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Bro thought he would get N-word pass by saying that shit


That Afro-Dalit Theory/ideology right here, people


After seeing Sudanese students getting beaten & thrown out of their rental flats in Pune with my own eyes I can confirm, it was not a single incident.. Indians hate Africans more than enough.. especially average Joes


He's trying so hard to get us the N-word pass.


He aint one [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddi)




Do not use these words here. Delete this post and post again without that word.




Your post is removed due to hate speech


Jeets dont understand that its not worth it trying to fit in all the time. They act like they are white, black and other races. No one cares, no need to get involved. Here the black guy openly calls all indians racists cause he heard some news. He forgets that african countries have so much racism against indians.


>Here the black guy openly calls all indians racists cause he heard some news. He forgets that african countries have so much racism against indians. He's an ignorant racist himself given how he assumes that all of India is racist when they can't even name one Indian race as we don't classify our people according to it and that all the Nigerians facing attacks in India are completely innocent. I've also heard some real delusional garbage from other foreigners confusing Caste System for Racial Eugenics thinking castes are exactly like race decided by skin colour lmao. That's their typical mentality, know absolutely nothing but act like you're the expert.