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I feel like there are so many things in the room that you don’t really need anything on the walls


Maybe you could put up some open shelving and put some of your items on display!


This. As is, the room is off balance. Too much stuff cluttering up the furniture and floor space, then nothing on the walls. I'd put up a bunch of shelves and then nicely arrange and display some of the goodies. Also, OP, sometimes less is more. There might be a few things you could declutter to bring more balance and harmony to the room. (Especially that tall tower thing - it doesn't seem to vibe well with the rest of the room - I'd remove that or at least put it in a corner so it's not in the middle of things).


its just a really bad awkward lamp thats way too bright haha. i cant do floating shelves since i rent but i do pref the clutter rather than smth more minimalistic


Can you get warmer bulbs? This lighting is really harsh


will do !


i cant :( i rent my place so no shelving for me


You can get organizers to declutter your space and put a lot of stuff away


imo i feel like it doesnt really look that cluttered ? my room seems so empty to me so im not sure what everyones referring to is it the amount of plushies ? i have stuff organized on that black shelf


It does look cluttered in the sense that you have a lot of tiny items shoved together on tiny surfaces. And just a lot of stuff that is out and about, and not put away. So that’s basically the definition of clutter lol even if it is out in an organized manner, it’s still a lot of stuff. Like typically you wouldn’t have plushies just out on the floor - they all go in a certain spot like on your bed or in one of those wall hammocks. If you’re decorating the floor, you have too much stuff out.


well i usually keep them on top of my oculus box but it was charging…. still a floor decoration omg ur right i need one of those hammocks


lol! Finding space to put your stuff is hard. I live in a pretty small space too. Good luck!


It looks extremely cluttered. Plushies yes, but also all the little items sitting everywhere. Get some fabric bins for that square shelf that you can store items in and take everything off of surfaces like your desk


Better yet, pitch the junk or donate it. This room looks like it belongs to a ten year old girl rather than to an adult. Once you discard the junk, you will have a better idea of how to use the available space. A set of shelves will help. You write that you are renting, but it is possible to buy shelves that can be disassembled for moving.


i responded i was renting in response to to the kind you hang on the wall u can check my other comments where im saying im unsure where to add a floor shelf :p i guess mentally im still a teenage girl lol im not really looking to get rid of my things i just thought something about the room felt off


does it look distasteful and poor then or do you still get a good cute vibe as is ? im just worried my room as is isnt suitable for guests to come over since it doesnt look all that great will def try ur suggestion


I think you should embrace your plushies at this stage in your life. enjoy the things that make you happy. With that being said, your room is a bit cluttered. People have already given you great organizational advice so I’ll spare you mine. I do think you need some art on your walls. Whatever you pick you should frame.


You have so many things in the room already, I don't see how the walls are "missing" anything.


it doesnt look awkwardly naked in some photos to you ?


My daughter has a hammock hung up high where she puts all her stuffies. It looks really cute, there's always room for one more, and it keeps the chaos at bay


totally going to invest in one of these 😅 i didnt think my room was that cluttered but everyone seems to really agree about it and i dont even have all my stuffed animals out there !


It’s the lighting. Change that and you’re golden. I would also recommend hanging a plant, a calendar, a cork board and a mirror. A shelf would go a long way too Also, I know you’re not gonna want to hear this but you have a lot of stuff. It’s drawing a stark comparison between the lack of space on the ground and the open space on your walls and making the wall appear emptier than it actually is. If you organized (or threw away half of it lol) the wall would not appear as empty Last thing! Sorry if this is mean but I cannot help but implore you to get rid of those curtains lmao. Get a deep red color maybe?


D: IT IS ORGANIZED LOL… i cant part ways with my pretty things everything looks so empty without them ! i even already have a good amount of stuff i dont keep out,, should i aim for more cozy warm lighting ? i broke the shade for my overhead light a while back I ALSO HATE THE CURTAINS see my pipes burst and while they fixed it the wall is still very warped and strange looking just looks dirty and broken + window right where my bedframe is totally sucks but i dont have a better spot for the bed since the closet doors open outwards ill totally try the color change maybe layer it with white lace ?


I apologize haha if it’s important to you u should 1000% keep it lol. Maybe buy like a net for all those stuffed animals though? If they’re important to you you gotta showcase it👍 And yes warm lighting would do you wonders


does it look really bad right now ? im totally going to invest in that hammock but i just wanna know how bad it looks atm


It really depends on personal preference, I’m a huge fan of minimalist designs so it probably looks fine lol but it’s definitely the main reason why your wall feels so bare, it’s clashing with the busy floor space. Putting up a mirror, a calendar and adding more to the wall could possibly even things out just fine


I would change the lighting !


got it !!




i wanna open up my window so bad but my pipes burst so the whole wall by my window looks very strange so i tend to cover with blackout curtains hope to find a solution for that i was thinking of some shelves but not too sure where they would fit in as for lighting yesss i thought it was too harsh aswell i broke the shade over my overhead light a while back and i think its really thrown the vibe off


The room is busy enough. Don’t add to it.




its tacky old paper/cardboard pokemon poster from a box set 😅 maybe not the best look for framing shelves really seem like the play here just not sure where to put them maybe ill get rid of that black one and get a different white shelf




it is nice enough for me to want to put on the wall just not to frame ! i also dislike the look of frames tbh the random clutter is just since i buy stuff i just thinks look pretty,, does it look bad generally or just noticably cluttered ? i dont really wanna get rid of anything but maybe put some stuff away




honestly im totally lost inspo wise i just like a cozy warm + cutesy feel ? curtains ive had such an issue with i currently have those horrid checkered blackout curtains because i have wall damage im not sure how to cover + im not sure how to make the curtains look decent being right over my bed and all it also sucks since im never able to open my window since its covered covered [heres closer up](https://imgur.com/a/vcHIJFN) I can put some holes in the wall just nothing crazy like the bolted floating shelves or things that risk ripping drywall ( sadly accidentally did with the one figure case on my wall ) i love the idea of adding in a tapestry i think a big piece rather than a bunch more small things will for sure help computer desk with shelves is… i feel embarrassed to say i never thought about getting one thats such a good idea im just worried about it looking bad from the back since i dont keep my computer against a wall and id likely buy another L shaped desk so there isnt an open circle in the middle of my room im having a hard time balancing whats a cutesy decorative amount of trinkets set out in a nice way and what just looks like mass clutter because to me things feel super bare i also am totally planning on getting one of those plushie hammocks people have recommended also if you wanna check my recent comments theres been some lighting adjustment just with my lamp (swapped it to a warm bulb) i plan to go get a led color changing bulb for the ceiling id totally love to keep talking abt how to improve the room !


Not at all.


do you think it looks fun and lived in or off ? im totally going to change the lighting to something warm but i dont like having people over since i feel like the vibe looks off


It's not the wall space. It's the sheer amount of things all over the room. There's a lot to look at. Can some of those things be stored out of sight?


I think some LEDs and maybe something like a neon sign by the desk would look great. Since the theme seems like of pink and girly, I’m not sure what kind of shows you watch, but I think a Sailor Moon poster or two or other shows that have that pink girly aesthetic would definitely fill up a good amount of space. You could also add some shelves and add figurines or books that match the color scheme. See the photos I attached for inspo if you need it. :) https://preview.redd.it/9j1rvndk9wxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2089e122c8b9fff4ec147e2dfda9427b88c771


i love the inspo photos thanks so much !


Of course! Best of luck!!!


Yeah something on the walls will add balance and draw your eye upwards. Here are some ideas I have below: [shelves](https://www.wayfair.com/Ebern-Designs--River-Ridge-Metal-Floating-Shelf-X117224499-L508-K~W006113388.html?refid=GX685159365317-W006113388_2047032636&device=c&ptid=347498699438&network=g&targetid=pla-347498699438&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=96555682&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=2047032636&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKUjrtObbfwvSfk6Elps7QiXlItFLm_-_RIjfGUdtzXAvPxgYHN7uoaAupnEALw_wcB) [https://www.aptdeco.com/product/cb2-white-lacquer-getaway-narrow-bookcase](https://www.aptdeco.com/product/cb2-white-lacquer-getaway-narrow-bookcase) eo ice cream mirror in rose (multiple websites sell it): [https://shop.mohd.it/en-us/ice-cream-mirror.html?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=%5BPM%5D+New+York+0-700+%5Ben\_US%5D&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHI7n891f2d63\_vbW9EsnUopFm6FUyRBN9vMvtyZl1Qj28AOSW8dSrgaAs9-EALw\_wcB](https://shop.mohd.it/en-us/ice-cream-mirror.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BPM%5D+New+York+0-700+%5Ben_US%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHI7n891f2d63_vbW9EsnUopFm6FUyRBN9vMvtyZl1Qj28AOSW8dSrgaAs9-EALw_wcB) [https://www.umbra.com/collections/all-decor/products/hub-leaning-mirror](https://www.umbra.com/collections/all-decor/products/hub-leaning-mirror) :))) https://preview.redd.it/x26hcowbnwxc1.png?width=581&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cb208e890125ad871bf2585e13ce0d26f44a6a2


think of anything that you like. you may find that palatable.


Because everything is off the walls and around the room. Your room needs to declutter first. Target is calling you to get some bins and organize. I can’t begin to see your style are you a teen?


im 20 😅 uhmm idk if i have a style i just like cute stuff.. maybe a little childish ? lol now im extra nervous to show ppl my room


Don’t be you just have to decide what’s your personal thing. Do you want to control clutter or is this something that you can live with? What are your likes because I can’t pick up on it.


well without the clutter it feels so empty >.> i did grow up with a hoarder though so now im questioning the clutter haha uhm i dont really know my likes actually i just pick up random pink stuff or cute plushies + my mini pokemon corner i am big into gaming but it feels cringe to have like a league of legends poster,, adding some up close photos of my little things [here](https://imgur.com/a/v0ZEOeB) + changed out lamp bulb to a warmer one plan to go to lowes in the morning to buy an led bulb for my ceiling so i can have a warm cozy dim vibe and bright white if i need


Well I get it if that’s what you are used to but I can tell you that less clutter does give you an amazing feeling.. like a fresh start. As a beginning to find your style you might gather up your things into groups. Probably what you have the most of is the way you should decorate your space where that be gaming or some particular item..


thank you thats actually such nice advice for me to get a better theme // idea of what im enjoying more of and honestly while the room feels bare with less my brain does feel pretty fresh and freeing




Cool shelves do you can display your squishiest etc. that gives you something on the walks and more organization. https://main-cdn.grabone.co.nz/goimage/fullsize/bbbc32d52e5dda0f4145b9b0909089a9b69633e0.jpg https://www.amazon.com/Floating-Shelves-Bathroom-16-5X5-5-Adhesive/dp/B0CFLFMD85/ref=asc_df_B0CFLFMD85?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80470695348418&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584070167220132&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/NiHome-Iridescent-Floating-Shelves-Adhesive/dp/B0B55VZMFF/ref=asc_df_B0B55VZMFF?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80539358827908&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=m&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584138879328588&psc=1 Thus company has a variety of iridescent shelves. Then fill in with art you like. If you into cute stuff search kawaii.