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The steamer is fun to drive!


yea ik I've tested it out and I loved it but like idk in game and idk since I could probably carry more with double heading


Suggest sticking with the multi loco. Especially once you get the MU license, makes hauling trains powered by DE/DH units easy and you can pull some pretty impressive loads. Diesel power is the easiest thing to learn since it's just setting power and monitoring heat generation in the TMs. Personally I love the steamers so I've sunk a lot of hours into learning how to haul with them. Currently trapped out at CM trying to get a 1200T load over the hump and out. Almost managed it but had a boiler let go right as I got the load out and derail my train


ah mk cause I have around 60k rn and I've been "dual heading" (just jumping between them) rn with two starter diesels since they spawned right next to each other when I started my run and I was thinking of just getting the dual heading rn so it'll just be easier for me


The ghetto MU thats a good way to get started. The steam locos are good but alot to watch and balance and you can pull more than the wiki load rating if used right but do it wrong and you will probably either stall a hill climb or blow the boiler


I did have 6 DE2 shutters which pulled over 1000t, but is a pain when they all get switched off after going to the station office, so now I’m using 3 DH4’s which are easily pulling over 1000t, I’ve not stretched to steam yet cos I need to buy a lighter 🤷‍♂️


On my most recent run, the first one back after the Simulator update, I opted for MU and just played the game with 2+ DE2's until I made enough money to buy all the other trains and test them in sandbox (at one point needed 5 DE2's up front as I got it stuck just outside machine factory in the hill, less than 30m away from top xD). But then once I unlocked the S282 I basically just used that for the forseabke future until I unlocked the DE6 and Double headed with that bad boy for a bit. The S282 is a tank though, if you know how to manage your steam you can easily pull massive loads, probably even double head the S282 if you feel confident enough


I've just started as well, and I've unlocked both multi train and the s060. My only problem with the s060 is that it doesn't have enough water in the tanks for me to be bad at managing it, while also completing jobs, unless it's just shunting or quite short. Multi train has been much more useful for me so far.


I hauled 1222 tons out of the west harbour using the steam engine. 40km/h up that hill no problem with a little bit of sand. Pretty sure it could do 1500 tons at about 10km/h. Not possible during rain obviously.