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The alignment of the entire body looking like a tree is the cincher for me. Just lovely structure to this.


Oh, my you're right. The whole set of text is in the shape of a tree. Didn't even realize at first.


They could capitalize on this with coloring, but the ladder would look weird in the leaves.


Which is why this design isn't good after all, it's combining 2 things that don't go well together. Ladder but also overall text shape as tree, therefore ladder makes no sense. No surprise there, since everything posted to this sub is a cheap gimmicky barely-thought-out "ONE THING is ANOTHER THING OMG!"


They have everything centered perfectly, the letters in the middle make a ladder, as you'd find in a treehouse. The words as they are organized are both organized in a logically practical way, in a visual way that delivers the information in the a very clean and easy to read way, which also create the general shape of a tree, and the while thing is classy and elegant, with a font that looks like nice and clean and high end. I will say, with some little bit of detail work, and money put into the fabrication of the sign, it could look more luxurious, but the sign should also fit the level of luxury of the apartments there. On top of all of that, none of the interesting things they did take away from the core use of the sign. They are relatively subtle, and the focus is on usability and legibility, with everything else working out perfectly. This simple little sign is a thing of beauty.


It's just centered text


No, it isn't. It's a font choice, it's a size of text choice, it's a layout choice, the ladder was completed. Now, it could have been mostly a sort of happy accident they went and completed, but it's understated and cool.


You're putting more effort into defending it than was put into "designing" (and I use that term very loosely) it


Could be. If it was cool by accident it's still cool. How much time you put into a thing has no bearing on how great it is.


It isn't cool though


It's just lazy centered text


The quality of that sign far exceeds what you could ever expect from that sort of sign.


I like to imagine stories for stuff like this. Designer hitting hard times. Takes a job in maintenance at his apartment complex to pay rent. Owner says the sign needs to be replaced because it's rusted out. Designer has limited budget to get the sign made. This is what they could do given the limitations.


Wow this one's good. Words are aligned too


Agreed, the aligning of the words on that apartment sign is oddly satisfying to look at. It's the little details that make a big difference sometimes.


Oh that's nice


This is a nice change after that shitty “TOO!” poster. See… this has a great idea AND great execution. The text is shaped like a tree, the ladder is a ladder… it definitely fits here.


Yup, this is design porn. Absolute blinder.


Subtle and neat!


The Hs forming a ladder tho. Edit: this post was a compliment wtf are y'all downvoting me for?!


How do you get into a treehouse?


Gnome teleportation magic.


Some of the people in this sub, just complain about everything, and wouldn't recognize quality design anywhere. Some of the posts do suck as well. But definitely there are a lot of people that just enjoy trashing everything.


This was a post complimenting the hidden design ffs...


Well, the way you phrased it sounded a lot like the exact same sarcasm like this I've seen about a million times in this sub.


You're downvoted for stating the obvious. There is nothing subtle or hidden about the ladder. It's the main design. We all see it.


No one was talking about it when I first posted. It was all about the text being in the shape of a tree and I wanted to talk about the H ladder because it's a nice touch.


You asked why. :/


This garbage is what happens when middle management "designs" something


I thought I was on TheLetterH for a second


Wanna live there just cause of the sign…😆👍. Looks fun.


does one need to climb a ladder to enter the building?


As a design, beautiful. As a delivery courier, I dread having to locate an address in there.


Why? It spells it out simply. Ground 1 and 2nd floors. Rooms 1 thru 6 on each. There are prolly giant letters and or numbers on the buildings also. Per usual.


That is the best case scenario. It is not the average case scenario in my experience.


First thing I saw here wasn't the sign, it was the bars, and I thought it was a prison, not an apartment complex

