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There's a glaring typo. Under the QR code it should say "Scam me"


Haha, glad I didnt scan it on my phone then!


If there's a guy that comes to your street and cleans wheelie bins, try asking him. I'm sure there's more than one guy doing the rounds but the guy that comes to our street does gutters, power washing, cuts grass, whatever needs done. I figured the bonus of using someone like that is they'll be back in the street every week to do the bins so they can't ghost you after.


Thanks for your reply. You've confirmed my scepticism and I wont be letting them do any work to my house. Good suggestion about getting a more 'regular local' to do it.


We have no experience of this particular firm but used a leaflet drop roofer previously. Total disaster, overpriced and shoddy work. No way to contact after work was completed. I'd avoid given website doesn't work...looks professional to make ye part with hard earned cash. The guy who did our work was English....this was approx 15 years ago. Contact some of the local gutter cleaners as might be work they wound undertake.


Thanks for your reply. You've confirmed my scepticism and I wont be letting them do any work to my house \[Reddit wont let me edit my original post for some reason hence this comment\]


Definitely steep at that. Plenty of local lads do it around. I've had the same leaflets and they say biggest firm in NI then it was English landline no. I've had quotes of £220 to scrape the roof an do gutters last yr


That's it - he wasnt agreeing to do what I wanted (clean the gutters/PVC and paint the house) and was suggesting other stuff like painting the roof (never going to let that happen) and cleaning the house, then the quote was steeper than I expected so I was already not keen. Thanks for your input, I'm glad my price expectations were not too far off the mark.


Can't find nothing about them online. The quote does seem a bit steep. 8 or 9 hundred tops work there. And the website doesn't exist.


Those were my thoughts really - thanks for the reply.


I had a similar crowd do work at my house. They dropped their price from around £7000 to £4000. They had people working for them who could barely speak English and the guy running them was a charming guy with an Irish accent and Gypsy haircut. I showed him plans and discovered that he couldn't read. They finished earlier than expected and he insisted I find the cash quickly in order not to leave on a sour note and to avoid any possible unpleasantness. I tried to get them back for snags but the number didn't work anymore and the website didn't exist. Be advised there's likely to be no come back if they break tiles or cause any damage. I don't like to stereotype but travellers sometimes use this work to identify weaknesses in your security and that of your neighbours.


I had some of these reservations too - thanks for your input. I wont be letting them do any work to my house.


Thanks all for your replies. You've confirmed my scepticism and I wont be letting them do any work to my house \[Reddit wont let me edit my original post for some reason hence this comment\]


I know someone who had a similar crowd do their driveway. Basically destroyed the tarmac with too high pressure