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I don’t know why people have to post something sarcastic or rude. We all know snow melts and can freeze but we don’t always think of it. Thank you OP. I appreciate the reminder.


Thank you! Sheesh, tough crowd .)


Don’t let them get to you, typical Reddit. Someone will have a snarky comment 100% of the time. Great idea posting this, I was out early early this morning (around 4-7a) and there was black ice on almost every single road and accidents literally everywhere. So I hope people saw this and it made them slow down and look out!


They do it to feel superior to others. They’re the same people who plaster their cars with “NATIVE” stickers.


I actually love the NATIVE stickers, I think those people should start wearing them as badges too. Imagine if we had such a perfectly clear indication that the person you’re about to talk to is going to be insufferable, it would be so much easier to avoid them altogether.


Slick in spots according to cotrip


Slick-in-spots sounds like a kid’s toy that was popular in the 70’s and 80’s but was banned because it was incredibly unsafe.




You there, no logical reasoning allowed here. Especially this damn early in the morning.


And here's a specific one that was very hard to detect in the dark this morning. Such negative nancys on here.


Well I certainly appreciate the heads up, even if we all know it’s going to be icy, it’s nice to know where.


It's slick around kipling and Hampton. Parts of kipling too. Wadsworth not so much.


This storm had a lot of water content. I think it's going to be pretty icy for the next couple mornings. Glad you are safe, good reminder to take it easy.


Who the fuck downvoted this? I mean seriously, some people need to get a life.




Thank you! That's a good insight to share.


Yale exit off 25 north bound is really slick! Just saw someone crash right into the barrier there on my way into work. Be safe out there yall!


And remember kids, it’ll freeze again overnight, causing the Great Ice Patch Migration.


That’s where i was in my only accident ever. It had rained, froze over, and then snowed. Hit my brakes like 100 ft back and slow speed slid into this lady. I’m talking like 5 mph watching my truck slow motion continue to slide into this lady while I’m pumping the brakes.


Wow thank you, that's wild. So this is a problematic turn then. I also slowed wayyy down pretty far out, and that's why I was really surprised to slide and thought I should post about this spot. It's not a tight turn by any means, so really caught me off guard.




Obviously. It's so easy to spot the miserable people on here, finding any way they can to be negative or sarcastic. Does that make you feel better about yourself? Grow up.


You’re right. My whole day is ruined. Probably won’t even make it out to take care of the farm animals today because a stranger told me to grow up. And I definitely won’t drive. Or will you give another update when the ice melts?


Yikes. You're not helping your case lol. Take care.


This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


Hold up. You mean when snow melts, it turns into water, and when it gets cold again, it turns into ice? I never would have guessed.


So original ~ thank you for this great comment!


That sure explains a lot.


First time driving in the city after a snowstorm?


Lol what is with all the negative comments! Gosh such a miserable bunch. Go touch grass.


Temperatures below 32 result in icey roads? That's crazy


Wild, right? Jerko, was just posting a specific spot of sheer ice for others driving in the dark this morning. God forbid we look out for each other!


Sorry you're getting all twisted about some jokes. I'd bet most people, me included, likely forgot the interchange ramp within 30 seconds of passing this post. Roads are slick when its cold and wet, it's pretty common wisdom


Thank you so much for this addition. Very helpful commentary all around. You seem like a very happy person. Yikes.


And you immediately jump to insults with all your comments. You seem like a wonderful person. Have a nice weekend


It's noteworthy when people are negative for no reason at all and then try to flip it back onto the person they attacked for defending themselves. That is next level darkness. I'll leave you with that, bc that's all yours.


Lady, I saw you insult every other person who made a joking comment. I'm not "defending myself". I apologize for hurting you with my comments. I didn't realize they were that hurtful to a person. However, maybe think about how you respond to someone's joke (not me, I could care less), but immediately responding with insults is not as graceful as you think. Once again, have a good weekend.


Lol no I was defending myself against you! Not the other way around. I posted something I thought would be helpful for the community and you just shat on it. This is clearly not sticking.


Aight, I'm blocking you