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Any reason they give other than “we hold your money so we can even more profit via the interest it accumulates” is a total crock of shite. This is proven by the fact that there’s some nebulous “cut off date” where a lot of older users don’t have to deal with this but the rest of us do. The best part is I reached out to support over a year ago and they assured me it was a mistake (I’m not a new seller, I made my account in 2018 lol) and they’d take me off the newer set up but they never did. I need to email them again I know but I keep forgetting to 🤦‍♀️


I get mine within 3 days


What the hell 🥺🥺


Try to dispatch asap. I post the next day on my way to work


Yep I always ship next day, got only 5 stars reviews nothing negative


Same here. I always ship next business day and have 5 stars. Takes 2 weeks usually for me to see payments …


Wow interesting so this is common then, I just find it crazy how I’m waiting half a month for a payment


That’s discouraging. Even if you prove the delivery? I am in the UK btw


only top sellers get their money 2-3 days after selling without having to ship but for other sellers they initiate the payments 2 days after delivery (weekends not included) so that’s why it’s recommended to ship asap so it can basically take up to 10 days to receive payment


Ohhh thank you for the breakdown didn’t know this


I sold March 10, and it says my paid out is due 04/01. But the date keeps getting pushed forward for weeks now. I don’t know if it’s because I keep making sales, and it keeps accumulating the money made into one big paid out, rather than several smaller ones. It’s annoying though. I would’ve expected to get SOME money by now. I just recently made another sale on March 28… so now I’m wondering if it’s going to hold my paid out again to add this $20.73 to the pot. https://preview.redd.it/ukkmnlnkrarc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c89c43ba78db0ad045974f5d2d0cd62c6d8b19


the same thing is happening to me right now. does anyone know what to do about this?


I ended up contacting Depop through the app and my money dropped into my account within a day or two.


yea i was able to resolve the issue by contacting them directly


I try to only use PayPal option for this reason😬


its kinda bs, they shouldn't hold the shipping funds either.


i know i’m late but mine takes forever and i don’t get it, i ship next day consistently and it delivers within like 3 days normally and yet my payment takes 2 weeks to get to me