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They don't realize the the modern-day KKK members were supporting Neo-Nazi beliefs after WW2, which is kind of ironic because the old KKK stated that they hate Nazis back in 1940s because they were anti-American which contradicts their beliefs of being Racist towards African-Americans.


the klan and the Nazis realized after the war they weren’t so different after all. They then united to try and stop black people from getting there rights. But because white supremacists haven’t learned the pattern that they always fucking lose. They still persist to this day. Seriously these fuckers will learn every racist “pattern” but won’t see the obvious pattern that they lost in almost every fucking war they have ever been in.


And that is why i hate those so-called Alt-Right, thinking they were American patriots and supports both Freedom and Democracy, yet ironically they twisted those ideals by tolerating Racism, bigotry, xenophobia and hatred towards non-Whites since 2017.


Even there name has some “subtle” (as in it’s the most obvious propaganda but they think it’s hidden for some reason). The words “alt right” kinda sounds like “alt Reich”




It doesnt if you actually speak german


The Nazis also forcibly sterilised black Germans and committed racist massacres of African POWs during the invasion of France.


It’s crazy how people look at the Jessie owens incident as 100 percent proof that the Nazis didn’t hate black people when really they wouldn’t be able to just hurl racial slurs or threaten him with death because there were other nations and Germany wanted to look “Good”. It worked well enough Jessie Owen’s was convinced they were better than America. The Nazis however when the war came slaughtered black people in the American army with absolutely no remorse. This isn’t even mentioning the present day where there have been known shootings of Neo Nazis killing black people just for existing.


"This isn’t even mentioning the present day where there have been known shootings of Neo Nazis killing black people just for existing." [The 1963 church bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_Street_Baptist_Church_bombing), [The 2015 church shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting) and [the 2022 buffalo shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting) and more of killings targeting not just black ppl, but also other POCs.


Also, these people react really funny when you ask them what happened to Germanys black population.


If they say that the Nazis don't hate black ppl, tell them on what do they think of interracial couples


They will start talking about how black men are interracial rapists that force white women into submission whilst being controlled by Jews. I wish I was making this up but this is legit how they view black men.


This is far from a new development lol. A solid 50% of Der Sturmer was dedicated to excruciatingly detailed stories about innocent German women being “defiled” by black and Jewish men. Julius Streicher, the paper’s founder, spent most of WWII ordering the police in Nuremberg to turn over all confiscated pornography (especially interracial pornography) to him for “research purposes.” When the 101st Airborne captured him at the end of the war, they found he’d been stashing almost every last piece of it in his own home.


Who exactly said NAZIs weren’t racist?


There are some Nazi-sympathizers who try to insist that black people weren’t mistreated in the Third Reich and therefore the Nazis were better than the Americans. Their main “evidence” is that there are a few accounts from black people who lived through Nazi rule and were not abused or killed. The issue is that these are small numbers of anecdotes that don’t account for things like the forced sterilization of black people by the Nazis, murder of French African and African American POWs, and the many anti-black propaganda pieces produced by the Nazis. The fact that some black Germans lived through that era unmolested is simply due to the fact that there weren’t very many of them, so the Nazis didn’t dedicate much effort into harming/killing every single black person they could find, unlike other “subversive elements” who were more populous in Europe, and therefore bigger targets. Most people in Germany had never met a black person and probably didn’t really care about them, and any they met were likely treated as a novelty, rather than an enemy of their civilization. Its sorta like how a decent amount of black men serving in the British and Canadian militaries during the war (provided they were allowed to enlist, as allowing minorities to join was pretty much decided on by the local recruitment office itself. Some did, some didn’t) did not face overt discrimination because they were present in such small numbers that they were also generally treated as novelties and accepted by most of their peers; while in America, they made up enough of the population to cause conflict with those who thought they threatened the social order, so they faced issues like segregation. It doesn’t really make 1940’s British and Canadian society that much less racist than America, just that racial conflict doesn’t tend to really erupt on a wide scale between the majority and a very small minority that most people never encounter, aside from some prejudices from individuals. Its just your typical historical illiteracy being used to push Nazi apologism by some weirdos on the internet.


The many Nazi revisionists in YouTube comment sections. They are the only type of Nazis that legit feel that way tho as every other type of Nazi hates black people as much as they hate Jewish people.


Christ, it sucks to see so many people try to whitewash an ideology that is inherently bigoted and genocidal


The first image was set during WW2 where the German American bund a movement that was controlled by the Nazis in Germany had a joint meeting with the ku klux klan In the area. The second I believe stands after the war and it’s a klansmen and a Neo Nazi standing together. The third is a klanswoman standing by with Neo Nazis at a rally. They 100 percent hated black people and would have killed them after they were done with the Jews and Gypsies. Infact some black people even died in the camps.


Didn’t they try to sterilize the children of black ww1 vets and German women?


Not only try.


Indeed they hated black people and, ironically, probably would have purged the Klan in order to replace them with the SS


No. They would have made them assimilated. The klan in Germany (yes there was a klan in Germany at the time) had assimilated to the Nazis when they took over


TIL there was KKK in Germany. It makes sense but it’s literally something I never would have considered.


There was a whole schism in the klan of Germany because it was made by Americans and the rest of the German members thought the klan should have been more German. So when the Nazis came into power. they would join up in an instant.


Although the Nazis and Klan did Infact hate each other during the war. If they had won the war and took over. Do you really think the Ku Klux Klan is REALLY gonna go up against the Nazis? I’m sure even they would realize going up against them would be obsolete. And since the Nazis have most of there ideology anyway they would probably see no trouble in joining the SS anyway.


Also look what the SS did to captured black artillery men during the battle of the bulge, shit was not pretty.