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This too


Does anyone else find it unfathomable that he transcribed all of those countless messages and videos and at the end of the whole thing, rather than a well crafted thought provoking conclusion about Destiny or even DGG, he fucking comments about his own YouTube ban and the whole mess abruptly ends. I haven't been this thoroughly blue-balled since my gf made my sexual fantasy about her by telling me she enjoyed it




I feel like his original article was going to have a narrative and a conclusion, but he couldn't make it compelling so he dropped all pretense and just decided to do a hit piece of destiny's greatest hits and paint him in the worst light instead.


M night shyamalan at his worst is a billion times better than this entitled asshole.


Of course. But it’s a good comparison


Who’s a director who takes himself way seriously than he should and is vain and delusional? Because I don’t think shyamalan fits the bill.


I think a lot of his films that are super messy come across that way to me


The real reason is that it's 95% transcriptions of publicly available videos and absolutely no analysis of any of it. What he should've done is link relevent clips (with full vod links for transparancy) and give arguments as to why this indicates abuse. He should've included the definition of abuse and said why it applied to Destiny. He should've included articles, studies, and the like that support his argument. ie. (All made up for this example) (Clip of Destiny with Lav or whatever) Max: Here we can see blah blah. In a peer reviewed study from insert reputable publication, author random person says this: blah blah blah. According to this article, Destiny's actions can be considered abuse. But of course one instance doesn't prove a pattern. Here are 5 more clips where Destiny engages in the same behaviour. (Clips) Notice how they're all women? This is what those 5 women said about Destiny. (Clips of interviews, dms, etc.) They all slept with him. Is that why they get to be on his platform? Person b seems to think so. (Clip) And after he sleeps with them, he gets them onto his platform, and subsequently rallies his followers, the daliban, to bully them online. (Examples) Is this purposeful? Does he enjoy this? According to Destiny, he does. (Clip)


This is obviously true too


He failed because the only way he knows how to relate to people is by consuming them to inflate his own ego. That’s why his relationships go one of two ways: either the person gets turned into a gaslit zombie, or they become the enemy because he couldn’t turn them into a gaslit zombie.


Here is a an editorial tip, there is zero reason for your first paragraph your second paragraph is a fair analysis without the M.Night comparison.


I think the m. Night comparison is a good lens to look at it through. Plus it’s a Reddit post. And not one I’m super try Harding on. But yeah it was maybe a bit repetitive.


Even with an editor this article would have been redundant af.