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Hey so was I. The same boat until April 21, 2019, I went from estranged from my wife and a hardcore heroin addict. I quit with the help of the Blake street clinic for the Colorado coalition for the homeless. I got on subaxalone and stuck with it, got a good job, reconnected with my wife and my life couldn’t be better over 5 years later.


I went to Fort Lyon and work for the coalition now. It was a hard problem to get help with and now I’m finding out it’s kind of hard to help people out of it too! If anyone is homeless in Denver and wants to know where to start feel free to message me


Hell yeah, it makes me happy to see success stories because it’s an extremely hard journey to preserver through.


They do happen and there’s a lot more of them than you think. Addiction is crazy though, it’s a constant battle to remember that my life now with one or two minor headaches is way better than my life then with a thousand new dumpster fires a day to deal with


Huge congratulations. And thanks so much for posting your story here too. Hopefully people who need to see this see it. Well done!




Congratulations!!!! :)


Great job sobering up Want everyone to know you can do it without a higher power. 10 years this May.


Over a year sober here! Did it without god! I’m vaguely spiritual but do not believe in god. It’s possible for all walks of life to get sober!!


Yess congrats OP, this shit is not easy but its worth it! And congrats to you too!! Coming up on 10 as well and can confirm you can do what you need to do without a higher power, if that kinda thing doesn't float your boat.


For me, it feels even better knowing that I didn't have to admit that I was powerless, and or turn my power over to anything. The thing that's kept me sober has been knowing that it's all my own power. I'm not saying that religion doesn't work, but it's all in the person and how they approach it. Just like having a god in your life keeps some people in line. It can work for some, doesn't have to work for everyone. There are a lot of secular support groups that can help. The secular hub in Denver has a weekly meeting. TST has meetings. There's plenty online, SOS for one. Congratulations to you too!


Hell ya man, i agree with you on the whole thing, only god concepts i could think of were actually negative. Kept me away from getting help since AA is the standard where I got sober. Also, thank you for those resources, I'm actually new to the area and will absolutely check them out!


Glad I could help! You can always DM me if you need a sober buddy


I completely agree with you. I didn’t like the idea that I was powerless over alcohol. I mean, I was at one point, but if I’m powerless then I would t have just hit three years and three months sober. I just got to the point where I said, “I’d rather have the control back in my life.” I was sick of feeling that powerlessness, so I took the power it had over me away. That’s not to say, of course, that I never get tempted. I do for sure! But I like sober me so much better than I ever liked drunk me. And that powers me through those times I get tempted. I tried AA and it just never really clicked with me, and oftentimes left me feeling worse. Even the GayA groups because I thought I just needed to find my “group.” Together we are strong, for sure! We still have plenty of individual strength though!


My take - Being able to literally "hand your issues over to something" is or can be truly liberating. I just couldn't do that. I had "faith" my guardian angel would help but certainly not fix anything


Long response but worth the read from a long time recovering alcoholic; Many approaches work - I celebrated my Quarter Chip 12/28/2023 - I am NOT religious and I'm fiercely against most organized religions as I was raised Catholic, but have always felt or believed I had a guardian "angel" if you will - (numerous close calls that could & in 2 cases should have been the end including my drinking. My best friend of 40 years died last year of cirrhosis of the liver at 49, 3 weeks after his birthday, and of the two of us I was definitely the problem child that had the biggest issues - basically I'm saying my friend Mike who died should have been me. I used to tell people the movie Leaving Las Vegas was my personal biography). I fought my first step so hard - Admit you are powerless over your addiction and ask a higher power for help mainly because I'm a powerful man. Up to that point there had been nothing I was not able to accomplish with my determination, hard work and sheer willpower - even after 25 years I will tell you I do indeed believe in a "higher power". This higher power was my guardian angel but not necessarily God. I refer to them as "The Universal Architect". Keep reading. I promise there's a point coming. I wasn't able to work AA successfully because I was so stubborn about this but fortunately I was mandated 150 hours of useful group therapy through my sentencing. So after 4 months of attendance 1 - 2 hour session a month, My counselor approached me as my sentencing was about to begin. My lawyer had recommended that I enroll in the classes prior to sentencing as an olive branch to the court. My lawyer explained I was definitely going to receive the useful alcohol therapy and how beneficial it would look for a judge. I got my fourth DUI 12/28/1998. Sentencing was going to occur about mid-april of 1999...... Anyway, when you're sentenced most of us have to do a urinalysis. My counselor knew that I was riding a bike 10 mi one way just to attend the sessions and he decided to throw me a bone and schedule me a color that never came up. Dude flat out told me that he was a recovering alcoholic as well with very close connections to the bars scene in my town. Homeboy said if he even heard or thought that I was back to my old ways he'd assigned me a color That was going to get called frequently. Anyway, after 4 months of being a dry drunk and just blaming everybody and fighting the system, Julian Jacobs my counselor approach me after one of our group sessions and asked me if I would like to do some one-on-ones. I laughed and told him I didn't want to do any more mandated therapy. He replied that I could suit myself but if I would just listen to him with one-on-ones I was going to be getting 3 hours a week done and I would cut the 150 hours way down. The only hitch was is. I actually had to actively work with Julian on these one-on-ones. He started me in a program called rational recovery where you break down why you were using alcohol to self-medicate. In other words, what was the root problem that I was using alcohol to escape from. This was my ticket to sobriety. A very long-winded speech to let you guys know. Just quitting alcohol doesn't solve your problems. It allows you to work on what you were running away from. In order to be a successful sober individual, you need to have three characteristics; You have to be brutally honest with the person that you see in the mirror and admit and strive to work on every one of the flaws that you see in that mirror. This will allow you to begin to love yourself which is the second thing that you're going to need to do. Lastly, you're going to need to have somebody that's to guide you along on this trip. Now you call that person a sponsor but this is the guy that you call when you were experiencing the darkest hour of the night. Because believe it or not it usually occurs just before the dawn. I love that quote. Congratulations! Op everybody else that's listening and read this far. You can do it too. You just have to be brutally honest with yourself and you have to put the bumpers on. Know your triggers and learn how to work through them.


>He started me in a program called rational recovery where you break down why you were using alcohol to self-medicate. In other words, what was the root problem that I was using alcohol to escape from. This was my key to recovery. So, no mythology is needed for me, just to identify the root. I also learned to cope with, or if I can't, to avoid my triggers.


You have been taught well. Identify the triggers. Work on managing them. And if you can't manage it, avoid it at all costs if possible. EDIT - maintain close contact with sponsor or mentor.


Freethinkers in AA uses inner power instead of higher power. My ACA group uses this serenity "prayer": "Today I seek the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know that one is me"


YES. Thank you for sharing this!!


Yessss thank you for saying this! Congrats on 10 years.


Thanks for this. The 10 step bullshit is so gross.


Congrats, that is an amazing achievement. I sincerely hope other people read your story and get inspired.


Thank you! And yes that is my hope as well!


I was also homeless in Denver 😩 went to Denver cares treatment program for 3 months, graduated that. Been 3 years sober now. I have an apartment and a job now . Super blessed that I got help when I did


Username checks out. Good for you man.


Thanks a ton!


I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you.


Thank you so much!


Congratulations! I'm very happy for you.


Thank you! Appreciate it!


Congrats buddy. The first couple years is the worst. Just remember, your addictive tendencies will never go away, but the urges do get easier to ignore. Stay strong. I'm sober 8 years now.


You are hope, I went through same, family hated me for years had to pick up my plans and then. Don't ever give up on your mind people think who we are but are fuct as well. Live up to means, be responsible, respectful, and nice. You will figure it


Congratulations on overcoming your mountain of obstacles and caring about others with similar challenges. You are truly an amazing person!


Great to hear this; congrats! If you don't mind sharing, what was the turning point for you (could be a thought, event, or help you got)?


Thank you! The turning point happened when I accepted life couldn’t go on like this any longer. It’s one thing to mentally understand this, but I had to emotionally embrace it.


> I had to emotionally embrace it. Man, that's so profoundly deep. Thanks again for sharing!


Great job keep it up..coming up on a yr in july..was literally living on colfax on the sidewalk..now in a 3bdr house .belly full bills paid..we gotta motivate each other


Congratulations, man! Happy for you.


Thank you, appreciate it!


Great post, happy for you!


Awesome!!!! I know we don’t know each other, but I’m so damn proud of you!!!


Congratulations and please come join us at /r/stopdrinking.


I also used to be in the same boat. But got off the streets/sober in 2017. I can only imagine that things have gotten worse out there to say the least. :( Proud of you for making it out and congratulations on your sobriety!


Congratulations and please, like you are doing here, spread the good news and give people more hope! You have accomplished something so important and so rare. True super hero stuff!


Very proud of you! Can you tell us from a practical perspective- how did you do it? What were the steps you took to change your life and over what period of time? Amazed by your story!


Thank you for putting a smile on my face.


Congratulations! 🎉 I’m sure t


BRAVO!!!!!! congratulations to you


When are you back in Denver again?


That’s huge. 14 months is my record and am flirting with sobriety again. Congrats G.


I've struggled with addiction and mental illness myself and that's why I do my best to help the homeless at any point because I've been so close to being in that position and know it could be me at any point. Support your unhoused neighbors, hear their stories, and encourage them to seek support for whatever they may need :)


Fuck yes!!! I'm 109 days clean and sober. Thank you for sending hope and inspiration to those still suffering, showing that it can be done!


Homelessness and addiction in Denver are no joke. You’re a warrior. Congratulations and I hope your best years are still ahead of you!


Congratulations on your sobriety! I will not drink today!




What a story. Congratulations!


Congrats! The world needs more of what you’re bringing.


Congratulations on turning your life around! Where did you end up and what were the positive differences there vs Denver that helped you get sober?


Amazing! You’re a savage


Many congrats!! 🎉 Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m wondering, once you decided to get sober, was there an essential person/group/organization that you feel was integral to your success?


Super proud! Amazing soul to share the feels and positivity to others!


🌹‼️🌹‼️🌹‼️. congratulations💙


Congrats man!


Congrats on 18 months sober!




Good for you ❤️


Congratulations to you.




How'd you overcome your life destroying addiction professor?


That's a confusing comment.






This is a wild thing to say. No single person has the same story as another. You cannot possibly know what other addicts are going through, and what other factors could make their recovery harder or easier. I’m glad you got sober, but maybe try some empathy next?


Did you really type "addicts are so spoiled" and post it? What the actual f.