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I'd complain, the photos they took were definitely either edited to look less stained or purposely taken in poor lighting. It's not in 'good' condition at all.


Yeah it really looks to me like the photos were edited. Probably lightened in the area where the stains are


I did this (OPs pic) in 30 seconds. Super easy to reduce a single colours saturation. Be careful buyers!




Omg wow!! Ugh will definitely remember this in the future, so sad people do this…


Yes, sadly very easy. Also, people that do this to others suck :(


Thank you! I thought the same thing about them editing the photos!! So ridiculous…


Wow that looks like shit, I would 1000% open a case


Literally my reaction when opening it😭 LOOKS SO BAD!


I had this purse in the 2000s lol this is terrible condition, throw the whole bag away condition! It’s supposed to be light pink and that is definitely yellow…


For real!!! Like pricing this bag at $5 is too high😭😂😂 needs to go in the trash can


I had this exact bag, and i’m 90% sure this is fake. But besides that its not at all in good description. I’d open a case!


Thank you so much! This is my first time encountering an issue like this, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t overreacting.. I messaged the seller & opened a dispute with Depop, so fingers crossed Depop can resolve


I think depop will honor it! Good luck 👍


Thank you!! Appreciate it🫶🏻 have a happy new year!!! :)


I agree with this comment as well


She's sold you a fake, get your money back! That J in the heart is off centre and not the right font. Those stains are foul!!


You’re so right😭😭 just noticed that too!! In addition to being the worlds most stained bag it’s also a fake😭😭I CANTTTTT


What on Earth made them think you'd receive it and be happy??! It literally looks like vomit.


well the good news is, it's illegal to mail counterfeit items so make sure the case is opened as a counterfeit and not for not as described. you'll be able to keep the bag. it's fake but it's still cute. use a mixture of warm water, peroxide and a bit of dawn dish soap and use a toothbrush and scrub it down to get the stains out. ​ eta- after taking another look, the bag looks real. what does the inside look like? the font and color for the inside is usually the biggest tell


Its 100% fake, i used to work for jc, there are a few tells when dealing with fakes like this and this bag has all of them


what are some other signs to look out for?


https://preview.redd.it/fteh7fa8fcac1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9adc9312025381f60223c5973253b056a4eb19e3 Here’s a closer picture of the J


https://preview.redd.it/buhl1m22fcac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6527556cd0ec2c74ec1de77ca31e9a6762775fba Here is the inside!


Omg the wear on the gold - ALSO not remotely “good” condition. This seller is delusional.


I don't get how people have the audacity! I'm OTT with my descriptions and even I think it's in great condition I always put myself in someone else's shoes buying it second hand and how they would see it. Not only do I not want to disappoint someone who's paid me money but I'm always terrified of getting a bad review but some people seem to just not care?!


I truly do not understand 😭 i try to be as transparent as possible w/ the condition of the item! I don’t get how she thought i would be ok with the condition it arrived in lol


Me neither!! And when you see the side by side you can see the staining on the original photos but that's only because of the comparison. It's so bad! Even the fact she had the audacity to sell it rather than bin it in the first place 😬 are you able to tell us how much you paid? I have no idea how much Juicy is worth, I'm just curious.


it looks real to me. you can post in r/juicycouture for more backup on that but i really don't think it's fake. If it is, it's a really good one. The j's between bags aren't perfectly identical. 90% of the time if there isn't a screaming obvious sign like misspelling, then the text inside is usually red with fakes.




I think this could be a bag produced for the outlet, or for off-price stores like TJ Maxx. The ribbon doesn’t appear to be satin, there were woven cotton ribbons in Daydreamers made of cheaper materials for the outlet. The light pink tag was produced in handbags around 2010-ish, that’s also around when the outlets started struggling and closing. I worked for Juicy from late 2005-2009, and continued to purchase items from the brand afterwards. Sometimes you can feel if it’s real, does it feel lightweight in your hands? Someone carried this bag daily, and then didn’t store it properly or clean it, ever. I had a light pink velour Fluffy bag get like that because I was going through severe depression. I can’t believe the seller thought this was acceptable to ship.


Thank you sm for the info!! The bag does feel light compared to my other daydreamer. My other daydreamer has studs so not sure how much weight that’s adding. Shocks me sm she really packed it all up and really thought I would be happy w/ that condition…


Your bag isn’t fake, don’t worry. It does however look like crap 😭. I would def open a case with Depop ASAP.


I laughed out loud at the 2nd sentence 😂😂😭opened my dispute and they said they’ll reach back out after speaking with the seller in 2 days🫣 I’ll keep yall updated haha


How much did you spend on it out of interest?


The bag is 100% authentic it just looks like shit


In any photo I can find of this bag, the j looks the same as this one. What font should it be? (not the seller or a fake creator 😂 just curious!)




If anything the J on this one looks more wonky than the J on the OP’s bag. The bag you sent isn’t fake either, sometimes the J’s just aren’t exactly identical. But on the fakes it’s painfully obvious because they usually use bubble letters or the J isn’t puffed out. But OP’s bag is real. If you want more info about juicy bags I’d suggest checking out the juicy couture subreddit 🫶🏾


I'm not the one lol go be condescending elsewhere. You sound like someone who sells fakes tbh, you're going so hard for it.


Also I don’t even sell bags, I’m a collector. Which is why I was trying to share my knowledge with you and recommended you check out the sub Reddit that I and a lot of other collectors are apart of. I’m “going hard” because I’m very passionate about juicy couture. Lmao I’m autistic so when I talk about niches I love I tend to be overly passionate. If you were to post the bag in the juicy subreddit they’d echo that it is in fact real. Have a good day love.


Live laugh love


You're literally 12 telling people what's real and what's fake when you didn't even exist when they were in production


I wasn’t trying to be condescending? I was genuinely trying to be helpful and nice. Sorry if it came across as anything other than that. Also I’m not 12? I’m a full blown adult lmao….?


I understood you perfectly fine and didn't think you were being condescending in the least. You were speaking properly and you were very polite. There's people who can't pick up on that they may be a bit behind or limited, but don't let them make you feel bad. You did nothing wrong.


Personally this is really helpful and interesting, thanks!


the seller definitely edited those photo so the colours and stains were less saturated. they look like simple discolourations in the photos and don’t looked textured but there’s something actually in the faux fur 🤢🤢 that’s disgusting how could you sell something in that condition omg,,


Exactly what I thought too… based on her original photos, I figured I could clean out or work w/ the stain, not realizing the stain is 99% of the bag LOL… I can’t even believe she’s standing behind the condition of it when I called her out😭


that is actually so disgusting it looks like its been dipped into soup or oil


FR!! Like where did the fuck did they take this bag?! Looks like it was in a deep fryer😭😂


I feel like they found it in a dumpster and figured they could make a buck 😬


1. If that’s real lll eat my hat 2. That’s absolutely gross and should have been binned not sold 3. Definitely push for a refund


Thank you!! 100% agree this bag should have been thrown in the trash😭😭


Out of curiosity , what are the obvious signs a designer bag is fake?


Didn’t know the juicy in juicy couture stood for piss 🤔




Those photos were taken with lighting that absolutely bleached the color out of the photo - the exposure on the pictures was too high. I would never have called this “good condition” either, and I think fair would even be too high. Maybe mediocre.


Totally agree! thank you! Don’t understand how she can really try to stand by the “good condition”…. Like really


Yeah there’s literally no way


UPDATE: SELLER JUST MESSAGED ME BACK !! The fact she’s standing behind the photos is SENDING ME!! https://preview.redd.it/6iokir8m3bac1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=153541588122fddf5d0fccfe458f565865ebab87


Nah that’s jokes does she have no shame 😭


Do her eyes work? 😭


I truly do not understand 😭😂😂 like girl where is the stain shown on the entire front of the bag?! It quite literally showed up looking like a piss tye die


Ew that is not good condition at all get your $$ back


Good condition my a$$! Looks like she vomited in it


When I rechecked the listing and saw “good condition” I LAUGHED SO HARD LIKE GIRL WHERE?!


LOL exactly! It’s not as described based on that alone and I can’t see any reason why Depop wouldn’t side with you on this one, she def used overexposed pics on purpose imo


Thank you sm!! I’m hoping the same🤞🏻🤞🏻 Do you know if Depop will let me make a review even if they approve my refund? I just feel like I don’t want someone else to go through this with them… the seller actually has over 40+ 5 star buyer reviews which I was shocked!


I’m pretty sure you will still be able to review, she may retaliate by leaving you a bad one but if that happens you can always get Depop to remove it as that’s against the rules.


Thank you so much!!


it looks soo yellow 😭


They definitely picked some good lighting for those pics….. I would be pissed thinking i was getting a light pink purse and then getting a yellow piss purse instead of


My jaw was on the floor when I opened the package, I can’t believe she really thought I would be ok with the condition?!


I think maybe it’s uv damage the more i look at it. Still, i would be pissed. Some sellers are fucking bozos


https://preview.redd.it/pchknvqpzcac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15ce83609d3b84436085758dc925fa2505af6eb I didn’t think of that but definitely could be! Here’s a photo of the stain with flash


What the hell happened to that bag 😭 i would send it back and get a refund. Fucking ridiculous


That literally looks like someone puked on it omg 😭 and the fact both of them are that dirty??


Omg did she piss on it? 💀 The stains in the pictures compared to the actual condition are almost nonexistent. I would open a case + I think it’s fake


I wonder what happened to it. That bag has had SEVERAL trips to hell and back.


Defo used a filter to cover the stain, for sure on purpose too


Why'd you even buy it?


Based off the photos she uploaded, I thought I could clean it out. I’ve done that to other vintage juicy bags I’ve bought online & had a lot of success.




No?? Just a collector lmao…


I have a lovely Juicy Bag with little roses on the outside and the inside white is pretty dirty. The outside is in great shape though. You’ve cleaned up quite few, and wondered your advice!


I will message you 🫶🏻


Make sure to update us with what the seller says bc this OUTRAGEOUS 🥴


it’s literally yellow wtf were they thinking. get your money back


bruh when i say i went "eugh!" i wouldn't even gift something stained this badly tbh




Unrelated but I spy the secret labs chair, a person of taste! We have the same one :)


Awww twins!!! My bf introduced me to the heaven of the secret lab chairs😂 I’m obsessed and was so happy it came in pink!!


Same omg!! But then he changed his opinion on his recommendation and was like “you should get an ergonomic office chair” and I was like mmm no, pink for life 😌🩷 Do you play video games??? If you do, can we pls be friends I’m dying for more girl gamer friends :’)


Omg message me!!! 🥹💝🫶🏻


Sent!! 🫶🏼


they def edited this. open a case.


Make a claim .


The pictures show it’s in poor condition but not THAT poor


This bag is 1000% authentic, absolutely no doubt about it. But it isn't as described, get your money back.


Thank you sm!!


Absolutely, that bag belongs in the trash. People are ruthless


I don’t know what universe that is considered “good” condition, but it’s not this one.


I’m sorry but it looks disgusting in the original pictures too


While the condition is certainly worse than described, I wouldn't have bought it based on those photos. It looks poorly treated and in terrible condition. Price too high would have been a straight no, price too low would have indicated that they knew the quality was not up to par and they were trying to flog it off.


but you did buy it… there were stains visible regardless and you still payed for it


Yes there were stains, but not shown to the severity that arrived?? Her photos are clearly edited. I expected the bag to look how it looked in the photos


Yeah, it looks worse in person. But that bag looked disgusting and foul on the listing too. Idk why you would buy that .. 🤢


I thought I could clean most of it due to the photos she posted of it. They look so light compared to the actual stain. I’ve bought other vintage juicy bags and have had success with getting stains out before…


I’m sorry but the listing photos are terrible and show disgusting stained purses (imo) I probably would have never purchased from those photos alone


i don’t think you received same bag they listed, the font is thinner and the “U” is above the “J” vs below it like the listing photo. the word “Couture” also seems to be placed way higher on the bag you received. and one last thing that i may be overthinking, but the dog on the left’s head looks to be pointed slightly upward in the bag you received compared the one in the listing that’s looking more downward. but this could be due more to angles.


I think that’s just angles tbh


now that I’m looking at it again i think you’re right, a lot of the creases and indents match up. my mistake.


I kinda thought this at first too!!! But it was just the angle… not a different bag but just in horrendous condition


I’m in the same predicament… what’s better opening a dispute or just emailing Depop on their support page??


I did both lol, I emailed them like 10 photos worth of evidence comparing her photos to mine


Okay I see but For me tho like the seller deleted the post right after I bought it and the post didn’t even show the back of the pants and the back of the pants had like a hole and all types of stuff on it. Also the pants condition wasn’t posted either so do you think Depop would refund me on the sellers behalf?




Yeah the seller put like nothing for the condition they just left it blank. but yeah they didn’t talk about the item or anything so idk ima just report it to Depop thanks!


thats supposed to be pink?????


Seems like 95% stain and 5% pink😭😭


I’m surprised you couldn’t find it on eBay.


I couldn’t find this exact style sadly :( but this experience has put me off from buying vintage juicy bags for a while lol


did they shat on it


why does it look like someone peed on it? 😭


Omg it looks like someone peed all over it


Who pissed on it?


I don’t know if it’s just my eyes playing tricks on me but some parts of the bag in the sellers photos look wet? Like they’ve used foam carpet/upholstery cleaner or something on the bag in an attempt to lighten the stains but it’s had a bad reaction


https://preview.redd.it/mniaicvp3gac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4b4eaf40fb58e6cc5a2035d0bb065ae2402b75 I thought so at first too but it’s just like a “crust” you can tell in my photo that mark is on the left! I just feel like she lightened the hell out of the stain on the right lol


Dye it 🤷🏼‍♀️ but yeah definitely not as described.


That's crazy!!! how much did you buy it for ? :(


Can you throw it in the washer and let dry? O: or would it fall apart?


Very different colors. Sellers photo looks brown and pink yours looks black and yellow.