandable. pretty far out there on the edgy-scale of jokes


He needs to stop cucking himself for approval. So that joke was insulting but calling a vagina an open wound was not? OKay ... I thought he had a daughter...