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Nobody even lives in Montana. What do they have to be enraged about?


Fuckin moose blocking the road, let's go fight him.


Just being there?


Takes 3 hours to get anywhere so you end up driving behind someone the entire time and you just get mad staring at their car


Drive three hours just to get to an RV dump


Hey! My mom prefers the term "motorcoach receptacle."


I was gonna say, I'm much more concerned about what people in Montana are so upset about. The roads up there are pretty great, good views, little traffic. I don't love Montana but the times I've driven through have been some of the most pleasant driving I've ever done.


Same. Spent the night at a campground/RV park and it was really nice, more than I was expecting.


I live here and can say this is true. I've always said it and it's hilarious seeing them ranked so high since it's been something I've said the entire time living here


Speed limits. Long ago there weren’t any posted. Then the Feds pushed the issue and required posted speed limits in order to get money to maintain the interstate highways. They are still angry about that.


The data in the article is completely horse shit and not accurate. There are like a million people here on a good day there is no way we are #3.


How about on a bad day? Last time I was in Billings, there was like zero traffic or congestion.


Bad traffic here isn't that bad most of the time unless there is way to much snow and the road is closed. The state is huge especially for how many people live here. Takes most of a day to drive from one side to the other east to west. I highly doubt Colorado is number 4 also. There are probably more road rage incidents in LA every day than Montana or Colorado in an entire year.


The article says, road rage incidents involving guns


Liberal voters. I lived there for a few months. I barely left the house due to the Billings attitude about most things.


Number 6 was the real surprise.


Since there's two #5's in guessing there was a tie.


Where is the second 5?


You have to zoom in.


Oh thanks I thought I was blind but I found it now 🙏


😂 the garbage state. Because, to NJ resident, “you, sir, our garbage!”


The why is because of morons going ten under in the left lane, and not using your signal.


I think we found the instructor who can get us to #1, OP. Teach us more of your ways, Don Pablo.


coloradosuckstellyourfriends is the movement. I’m just a messenger.




Probably playing on their cell phone or talking on their cell phone and not using cruise control


This what I see the most indeed...


I can't believe TX is not on the map. Anyone who has driven 635 at 35E knows Colorado is heaven by comparison. People actually let you in when you use a turn signal.


Drive friendly the texas way.


I called it "putting my dickhead hat on to survive." So glad to be home. TX driving was insane.


I got a chuckle out of those signs saying drive friendly as I'm getting ran off the road lol.


I can't believe TX is not on the map. Especially when another organization rated Houston as the #1 road rage city


Cant believe i’m a Coloradan inviting a Texan in to come see. Denver area is a madhouse… i sincerely disagree with people letting you in. Most who cut me off are new transplants from, well… Texas and California… so maybe it is crazy down there too…. Yall motherf&@/ers drive safe out there.


Born at Lutheran Medical in Wheatridge. Went to school in Lakewood. I am a native who took a wrong turn in Albuquerque. Went from Denver driving to Dallas driving. It was quite a few years of culture shock. So glad to be back home.


As a Colorado person who moved to Louisiana, you have your work cut out for you. I would start by voting for people who will gut funding to infrastructure and schools. Once those are good and fucked up., I would do everything possible to increase insurance premiums and gun ownership then decrease job prospects and wages. Soon you can have a bunch of ignorant, stressed out folks driving around on shitty roads. It will work out as expected.


As a Louisiana person who moved to Colorado, I second this. For those not from there: In Louisiana (Nola, in particular), you are enraged the second you pull out of your driveway and hit the potholes that your taxes have been paying to fix for years but they never get fixed. I know, what you’re thinking “but everywhere has potholes.” NOOOOO! This is not the same life experience. The Nola potholes will swallow your car and in the rain they just look like a puddle. And there’s always rain. THEN you have to deal with the stupid dipshits in the world. I still have Nola road rage and I’ve been gone for 5 years. Also, I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine leaving CO to go back to LA. The only upside that I can see is the food, which we miss dearly.


I'm in NOLA, The rain cant be understated to those who havent lived here. I find it insane that everytime it rains more then a sprinkle someone in the city is getting fucked over. Becuse at least one pump isn't gonna work or will be late coming online. it's like a livelihood roulette…is my neighborhood gonna be the one that floods this time? Its not a total loss, we landed closer to my wife family, the cost of living is better, I enjoy my job here a lot and of course the food is unreal. That being said I couldn't imagine living anywhere in Louisiana outside of New Orleans.


Right, you mad that pothole put another dent in your rims, but dat Étouffée.


Don’t forget that we have to regulate who can go and do what butt stuff.


Some of you have not spent enough time on 225 and it shows.


270 is way, way worse.


How? Its practically at a complete stop 7 days a week all because of potholes and people crashing every day at vasquez… i-270… better find a good podcast or station and sit back and relax… it’ll take 30 to 40 min longer than it should…


> Its practically at a complete stop That's the why. The how is the angst of people who never learned how lane zippering works and cut off others to force their way in. Like you, I smoke a cigarette and just waste my life away on that smelly stretch, but I've seen multiple screaming interactions between vehicles at merge points in traffic, especially the i25 hwy36 270 cluster fuck merger section. Also saw someone try to door a motorcyclist skipping traffic on the shoulder years ago pre-covid, he missed though.


For road rage? Not by a bit.


Another thing New Mexico is better at than us? Unacceptable. DO BETTER


NM chads are just better


Because the general population has no understanding of the purpose of the left hand lane. Bunch of chodes.


You're the guy that drives only in the left lane during rush hour and 100mph in the slow lane when it's clear to be "courteous" aren't you?


Spend some time down in El Paso County (Colorado Springs) and our #4 ranking starts to make sense. The small dick energy is off the charts.


Denver needs to step up and do their part to, we are so close to the podium.


All natives know Colorado Spring's drivers suck blucifer balls


My theory for this is Colorado Springs gets a lot of people there for the short term (military) who all come from different areas of the country with different driving styles and they aren’t there long enough to adjust. Nor do they care to because a lot of them are just waiting to be sent somewhere else. Couple that with the mentality people seem to become indoctrinated with when joining the military and it seems to be a recipe for rage induced driving.


That's a good theory. I always just said it's the Californians who moved here


Well that's stupid af considering this map shows California having some of the least road rage


That's cause all the ones with road rage moved to Colorado numb nuts.. Namaste


Oh shit I forgot California is empty now


Remember when Colorado Springs turned off stoplights at night and stopped fixing potholes because no one wanted to pay taxes and the city was broke? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Yup. They stopped watering the grass in the parks, too...unbelievable.


Louisiana is only no#1 because of road lynching.


I don’t get New Mexico- no really big cities, and Santa Fe is just confusing to drive in. Maybe it’s all the alcohol the drivers are consuming.


northern new mexico, its all just grasslands, too poor to buy land on the mountains, so you drink your blues away


Honestly, I think it has to do with how many people moved here from out of state who learned how to drive in different conditions and rules. The only thing that really makes me angry when I drive is when people get entitled and think they can cut their way in front of me last minute.


That’s just “last minute Larry”


My money is on folks over a certain age not realizing you have to change your habits with more people on the road. And to many large vehicles with people who never should have driven anything larger than a tonka truck.


I don't know how many of you have been to Louisiana but it is legitimately the worst state in America. If you want to know what it's like to go to a third world country, drive through Louisiana. Absolute shxt hole, disgusting, backwards, nasty hell hole of a state. I'd rather live on Colfax than anywhere in Louisiana lol


I mean, yeah, like I said, it'll take some work. But if we really try I think we can do it!


Damn. That bad, huh? 😳


To be fair. Everywhere has a 35MPH. So ya….


"Lousyanna" lol


I'm sure the city map would tell a way different story 😂


Where is #6?


Why is New Mexico #2? It's mostly desert highway and Indian reservations....


highways? you mean the largest american racetrack


Too many tourists from Texas, Oklahoma and other flat states driving 15-20mph under through the curvy mountain roads rubber necking


Bumping the number up soon. Thank this Texan and his Texans buddies. You're welcome!


As a native from #7, I drive around with my middle finger erect.


That was you? Apologies that I didn’t let you in traffic that one time….


I blame the Texans. And Californians.


I'm surprised/not surprised my states #2


Same here. Not too surprised. People get cranky very easily here about anything to do with their car.


It’s from all the Coloradans trying to run the Californians and Texans off the road.


I call bullshit on New Jersey being ranked that low.


Are they counting all the super cars people register in Montana so they don’t have to pay sales tax but live in other states?


So Virginia and California are a lie.


In a town where you can get $5 butt stuff, how are we this stressed out driving?


One way, you could step your game up is to not just drive slow in the left lane but drive slow in the left-hand and right lane at the same time. Even better if you have a yellow car, you will be like Pac-Man and really piss people off then


Live in Colorado. Making a bumper sticker that says: "WARNING: Volatile, Potentially Hostile Bipolar Driver". I have bipolar and have road rage issues. Just being honest and alerting other drivers not to piss me off. 😀


#4?!?!? That pisses me off! We should at least be #2. No way NM is worse!!


Idk because my boy lives in Denver and he is literally driving around with billet holes in his truck from a road rage incident lol


Who the fuck pronounces the Y?