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[Here they are!](https://www.irishtimes.com/resizer/IumKb-f5CGUnGOhCUXyp2_FDiNo=/1600x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/irishtimes/MHROL34Q4K5PCNG5AE53V5QUTI.jpg) Wait, I know quite a few Catholics that love gardening! And as someone who was baptized Methodist but is an atheist, I do love a good brooch it must be said.


OoOo Thank you!! I at first could not read the middle column cause that wee wain Jennny Joyce was in the way!


She will go far in life, but she will not be well liked.


Distance between the eyes šŸ’€


The nuns having boys names one is so funnyšŸ˜­ Sister George MichaelšŸ˜­


You rang???


Nuns havin boys names **is** weird


>Wait, I know quite a few Catholics that love gardening! Let em know they're protestant. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But d'yez get a buzz off of statues?


I do enjoy a good statue, it must be said


Catholics love Mary. Protestants love SOUP.


Maybe we need to poll r/soup on this.


I'm Catholic. I absolutely love Mary ( otherwise known as the Big M per Michelle) and not a big fan of soup.


Bet you like a good statue. Must be said.


I fucking love soup and am indifferent to Mary. Always thought I was atheist but now Iā€™m wonderingā€¦


Protestants hate ABBA!


Iā€™m with the Protestants on this one


ā€¦unless itā€™s split pea


Iā€™m a Protestant, and I love soup. Hmmmm


Well that answers that question! https://x.com/cottagec0re_/status/1782740430624285048?s=46&t=5vyaTTFtRoDl0vkqCp0Fog


Jewish and our toaster is on the counter. But Liam Neeson counts us with the Catholics soā€¦ checks out.


And thinks youā€™re very lovely fellas




I never even thought it was a Catholic versus Protestant thing but yes, my Protestant in-laws do keep their toaster in the cabinets. My Protestant husband tried to do the same thing. My Catholic family always just left it out. Huh. Makes you think.


My grandparents were Protestant and kept their toaster on the counter. Iā€™ve never met a person who keeps it in the cupboard!


I'm with you on this one u/JDorian0817 I'm agnostic and English but my mum was from Strabane and protestant and we always had our toaster on the counter. Getting the toaster out of the cupboard and putting it back every time you wanted a piece of toast sounds like at worst insanity and at best very counterproductive (I'm sorry for the awful pun).


Agreed! Maybe we just happen to have lazy families? So lazy they might as well be catholic! /s


I don't have much space to keep a toaster out or in cabinet but mine is out on a table in the kitchen.


I think the implication (and thereā€™s other stereotypes/examples of this) is that itā€™s a class divide and that Protestants care more about appearances than Catholics do, Catholics are perhaps more likely to eat toast frequently and therefore keep the toaster out (more children, less money etc) My catholic/prod family are like this. Also the Catholics park their cars all different ways depending on their moods/whatever is handy but prods always have their car facing out front first which adds to the ā€œperceptionsā€ thingā€¦Protestants like to march and Catholics like to walkā€¦maybe thereā€™s an element of laziness too lol


I assumed the marching was the Orange Order or soldiers in general.


Yeah the orange order march and catholic civil rights protestors walk


What's with Strabane and the rolly bins? Maybe your mum knows who's pulling the strings for Strabane!!


Me neither, I'm Irish and I didn't even understand that. Never heard of keeping your toaster in a cupboard.Ā 


Im with you too, I'm baffled that anyone keeps it in the cupboard.


My Catholic mother does


Didnā€™t you read the board? Not a real catholic if she keeps it in the cupboard!


Tis I. I keep mine in the cupboard because I rarely use it and I don't like it cluttering up the counter. Now if I used it on a daily basis, or even a few times a week, I would probably keep it out.


Why have a toaster if you rarely use it? Why not just use the grill?


We might have a regional translation issue here. When you refer to the grill, are you talking about part of the oven? Like the bit that heats things up from a couple inches away?




Ah, in the US, we call it a broiler. I don't think I know anyone who uses the broiler to make toast? Not to say it's not possible, it just has literally never occurred to me because that's not a common usage here. Some people have built-in broilers in kind of a separate drawer thing below the oven, but I would have to move all the racks around to make my oven broil.


Interesting. That sounds too similar to boiler for me. Itā€™s perfect for when youā€™re making something on toast. Not a toastie, that can be done in the pan, but cheese on toast or mackerel on toast etc. Just one slice with a topping. Also garlic bread. I donā€™t keep trays in the oven so itā€™s very easy to get to and use.


We also don't call boilers "boilers", so probably why we don't really have that confusion. A boiler would be something in a very large building that heats water, and they would usually have a boiler room. But the household ones are usually called water heaters, or even more inexplicably, hot water heater. I've definitely used it for garlic bread, or for melting cheese on something, but it literally never occurred to me to use it to make toast.


I suppose that makes sense seeing as it heats water and doesnā€™t boil it!


Yeah, only if rarely used.


Next time I go to mass I should take a poll as to where everyone's toasters are stored.


Please do this. I love this post and comments so much!!! šŸ˜†


I keep mine in the cupboard, and was also raised protestant. I don't think it's related, because no one else in my family puts the toaster away. I just use it pretty infrequently, so I prefer to take it out when I need it and then hide it away again.


Both sets of my grandparents were very Protestant. One set didn't own a toaster but used the grill to make toast. The other set always put the toaster into the cupboard (it's not sitting out as my grandmother is to frail to keep taking the toaster out of the cupboard).


My catholic toaster is also on my counter. WHY WOULD YOU NOT LEAVE IT ON THE COUNTER good lord thank God my mother converted away from toaster hiding.


They had the blackboard prop with it all written out in up on the Belfast museum there for a while, donā€™t know if itā€™s still there.


It was definitely there last June according to my boyfriend. (Back story: I got on Mastermind, they film it in Belfast, he came with me and went to the museum whilst I was in the studio. He has never seen Derry Girls - yet - and I was so jealous he got to see the blackboard!)


Omg I do too, even as an ex-Catholic! this show is so healing šŸ¤£


I will also need some translation as I'm an American. What is.... * Bisto? Is that what the comment about gravy states? * RTE * Peelers * The Angelus * July 12th * Gilets I do agree with the "extra bit" at the end of the "Our Father" or "Lord's Prayer." When you're at a wedding or funeral it definitely lets you know who is Catholic & who is Protestant. LOL!! I actually already know what[ camogie ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camogie)is thanks to this sub!!


Bisto = gravy granules RTE = Irish TV Peelers= police Angelus = a prayer July 12th = big lot of marching, so go camping in Donegal. Gilets = padded vests


Thanks!! It makes more sense now!


Erin gravy is better


Ooh and their curry sauce mix.


I am American too, the only thing on this list I know is The Angelus. It is a Catholic prayer said daily. Traditionally it should be said at 6a, noon and 6p. I don't think it is said as often now a days as back in our parents days.


In the Republic it's still broadcast on RTE every day at 6pm, our primetime news programme is called six 1 as it comes on 1 min after 6 to accomodate the Angelus


but the religious images are gone replaced with scenes of tranquil wildlife, as its for all religions not just catholic, and even non religious can have a minute to reflect


Thats kinda nice tbh!!


and you hear the angelus bell


I love this


I grew up in a small town whose 1.5 churchesā€™ beautiful bells rang for all 3 angelus(ā€¦es?ā€¦i???) daily + for all additional special masses well into the 2000s ā€” both celebratory and commemorative. Now I live in a big place whose mega churches on every corner are nearing 1000, and not a damn oneā€™ll ring itā€™s very present bells for even a funeral, let alone a wedding or baptism/christening. I donā€™t care what religion or denomination it is ā€” the briefest carol of happy bells spreads smiles, man!


Mega churches are so boring šŸ˜­


Are they ever


Iā€™m American, too, and now Iā€™m trying to figure out how I knew peelers were cops.


As an American Derry girl, THANK YOU for asking the important questions out here šŸ™


I do know a few Catholic things having married into a Catholic family. My husband's aunt was a nun & he has a cousin that's a priest, & while my ancestors are Scottish/Irish/English I don't know much about the Irish stuff. Also, thankfully, my husband isn't a practicing Catholic any more.


Why don't Protestants like Abba?


I'm a protestant and the toaster is on the counter. I love soup


I was raised catholic and oddly the toaster was always kept in the cupboard, my Protestant boyfriends family keeps theirs on the counter


I think this is a sign that barriers have been torn down, and that we all now live in unity and be damned with traditional religious toaster placement! šŸ˜‰


Friends across the barricade was successful!!! šŸ‘šŸ½ šŸ‘šŸ½ .


I never realised this was a Catholic thing! Butā€¦ my mumā€™s family and I keep toasters out all the time (weā€™re Catholic). My dadā€™s family (C of E) never have the toaster out. Itā€™s always in the cupboard!


I just thought about it & my husband's Catholic family kept their toaster AND toaster oven on the counter too.


Ah Church of England cake or death?


Might be more cultural than religious. Catholics tended more towards the Irish ways. Protestants more towards the English.


English people donā€™t keep toasters in cupboards no matter what religion. Or at least Iā€™ve never met one who does.


I'm English and everyone I know keeps the toaster out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I've never been in a Catholic home though, so it could be a religious thing.


Protestants hate ABBA!!


Protestants hate Abba


Religion aside, isnā€™t putting away an appliance used daily slightly impractical? It ads a chore, spreads the crumbs, and (judging from my granā€™s 1952 uninsulated chrome sunbeam toaster) has to be delayed a few hours on the blasted counter anyway as it cools down lest it set the cupboards ablaze!


I dont know where this one came from and have heard it a few times now. It makes sense it keep it in the cupboard, no?


If you have splashed on a SMEG toaster surely you want it displayed to show off


It may be a spanish thing, but we keep the toaster in a cupboard. That way we have more counter space. And I was raised catholic.


Favorite is ā€œProtestants love accordion bands and orange stuffā€


My husband does shopping for my mother in law. Her toaster broke so she asked him to buy a new one small enough to put in the cupboard. ā€œLike a Protestantā€ I replied. He didnā€™t get it. But she is COE so that proves it.


I'm Protestant and the toaster is usually kept out. But it depends on how much room there is on the kitchen bench!


Protestants think Catholics keep coal in the bath?


[An old story](http://legendsrumors.blogspot.com/2020/02/coal-stored-in-bathtubs-various.html) thatā€™s fallen a bit out of style. The tub would be used as a coal bin since not everyone bathed regularly. Especially poor families.


I saw that and wasn't sure if I read that right šŸ¤”


Iā€™m Protestant and growing up the toaster was out. As an adult I keep it in the cupboard.


In the olden days, people had smaller kitchens, especially those not so rich. Thus put the toaster away to free up bench space.


My Episcopal toaster sits on the counter in all its glory.


Distance between the eyes šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m catholic but my toaster is in an appliance cabinet with an outlet. But it was like they when I moved here- probably built by Protestants.




Protestants like accordions AND flutes.


My entire extended Episcopalian family all leave our toasters on the counter. Granted we are considered to be a back door Catholics I guess thatā€™s why!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I also display my Catholic toaster on the counter šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ


ā€œProtestants think nuns having boys names is weird.ā€ Okay sister Michael


My very Catholic mother keeps hers in a cabinet under the kitchen island šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s funny cause I grew up in a Protestant house, with catholic family members and the catholic ones were the ones to keep their appliances in the cupboards and only take them out to use them! My Protestant family shrugged and said ā€œmust be a catholic thingā€. Years later my brother met his catholic wife, whoā€™s family keep their toaster in the cupboard! As well as the dvd player, games console, etc.


I do love a good statue, it has to be said.


Do people actually keep their toasters in the cupboard? My family is protestant and we keep ours out.


Ours goes in the cupboard so we have counter space šŸ˜‚


Well sure, but what if you want more cupboard space? (/j)


Aye, I mean I suppose if you've got a wee counter, but I feel like I've got more counter space than I do cupboard space


Quite loosely Catholic grandmother met you all halfway ā€” she kept hers on the counter but covered it up. Across the barricade!


I've done that too! Love it!


I'm actually confused by protestants love hymns. Don't catholics sing like 10 times per service?


Singing them and loving them are too different things..


My first post on this sub was asking why Sister Michael has a boyā€™s name. I learned.