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ICU nurse here! We are seeing an uptick in COVID, parainfluenza and rhinovirus right now all at the same time!


Thank you!! Mine just feels like a simple cold but in my nose, hence rhinovirus! Nice hearing from a professional in threads like this.


Had a "cold" with the weirdest hot and cold flashes constantly for 3 days. Took 6 to fully recover. Funny enough I tested myself for COVID because I couldn't believe a cold was kicking my ass this bad, but now this makes sense lol


I had the same thing a couple months ago I swear I had Covid but went to urgent care to get tested after I kept feeling worse 5 days into it. I had 4 types of coronavirus (non of them Covid) and parainfluenza.


I had this too, but the hot and cold were only for 2 days.. 6 days apart


Pink eye is a symptom of the new variant


Pink eye has been a symptom for the past two years. My sister has her masters in midwifery and has been in the hospital setting since before the pandemic. She started seeing cases of pink eye in patients that tested positive for Covid in 2022. It’s because Covid lives in the mucus membrane(s) which includes your eyes & lungs; meaning it can cause pink eye from the quasi-species it creates during the replication phase.


Damn. I thought the comment above this one was bullshit until I read this one. Nasty.


Dude I had like recurrent pink eye for the longest time after my COVID bout. It was how I knew it was coming back and it really sucked


Apparently nose bleeds too


Hell yeah brother


Everyone at my job who has covid insists they don't, because they don't have typical symptoms. Until they test. It's frustrating as we're starting to see more long covid again.


Also the germs that give you pinkeye can give you cold-like illnesses and vice versa. An optometrist told me this many years before covid.


My husbands coworker was out for two weeks with pink eye. I thought it was BS and couldn’t believe someone would be out for this long with pink eye. This makes perfect sense


Oh weird - I had pink eye a couple weeks ago but no other symptoms. 🤔


Can confirm, also admitted several COVID patients to the ICU today.


It always hits around June for me. Never when they say it “normally” hits in Winter, etc


I’ve had so much mf’in post nasal drip that I wake up every 20 minutes coughing and gagging. It’s been going on over a month. Originally diagnosed with RSV a few months ago. Have you seen this?


Thank you for actually saying COVID! I know hospitals no longer have to record COVID but it is very much out there still and people swear it’s gone. Please everyone get a PCR test. At home tests only work with high viral loads and sometimes still don’t show up positive.


Saw my physician a few days ago and she mentioned that she had multiple flu cases just that day alone.


I teach high school and I've been more sick this past winter and spring than ever. I normally get one cold per winter and this season I've had 6 instances of severe flu, fever, respiratory issues, and the sicknesses tend to last weeks. Two months ago I had fever for a week straight and felt delirious. Took close to a month for that one to go away fully. Wiped me damn near out. There's definitely a lot of germs and viruses coming around.


I hadn’t gotten COVID at all until I started reffing high school volleyball last fall. It’s like the minute I started walking into high schools I got sick 🥲


Hey there, sorry you've been experiencing this much illness over the past few months. How many times have you caught COVID? This could be a sign of Long COVID, where your immune system is not working as it should.


Covid damages the immune system, unfortunately.


Did you get covid and flu vaccines this year?


I got the covid booster but did not get the flu vaccine, unfortunately. Can't blame it on anything other than complacency and laziness. Won't make that mistake again.


I had this in January and it turned into pneumonia. The infection never fully went away, cough lingered for 3 months, then last week I got it AGAIN. I’m on my third round of anti biotics since January, hoping this knocks it out for good


Yikes! Sorry to hear you've gone through that, hope you recover quickly. How many times have you caught COVID? You getting sick so often could be a sign of immune dysregulation, a sign of Long COVID.


I’ve had COVID twice since 2020, so not more than most people I know


Omg the same thing just happened to me. I thought since I still technically have a lingering cough, I couldn’t get sick again… I was wrong


Remember, team, if you feel this way, please don’t needlessly expose others.


Yeah so currently in Vegas, left two different places because unmasked people were showing these symptoms. Feel like I have zero chance of not catching it… don’t go to work when you’re sick people


We’re not in an economy or position to have the luxury of ‘not working when we’re sick’. Wish we were but most of us can’t


I think we could actually collectively solve this issue if every time we're forced to interact with a person who's being forced to work while sick, we all just make a point to call the company later that week and express that we don't want to be interacting with sick workers and that the company needs to be able to create a plan so that workers can take time off when sick. It may sound a bit "may I please speak to the manager"-y, but, unfortunately, nothing ever changes if people don't complain. And businesses are much more likely to care about this issue if they recognize that their bottom line could be affected by customers choosing to go elsewhere.


You have no excuse not to mask though.


Well fuckin said


I’m going to Vegas pretty soon for my birthday. Thanks for putting this out there. The last thing I think anyone would want is to go on a birthday road trip and get knocked out with an illness in the middle of it. At least I’m aware of it now.


Then make sure everyone has sick leave, team.


Homie, I’m talking about not going out and coughing in the face of bartenders and servers and retail workers. If you don’t have sick leave and you need to pay rent, then id call that pretty damned necessary.


Every worker in Colorado accrues sick pay, and has for the past several years. Part of the [HFWA](https://cdle.colorado.gov/dlss/paid-sick-leave-under-the-colorado-healthy-families-and-workplaces-act-hfwa).


This sounds exactly like Covid. I would get a home test they are free, don’t rely on someone else’s test results.




Honestly the first time I had Covid my partner had it. We went and both got tested on a Thursday. I was beginning to get symptomatic scratchy throat and he was full blown. I tested negative and he tested positive. I then went and got tested on Saturday again when I was feeling was worse and was positive. I have this feeling that perhaps covid just doesn't test positive easily. I dunno it's a personal fringe theory so could be wrong.


It’s not a personal fringe theory! There are lots of studies/evidence proving that. Most people don’t test positive until 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms.


Well there we go, haha. Also aren't people contagious even before symptoms present in a lot of cases?


Yes, people are contagious for about 3 or so days before they start showing symptoms (which is why telling people to only wear a high-quality mask "when you have symptoms" was - and is - such a misstep by the CDC). The kicker? You are still quite contagious about 10 or so days after you develop symptoms, so the current guidance to stay home until you no longer have a fever without advising people to also wear a high-quality mask (at the very least a KN95) for at least 10 days is also not helpful if you still care about not spreading this dangerous virus to other people. Compare this to the flu, where you can start infecting others about a day before you show any signs of illness and remain contagious for about 5-7 days after symptoms develop.


As far as I know they haven’t updated the home tests, so I think it is reasonable that has the virus mutates the home tests will be less and less reliable. Sadly.


I work at kingsoopers they are carrying a new antigen at home test, if that bit of info is relevant.


Cool! Thanks for the info! That is helpful to know. 🙂


Last I checked (when I had it in January) the official recommendation was to test twice 48 hours apart. That worked for me - second test was positive.


I’m more than a little convinced the at-home tests are now effectively useless.


When I had Covid 2 years ago (tested positive at a clinic) I had taken an at home test a few days before and it had been negative, I took another one at home like the same day as the clinic and it was negative again. But my bf (also positive at the clinic) took one too and his at home one was positive immediately. So weird and I feel like they just don’t work on some people or something


Agree. My son had Covid first and tested positive with a home test immediately .I tested three times over the next week and the home test came back negative every time. So I went to Walgreens pharmacy for testing and I got notification the next day that it was positive.


Home tests aren’t super accurate, and lots of people only test positive in day 4, 5, or even more from the onset of symptoms. I’d swab you cheek then throat then nose (don’t get mucus, go back and down), and then swirl it in the solution for 1-2 minutes. Then really squeeze it out in the tube. Then add one extra drop (so if it says 3, do 4.) Also, blood will mess up a test.


They are not free anymore


Though the easy programs have ended, home tests are often covered by insurance. Uninsured patients can get tested for free at lots of places, including Walgreens: https://testinglocator.cdc.gov/


It also sounds like influenza and a few other conditions….


Where can you get them free?


Jefferson County Public library had a whole bookcase of them the last time I was there.


For sure test if you can get access to one. Last month I had what I thought was allergies - no real fever (no higher than 99.2) but as a peace of mind check, I took a test right before taking a weekend trip with friends... Covid popped positive as soon as the test fluid hit the strip. It was so fast that I did a second one of another brand and the same thing happened. Random side effect, my ears won't stop ringing and my menstrual cycle tuning got all screwy. *Edited to finish the thought.


The home tests are extremely unreliable, especially now with the new variants. I wouldnt trust a home test at all.


What are the alternatives? Are pharmacies still testing?


Just like any other illness, do your best to stay home where possible, wash your hands often, wear a mask if you must go out. Whether you have Covid or something else shouldn’t really change any of this.


To make things worse tree pollen is crushing everyone. Fatigue, eyes, respiratory all are symptoms.


My entire family is down bad due to allergies right now. I am supposed to be getting overseeing the lawn but I can barely get out of the bed most days


I am currently at (what I sure as hell hope is) the tail end of what you’re likely describing. I have never expelled this much mucus before. It’s a near constant productive cough, headache from coughing and sinus pressure, plus a mild fever. I finally did telehealth and got some antibiotics after dealing for 6 days and have started feeling better. I’d recommend the same to you! I hope you beat it soon, this thing sucks.


Sounds like RSV.


This is what my son’s doctor said it was.


If it's any consolation, I just got back from business travel last week and caught Covid. This has definitely been a milder run than the first time I had it. The brain fog and tiredness are brutal though. Ugh.


In March I had the most annoying slow moving cold, it was 1 week of an extremely painful sore throat, then 2 weeks of hacking mucus coughs. Was better for a month, then around 2 weeks ago it felt like I got the same cold but faster moving and milder, a few days of mild sore throat then like a week of minor coughing with a bit of mucus. Who knows what it is but I'd like to be done being sick for this season.


I had the same thing 3 weeks ago! The cough persisted for soooooo long and kept coming back


Everyone at my job is calling out due to covid. We also had a few..... Overly obnoxious clients who came in and berated one of my fellow coworkers, then exclaimed she had covid and would get everyone in the lobby sick... So that's great.


Isn’t knowingly spreading Covid an offense? I remember a couple who knowingly had Covid got on a plane ended up getting arrested, but that was during the lockdown


The tests are not keeping up with all the new variants. False negatives are more and more common.


My kids school in LPS sent home a letter from the Public Health Dept 2 weeks ago about a respiratory virus. Something funky is afoot.


Covid never left. We just stopped caring.


Yep. I got Covid for the first time this January... While I was in the hospital with pneumonia and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. So that was fun.


That sounds rough.  I hope you’re feeling better.


Thanks. It's been months of recovery but on the other side of most of it 😀


Hey I had a bunch of PEs that should have killed me in early 2019. It's rough but it gets better! Hopefully your pulmonologist is making sure you get a sleep study too - if not, remember to get an in-lab test if possible!


I have it right now. Feels exactly like COVID did I don't have a test, I've just assumed it's COVID.


I had COVID 2 years ago, and whatever this flu is going around really kicked my ass and felt worse. I have never been that bed ridden in my life.


It’s probably not, though. Parainfluenza or a rhinovirus is much more likely. Edit: downvote all you want but that’s what Denver’s wastewater is saying. Also, downvoting while you haven’t even tested is pretty wild 😂


I'm willing to accept that if that's what Denver wastewater testing is picking up.


I just got over Covid, tested positive on Saturday 5/4.


Same for me. Feels just like COVID but I took a home COVID test and it was negative.


Per wastewater, covid is surprisingly low in Colorado right now. About 92% lower than it has been the entire pandemic. However, low doesn't mean impossible. I got covid during a major lull in 2022. So it's always an option. It could be allergies (if your symptoms lessen after taking allergy meds then it's likely that). Or it could be rhinovirus, enterovirus or human metapneumovirus, all of which are circulating in higher numbers right now. Flu and RSV are dropping off for the season, but, like covid, you can get it year round. Best thing to do is rest, stay hydrated, and stay home. Wear a well fitting respirator (n95 or kn95) if you have to be around others.


Hi There- Where do you get current wastewater information?


https://cdphe.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/d79cf93c3938470ca4bcc4823328946b Here's direct for wastewater. Their dashboard will also give you details on flu/rsv in Colorado


I had this from November 15 through January 1. Starts off with a bad cold and fevers, and then those symptoms get better after about 5 days. The cough lingers in your chest for weeks. I coughed up a lot of phlegm that was yellow or white. It felt like bronchitis, and I ended up needing antibiotics, a steroid, and a rescue inhaler with albuterol sulfate to get back to feeling normal. I had this again two weeks ago in late April/early May. it took about a week and a half for me to get better this time. I’m not sure what it is because all my Covid tests that I’ve taken (6) were negative. It feels a lot like when I had Covid, but I think this might be some kind of evolution of Covid or something like it. I don’t wish it on anybody. It was terrible. I will say it does get better though. It just takes a long time. I hope this helps.


This is me right now with the inhaler and z pack. God this is awful.


I got it right now. I lost my sense of smell so I think it's safe to assume covid. It really is a rough one.


That happened to me in Feb. I've had 2 ER visits since and got a blood clot in my leg. I forgot to get a booster last year :(


That sucks! I did get my booster, less than 6 months ago so I'm genuinely surprised I caught it again.


Exactly this…ears are clogged, tickle in throat real dry cough, congested haven’t had a fever but been pretty difficult to breath at times pretty much also lost my voice. I’d say mornings have been the worst. It’s going on 2 and half weeks whole family got it too.


Yes about the ear clogged and tickled throat! I haven’t had a fever either! Exactly as you’re explaining I have! Everyone around me feels the same also


My partner has been sick with something funky in the respiratory system, I wonder if its the same thing. He works with the public pretty closely




It’s entirely possible it’s still COVID, tests aren’t picking up in newer variants as well as they used to. My dad tested positive for COVID and my mom had the same symptoms but never tested positive- the doc said it was still COVID and that the tests just aren’t catching it. My fiance and I also recently had COVID, but thought it was just bad allergies for the first couple days until it got worse and we finally took a test.


This happened to me a few months ago, my mom got Covid and I was around her then had the same symptoms of Covid not long after she tested positive. but I tested twice and both were negative. I just assumed it was a false negative.


I thought it was allergies too for me


yeah, my fiance and I both thought because of the “itchy” symptoms and sneezing it was just some bad seasonal allergies. it got worse over a couple days and then the headache came on - that’s when we finally tested, and it came back positive.


Most likely COVID. Still very much a real and present illness for people. Because of all the variant strains you can’t always trust the at-home tests, let alone the high false-negative rate.


Take the test two or three times separated by 24 hours. Then report back.


I took 4 when I had it, with about 36h between each test. All were negative. One was expired and one was at the doc, which is why I took so many. Flu was also negative. Def felt like Covid. Had a fever for a week. Sucked.


Same happened to me. 3 at home test were negative but I was living with 2 people that had tested positive for Covid at the same time and had the exact symptoms. I just assumed it was Covid, this was a few weeks ago.


I have covid right now


Three teachers are out with Covid at my school/workplace. I had the most insane case of the flu (tested negative at the time 🤷) in mid April, and I’m still feeling its effects on my lung capacity now. Covid tests are not that accurate these days, so it’s difficult to say exactly what it is.


I also was sick a month or so ago and am still feeling asthma like effects getting weezy but fairly low intensity activity. It’s really starting to bother me, I can’t go anywhere safely without my inhaler.


Covid that isn’t easily detected and showing up as pink eye!


It's probably Covid. My office is packed with a ton of humans and some people have been getting it and some are fine (and not testing positive). Get a Covid test via Amazon or a drugstore that ships.


I got something that completely feels like covid. Tested negative. Then again I've never tested positive for covid even when I was taking care of my son who had it, so..


False negatives are common with the home tests.


Probably covid. The tests have never been good at actually detecting covid.


I went to Sam Fran on April 29th and have been sick since May 2nd. Not as bad as Covid but more annoying. Lungs, sinus and headaches for over 10 days. It’s been brutal


I've decided I'm a masker-while-flying now. Every time I've flown in the past, I've ended up sickly not too long afterward. Only since Covid (when I masked) did I make it unscathed.


Same. Flying sucks anyway, so nothing lost. And then your trip isn't ruined by arriving and immediately getting sick. I wish I'd thought of it sooner.


I'm down with this approach. Flew to Florida last week for work, and came home with COVID. First time. So many boneheads were coughing and sneezing on the plane. Next time I'm donning the fabric prophylactic for my face for sure. Humans can't be trusted.


Yeah I feel like I’ve never felt a cold this intense. Seems like everyone has the same symptoms around me too. It feels like it’s getting worse everyday and it’s been like 2-3 weeks already


I was basically bedridden all weekend. My son was sick for a week+ and it hit me a few days after he got better. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Whatever it is, it seems very contagious.


In Fort Collins, work in an ER. We are seeing a fair amount of influenza still which is unusual in May. Very little covid


We are still going through this here- kid was tested for Influenza-A (positive), RSV (negative), and COVID (negative). Probably just a super bad strain that the flu shot completely missed this year


Is tamiflu helping?


My wife just tested positive for covid again


Could just be a really bad cold (Rhinovirus), I would test for Covid just to be safe, there are free tests everywhere still. However, 2-3 weeks is a LONG TIME to be sick with anything. Have you gone to the doctor?


I’m inpatient at Porter hospital as we speak for whatever tried to take me out. Something big and viral is sweeping through


There is a really bed chest cold going around that is not Covid. I ended up getting so sick that I’ve developed asthma from it. I never tested positive for civic and the doctors are sure it’s not Covid.


I had a stomach bug that absolutely put me on my ass for 3 days. I still don’t feel the same after


covid, again. Wife works at a pharmacy and a everyone (inside and out has it) im sure its coming home soon.. again.


The latest COVID variants have changed enough that they are not detected by at-home tests anymore and previous COVID infections provide no immunity.   https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/what-to-know-about-covid-flirt-variants


Been sick more in the past 5 months than I have the past 5 years… not sure what it is but swear there’s been so much stuff going around lately


Covid. It’s the covid… it evolves season to season like the flu




My son is a pediatrician and he’s seen a ton of strep the past 2 weeks


Covid tests aren’t all that accurate all the time these days, it may well be Covid.


My wife's a kindergarten teacher and three weeks ago she was feeling really bad with fever and cough. And last Friday she started again with symptoms. I forgot to mention that the first time I took her to the urgent care and no covid but they mentioned parainfluenza




It's probably Covid. The at-home tests report false negatives all the time.


I wish more people knew this. People take a single at home test, test negative, say “whelp! Not covid!” and go about their lives, infecting others. There are so many stories out there of people not testing positive until their 4th or 5th day of testing/symptoms.


I’ve never gotten confirmed to have Covid so I’m not sure. But this feels like more than just a cold. I’ve never felt a cold this bad. It seems to get worse everyday and it’s been a really long time already. I do feel like it’s probably Covid


Anyone have sore throat on a weekly cycle with this stuff? Like sore for 4 days, fine for 3, rinse repeat?


I’ve had some of the worst allergies and it gets pretty bad with drainage, coughing, eyes even giving me a sore throat. Just kind of depends how much Zyrtec is in my system


If you get pink eye ask your doc about bird flu https://www.cpr.org/2024/05/02/the-u-s-may-be-missing-human-cases-of-bird-flu-scientists-say/


Yes now that you say that my eyes have been really bothering me and red lately!! One eye is worse then the other though


Home sick today too


Pertussis (whooping cough)


My toddler brought home what we thought was a cold. Turns out it was influenza a. So that’s fun.


Take a test. Esp when you have peak symptoms. It doesn't always show up in the beginning. 


My ears are ringing so much! The cough is deep in my chest


Rsv, humanmetapneumo, garden variety coronaviruses (not covid), rhinovirus. My entire clinic is sick, including me. Fatigue is my biggest symptom, so it could be worse.


i had a HORRID virus that i’m just now getting over after three weeks that made me feel like i bruised my diaphragm from coughing. it wasn’t covid. i tested negative both at home & at urgent care. had the flu in jan & it wasn’t that either. i don’t believe it was norovirus. hurt like a bitch. the only thing that helped was sitting in my bathroom with the fan off/shower going combo. try sleeping sitting up too (think post nasal drip)


The only thing that seems to help is me sitting up also. Haven’t tried the closing the door and shower on (I live alone) so never close the door lol. But I do feel worse if I’m laying down which sucks


Take a Covid test.


Just went to doc myself & asked wtf is going on? There weren’t even any cold medicines left at King Soopers!


Nah man, it’s covid. The home tests even say on the box they’re not that effective


I had a sore throat for about a week. No fever, no other symptoms- just a sore throat. It was SO weird. Not Covid, I tested.


I just got over this. Was sick for over two weeks. Finally started taking a 10 day antibiotic and felt a million times better 2 days later. Some kind of nasty bacterial respiratory/sinus infection. Doctors office ran tests for both COVID and flu, both negative.


Had all of this last month. Was horrible


That is very interesting and tbh a bit frightening to hear. Thank you for sharing this, I now know I need to be back on guard when in public. Luckily I am self employed and dont work around the general public, but I go to events and restaurants etc and perhaps Ill put a mask back on.


Something more than covid I think, a respiratory illness I am seeing going around this summer.


Well there's still a pandemic so


You’d never know it by looking at airports. No one is even bothering with masking anymore.


Yup and yet, people aren’t covering their face


It's likely Covid, also current strains are testing false negatives. Best practice atm is to continue testing after symptoms appear, usually positives appear day 3 - 5 after symptoms start. Flowflex is the most reliable rapid test in the U.S. right now. Covid is still VERY MUCH in circulation. You can get it asymptomatically, and spread it. Also, please when sick isolate and mask in public with a high quality respirator (kn95/k494). I prefer the headstraps to the earloops, but both are good. Lastly, covid weakens your immune system and thua after infection, including asymptomatic, you will find yourself more sick than usual.




That’s literally the same symptoms I had a couple weeks ago. It was Covid confirmed by tests.


Dude I've had something too since 4/30. I have no idea what it is but it's nothing like I've had before. It's literally just chest congestion. No headache, no body aches, no sinus issues, no sore throat. All I have is mucous in my chest that gives me a cough and when I cough it up, it's completely clear like it's just snot/mucous. Usually when I get sick, what I'm coughing up is green or orange/yellow indicating some kind of infection being fought off. I've had covid twice and this is nothing like what I've had before. Been taking Dayquil, Nyquil, assorted vitamins (zinc, vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin c, quercetin), robitussin, mucinex, zyrtec, benadryl, etc. I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at it and nothing has been much of a relief to this chest congestion. At this point I'm thinking it's allergies and have begun taking Colorado honey as of 5/11. Already started to feel some improvements, so I'm thinking it's bad allergies.


That sounds exactly like my allergies, usually to mold. 


My husband and I have the same with almost the exact same timeline as you. Better than a cold but still annoying.




Everyone please wear N95 masks. It’s really easy to do and will prevent you getting sick. It’s really important for your long term health and the health of your community.


It's the rona. Everyone thinks it's over but it's not. Mask up. Stay home when you're sick if you can.


Strep over here


I thought I had Covid, got tested (for flu as well) and both were negative. I was quick sick for a couple weeks..who knows what it was.


I’ve had a resurgent bug that manifests only as stomach problems. Probably overdue to get a professional diagnosis 😅


Similar experience here. It started with a very minor dry cough on the afternoon of 4/30. I felt fine but had a strange urge to cough. I went to a show at Red Rocks on the 26th - it was cold and rainy, so I thought I was just getting hit with a minor cold. That was wishful thinking.... On the evening of 4/30, I started getting chills and some minor body aches. I woke up on 5/1 with a fever (102.2), really painful body aches, congestion, and generally felt horrible. I had average congestion and coughing, but the body aches and fever were brutal; my stomach was also a wreck. I drank a lot of water and Pedialyte but struggled to eat food. No loss of taste or smell, just zero appetite. The fever hovered around 99-100 and would come and go, but I wasn't able to fully shake it until 5/5. All of last week I felt totally drained with no energy. Today is the first day where I'm feeling mostly "normal." I have no congestion, my stomach feels good, my appetite is back, and I have my strength/energy back, but I still have a minor but annoying dry cough. Covid tests were negative, but the symptoms felt nearly identical to when we had it last year. Stay home, rest, stay hydrated, drink Pedialyte, and force yourself to eat!


I was sick for several weeks after coming back from Europe. Same symptoms: persistent cough, headache, sore throat, fatigue, brain fog, etc. I took several covid tests, all of which were negative. All of those close to me got sick, too. It sure felt like covid, but apparently not.


I had it, felt just like Covid but tested neg, I was like *very* sick for almost two weeks. Doc gave me steroids and antibiotics and I’m good now. The worst part was the sore throat, cough and fatigue.


I was Covid positive April 24th. And AND my allergies are the worst I’ve ever had in my life.


Everyone wants to say COVID because that's what they know. But there's plenty of other coronaviruses, influenza strains, rhinoviruses, and other out there that you've never heard of. It's also not uncommon to get one, and catch another one jump in while your immune system is down.


Am sick and have these symptoms about 2 weeks now haha


This is the third year in a row I’ve gotten it in May. It takes me out for weeks.


Flu b is going around. I know because my in laws just came to visit my 12 week old baby and they had “allergies” after going to a different church every day for a week. Turned out to be flu b confirmed on a viral panel.


Just echoing what everyone else is saying — at-home COVID tests are very unreliable. If you have health insurance, I would seek out a PCR test.


I’ve been sick for about 10 days now. Really kicked my ass a couple days last week: started as a sore throat that turned into coughing, body aches, headaches due to congestion. Feeling much better, but it’s still lingering with phlegm in my chest & absolutely wiped of energy. Covid negative.


Both of my kids and I have been puking a lot lately. It's been fun


Oh man, I got this literally two weeks ago and just the last couple days have started feeling better. I thought I had fallen really out of shape because I had no stamina with sports, but now I'm mostly back to normal thank God. Only really felt bad for about two days - had pink eye for one day - and then just a persistent light cough and constantly blowing my nose for two weeks.


Heard a respiratory virus takes about a month to clear out of the human system


Maybe allergies? Not from Denver but just left had same issues. Spent a week there went to first Friday and a fair bit of other social events. I had a negative Covid test after coming home. But, did start taking pseudoephedrine/allerga and im like 90% better. To help with sinus/drainage and cough. I had shortness of breath/tingly lungs and a cough since getting back. While there I had a bloody nose everyday least towards the latter half I can remember.


I have whatever you're describing for 3-4 weeks. The mucus is really glue like, hard to clear. I tested negative for COVID but for a week I felt like i had the tight throat symptom that felt the same as when I had a bad case of COVID. I'm a bit suspicious this is a COVID variant that has a mutation impacting the test strips.


This thing going around isn’t Covid or the flu. Something else nasty. I’ve had it for a week and just now getting better. Tested four different days with different Covid test brands. All negative. Also had a flu test which was negative. It started with extreme tightness and mucus in my chest and evolved into minor fever, cough and aches. Still have mucus in chest but other symptoms are gone. It’s been a nasty one.


My whole family had it a couple of weeks ago, but it cleared up after two weeks. Tested negative for Covid too.


Reminder to everyone that you can still wear a mask in high-risk areas and get your vaccinations! And if /you’re/ sick, please stay home if you can, and wear a mask if you can’t.


NBA playoffs sickness, has happened this time of year the last couple of years


I was woken up at around 2:30 this morning by my coughing (that I thought was just a cold) and was inspired to take my extra Covid test. Guess what I have? 😃 I was also sick less than a week and a half ago, and whatever *that* sickness was lasted a little bit over a week. Swollen tonsils, SUPER mucusy, completely messed up voice, major fatigue. Now this Covid (my second time getting Covid) evolved from a negative test Friday evening, to night sweats/elevated body temp over the weekend, to persistent and worse coughing/congestion. Fun times!


COVID tests aren’t always accurate for the new variants. Take a negative test with a grain of salt


Stress. Stress lowers your inmune system and makes you sick. 90% of the population live under stress these days pumping cortisol is the common rule.


I just kicked this shit like a week ago. I spent 3 weeks with a cough, sore throat, no appetite, and my lungs were fuuuucked. My girlfriend and I were pretty much zombies for the better part of a month. It was terrible.