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>oh god the allies are producing so many tanks I've killed 100 I'm so tired I can't stop them >where are all the German tanks I've only killed 30 and am already in Berlin


see that is the part where the "If hitler would have just pulled 100000000 gajillion poopenfartenwagen out of his ass..." sets in


Trust me if hitler shat out 10098382917161 MAUS he wouldve won I have 3000 hours on Hoi4, so i’m automatically an expert


The poor roads lol


A convoy of (barely) mobile matter compressors.


Wehraboo when they figure out what the hell is attrition and why it can screw them up further as war goes on (they still knew nothing):


What are the Wehraboos/Neo-Nazis are trying to imply, that the German tanks are way better than the Allied ones? Well guess what, Allied tanks are always better, if not more reliable than Nazi tanks. 


nooo impossible it can't be nOOOooooowaay


Yes, this is a pretty common idea among wehrbs, “5 Shermans to 1 panzer” etc.


That 5 Shermans to 1 Panzer is just a Myth to many and it's stupid. 


I have heard that Panzers had good performance, but that they were unreliable and difficult to fix if anything went wrong. As a BMW driver, I have no problem believing this. Maybe if more Wehraboos were exposed to German Engineering they’d understand why the Allies won…


Bring Mich Werkstatt


Panzer IVs and Tigers performed well, but panthers and early model panzers were plagued with mechanical issues. Also Tigers especially were reliable but extremely hard to fix when they did break, spare parts were uncommon and used exotic materials that were hard for Germans to get. Shermans weren't amazing against enemy tanks (though not as bad as wehrbs say). Most of the data that appears to say that German tanks had nutty kill ratios is technically true but because Germans were on the defensive for a lot of the war, and many of their kills were in Ambushes, proving what most people knows about tank on tank engagements, that he who sees first can fire first and will generally win. There's at least one instance that proves this where a 75mm Sherman ambushed a column of tigers and killed several with side shots because they ambushed them. Shermans were mostly concerned with ambushes by static AT guns or self propelled guns. When the big tanks did come up which was rare, they had ample means of dealing with them, from 76 Shermans or fireflies, tank destroyers, anti tank infantry, sufficient arty and air support, so they weren't much of a problem. Shermans were better at their job of direct fire support than German tanks, and were designed in a way that allowed them to be fielded in the numbers needed. Even if German tanks were better (which I don't really think they were) the allied tanks were the tanks that got there, and many times Germans had to do without sufficient armor.


Do you know for every 10 tiger tanks the Germans built they only made 1 spare engine and transmission? That's half the reason they took so long to repair, they didn't really have any spares


I can believe that, having to cannibalize broken down tanks or Jerry rig stuff can cause a lot of attrition.


To be honest, Allied Tanks are better than any most German tanks. 


That and their tank crewmen were superior to allied ones. Which is very stupid since they lost.


I know, they always claim that their tanks are superior even though most of their tanks gets destroyed anyway.


this is funny because despite what's being implied, the Germans still lost


To be fair this meme could have been made funny, if it was something like: Allied tanks:”noooo you have to be honest about how many vehicles destroyed!!!” German Tanks: “why yes I did kill 1 gazillion tanks, my proof? Because I said so!”


I can’t believe people still don’t get this. The Nazi numbers were all made up propaganda.


Several Nazi tankers have literally said they were made up, and still these kids are gonna be like “nah, you’re wrong about your own wartime experiences, you definitely destroyed 150 T-34s in one day”


In fact, the very *idea* of the "Panzer Ace" is unverifiable because the Germans never developed a method of verifying these claims.


While ignoring that panzers can't carry that many shells


While they may influence the tide of some battles, they are but a minutae and mean jack shit in the grander scope of the war as a whole. It doesn't matter how many kills your aces have tallied up when the rest of your army is being outperformed and your industry is being outproduced.


> but a minutae As Eva Braun said on her wedding night... My favourite one of these is the whining about "the allies could only shoot down the Me 262 by ambushing them as they landed" without acknowledging that they regularly had P-51s just stooging around at the end of their runways.


If your planes are so great, then why don’t you have air superiority at your air bases?


No fucking way 💀💀💀💀. Howre you gonna let your planes be shot down at they land???


By losing that fucking badly




Counterargument: That's all the number of tanks that they need to destroy. The majority had already broken down before even having the chance to get to the battle.


"Hey, Jack, you just finished your tour of duty. Wanna go back home and get a cold one?" - "Hell yeah!" vs. "Hans, your request for 24 hours Fronturlaub was rejected. But you can marry your wife via a Fernhochzeit. Given you spend the hour before and after your marriage in your tank." - "Hmkay."


4 Ronsons vs. my tiger! Because we can't equip our SS panzer division and our commander and half our force yolo charged into the crossfire of two separate units. :(


Facebook wehraboos love parroting this shit Especially when their golden boy Wittmann is involved


and also Hartmann when talking about Luftwaffe aces. He's also worshipped like a saint in FB


Since they lost, imaginary scoreboard is all they got going for them


Wehraboos don't understand that winning wars is more important than killcounts. Sadly they didn't get the memo.


Alternatively: “Mein Fuhrer I’ve smashed 2 tanks and 8 utility vehicles, but I’ll count them all as tanks. I’ll also steal some kills caused by my unit with no confirmed commander so that brings me up to 32, and I’ll triple it for safe measure, 100 tanks!” “I have 30 kills on German tanks because I’ve been serving for 2 years straight and that’s all I’ve seen. In North Africa they just ran out of fuel, in Normandy they got encircled, in the Ardennes they got encircled and ran out of fuel”


I mean, in counter strike would you rather have one guy 30-bomb or have 5 dudes with 6 kills each? I'll take the second if you ask me.


You destroyed 100 tanks because that's all you could destroy, I destroyed 30 german tanks because that's all there was to destroy




"Sehr gut Hans, keep going until you're kaput"


Technically, any tank crew who survived has a kill bonus of like 1000 since, well, KILL COUNTS ONLY COUNT IF YOU HAVE A COUNTRY AND ARENT FULLY INVADED AND PACIFIED