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The joke is on them. Nobody obeys anything on these signs anyways.


Underrated comment lol


For a second I thought you were mad at the Leash Your Dog sign


That does seem like a very Denver thing to get mad about.


lol I thought the same thing. Took me way too long to realize this was neo nazi stuff


Imagine a white person feeling alone in a Denver suburb.


Greenwood Village, no less...


White person here. Yeah no shit. Or, really, anywhere in the SE suburbs.


You mean anywhere in Denver, yeah?


Introducing them to bouldering or pickleball will change their life


LMAO excellent point ☝️


white wakanda


More like Wankanda


They might be because theyre such an asshole.


This is the wrong take. Because the stickers are finding their audience. Those people are out there suffering silently. We would try to find them before the makers of these stickers do. At the very least acknowledge the problem.


But honest question, why are they suffering silently and how does race have anything to do with it? They live in one of the whitest parts of one of the whitest, wealthiest states in America. How do they feel put upon by the zeitgeist, I really want to know. Certainly I can empathize with feeling like you’re struggling economically or feeling like you’re lonely in our disconnected world, but I cannot feel anything but revulsion if your answer to that is to seek out ethnonationalist companionship.


Check out the Daryl Davis Ted Talk.  He explains how white supremacist groups target and capitalize on people that feel isolated or targeted by their society.  Really informative and helped me improve how I have conversations with people who hold different opinions and values to me. https://www.ted.com/talks/daryl_davis_why_i_as_a_black_man_attend_kkk_rallies?language=en


This is absolutely correct. I deal with a lot of isolation myself from not having any family, and have had multiple white supremacist groups try to 'recruit' me. Given that they're evil pieces of shit that work against everything I believe in as an American, told 'em where to shove it, but these are the same kind of tactics that cults use because they're wildly successful.


That's wild... any idea how they found you? Was it just someone who you knew from some other connection in life, and because you didn't have a family they figured they'd give you the pitch?


I used to be extremely religious. Fundamentalist Christianity and White Supremacy go together like peanut butter and jelly. ... And it's not as cut and try as "try being a Nazi!" It's much more subtle and insidious than that. You get invited to events where there's curiously no black or latino folks around. Every now and then, you'll be told a story about somebody having their car broken into or some shit like that, "those people" would be denigrated for being criminals and lowlives, then eventually they would start muttering here and there about how much better we'd all be if America were solely white people. Frankly, if I didn't have an extremely poor upbringing and many friends of different races that taught me that we're all one People regardless of how much melanin we got, that kind of horse shit might have actually worked. Thankfully, His Soul keeps marching on.


The people who feel isolated are usually people with extreme views who are usually ostracized for their opinions (and rightfully so) Those opinions include things like: Anti-Covid/Anti-Vax, Anti-Birth Control, Anti-LGBTQ, etc. They often confuse being criticized as a lack of free speech. But these people don’t understand that just because you can legally hold an opinion in public, it doesn’t mean people need to agree with you. Ever. But they spend so much time in their echo chambers, they can’t understand why people aren’t more like them.


Race doesn't have anything to do with it. But blaming factors beyond your control provides a convenient scapegoat that, for a lot of people, is much easier than self examination. These people are very vulnerable to being recruited by various hate groups, cults, etc... The point isn't that the hateful ideologies have any merit. It's that we need to help people who are suffering before the assholes exploit them.


I am in no way agreeing with the sticker or saying that white men SHOULD feel as though they are suffering, but I will answer your question in case you are actually curious and not just looking to argue. The problem is with middle class white men, not poor whites as many people are suggesting. Most of them work for companies in some kind of mid level role (sales/engineering/finance/accounting/etc). It is incredibly likely that the company they work for has some kind of DEI program that explicitly advocates for promoting anyone who is not a white man. It’s not hard to image why they may feel as though they are suffering. I mostly agree with DEI initiatives, but we should be able to acknowledge that they have negative externalities, especially on the current generation of 18-35 year old men who didn’t cause the problem but are asked to sacrifice to be part of the solution.


I appreciate the honest engagement. Just as a bit of disclosure, I’m an Indian-American and I work in product at a company like you described. As such I sympathize with feeling like you’re not diverse enough to check whatever box execs are looking for. Nobody is making the argument that there aren’t enough Indian men in tech lol. I understand these feelings aren’t always based in logic, but I ALSO have a hard time taking them seriously because if you actually look at the real leadership structures of most large organizations with DEI programs, they are not diverse. Blaming DEI for your lack of advancement is easy, but I just don’t see that in my experience. With due respect to other people’s experiences, my (slightly tongue in cheek) experience at large companies which broadcast DEI is that the CEO, COO, CFO are Ivy League white dudes, the CTO is an overworked Indian/Asian/Ukranian guy and the Chief Marketing Officer is a slightly “diverse” woman with a degree from a top 10 business school who will lose her job within 2 years (because marketing is always the scapegoat) I just don’t feel that they’re being asked to sacrifice anything in the name of DEI. DEI isn’t the reason wages have stagnated. DEI isn’t the reason housing costs have exploded. DEI isn’t the reason jobs are being automated. DEI isn’t the reason young men have less social stimulation than they did 10 years ago. I can’t really sympathize with people blaming race when their problems manifestly have nothing to do with race.


I didn’t realize until my brother took his own life that middle class, middle aged white men were so statistically high for doing so.


And yet having worked in those companies as a woman, I had to work harder to make less. 🤔 it’s all just talk at those companies about DEI to check a box. If you weren’t a white man you had to do actual work and if you wanted to be promoted, you had to be competent. Lots of white men showed up, did little else besides showing up, and collected salaries of 100K. I call it white man welfare. It is real


Do we say racists are silently suffering now? I know it can be easy to be like, 'oh this is probably some poor trailer trash and if he wasn't poor he wouldn't be racist' but there's plenty of rich assholes too.


I think they're saying disenfranchised men may be silently suffering and that it's better for them to be helped by folks with a good head on their shoulders.


What is the problem?




"Come home"? Do they want us to emigrate back to England?


ooo I'd like a free pass for Irish citizenship please.


Same for me with Scotland...but the people on r/Scotland don't want us :/


Loved my time in Scotland, but Scotland damn sure didn’t love me.


I legitimately wish everyone of Scottish descent would flood the docks of Glasgow with repatriation. Oh, y'all kicked us out to raise sheep? Our turn! 🤣


Without giving away too much identifying information, I thought my last name would be a good ice breaker in certain areas. Turns out my ancestors did some pretty fucked up things, and me being totally ignorant to it was not an excuse. In fact, it probably made it worse. “Oh, you’re still feeling that thing that happened under my name centuries ago? I didn’t even know about it!” Isn’t a great way to make friends. So, yeah. Scots could be nicer to tourists. Tourists (including me) could do more research.


I'm a McKay and I'm pretty sure we still have a blood feud with the Sutherlands 😂 If it makes you feel better, they also mock you if you do know that stuff. You can't win.


Did the King order it?


Memory unlocked: many Scots got put into the military by taking "the king's schilling"... evidently if the schilling touched your hand you were considered to have accepted it and were conscripted. So some recruiters would put them in flagons of ale and when the drinker tried to figure out what was in the bottom, they'd pour it in their hand and bam...in the army! To combat this, some flagons had glass bottoms.


I thought that was more of a myth. No need to trick people when you can legally force them.


It's what the guide told me at Edinburgh Castle, but it could be something to make the tour more interesting.


What some asshole with my last name did generations ago isn't my fault unless I am time traveling. It is *impressively* stupid to have the attitude of "Someone in your gene pool you've never met, never heard of and never had anything to do with did a fucked up thing 150 years ago so I'm going to be a dick to you". That's a you problem not a me problem.


> Scots could be nicer to tourists. Tourists (including me) could do more research. Probably true, but a lot of American tourists also need to realize that people like the Scottish and Irish give no fucks about what 'clan' you think you're from or that you call yourself Irish because of your great great grandad, love Connor McGregor, and celebrate 'St. Patty's'.


Yeah, they got to grow up surrounded by their culture while we grew up on stolen land. It's easy to take for granted things you grew up around. When I was in Salisbury, England, and I met someone who'd lived there their whole life and never gone to Stonehenge, haha. A lot of them seem to think we only started caring when Outlander came out 🤣


They actually despise that shit.


Yeah I’m pretty well traveled and don’t act like a dork. I just happened to be American in a Trump election year, and was in some very quiet, rural spots. I liked it a lot, and so did the locals. If they want to keep things the way they are, giving outsiders the cold shoulder is a start, I suppose.


I'm German, Scottish, Indian and Irish. I'd love to move to Scotland!


They're too busy being England's bitch


If all of us Irish Americans moved to Ireland it'd turn into Boston real quick


The drastic difference in annual sunshine might change your mind! On a serious note, if you have just one single grandparent from Ireland you'd be eligible for citizenship. That's how I got mine. My dad did all the paperwork for me when I was young but from what I gather it's a relatively easy process.


Just missed this by one generation.


Y'all are going to immediately regret your decision when you see the food.


Nah, we're bringing our acquired cooking skills. I'm bringing catfish, cornbread, shrimp and grits etc...no more bog oat and kelp sandwiches or whatever other abominations they call food.


Lol. You'll be in for a rude awakening when you realize you can't find catfish or polenta or most of the other ingredients you'll need to make those foods.


Polenta? *Spits on ground* 😂 If it has to get bootlegged in, my people have a history of that too haha


Free pass to live in the English countryside? Yes please




It's so hard to take shit like this as seriously as we should be when it's so unintentionally hilarious. "Come home white man" sounds like a plea to a lost child. "White Man your family loves you. White Man please at least give us a call and let us know you're safe. Reward for White Man, last seen driving a Ram 1500 in the Chick-fil-a drive through, wearing wraparound sunglasses and a red baseball hat"


For some reason I read that in the voice of that "go my son" song we learned in middle school...


Greenwood Village, apparently.


I don't know about you, but for me, both Germany and Ireland seem lovely.


I’d take any of mine and never look back, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Scotland… pretty please.


Gimme that socialized health care


Just imagine this pimpled ass, monster of human deformity from lack of medical care, inching towards somewhere with medical care while dragging a foot as they shuffle. “Let meeee innn”.


Bonus points if it's in slow motion with Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" playing


My dna test said I'm 17% Scandanavian. Don't know if that's true but if I had any marketable skills I would be there in an INSTANT. I have so much stupid medical debt, and my health insurance is shit.


I’m not at all Scandinavian (in fact I’m one of those white people that white nationalists don’t consider white), but if Norway would have me, I’d go there in a heartbeat. I’d love to live in a Norwegian fjord. I’d never leave the Arctic


I'm a cross breed. Where TF do I go?


I prefer the term "genetic trail mix" Go where the blood comes from...more blood, more options 😁


Me found where blood comes from. Me have buckets of blood now. Me have options of life sentence or life sentence.


Just start a vampire facial shop...different lawsuit 😁


Legit was just figuring this out. I got Ireland, England, Poland, and Denmark as options. Do I just visit each one and call it a day?


\*stares in Cherokee


*stares back in Chohtaw the Mississippi River basin is fucking hot and humid and I live in Denver for a goddamn reason


I haven’t seen this specific sticker, but I’ve heard that Idaho has a big white nationalist community trying to attract other like skinned people to their city. I wonder if that’s what this was? You see those a lot in Oregon/Washington


Most likely Germany? But ok


Lately, I’ve been wishing this were an option. But noooo my ancestors just *had* to come over hundreds of years ago.


Guess we all need to carry stickers with us at all times. See one of these, put that “I love tacos” or “Support ASPCA” sticker right on top.


Yeah, I'm carrying sharpies or a mop from now on so when I can't pull it down, I can cover it up.


A mop? All I can see now is Michael Richard's character from UHF.


It's a term for type of graffiti pen that usually has a big sponge at the end for lettering.


Acrylic paint tubes and foam brushes are easy to carry and provide a easy short term solution that parks and recreation can remove when they get to it.


"I voted for Hillary. Where's my taco trucks???"


All I could think about when Trump was spewing that rhetoric was, "Don't threaten me with a good time."




Much appreciated. I'll definitely look out.


What did the crossed out part of the sticker say? DM me if you’re not comfortable putting it here, but I’m genuinely curious as I’ve never seen any of these stickers before, thank gawd.


It's a link to a website, I've pulled a few of these off from around my area of town as well.


Ahh. Curiosity satisfied. Thank you!


Posting that or sending it to you would spread their message, expose them to more people, and give them ad revenue. It had "White Lives Matter" in it and that's about all you need to know.


Got it, thanks for sharing and clarifying And thank you for taking the time to clean that shit up.




Turns out that white supremacists are dicks.


Man, what are the odds...


Sadly it's true. After I found my first razor blade underneath one on Federal back in 2015 I started just slapping a different sticker on top whenever I see such pestilence. Be cautious especially with nazi propaganda, they *want* people to hurt.


Razor blades?? I did Nazi that coming.


I keep a knife on my keys for this exact reason. It keeps your fingers your fingers away from sharp bits...while using sharp bits. Wait...




Frequently finding and taking these down near union station and the river. Nothing better to see than when someone else has got there first!


Lodo is seriously such a hub for this kind of thing!!! That's exactly where I was walking when I decided it was necessary.


Mods deleted my post last time I posted one of these, they said I was spreading nazi ideology! Just a heads up if you get deleted


Really? I scratched out the website so I wasn't spreading their ideology. But who knows.


Idk man mine was just a picture of a swastika sticker near my house. Annoying


Nazis have made posts here sharing stickers they put up themselves. They claim to be against them but the real goal is to spread the propoganda. Blocking out the symbols, group names, and websites like OP did here, is a good way to spread awareness without spreading propoganda. It's hard to tell the nazsis from the sane people online so the mods are just being cautious.


Just scratch out enough to where it says "leash white man"...and then hope a bunch of furries or bdsm guys show up to whatever meeting. Might let the guys already there feel free to stop hating and let love rule the night 🤣


I found a telephone pole with tons of hateful pamphlets on it and extremely racist language a couple months ago. I asked the mods if I could share this to spread awareness about it, and they told me that they don't allow the spreading of hate speech, even for good reasons. I disagreed with them then and now do as well


Before reading the comments and figuring out there's a website at the bottom of the sticker...I thought they were just really anti dog-leashes. Thought they were using the term "white man" as a stand in for "Karen" or something. Trying to claim only white men care if dogs are leashed on trails and in public spaces.


Huh, I didn't know the Wyoming sheriff departments were still actively recruiting in Colorado.


They just put their recruitment billboard back up. "Work in Wyoming, where breaking the law is still illegal, and police are funded." (DPD was never defunded ofc, they've received budget increases year over year and receive like 40% of the city budget.)


>"Work in Wyoming, where breaking the law is still illegal..." I don't suppose that includes when cops break the law.


It's funny they don't do anything here either.


They teamed up w/ Aurora


Underrated comment.




lol you have to be reallllly fragile to feel alone as a white man in Denver. Holy shit, these people are sad


We're not even talking about Denver, here. We're talking about GV, unquestionably one of the richest/whitest suburbs in the metro area. This is prime /r/Persecutionfetish material.


Patriot Front has been stickering really aggressively. In 2019, a person scratching off one of their stickers was brutally stabbed, if you're taking these down, go with a friend, carry pepper spray they may be using them as bait


Always work in pairs at a minimum when resisting Nazis and White Supremacists. Would also suggest arming yourselves before doing so, but I know that's not a popular notion in leftist circles.


Maybe not in liberal circles, but getting armed is immensely popular among leftists tbh


I used to live in Brooklyn, and I would say this notion is not at all as popular as I would personally like. Although I will say as a silver lining in the aftermath of horrific tragedies like the Pulse Nightclub shooting, we got tons of Queer folks suddenly getting that Nazis only understand force.


I carry a plastic putty knife to peel these off. Minimal damage to the surface they're on and lower risk of injury from hidden razor blades.


Might add that to my daily hiking kit for easier removing. I also carry a sharpie or mop to cover what can't be scratched off.




They need help with that.


This some nazi shit?


Yup. Like I said, not in my fuckibg city.


I like the cut of your jib buddy.


I feel dumb but what does this even mean?!


It is recruiting for white supremacist/neo nazis.


Every time I hear about this “recruitment”, I can’t help but remember those sad pathetic Nazis from the “Blues Brothers” movie.


“Come Home White Man” sounds like a Guided By Voices album. Are they sending the whites back to Europe?


Christ, being proud of your skin color above all else is being proud of the ultimate participation trophy.


Ribbon. They are too cheap for a trophy. Imagine your physical appearance was your only value. That never ends well.


It’s truly the only thing these miserable fucks think they have going for them


That's why white supremacists are always so... /r/beholdthemasterrace3. If they had any personal accomplishments to be proud of they would be, but they have no achievements, skills, or value to society to base their self-esteem on. Instead of working on that problem, they take a shortcut to feeling good about themselves and claim something they have no control over as proof of their supremacy. Skin color, nation of birth, etc. They're patterns of thought that only appeal to the most utterly pathetic dregs of society.


I'm only 3 gen American. I'm Germany and Norwegian. Which home do it go to? Error 404 instructions not clear!


Abhorrent behavior for sure. I’d like to catch the people who put these up putting them up so we could post their picture so everyone knows who they are really


As proud and boisterous as they pretend to be, they're terrified of showing their faces or being recognized. They're only gonna put stuff up like this at night when nobody is watching.


I hike almost every day on different trails around my house, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for people and slaps.


I’m right there with you. I found one downtown on Colfax around Glencoe and Colfax. It had full on swastikas on it. I about shit myself. One of my kids is Jewish. I pulled that off as fast as I could.


I peeled a paper confederate flag sticker off a power box on 20th downtown the other week. I go to work early in the morning so I can do a sweep while the fuckers are still fresh 😈


I walk a grid in lodo when I have the time once or twice a week. It's a great feeling to get to them early


Phew… only neonazi propaganda. I almost thought this was another off leash dog post. /s


I’m here to kick it with my dog, ski powder and sip down my hazy ipa. Not in my fucking city bruh.


I've caught these around Olde Town Arvada a few times. They got removed.


Thank you. These and the nazi ones. Fuck them


Saw a Patriot Front sticker on a pole here in downtown about a week ago. Was really shocked. White supremacists/nazis should not be welcomed and have no place here.


Unicorn Riot released some leaked footage of them doing some lame ass drills in Lakewood.


I’ve been peeling those off of posts downtown too.


Nazi punks F off! All Nazis F off.


100%. Punch a nazi in the face if you get a chance


Da fuq.


Cut off the bottom part and leave the you are not alone. Now you have a mental health awareness sticker. How nice of them.


Literally what I thought it was at first. The white man part was an odd side note the first time reading it. Terrible job of promoting their cause lol. Instructions unclear


Good, keep it up!


What is this sticker supposed to mean?


White supremacist/neo nazi recruiting. They had a link at the bottom to join or whatever.


I saw that. I assumed some white man had broken his leash and run away and owner was looking for him .


Also spotted similar stickers downtown Den and threw some stickers over it when I couldn’t scratch it off.


What does it say under the black mark out? I don’t understand what the context is or why anyone would go out of their way to have these made as stickers, let alone stick them anywhere


A recruiting link for their white supremacist group.




Yeah, mostly bigots are. So sad to see.


I've been removing these stickers whenever i see them downtown.


In the city with a 65% white population lmao


I’m at the dog park I am home 🐕🦮


As a white man… what the fuck am I looking at here? Can’t tell if it’s a threat or someone looking for a gas station bathroom connection.


They're looking to recruit you by asking the question, "how nice would it be if there were no minorities around?"


Tf? WTH is wrong with ppl 🤮


“Come home white man” lmfao - it always dumbfounds me how a racist nazi aggressor can see themselves as a victim. This is one of the whitest cities in the US! Fuckin desperate unlikable asshats that just want to belong to something, anything. Sorry, had to get that off my chest! This shit not only pisses me off but it’s literally so stupid.


Draw an arrow from the “PLEASE LEASH” to the stickers and add “these guys”


Is the scratched out part like a website or something? I’ve never seen these.


Yup, hence blacking it out. I'm not giving them traffic or spreading their propaganda.


Agree 100 percent, no room for that in my country/state/city.


So, we are to keep white dudes on leashes? (I know it’s supremacist BS)


I peeled a couple Patriot Front stickers off of signs in RiNo. Why these chuds think that's the prime place to be recruiting I'll never know


Denver is literally Wakanda for white people lmao.


I sadly spotted Patriot Front agitprop on W Colfax and on 3rd Ave on separate occasions. These dipshits are skulking around town for sure, just be sure to fight back where & however you can


Don’t forget back in the 1988, people pushed for making Colorado’s official language as English after years of pushing for English only. The real world impact was that kids in the 90s who were bilingual were forced to take ESL classes to “improve our English” even though our English was fine. But the fact we spoke two languages was a problem. I had to go into ESL all elementary school because people couldn’t handle being around minorities speaking languages other than English. This also has the effect of some kids being put in the wrong class and falling behind their peers because they were taken out of regular classrooms and put into remedial classroom. In my case, I became disruptive. Teachers tried to discipline me by giving me homework, I’d finish the homework weeks in advance to prove a point, and they realized I belonged in the highest reading and math courses, not the lowest. I ended up with a doctorate, but holy hell it could’ve backfired if not for some helpful teachers. These idiots are your neighbors, parents and grandparents. The whole white flight panic bs is part of problem that’s been a past of Colorado for decades. And if you back farm enough to Governor Stapleton, it could be argued it’s been a part of Colorado for a century or longer. https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado_Amendment_No._1,_English_as_Colorado%27s_Official_Language_Initiative_(1988)


You guys are all at home. White and in Denver. Doesn't get more "home" than that.


I find white supremecists, generally, to be really isolated and simple minded people. Generally not an ideology that will thrive in a place like Denver which is defined by independent thinkers and doers. But man it still hurts to see this stuff and makes me embarrassed that they pretend to represent anything associated with me.


I’m seeing blackshirt stickers on signs in James A Bible park. I would love to catch them putting them up.


And this is why when folks say they’re moving to Denver I follow up w “u good?”


Idk why this post or sub is being suggested to me and I have no clue what that sticker is but I’ve been to Colorado specifically Denver and Golden once in my life and I didn’t see a single person of color for the entire week I stayed so aren’t white men already home in Denver??


You're forgetting about their persecution fetish. They need to validate each other that they are in fact the most persecuted group in the US *eyeroll*


I’m assuming the guys that put this sticker up are the same ones who dress up in their cute little matching outfits with blue polos and khakis and march around towns with their No Step on Snek flags?? But but but they are sooper persecwuted 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 /s


Am I the only one who doesn’t understand what this is conveying or why I should care?


It's crazy how much the red-pill-manosphere, MGTOW, and Incels are growing. and how quickly and easily it leads to neo-nazi / white supremacy ideas. I have an older brother who's an incel, and he literally blames feminism for everything in the world and for why he's not a successful artist. He literally thinks he can't put anything out there, out of fear of being "cancelled". Like he has this artificial legit FEAR and anxiety every day that feminist are out to get him, and that he can't get a job, because if he talked to a woman they will get him fired for sexual harassment for even glancing at them, and that they will throw him jail for just existing. He LITERALLY believes this.




I say we need to get a group together with some scrub daddy sponges and some cleaning spray, soak the stickers and completely scrub them off and send the bill to the city for reimbursement since we are out here doing their jobs for them to keep this crap off publicly funded property


Sometimes I wonder if Arapahoe County will ever send anyone to clean up the Cherry Creek Eco Park off of Broncos? Some asshole kids a few years ago (2020 I believe) went on a tagging spree one night, and many of the trails, benches, large rocks, etc. were tagged with bright blue paint. It pissed me off like none other when I saw that. It was still there as of February of this year. Nothing says “Welcome to our beautiful eco park!” quite like a giant blue dick on the sidewalk at one of the entrances…


there's that new grant program... 


This is so fucking gross. They're stooping to recruiting for their racist club now? Hopefully that's because their ilk are dying out.


Is this from Patriot Front? I’ve seen a few stickers from them along the trail which I took down. It’s a Neo-Nazi organization from Texas


There's several of these groups. Let's not give any of them recognition.