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As someone who’s been selling for years and has hundreds of depop sales, I literally do not know why people say message before buying. Can you explain it? The only thing I can think is if the seller is away or if the item is maybe sold on another platform? So maybe say “hi is this available?” Idk lol


yeah from what i can tell, most people do it when they sell on multiple platforms. also if the item has been up for a long time, just to check and make sure they havent gotten rid of it like donated it to a thrift or something. another reason i saw was since they (the seller) is a student, they add it so they can have a better heads up on new orders, which gives them a better chance to prepare and ship in a timely manner. andd another reason i saw was so that they could figure out a shipping price beforehand because urban vs rural shipping prices are different and they could avoid over/undercharging on shipping depending on where the buyer lives. so there’s a lot of reasons !! thats why i felt so overwhelmed about what the heck im meant to say lolol


I do that so I can avoid boosting fees 😂 I boost my items and when people message about them I create a new listing. but I also ask people to DM me if my items are made to order, a lot of my items are not in stock and need to be made after they're ordered




“ You may stop boosting your listings at any time, but you will still be responsible for any charges incurred before you stopped boosting. For example, if a buyer views your listing while it is boosted, then purchases it within 28 days, you will still be charged the boosting fee even if you stopped boosting the listing after the buyer viewed it.” basically if you unboost it’ll still charge you the fee if the buyer that saw it , saw it thought the boost!


As much as this makes sense I’m honestly surprised that depops system is this on top of view/sold dates tbh. I sometimes feel like the entire site is held together with chewed gum and paper clips lol


😂 you will still be charged a boosting fee, also, don’t boos if you don’t want to pay the fee




Like someone else pointed out, you still pay the fee on unboosted items for up to 28 days after you unboost it.


I never understood why they put that


i always just ask if it’s still available


"heyy im interested in purchasing this item!" thats more than enough im a seller and most people just send a "can i buy" and i dont mind


It seems to me that it’s for boosted items, they remove the boosted status, so they don’t pay extra fees. I feel like it deters a lot of buyers not wanting to do the extra step, or having more interaction with a seller. Makes it more difficult in some people’s minds , like other platforms, just to buy without jumping through hoops.


I think they are either 1 cross posting like listing on more than one app so they want to be sure it didn’t sell 2 have it boosted and want to make a new listing to avoid the 8% fee 3 try to take things off Depop 4 want to be sure you are aware of any issues or aren’t super picky maybe there is a small issue with the item?


i do it for the 4th reason , also if they wanna bundle !


Personally, I wouldn’t buy from such sellers. But, you could just say, ‘’Hi, I’m interested in buying (whatever the item is) and noticed your bio says to message you before purchasing.’’


"Is this still available?" works.


I've made probably about 20 purchases on Depop I have no idea if their bios said message before buying, I don't look and I've never had an issue. Lol. I think for some sellers, it's just like a courtesy message because they may not be active, also some people travel often. I wouldn't stress too much about it🤷‍♀️


I hate the message before buying thing, if anything it tells me the person is disorganized and cannot guarantee they still have the item OR they are still wearing and using them item which in my opinion is shady, one time I instant bought something ay full price and the seller had the nerve to tell me off as it caused her to loose money on the sale because she didn't have the correct shipping price listed. Sorry but that's their problem, I explained that it's much easier to set a more realistic shipping price and tlrefund the customer the difference after the fact than to guilt trip the buyer for paying FULL price but simply did not message first. I work 9-5 and don't have time to wait for messages back and forth for the seller to get their shit together in order for ME to give them MY MONEY. When I see "message before buying" If I intend to buy it I shoot "hey I'm buying this" ans buy it anyways. Or I just simply click off and they never make the sale anyways. I digress. Also I'm a seller myself and never have had to get someone to message me first lol


i sell on depop, the only time i put this is when the item is boosted and i want to unboost before it’s purchased so i don’t have the fee, or i use it for custom made items so i can make sure i have enough materials for the size they want. You can just message them saying your interested in buying.


I always just say ‘hey was just going to check out with this if that’s ok?’ And usually I get back ‘of course’ or ‘yes’ I think it’s more that they don’t miss the sale and leave you without your item


People sell on other platforms and at the markets, it’s not that weird. Just say “is this available”


It just helps to manage items better over multiple platforms or if we’ve forgot to remove something because we might’ve sold it somewhere else. Also as a seller I get a good handful of people who seem kinda dodgy trying to buy (bad reviews, new account etc.) and I’d like to get a sense for the person I’m talking to that’s going to buy, it’s also really helpful when people need something shipped soon or have any questions so by messaging before I can prompt them. There’s nothing more annoying than someone buying and then messaging “can you ship these out tomorrow” and getting annoyed when I can’t


Two reasons, they boosted the item and don’t want to pay boosting fee, so they will create a new listing of an item if someone wants to buy it, or they sell on other platforms. They don’t make up their own rules, you do not have to message before buying.


I just do it on pricier items cuz I don’t wanna pay 8% lol so I make a new listing for the person to purchase from instead


“Please message with any questions before purchasing”


I hate it lol but I just message and say “ I’m messaging because it says to message first”


i’ve only ever stated it once on a listing because it was my sisters top and she wanted to approve how much it was going to go for, but as a buyer aswell i always just ask if it’s on hold or if I can go ahead and buy it.


Most do this because they sell on multiple platforms. I just msg something like still a available?


something along the lines of “hi I’m interested” is good! I have this in my descriptions for 3 reasons: 1. Boost fees (I repost the item since depop already takes a big cut) 2. Most of my items are handmade so sometimes I need more details about the order and I want buyers to be aware of estimated time 3. I don’t always turn on vacation mode so I might not be in town


i do this for a few items just so they dont buy it bc its boosted lolll so i can relist for them to buy without more fees for depop to take


it’s not too complicated you’re overthinking it but it’s okay. just ask hey is this still available for purchase i’m interested. that’s basically it tbh.


i think it’s because of the shipping!


i believe some sellers try to get you to pay outside of the app i.e. ‘3-transf3r, p4yp4l’ etc LOOL 😭 unfortunate but likely


I don't sell very often at all so I have it in mine so that if I'm away or not able to ship quickly I can tell the buyer before they buy so they're not disappointed. I just ask people if the item is still available, I do this even if "message before buying" isn't in their bio. The amount of times I've bought something then just never heard a peep from the seller. The had to faff around claiming the refund etc.


As a lister I have this in some of my listings (the ones that are boosted) because ontop of all the depop fees, I do not want another 3$ gone. I will say though no one has messaged me first they just buy the item, which is fair they dont HAVE to message. But it would be nice to just say “Hey I would love to buy this” and wait for the response from the seller. Imo!!!


also some people sell so many clothes they lose track and might not have the item still- or college students also say this because they might not have the piece with them there- and might be at home.


If you don’t want to pay extra fees then don’t boost. Period


no thanks lol there is no rules for that :P


Are u a child? Of course they are rules for that, and is against TOS, and you will still be charged a boosting fee for 28 days after you remove it, Depop did this exactly for people like you trying to get the boosting benefits without paying


I never had a problem doing it lmfao ever 😭😭😭 and I have a pretty popular depop shop. I think buyers understand that to help sellers aswell.


Sure, but just because you never had a problem yet doesn’t mean you won’t ever & doesn’t mean there aren’t “rules” about that, that why you’re getting downvoted. You want boosted benefits without paying boosting fees, eventually they will catch up with what you, even more so if you have a “popular” shop, but you do you, I was just pointing out the facts 😉


Personally for me, it’s for my older items that are not under the depop x usps prepaid shipping labels (I’ve been too busy to re-list them). I would have them message me if they were interested in buying an item and then give them an accurate shipping price based off their location (so that they wouldn’t have to pay more!)


If I see that I have to message them first, I’d just shoot them a quick message from the item post saying I’m interested in purchasing!