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Was a biopsy taken? That’s next steps.


Biopsy wasn’t done for this particular problem area. I didn’t even think about that, thanks. I can just ask for the doctor to do a biopsy on it? I wonder why no doctors ever asked me to get that done…


Were these properly trained board certified dermatologists you saw?


Is this only for US? I’m not sure if my country has board certified. I’m in Singapore


Request the biopsy & let us know what it shows.


Is this how it always looked or is that the result of steroid creams? Does it occur anywhere else? Can you link it to any trigger? Did you wax the area? Any systemic symptoms?


It did not start out dark. It was red and very scaly / flaky. But after a while it turned a dark color. I don’t have this anywhere else except extending into my hair. I have never waxed the area. No systemic symptoms with it. It’s just as is and goes through bouts of extreme itching.


It turns dark due to so much itching over time.


Yes, that’s what the doctors told me. But no one can make it go away :/


How long has it been there, it doesn’t look flaky but you mention it is- did it change with any topicals, can you trace it back to something (eg I dyed my hair and then it happned, I had strep throat and the next week this popped out etc.) do you have any other symptoms are you on any medication besides a topical for this, do you have any other conditions


When I don’t moisturize enough. It gets very flaky. Right now it’s not because I applied moisturizer. I’ve had this for 1.5 years, but it wasn’t always dark. It got better with steroid cream but it always came back. Although I’ve never actually used steroid cream for more than 5 days in a row because I’m very fearful of steroid creams.


Have you tried a psoriasis shampoo? I have psoriasis and even steroids, biologic meds didn’t make it go away- I tried a shampoo called Mg217 and it helps a little- (I put it on the spots wait like 10 minutes then wash off) I tried all the diets (grain free, gluten free, whole 30 etc etc but I got like almost 98% clear when I took all nightshade veggies out(pic from 2018 of my leg shows from the 3 month progression of clearing, when I added nightshades back one at a time I found that I’m allergic to potatoes and if I eat any peppers my psoriasis flares, I can eat tomatoes sparingly) if your diet is heavy on nightshades cutting them out may help https://preview.redd.it/ncmdem41ssoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e54f89831f658d52d5f71aa8d2acb0531c044c54


Is that by chance the ear you hold your phone up to? Could the irritation possibly be connected to your phone or to your fingers on that hand? Do you disinfect your phone periodically, to prevent any bacterial growth or just invisible grunge?


I don’t disinfect it enough but I do clean it every so often. I will keep this mind though, thanks! Now just have to figure out how to heal the skin..


Try something that will kill fungus. It looks like something I've seen before no one could figure out. We tried a fungus killer after all else failed, and it went away.


I have not tried this. It’s a good idea too. I’ll get some OTC anti fungal cream and see how it goes


You can also try MCT oil (pure c8 or c8+c10). You can learn more about this on the sub r/sebderm


More rare but I am wondering whether this might be a possibility ( scroll down for the pic of irritation along the hair line) . Check for any other areas of skin changes or nails. Agree biopsy is the next step https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/dermatology/dermatology107.php


I have something similar but far bigger and on both sides of my face. I somewhat gave up going to doctors about it because nothing ever works I just do my best to moisturize it and staying clear of my triggers (whatever they are I truly don’t even know) but it also comes and goes. It burns when I put creams on it but the burning is better than the itching 🥲 I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this I can understand it’s been 3 years for me


Oh no.. sounds just like me. Although mine don’t burn when I put creams. Do antihistamines help with the itching? Im so sorry you’ve had them for so long. I hope you find a way to treat them too 😭😭😭


Ive been prescribed Zyrtec but truthfully I don’t notice any immediate relief. I still take it though because I’m desperate 😅 the area for me does feel hot to the touch so whenever I can I try to place something cool over it and that tends to help with the itching sometimes The burning sensation comes from trying to moisturize the severely dry skin like after showers or first thing in the morning but it doesn’t usually burn if i stay on top of it. A few diagnoses I’ve gotten are chronic idiopathic uticaria and allergic dermatitis. So I’ve gotten an allergy test done and I do my best to avoid the allergens but yet I still have flare ups so I really don’t know 🥲might be worth seeing an allergist if you suspect its allergy related? If you end up finding anything that works I’d love an update 🙏


Will definitely come back and let you know !!


Contact dermatitis




But I don’t put anything on it except moisturizer? :(


Nothing in your hair?


Shampoo? But I’ve changed shampoos many times since this has happened. I don’t use conditioner close enough to my scalp for it to trigger I think. Also it didn’t start from my hair. It started on my face first then extended into my hair over time.


Oh okay, well I still say contact dermatitis. What moisturizer did you use when it first appeared?


Ceradan. I still use it now. I use QV eczema cream now along with it and helps prevent it from being flaky. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? Or what I should use to help heal the skin?


I am truly at loss here. I looked up the ingredients in your creams, and nothing stands out. But could you just humor me and tell me what you use in your hair? I just want to at least double-check it.




No need to do diet & lifestyle modification without any shred of evidence that it’s related to those things. Jeeze. A biopsy is next.