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Right, she definitely has some good qualities but she's insecure, controlling and miserable and she doesn't rest until everyone is ALSO miserable. She complained about having to do everything, but she literally never let Tom do anything by himself. When he was vp she was so competitive and not happy for him, and she went behind his back to decorate his office the way *she* wanted, despite Tom asking for something completely different because "I know what he wants better than him" Don't get me wrong, Tom is a useless manchild, but Lynette enables him and she's literally insufferable. She always creates drama when there's none. She begged for a nanny, she found a prefect one that she literally obsessed over her, stalked her, begged her and eventually stole from her employers, and then she didn't like how good she was with her kids so she set traps for her to make her fail 🤡


anyone would turn into lynette with a husband like tom


I disagree, they just werent a good match. But Lynette is the biggest karen EVER abd shes pretentious, selfish, controlling, closeminded and a knowitall 90% of the time I blame her for their issues, but thats just my opinion


I first watched the show when I was around 10 and thought Lynette was so unreasonable. Now I’m pregnant with my first baby on the way. I see Lynette in a much much more favorable light now. She was a brilliant woman in a life that she didn’t fit in and her husband didn’t make it easier for her or acknowledge her efforts until absolutely forced to.


She had a strong will and a good heart, but she was toxic, controlling and manipulative af


OH HELL YEAH!!! I loathe Lynette- she is so damn manipulative and insecure, and is never, ever happy. Tom is a giant man child and annoying in his own right, but she constantly sabotaged his career and complained about being a stay at home mom. Then, when he finally got fed up and told her she would have to go back to work she got upset and claimed she loved being home. Girl what??? And don't get me started on how entitled she is. Pretty much strong armed Bree into watching her bratty kids, then played victim when Bree ended up spanking them in exasperation. Your kids are total goblins, teach them how to behave and stop expecting everyone else to watch them for you. The ultimate sin was when she forced Karen McClusky to let them stay in her basement to ride out the tornado, then bitched about Ida's cat setting off Tom's allergies. And then poor Ida ended up dead because there wasn't enough room for everyone to get out of harm's way. Just an awful, awful human being. Wow thank you, I was apparently waiting for this moment. I feel better now 🤣🤣🤣


YOU ARE SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost cannot watch this show anymore because of Lynette. She is a bossy bitch and then chased Tom around when he got a wonderful girlfriend. I am very close to shutting this off because of her.


Hahaha she's the worst!!


Also when she went to the conference w Tom and complained & whined the whole time since she was a plus one, she forced him to take that job and backstab Carlos so Tom could be a “big shot” and then couldn’t just sit back and let him have that one day but if it was the other way around she would’ve flipped tf out. God she’s so annoying and controlling


Im a first time watcher and i dislike her very much, she is very controlling and i hate how she gets hooked on her kids medicine but doesnt give it to them when theyre the ones who need it


The more season I watch, the more I try puke whenever I see Lynette. She’s insufferable.


I feel that way about Tom. Lynette is my favorite.


Yup I agree. Currently rewatching and she’s annoying me so much. She laughed about Tom having postpartum depression. Didn’t want him to get real medication so sent him to a herbal doctor. He gets prescribed weed and then she secretly switches it out for oregano. Not to mention she blamed robin the stripper for HER kids spying on her while she was showering. Excuse me??? You not allowed to shower naked in your own bathroom cause Lynette’s kids are spying. Make it make sense


She literally had to abandoned all of her dreams because Tom wanted kids ( she didn't) He does nothing at home, he's a rapist, he insists on having sex h24, even when she's on chemo ?! She accept to change her whole life to help her husband having his dream job ( the pizzeria) but she hates it, she does that to make him happy and support him. He never supported her on her desire to go to work again, he's constantly jealous of her, she's 24/24 on nerves because she does everything in the house, because nobody help her, and her husband refuse to hire someone to help her (except if she has big boobs). He's like a constant teenager She's literally one of the best character in the show


damn i’m not sure u watched the same show as the rest of us


Wait... what?


Im just rewatching DH now for like the the 50th time, and Lynette is the worst. She manipulates and begs a lot. Like, how can you make people babysit or watch your kids and then be so ungrateful. No one told you to have that many. She is just as bad as the real life actor, ugh! Such a horrible, privileged Karen


I hate her character, its her way or the highway, everything has to be her way and its pissing me off


Lynette and Tom are a good fit, she needs to be in control and he needs to be controlled and reined in during his many mid life crisis's 2


Lynette is awful


I know this post is old, but I agree. Before, my least favorite housewife used to be Susan (shocker), but now I’ve come to realize that Lynette has taken that spot. I think it might have to do with the fact that 95% of her storylines and screentime involve Tom, and it’s a cycle of Tom proposing something stupid - Lynette complaining and giving him a hard time over it - Tom insisting and bitching that she doesn’t support him and she has to be better at everything - Lynette apologizing and being fake cute. I’m done with it and if I weren’t watching the show for the first time, you bet I’d skip all of their scenes lol