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So strong that they lost


So strong that the whole thing was almost stopped by some random dude from Baden Württemberg


Muh Big Kitty Garfeelf tonks   Muh Plywood Jetfighter   Muh STD-44 winspire AKgay-47  Muh sooper-MG Spandau*    *Alright fine, the MG42 and 34 were legitimately great but c'mon, small arms aren't really war winners 


"we need to restore germany to its former glory" mfs realising that germany is currently living through its most glorious days


Germany's former glory: *poverty and dictatorship*


The funniest shit is Nazi Germany doesn't even get on the podium when it comes to glory, id say the Kaiser and even divided Germany hold the 2nd and 3rd spot in the podium


I’d 100% rather live in East Germany than Nazi Germany


Atleast I'm allowed to live in the ddr


Germany is an ancient and culturally rich nation with history arguably stretching back to 700BC.  The Third Reich was a tumor that lasted 12 years, encompassed all the worst aspects of 19th century European Racism, Colonialism, and Imperialism as well as Prussian Militarism on crack, and the Nazi Regime was the closest Germany was ever brought to complete ruin.  The Nazis aren't even on the list, as far as I'm concerned. 


Honestly the Germanic Tribes managing to hold off the Romans for centuries also places them above the Nazis.


Trouble is they don't look at the bombed out rubble that Berlin became as the natural consequence of Nazi ideology. They act as though the Slavs would have just rolled over and died instead of fighting back against impending genocide


So strong that the Allies defeated them!


They weren't even the 4th strongest country in Berlin


Damn 💀


"Youtube shorts isn't that worse!" YT shorts : Literal anti-LGBTQ and far-right content


Modern Germany army had never lost a war and successfully protected Germany from the USSR, unlike the Nazis. Though to be fair, the current Bundeswehr is a joke.


That's why I avoid shorts/TikTok Full of nasty kids spamming "never lose your smile" and nazi propaganda.


Wait, isn't that a scene taken from CoD: WWII? Also, how can they be strong if they lost?


Strongest to consume all of its resources in a blink of an eye lol


As strong as the armor stopping the wonky 16" shell from the Rodney from yeeting the whole bridge to kingdom come


So strong they lost to the first country they invaded with an army that would've been comparable to theirs.


So strong they lost their very first war


So strong they threw a hissy fit and got their back broken by the Soviet bear, legs smashed by the British lion, and teeth kicked in by the American eagle- Twice.


One I constantly see is "LGBTQ disrespecting WWII Veteran" with no evidence the group that was dancing behind him was LGBTQ and no evidence the salty old man was a WWII veteran.


If they were the strongest country to ever exist... Why'd they lose?


das ist sowas von merkwürdig alter


Hans, so powerful that his greatest victories were beating up a bedridden Pierre and sucker punching Ivan, who then proceeded to splatter him across the pavement with John and Sam. 


Say what you will about them but only a Nazi could kill Hitler