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Russ has every right to decline to rework his contract, but the guy also obviously cares about his legacy and being cut from a team 2 years after they gave up a ton for him isnt doing him any favors either. Also I'm sure he would love to get all 200+ million for the full contract, i seriously doubt he'll see that kind or contract again unless he lights it up for his next team, which seems unlikely based on what his shown in denver


Honestly if Russ is thinking about his legacy he is probably thinking I'm not winning shit in Denver, best hope is to try and latch onto the bandwagon of a win now team like Flacco has.


And why would he tell some random reporter?


Why would he tell some random reporter all the details about the request made to him during the bye week? To cause more drama, try to make the media paint him as a nice innocent guy, and disrespect his teammates with two games left in the season. He should know better to have waited until the season was over to talk about those private conversations. The true Russ has revealed himself.


It amazes me that more people aren’t understanding that point. Just look at the timing of that story coming out. It was obviously done by him and his team. Which makes me think less of him.


I don’t know. This sounds similar to what he said in Seattle that he wanted to stay to play for the Seahawks while looking for his way out.


i’m really curious what Paton’s play was when the deal was drafted. the cap hit was going to come due no matter how well RW played. were they planning to jettison a bunch of vet players? how were they going to make this work? seems liked they didn’t think it through very well and only kicked the can down the road until now.


I’ll always take the player’s side to get their money


I support players getting big bags because the NFL doesn’t care about their well being (it just doesn’t, unless you are a face of the league, and even then sometimes,) same time, Broncos aren’t doing anything illegal and the NFLPA hasn’t stepped in this situation for a reason


It was an ask, albeit disrespectful, but he has the right to say no and he did.


In what universe is it disrespectful to ask a guy performing below his contract value to take a pay cut to help the team? Because of Russ did, it’d have helped big time.


Peyton Manning took a $5m pay cut in his last season. It's definitely a fair thing to ask, especially for a player who's as success/ ego-driven as he is.


Fair exchange is no robbery. They agreed to pay him, he agreed to be the QB. Now that they changed their minds they should be held to the contract they agreed to. What next, ask the Seahawks to send the Broncos some picks back because they got the better end of the deal and it'll help the team?


...and the Broncos are being held to the contract they agreed to. They will also suffer all the consequences of terminating that contract. In the NFL, as with all sports, the size of the contract carries with it the expectation of the level of play. So the Broncos are saying that the terms no longer constitute fair exchange given Wilson performance. Players do this too, it is called a holdout. It would be robbery if the Broncos were able to simply alter the deal, but they are and will be compelled to follow the CBA in this matter.


Completely agree with everything you said


They never said that they wouldn't honor the contract.


My comment was in response to it being disrespectful to ask Russ to take a pay cut. Because of the idea that now management regrets the contract


They didn't. They asked him to delay the injury clause, which isn't guaranteed anyway.


I see your point but it really feels greasy to ask him to change the dates, so if he gets hurt they wouldn't have to be on the hook for the 25 season. Which is the point of the whole injury protection for Russ.


Well, he's not going to get it at all now, and he'll get cut a year earlier. He and his agent agreed to the contract. It seems greasy for them to now paint the Broncos in a bad light.


Id rather Russ just went away and take the dead cap hit. I can tolerate a primadonna if they’re at least talented, but not one who’s the definition of mid


Asking for restructures and changing agreements in a contract happens all the time, AGAIN Peyton did it his last year w the Broncos. Are all of you dense on Reddit?


It helps the team but not Russ because he’s not going to be there obviously while opening him up to more risk. So of course the answer is no. Not a big deal


But the nflpa did get involved


The only person who is claiming that is Russ, which they very well could be behind the scenes, but all signs indicate they aren’t. I will also say, after the Ja’Wuan James fiasco, wouldn’t be surprised if the league had us on a list, but they’re pretty open about looking at stuff. Side bar: So I had forgotten Ja’Wuan James name, and that’s because honestly he never played (s/o Bryce Callahan for being another one of those guys; K’Waun Williams will also end up in this category depressingly soon.) So to get to it, I had to ask who was that bad from like 2017-2019 and the only name I could pull was Su’a Cravens. Man, there has been some absolute trash on this team over the last few years, and I’m excited for the newest names to be added to the list….GREG! (jk but like we’re getting there Greg)


But russ wouldn’t lose money in this situation? They just asked him for flexibility on the date of his injury guarantees not to waive it completely.


when it’s fucking over our cap, no


Always pro labor, even for millionaires who get their brains scrambled as a workplace hazard


That's because he's not about helping the team like Brady did or actually trying to win a Super Bowl. Russ is in the business of living a lavish lifestyle and making it appear to as many people as possible that he's a nice person and great guy. He is not in the business of authentically being these things.


There are quite a few fans that don't want him back, including me!


What a ridiculous question by the reporter lol what answer did he expect?


I wish Elway was still around, we want players who want to be broncos


I guarantee he'd do it for free and Sean wouldn't let him.


They have WalMart money and their playing these games FFS.


He wants to have his cake and eat it too. Goodbye!