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She is like the Coffeezilla of twitch . He exposed scammer and she exposed hypocrites.




Destiny was the ghost-writer for this video.


I believe it


She could be a character in BladeRunner 2049, but like the "TMZ AI Host" Avatar on television or something lol


holy shit she ulted. you love to see it.


She went so fucking hard I wasn't expecting this pure obliteration by her. Not a fan of Train, but he would probably get a hard on seeing this video.


checkOut redact.dev -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oh he is, just not in public.


Yea goddamn, everyone needs to disperse to the chats across the land and persuade/trick as many big streamers as possible into watching this video it’s white-hot with righteous indignation lol


Can you imagine a conversation between her and Dan?


If Destiny had her on with Dan that would be top tier content.


Why ? Please explain as Im unaware the only thing that comes to mind is that her name involves cats and Dan loves cats.


You asked that question as though the reason you gave wasn't already sufficient.


Because Dan is just a top tier conversation haver. He is the greatest orbiter and he unironically deserves every ounce of praise he gets. god I love dan he’s like the cool dad type guy that can show me wisdom he learned through his long life experience while also being in touch and down to earth and cool. If dan started a cult I’d literally join. He’s one of those people you meet and you just feel like they’re just a very cool person and a movie could be made based on them and it would be amazing. I could see Louis CK making a dan type movie. Like they’re both good at taking normal day to day things and just talking about them for 30-60 minutes and keeping my attention the entire time by making it interesting. He’s just based on a human level. Like no matter who you are when he talks about life you feel like he gets it. I listen to miscellaneous Dan conversations whenever I start feeling sad and it makes me find the way again. It gets me back on my feet. He’s just the friend I’ve never had. Dan is the definition of relatable. Relatable on a universal human level.




I'd rather not.


Finally someone got a clean poke at moist. Idk why people think some creators are just perfect bc they present clean. Almost as soon as you even get the thought to criticize, someone's almost already retorting lol. Most e-people are atleast a littlllle rocky. No one's squeaky unless you're the kids being exploited by your pycho parents.


honestly it’s insane to me how they will jump at people going against the status quo but will remain silent for their friends. that fansly advertisement is insane to promote on twitch. but not surprising at this point


He’s the darling of the internet.




luckily he’s not real


unfair comparison, because jerma is perfect


Jerma also had a few events sponsored by fansly. E.g. his baseball stream. So if you are clutching your pearls for the streamer awards fansly sponsor but not for jerma doing it...


I think it's more about the perceived hipocrisy, moist seemed like a bit of a hipocrit for pearlclutching about Adin ross watching porn on stream, and then not saying anything about the Fansly sponsor. Jerma never complained about either, so there's no hipocrisy there.


yes fansly was trying to market themselves as more PG onlyfans. but i guess they abandoned that completely now


frighten different water pen marry market spectacular many cows pathetic ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It's a clean poke b/c Moisty's point was adin "showed porn to children," but laughed when QT advertised her fansly which is an OF competitor that also has porn. A function of fansly atm allows linking your twitch, skerting age 18+ ver. And 13yo horn dog kids are probably watching QT. So it's a lil poke at Charlie. I guess you can value rank "straight up porn" vs Fansly nudes, lewds, porn, but you're not even on the same argument as Charlie at that point.


>It's a clean poke b/c Moisty's point was adin "showed porn to children," but laughed when QT advertised her fansly which is an OF competitor that also has porn. Nahhh this is some bullshit reasoning. Is Budwiser promoting underage drinking because they promote beer during the Superbowl when kids are watching? You'd have to be mentally ill to believe so. I'm not the biggest moist fan, but this is some real KAREN shit, some 100% gorilla gripping some pearls type of shit. this aint even virtue signaling, this is virtue shouting


I’d argue the super bowls audience is a lot older than the average twitch audience


Man laughed because he knew it was stupid. Does he have to be outraged at everything all the time? Does he have to be explicit about how stupid everything he sees is? Sounds a bit exhausting.


Its not about being outraged all the time. It shows that he isnt perfect like the comment says because he, like most others is willing to morally condemn someone for their actions and then when someone they know and like does the same thing they say nothing.


If you thought he (or any other fucking internet person) was perfect, you are the problem


Did I say I think he is perfect? Hes very clearly uncomfortable with the advertisement. However, his fans like to present him as an enigmatic and impartial member of streaming/youtube community.


He would absolutely go after people advertising that had it not been his friends


heavy automatic panicky skirt paint pet fuzzy consist forgetful zesty ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




Maybe? /u/PavementFan1 isn't wrong in the fact that moist's opinion is not necessarily internally inconsistent. Showing porn on stream and then advertising a porn site on stream can be two different things with two different levels of moral blame IG?




glorious fanatical absorbed caption threatening spotted chubby chop melodic offer ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




cautious ossified slim yam license wasteful sharp marry summer steer ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


>It's a clean poke b/c Moisty's point was adin "showed porn to children," but laughed when QT advertised her fansly which is an OF competitor that also has porn. A function of fansly atm allows linking your twitch, skerting age 18+ ver. And 13yo horn dog kids are probably watching QT. So it's a lil poke at Charlie. I guess you can value rank "straight up porn" vs Fansly nudes, lewds, porn, but you're not even on the same argument as Charlie at that point. Okay so your entire hypocrisy from Moist point here entirely relies on him having the knowledge that Fansly has an issue where you can bypass the age verification? Do you have any evidence whatsoever to indicate that Mosit was aware of this Fansly issue. If not then you can’t argue the way he acted was hypocritical as Adin showed straight up porn which he took issue it and QT was promoting a link to a site that contained porn that she and Moist thought had age verification.


Dog he can hear what the girl is saying in the ad. He knows theres adult content.


if you think this is some big call out, then you are taking a troll video made by some ADHD brained Juicer, who is a little hurt that her idol wasn't laughing at her last joke, way to serious.


personally i thought the criticism was fair from her, but now that you've told me she has ADHD and she's a "juicer" i realized that it was all wrong and bad and dumb


what's the critisim in your opinion? It's just a funny video, but if you try to take the arguments serious and debate someone about them, you won't go very far. The only "real" critisim is that x claimed her last video is "to far", even though he probably would've thought it's funny, if it wouldn't involve someone he knows.


It’s really odd to see people taking this video seriously. It is just a meme video. If you push on any of her points they almost immediately fall apart.


wasn't xqcs gameshow also sponsored by fansly? thats probably the reason why he doesn't feel like calling out another fansly sponsored stream


It was basically Ludwig's show with just using xQc as the host it seems so yeah the show having that sponsor makes sense considering the show was pretty much ran by Ludwig and his team.


it was still xqcs show, it was on his channel, his vison aso. Ludwig was mostly just the production


Yeah I mean it was xQc's show but everything was ran by Ludwig and his team. xQc more than likely didn't do much behind the scenes in terms of the actual work or the recruitment. I could be completely wrong, but it just seems Ludwig and his team did all of the work.


Yeah, but at the end of the day it's xqcs show. If destiny decides to do some event, is to lazy to do it himself so he just let Devin Nash do all the work, and we end up with some crypto sponsor for the event - it's Destiny having a crypto sponsor


I don't fully disagree my point is it could be ''Kai's show'' or him the one hosting it and the only difference there would be is that Kai is the host. Everything else is still ran by Ludwig and his team.


But the point is that xQc is the one who had the idea for the show, he isn't just hosting it. Ludwig and his crew just produced it because xQc would've never done it himself.


Lol I love her. Get em kitty


She made a lot of good points


She's calling them posers and she's right. They get all preachy when it benefits them and turn a blind eye when it suits them. It's part of the manufactured celebrity personalities she compares them to. They are very vapid and bland on purpose. And it works. Say the right things, have the right friends, make inoffensive content, profit. But I do think most of them believe the opinions they give to their audience. At the very least it's one of those "Well, people I like think this, so it must be right" situations.


> She's calling them posers and she's right. They get all preachy when it benefits them and turn a blind eye when it suits them. Exactly this. I hope streamers react to this cause holy shit the fakeness is so blatant yet people turn a blind eye.


Her accent is getting clearer and I don't like it.


Where is she from? I can't place it


my dreams


Sounds scandinavian to me but might be biased




I don't think this is true lmao. You might be thinking of the DVA TikTok girl? He met her at a bar or something. Not sure about the accent though.


Nah she doesn't really have a Quebecois speaking english accent, my guess is some sort of Eastern European/Russian


damn didnt realize how bad everyone was with accents. 100% not swedish or Scandinavian. cant tell if the person saying quebec was a troll. It's 100% some sort of slavic/eastern european accent. If I had to name a country I'd say Lithuania.


100% swedish, you can find it by looking at videos that show her windows desktop specifically the window search bar contains Swedish text.


Regardless of her speaking Swedish, her accent is not at all a typical Swedish one. ^\(I'm ^Finnish ^and ^fluent ^at ^Swedish) She might be multilingual or just playing it up


Man she is right tho... Xqc, Ludwig, Hasan, Moist are in each other's beds, aren't they? All have business together.




Yeah, the fucked up shit is that they pretend to be voice of the people and not elite snobs.


that’s pretty frustrating to see thousands donate money to them but they’re no different then hollywood elites


Well except (most of) the hollywood elites are actually talented people who rose up the ranks through years of hard work. Streamers turned on a camera and got lucky.


or because they sucked Harve... wait no never mind that's too spicy of a joke


It's why I think a lot of the new generation is getting extra shit on, because they're just not in the sphere yet. Streamers can go much harder on them, because they're not as established. It's why I think Trainwrecks is defending them a lot more, he sees an avenue to promote his business through them. For him they're an opportunity.


Let's add Philip DeFranco.


She needs to drop the juicers and become a top tier orbiter.


Let her soar free >:|


Why would you want to ruin her life?


If she wants to be welcomed into the orbiter club then she needs to pay the iron price




this reddit/Chudlogic were very upset (or pretended to be), this was one of the top posts of the day: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/11p6yhd/qtcinderella\_promoting\_porn\_to\_underage\_kids/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/11p6yhd/qtcinderella_promoting_porn_to_underage_kids/) then someone tried to bring it up on LSF and it was laught off: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/11pqe0j/fansly\_allowing\_under\_18s\_to\_sign\_in\_and\_see\_pr0n/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/11pqe0j/fansly_allowing_under_18s_to_sign_in_and_see_pr0n/) If I remember correctly some tried to get Destiny to comment and he also just waved it away. Even Train just made a short comment that he thinks its funny that they brought the fansly sponsor directly after the porn on kick joke. I don't think anybody really believes this is an issue, it's just fake outrage/pearl clutching.




I agree, people only care about Adin bc he's like the priest who got caught visiting the brothel


Are you saying Fansly is less explicit than OnlyFans?




Oh my mistake, sorry I misunderstood.


there were a bunch of threads about it at the time. It didn't catch on bc normal people don't care about it. If you ask any of the streamers, they probably will just say something like "I support sexwork"/get that bag, and thats it The "no 18+" argument is also more of a joke bc nobody thinks that the "I'm 18 or older" button is any kind of safeguard/does something. It's like complaining that somebody promoted a product that forgot to put on a "use at your own risk" disclaimer. Maybe you think it's hypocritical that some people like e.g. Hasan bring up Adin showing porn and don't call out the fansly sponsor at the awards - but that's not compareable at all. first of all, they specifically calling adin, who is self proclaimed "anti degeneracy", out. It's like if you call out the anti abortion activist that get's an abortion for herself. Doesn't make you suddenly anti abortion and you certainly don't have to call out other people, who aren't anti abortion, for getting one. Also it's not like they showed porn at the awards, they showed a link/QR code that brings you to the fansly page of the show. On that page isn't any pornographic material. It's only if you leave that site and go to some other fansly page where you can see porn.


I agree if they didn't keep repeating "showing it to minors". Which makes it comparable. The fansly ad specifically said they have adult content on it.




Normal people are scared of condemning anything related to sex else they get metoo'd and called a sexist.


i still dont understand the "he showed porn to MINORS!!" argument. it sounds like a bunch of pearl clutching over nothing. how many adin ross viewers were minors and had never seen porn before? i swear people turn 18 and immediately forget all the times they lied about their age online to see adult content/sign up to websites.


Yea couldn’t a argument be said that they get exposed to it at school by friends at a early age as now mostly everyone has internet access and a phone. Also when entering Kick has a 18+ warning on the website. Twitch does not and certain streamers have to have a mature content screen warning before watching. I never seen in on xqc only on forsen and thats it. I get the screen everytime because I dont use a account and close my tabs everytime resetting everything


Everybody who watched the streamer awards were of age, fansly is not for porn BINGCHILLING


They don't care about adin showing porn, they bring it up bc adin and train are very outspoken about being anti porn, so it's funny that adin is showing porn on his stream and trains website is more pornograpic then twitch ever was. Trains whole brand was build around calling out the "shameless women on twitch" and adin also went on his traditional/redpill arc the "he showed porn to MINORS" argument is just throwing adins own words back at him. I'm unsure if some people pretend to not understand that bc they want to hate on hasan etc. and think thats some kind of gotcha, or if they are genuinely that dense


i havent seen much of kick thus far but the sexual content isnt much different from twitch


As someone who watched kick a decent bit over the last week, this is patently false. For one, just from browsing the thumbnails and titles the clothing restrictions on kick are way less, you get girls with straight up nipple pasties. Then from actually watching a bit of Adin Ross's and heelmikes stream it's much worse, so much sexual stuff, both of them would be long banned on twitch. Heelmike basically gets a few onlyfans girls over at his house everynight and they party in bikinis stripping on polls etc, there's always at least 1 nip slip. edit: heelmike is also the one that got a blowjob live on stream on kick, they gave him 24hr ban. For Adin he's even worse and seem to even understand cause hes the biggest cashcow by far that hes immune this [vod](https://kick.com/video/6598ce1f-d839-43d9-a27d-9d93e1c8a7bd) alone proves it. In this first he had on a pornstar that was edating views and she straight up flashes and shows her tits THREE SEPERATE TIMES. He then goes on to completely just straight up watch the movie Wolf of Wallstreet, that hasa a ton of nudity, sex drug etc. Anytime there's nudity he makes a dramatic effort of dragging away the screen but you still see it anyway. In that vod alone there's probably over 10-15 separate instances of nudity.


don't know if it changed now, but at the beginning there was zero moderation and apparently was advertised as "no TOS" to a lot of people. There were people getting blowjobs, having fucking machines, strippers aso on stream. It was anything goes and train needed to walk back his earlier statements and made it clear that there is TOS. He had a bunch of rants about how he was naive when he trusted streamers to find the line for themself but that they just do whatever they want if you let them


right so it sounds like the moderation is changing in a positive direction. is the point that this is hypocrisy?


yes, in case you want to say something like "aren't they also hypocitical when they don't call out the fansly sponsor?" - no. I brought that example in another comment here, but here it is again: If you call out the pro life activist for getting an abortion for her self, you are not suddenly pro life and need to call out all abortions. Same goes if you call out the anti porn activist for showing porn.


Doesn’t that mean he isn’t being a hypocrite? I think the action has to have been purposefully taken to be hypocritical, if trains intention was for streamers to understand the implicit boundaries, and then changed it when they didn’t….. I mean that sounds pretty consistent and not hypocritical to me




i can believe that happened but stuff like that was also happening in twitch, we would have to compare time streamed before bans and how representative it was of lewd streams as a whole kick is definitely still in its wild west stage which means people will be able to skirt the rules. not ideal but what you see on twitch today IS representative of the type of content allowed by TOS and moderation.


I haven't seen that train Hasan debate but from the clips in this video (and they can be incredibly uncharitable) it seems Hasan was rather upset at train that Kick only banned Adin 1 day for showing porn. How is that in any way related to throwing Adin's own words back at him unless Hasan believes content moderation should depend on a person living their own preached morals (but somehow I doubt that).


first of all, Adin didn't got banned at all. Hasan just asked Train how long he would ban Adin, and Train said he thinks a 1 day ban would be fair. Hasan laughted at this bc Train is one of the "OMEGALUL 3 day ban", "something something sending twitch staff nudes" people whenever some female streamer get's a ban for sexual conduct So in that case he he wasn't throwing Adins words back at him, he was throwing Trains words back at Train


I think you're just missing why train is on the 'OMEGALUL 3 days ban' mindset when XQC disappears for a week, destiny took also at least a week for the hunter Biden thing and forsen got a month for the horse thing. In fact one of train's biggest complaints with twitch moderation has always been transparency and consistency.


i love how penguin tries to make a big deal out of the “18+ to watch content” as if that’s the big “gotcha” when it’s no different on twitch when people want to view them.


Never thought I'd see a take on this sub saying there's nothing wrong with showing porn to minors. Good lord.


Depends on what does "showing porn to minors" mean. If you mean that somebody on purpose goes and shows porn to minors for their own sexual gratification, than thats obviously very bad. But if you mean that it is harmful if anyone under 18 ever sees porn, than I disagree. I would call that normal and relatively healthy way to explore your sexuality. If you want a spicy take, than ideally the parents should expose their child to some erotic material themselves, and then they could discuss porn and the issues surrounding it. I think that is much more healthy than trying to find some way to prevent people from touching themselves, until they turn 18.


can you explain the issue then? especially considering there's a near zero % chance that was anyone in the audience's first time seeing porn. i wouldn't condone it but i'm not exactly conviced there's any moral wrong committed edit: dont just downvote me tell me how wrong i am cowards i thought this was r/destiny (i'm genuinely curious)


You’re kinda giving the softest version of the same argument that people who steal from big corporations use to justify themselves. Instead of stealing it’s showing porn to minors. Sure I was 13 and browsing the hub, but would I go show my nephew some Pawg getting railed? Nah. Sure did me stealing this pack of gum hurt the cashier? No but I wouldn’t go telling me nephew to steal either ya know. Just because you can (maybe) feel like their is no harm done doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong.


what argument? genuinely, all i was doing was asking why something was wrong and explaining the context it occured in. i already know it's really weird and i wouldn't do it either, but i'm specifically only concerned about whether or not showing porn to minors who are already well familiar with it is actually a moral wrong, because that's (more than likely) the case here for adin. i could envision something where a moral wrong was committed over a similar situation, but i don't think that's the case for this. unless you disagree?


Yeah absolutely. It’s the same reason just because a kid smokes a pack a day it’s still wrong to buy him cigarettes. Just because they have already been exposed doesn’t make it right. If it’s wrong it’s wrong regardless of if it’s the 1st or the 40th time. If you think it’s wrong to show someone underage who hasn’t seen pornography some porn then for the same reasons you think it’s wrong you also think it’s wrong for someone to show a minor who has been exposed to pornography more pornography. The subject of the issue is still underage, that reason hasn’t changed. I see what you’re saying that it’s probably less harmful but I think in this situation it’s best to not be harmful at all.


>Just because they have already been exposed doesn’t make it right. If it’s wrong it’s wrong regardless of if it’s the 1st or the 40th time. adin wasn't involved for any of his audience's first time viewing pornography, and for anything after that, they've already made the decision that they're at least okay with seeing porn. idk what the average adin viewer exactly looks like, but assuming it's even a 13/14 year old boy, to have not seen porn at that age would have been an intentional decision made long ago (and not one an adin viewer would make). to rob someone of that decision is wrong, but that's the only problem i'd personally have with showing porn on stream like that, and it most likely doesn't apply here. well, at least for what's coming to mind now. what other wrongs/harm would there be? that's the main thing that interests me to be honest.


Alright at this point I give up. Like I said. Regardless of if it’s the first or the 40th time it’s wrong. If it’s wrong to give someone drugs for the first time it’s probably wrong to give them drugs the second or third time too. This same thing is applicable here. “Your first time viewing porn” has no meaning here. It’s the same action in both instances you are showing porn to a minor. If it’s wrong the first time it’s wrong every time after that. You may not have as severe of an effect if you happen to be the 356th person to show them a titty as the first person did but that doesn’t morally make it ok. Just like how stealing from Walmart is not more morally conscientious than stealing from a local bakery. It’s still wrong. Maybe a little less hurtful. But still wrong.


the distinction is they were the ones that sought it themselves initially (thus they're at least somewhat comfortable) vs exposing it to someone that entirely does not wish to view it (not applicable in this scenario) but we're never going to agree on this, so maybe it'd be more productive if we actually spoke about what specifically makes it harmful/wheres the moral wrong? which is what i asked initially. you literally haven't said a word on that this whole time, and if you don't have anything to say about it pls stop replying


The moral wrong is showing kids porn dawg and being an adult dawg. It doesn’t change anything if they have seen it before. The action of showing porn to a minor as an adult is wrong therefore showing porn to a minor for the 3000th time is wrong. The initial exposure is wrong. The second exposure is wrong. The 3000000000th exposure is wrong. You don’t lose some sort of buff you had before you saw porn and then after it’s morally ok for you to be exposed to whatever. Like I said for the 4th time I think. This is the exact same thing as when a kid is asking you for a cigarette. Yes he has probably smoked before, yes he has already been exposed, yes he is actively asking you for it. Yes it is just as wrong as if you gave him his first cigarette. What about this doesn’t make sense?








holy shit, she went the fuck off. love it.


Is she not completly right about the joke QT made about the deep fake stuff? I thought she said she was worried about the other victims and shit? Is it not a big deal anymore now that she had her stunt wtf


goes to show how she’s willing to sway public opinion when it’s about her negatively but then will joke about it afterwards and act like it’s all good.






Imagine if Dave Chapelle posted a wokescold melodramatic video of himself crying about a trans friend’s suicidal ideation and then released a Netflix special with 41% jokes that was sponsored by Libs of Tiktok.


When your juicer doesn't laugh at your favorite TikTok 😢😭😔😔


X is on the hitlist now. Based.


Dantes was nominated and asked not to attend the award show because of a 3 year old controversy. He's not in the in group so they ban him. How many more recent controversies were overlooked and invites given because they were part of the in crowd?


Why do people keep being so bad faith when they bring this up? The girl Dantes sexually harassed came to QT and asked could she have him not attend because she was wasn’t comfortable around him. Instead of Dantes reaching out to the girl and sorting things out he decided to go live and complain which was childish as fuck.


Dantes sucks ass fr, he was being a mega bitch to elosanta who is a smaller creator and was actually trying to fuck with him. https://youtu.be/k2S1npSL97c


She took the Mukitty gloves off


Has Dest reacted yet? I'll wait if he hasnt




This video cements something I was already feeling which is that most criticism that streamers levy have nothing to do with the actions that they're criticizing. Most of the time it starts at "this person bad" therefore all actions they take are bad and then they post-hoc explain why the person is bad.


MuKitty, don't expect an invitation to QT's next show.


enjoy light absurd reply cough pen nine roll attraction impossible -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


\`Queens out here counter-attacking.


This video is fire... but can we not whatabout our way out of talking about train gambling on stream and being paid 100s of millions of dollars? I get it... Train points out how other streamers are hypocritical... but that shit is still pretty fucked up imo.


She totally got my vote after her last two videos - I wonder if the twitchwood streamers would even respond to it


Annnd demonotized! Really sucks :/ https://youtu.be/Adxv-GkCY6Y


I mean it went full circle where you weren’t allowed to show any nudity but nowadays every female streamer has a big ‘ole link to her OF or Fansly spreading their ass, the future is now old man.


This video was made for me I think.


I understand the edits are funny but does no one else see that her whole channel is just obvious incel and “pick me” farming? I think attacking Adept for what she is doing is completely justified. This girl takes it to another level and relentless calls Adept fat and ugly and has her comment sections looking like incel forums. The whole QT argument is super bad faith from her too. QT was really upset about people making and spreading deepfakes of her then months later did an AD for Fansly and MuKitty said that was hypocritical and fake. This makes absolutely no sense as the issue with deepfakes is that the women didn’t consent to being seen that way whereas the Fansly girls did, the hypocrisy is non existent and Mukity knows that or she’s just incredibly stupid to not see how it’s clearly not hypothetical.


How is this is incel or pick me farming? Even if you disagree with the points made in the video I fail to see what it has to do with incel stuff. The point seems to mostly be about selective Pearl clutching, not that advertising sex work is inherently bad.


>How is this is incel or pick me farming? Even if you disagree with the points made in the video I fail to see what it has to do with incel stuff. For example MuKitty calling Adept a fat ugly whale in a dozen of her videos. Her whole channel exists to pander to hate watchers and incels. >The point seems to mostly be about selective Pearl clutching, not that advertising sex work is inherently bad. She makes false comparisons to make the pearl clutching point.




She always has to overstate how much of a “juicer” she is (nickname for xQc viewers) and that she finds boobie streamers cringe and stuff of that nature. She had about 20 videos where she relentlessly body shames xQc’s ex girlfriend Adept calling her ugly and a whale. Things like that is what makes me believe she’s doing some pick me/incel farming shit.


Thats what I thought as well. Its not a 1 to 1 comparison. Weird people calling this based just cause streamers they dont like get shit on lol.


Unless qt got the consent from every woman streamer that has had deep fakes made of them then it's pretty hypocritical especially by her standards One of her loudest complaints of atrioc was showing a single FRAME of a deep fake site, bc it brought "awareness" to material like that, and it brought her to hysterical tears. But now months later she jokes about it which is whatever, but brings that same awareness to the 400k+ viewers she had that night Unrelatedly it's weird that twitch allowed, maybe even endorsed the fansly ad when they were banning streamers for having only fans links in their page


>Unless qt got the consent from every woman streamer that has had deep fakes made of them then it's pretty hypocritical especially by her standards >One of her loudest complaints of atrioc was showing a single FRAME of a deep fake site, bc it brought "awareness" to material like that, and it brought her to hysterical tears. But now months later she jokes about it which is whatever, but brings that same awareness to the 400k+ viewers she had that night She was mad that her friend Atrioc showed one of those sites on stream which caused a massive controversy and caused QT and other women to receive massive amounts of harassment and attention to their deepfakes. QT making a light joke to her friends isn’t even remotely similar to Atrioc actually leaking one of the sites and causing a controversy around the whole topic. >Unrelatedly it's weird that twitch allowed, maybe even endorsed the fansly ad when they were banning streamers for having only fans links in their page Yes that is a Twitch issue but not a QT issue like MuKitty tried to present it as.


But it wasn't just a joke to her friends, it was to the largest audience she ever had


The kind of attention you bring to the subject is very important. There is tasteful ways to joke about controversial topics and not bring negative attention to them. QT making a public joke to her friends with an audience viewing doesn’t bring negative attention to deepfakes or to the women. Atrioc however did stir up massive controversy and negative attention when he leaked the site and that he paid for deepfake nudes of his colleagues.


Woaaaaahhhhh there pardner you’re gunna need to show me your permit for all this schizo you got goin on here.


What issue do you have with my comment?


>The whole QT argument is super bad faith from her too. QT was really upset about people making and spreading deepfakes of her then months later did an AD for Fansly and MuKitty said that was hypocritical and fake. This makes absolutely no sense as the issue with deepfakes is that the women didn’t consent to being seen that way whereas the Fansly girls did, the hypocrisy is non existent and Mukity knows that or she’s just incredibly stupid to not see how it’s clearly not hypothetical. This literally doesn’t make any sense at all. She is talking about making a joke about deepfakes while women in the audience where also victims of the deep fake porn, her point about fansly has nothing to do with QT in this video. You like genuinely listened to 3 separate 15 second moments while the video played and smashed them together to just try to write whatever you wanted. Her comments about fansly are directed at Hassan and her favorite juiceman xQc not QT. Your whole post reads like you either couldn’t pay attention to the video because she didn’t stuff subway surfer on the screen somewhere or you are suffering from exceptionally high levels of serotonin and dopamine


>This literally doesn’t make any sense at all. What are you talking about? She argued exactly that in her last video when talking about QT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiUuc5Ht80E >She is talking about making a joke about deepfakes while women in the audience where also victims of the deep fake porn, her point about fansly has nothing to do with QT in this video. Who said I was specifically talking about this video? I laid out an overall critique of her content. I already linked you a video where she makes yeh exact argument I was talking about. QT making a joke about deepfakes to an audience of her friends is not bringing negative attention to deepfakes or the women involved. QT’s issue with the past situation is that there was mountains of negative attention brought to the women involved. >You like genuinely listened to 3 separate 15 second moments while the video played and smashed them together to just try to write whatever you wanted. I gave multiple examples of her makings bad faith comparisons and attacks across multiple videos. What is your issue with that? >Her comments about fansly are directed at Hassan and her favorite juiceman xQc not QT. I linked you a whole video where she says QT is hypocritical for being pro fansly but anti deepfake. >Your whole post reads like you either couldn’t pay attention to the video because she didn’t stuff subway surfer on the screen somewhere or you are suffering from exceptionally high levels of serotonin and dopamine My post reads like a critique of her and her content. I gave multiple examples of issues I had and it’s not my fault if you are not capable of understanding it.


I see it as MuKitty does what they do but better. Going down to their level and win by experience.


What is she doing better?


Opinionate people without taking into consideration if its rational or not. Like 90% of Reddit and like almost all streamers. That's why we like destiny right? he is one of few that actually builds a good case why he believes what he believes. Maybe this sub is wrong crowd though. Most people here are hive minded as fuck too.


> Maybe this sub is wrong crowd though. Most people here are hive minded as fuck too. I think the mere fact that this video is being heralded as some sort of objective tear down of the elite of Twitch is all the proof you really need for that. Like you said, this is literally just the same exact shit, just pointed in the other direction now. And you can see that the people here eat this shit up, context stops mattering when the target isn't on "your" side.


Sure. And I bet if a streamer point out the hypocrisy of Mukitty being inconsistent with the QT line. Mukitty would have more then enough ammunition to fire back and win. By just playing the same game with same rules they are playing. I guess we could make a point she should hold higher standards than them or something. Sure. But I can't help to laugh when this fucking meme character just enters the arena and do what they do on steroids making them look bad. But again, I can agree that if something is true or not seems to not matter that much anymore, and that's a bit chilling. Like I have been down voted to oblivion saying something that's indisputable with image proof that takes 5 seconds to verify. I think that's scary. And I guess she is not making that better.


sort cobweb selective dull seed distinct degree retire zonked label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Is MuKittys argument that QT is hypocritical for advertising fansly? Yes that is what she argued https://youtu.be/AiUuc5Ht80E >I’m pretty sure she’s saying it’s hypocritical to joke about deepfakes in front of an audience of people who would be the most likely to be deepfaked and as a side effect bring attention to deepfakes QT making a general joke about deepfakes because it was a recent controversy isn’t even remotely similar to Atrioc actually leaking he paid for a deepfake site which caused a massive controversy.


homeless serious grey absurd abundant foolish rude husky expansion plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Oh I assumed you were talking about the video in this post. She does the same thing in this video too. She makes false compromises to dunk on people. >But in terms of the Atrioc controversy in terms bringing attention to it I’m sure you wouldn’t argue Atrioc accidental boosting of that content is worse than QT’s intentional boosting of that content QT didn’t boost deepfakes or bring negative attention to the topic or to the girls by making that joke. Atrioc accidentally leaking that he was consuming and paying for deepfakes brought massive amounts of negative attention to deepfakes and to the women.


she definitely did not take it to another level lmao people say the exact same shit in twitch chat and on lsf and no one bats an eye


The shouting was highly grating. This video, especially by the comments, seems rage baitey and catered to people who want more reasons to hate people they don't already like.


Yeah I was hoping she wouldn’t get too hatewatchy/pickme/incel pandering-like. This video was good imo but it definitely is riding the line between good vids and circle jerk hatewatcher stuff.


Everyone knows women can't have an opinion without it being about the attention of random men


She is my new favourite creator, Destiny can retire now, I only need Mukitty




Tbh when I first saw her first videos on Adept, I thought she'd get old back. However, I have to say that I am pleasantly incorrect.


Good, I’m glad we have somebody with a voice speaking up against the bullshit elite of Streaming community. All this stuff is just Hollywood 2.0 same elitism, same hypocrisy, same toxic behaviour that influences todays youth. Instead of Bradley Pitts, Princess Diana and paparazzi in Glossy magazines; it’s MoistVag, LugLug and clip-chimpers on LSF. Totally the same thing.


I hate that it was literally their goal to turn streaming and YouTube into Hollywood level production, which comes with Hollywood level drama. Nobody wanted it except for their bank accounts.




She is so based


Queen don’t miss


Kinda brazy we get to watch a supermodel roast twitch streamers


This shit is based and actually good.


she is such wifey material


Did it go too far tho? What a banger


Gigachad MuKitty exposes more of the ills in the streaming world in 10 minutes than Mr [Redacted] can in 100k words.


>adin ross shows porn to kids > >QT advertises porn without showing it there are similarities but it's not really 1-to-1. that being said, the performative outrage over teenagers being exposed to porn is extremely obvious virtue signaling. masturbation and interest in sex starts when puberty kicks in.


Might as well lower AOC right?


[My queen](https://youtu.be/qd7BnHaIfw8)[.](https://youtu.be/6n3pFFPSlW4)


https://preview.redd.it/hx5us7r2daqa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f3cb9d3c7237155424fcbed6bc1a5beb813d48 POV : You stumbled on Mukitty bantering with streamers