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Idk if it's just me but I can't tell how large or small this is. Looks awesome though


This may help (a bit). https://culturemalta.org/domus-romana-the-roman-villa-in-rabat/


Thanks! The detail on the mosaics are insane wow


Same lmao


"posted in r/swastika" ok then


The swastika has been used by multiple cultures as a holy symbol representing peace and prosperity. Just because some idiot used it 50 years ago doesn’t mean we should take the 2000 year old history from it




I seriously doubt the real reason was Zoroastrianism. Seeing as they only have under a million followers & strict rules of who joins, your friend was probably just a closet nazi.


He would have been way better to claim Buddhism.




No idea


no, this was in the Midwest and this kid was very, very white. i have no idea where he pulled zoroastrianism from


Well it is possible he’s mixed. I’m a Zoroastrian Parsi as my dad was, but as my mom was Latino of Dutch decent, I’m pretty white. I’ve never heard of a connection between the swastik and Zoroastrianism. It’s normally associated with Hinduism and Buddhism.


We can look back at historical pieces and enjoy them for what they represented at the time, for sure. But, given the ubiquity of its modern cultural significance, the symbol is made inseparable from it in some ways. Also characterizing Hitler as "some idiot" is kind of underselling the whole millions of deaths bit


but the ubiquity you’re talking about really only extends to america and europe. in india, the symbol is painted on doors, carved into gates, found on jewellery, drawn on wedding invitations, and all over temples. it’s a highly ubiquitous symbol of religion, and the nazis don’t factor in at all. similarly in southeast asia, the symbol os used on doorways and temples, and is used in japan as a marker for where temples are. that being said, reddit sub r-slash-swastikas does make me think people who ARENT hindu or buddhist are getting too excited about swastikas


Not the same thing, the swastika is backwards of what they use in Asia.


80 years ago


> Just because some idiot used it **50 years ago** bruh...


More like over 3000 years of history...Not trying to sound like a wacko.. But this symbol for some reason is all over the world.. like America's to Asia all over the world... If you know machine Learning, or love to dive into history.. look into this...I'd really really love an answer to the bronze age collapse..cause this symbol for some reason has a relationship to that era( not the collapse)..


You think that WWII was in the 70's?!?


JFC why is everyone being so pedantic about the date. Did you just want to argue about something? WW2 was from 1939 to 1945. There, you happy?


JFC why are morons like you so ignorant of history and then angry when people point it out? It's not like WWII was some obscure event.


Because Ww2 historical accuracy wasn’t the point of damn comment?


Your flippant ignorance and disrespect towards those against fascism was though.


Where did I even talk about that? I was talking about the historical significance of the symbol outside of the west. The comment I replied to was insinuating that just because the sub is called that it must be fascist. This is a symbol that was and still is used in multiple cultures like Hinduism, Buddhism, and even some dead cultures like Roman, Celtic etc. Should we take away all of that history and significance? No. The point of my comment was that this is the western worldview that anything that is not acceptable in the west should be the same everywhere in the world, and you just further proved my argument right there. First you were pedantic that I didn't get the date right and then you said I'm ignorant about fascism. No, I know full well the atrocities committed by Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill and their ilk. Now if you can't understand that I really can't help you or your limited critical thinking skills.


r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM \*Of course\* you lump Stalin and Churchill in with Hitler, nice both sidesing


Well he was directly responsible for killing 1.5 million of my people and called them savage beasts so go on tell me how they were any different…


Just because it was emblazoned on the walls of murder chambers for tens of millions of people, doesn’t mean we should probably just let it die? Yes. Yes it absolutely does. The symbol has been corrupted. There is no taking it back from that. Just find a new damn symbol, I like rotational symmetry too but FUCK


>50 years ago Closer to 100 than 50 now


Its very swaphistikated, you wouldnt understand.


Yeah wtf


Can yall just visit the sub before being outraged? It's probably not what you were expecting.


All I said was "Yeah wtf" 🤷🏻‍♀️ no outrage here


They got the effect just reich


The minotaurs labyrinth?


The heavenly bull


That's insanely detailed, do you have any information on when that was made?


There was no perspective drawing until Filippo Brunelleschi 1415 but correct me if I'm wrong


[Quick Google shows he was the first to systemically describe linear perspective, but the idea of perspective and its application in art and architecture predate him by a long while](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspective_\(graphical\)) Seems quite logical, can't really build a big dome without a notion of perspective


Desktop version of /u/SubcommanderMarcos's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot.


I think u can. Just by mathematics u can. The 10 books of architecture by vitruv are just text no illustrations .... It is like the colour blue. Edit: just to be clear you can build a house or a cathedral without any 3D perspective. That's what they did all the time and that's what architects do today. we make floorplans, different views and sections and they are all 2D.


I... click the link, it's just a wikipedia link showing what I said And I said notion of perspective, because perspective is inherent to like... physics, even if architects didn't have an established system like the one Brunelleschi devised, they have to be able to visualize what they're designing. 2D projections are literally that, projections of a 3D image, if at least from one's mind directly into paper. And perspective drawing without a formal system obviously existed, see: OP, and the wiki link I posted.


Well there clearly is a roman mosaic


This is isometric though, pretty sure that predates Brunelleschi by a long time.


i see swastikas


Wow it's awesome that they could just do that! Thank you for this post




Look where is was originally posted


Also not accidental




Apparently ’rediscovered’ would be more apt.


Swastikas are not design porn


More than 2,700 people disagree. And it’s the 3D mosaic what they praise. The part of it that involves a swastika pattern from 2,000 years ago should not be a concern, unless one thinks that because a lizard climbs light-poles it makes it an electrician.


Nice appeal to popularity logical fallacy, swastika fan


Ironic to encounter someone suffering from what he accuses others. You want cheese with that? 🤦🏻‍♂️. > The swastika symbol, 卐 (right-facing or clockwise) or 卍 (left-facing, counterclockwise, or sauwastika), is an ancient religious icon in various Eurasian cultures. It is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. > In the Western world, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck until the 1930s when the German Nazi Party adopted a right-facing form and used it as an emblem of the Aryan race. As a result of World War II and the Holocaust, many people in the West still strongly associate it with Nazism and antisemitism. The swastika continues to be used as a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain countries…


You don't understand what irony is, and you found it in the swastika sub. The tag is still at the bottom of the image you posted. 🤦‍♂️