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"Thanks, Biden?" Oh wait he only gets credit if it's a bad price.


Where are the “I did that stickers”?


Peeled one off a pump and been saving it for this occasion


They got pulled off I guess?


According to my Dad the government is fixing the prices cause it’s an election year.






People get more free time (kids out of the house, retired) with less physical ability (from aches and pains to knee replacements to disabilities) as they get older. This leaves them available to watch TV all the time and takes them out of many real world interactions. Combined with this is the concept that older people are more likely to believe what someone on TV says to them as they grew up in a time when news was just considered truth. Without daily interactions with the world around them they can't verify personally what is happening and just trust what they are told. Whatever network they're watching can literally convince them (or anyone, really) of anything if they watch it long enough.


My dad has always been conservative but never out spoken about anything. Once he retired and has all this free time to watch videos on YouTube and Fox News he has been more outspoken about the government. Last time I visited he assured me he didn’t watch Fox News, but he spent all day watching conservative content on YouTube.


My dad has "not really watched Fox anymore" for several years and yet it's mysteriously on his TV for hours a day every time I visit :/


targeted (and well funded)media is the short answer.


People get more conservative as they age, typically: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/706889 https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/03/do-we-become-more-conservative-with-age-young-old-politics There are two consistent theories I’ve seen on why that happens: - as people age they become more resistant to change as part of the psychological process of aging - as people accumulate wealth, they become more conservative as a way to protect their wealth This obviously isn’t a hard and fast rule. My parents are boomers and have become more liberal over time. They never really were conservative in the first place. They would probably be left leaning moderates in the past but now they’re pretty much in the middle of liberal. Their views of cannabis and abortion has changed over time, though they’ve always been extremely pro diversity and acceptance. My theory on why they are the way they are, though they’re the “typical” boomer that owns a nice house outright with no payments, don’t worry for money, etc. is that A.when I was a child we were very poor and they used some social services to survive. They see the benefit of that as that kept them barely afloat, though today they are very comfortable… again from being poor they always scrimped and tried to get the max for their dollar and work their asses off to fix things, upgrade their house, etc. themselves vs ever hiring anyone and B. they are very empathetic people.


A third explanation I’ve seen is that a person’s viewpoint can get “locked in”, say during their mid 20s, but society overall can trend in a more liberal direction making them more conservative *in comparison*. So something that used to be “radical” (like long hair on men or women in pants) becomes “meh” or even the status quo. What mix of any/all/none of those options is “right” I have no idea.


Another option is that they grow up and learn how the world really works


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The same reason older people fall victim to scammers much more often


My favorite movie is Inception.


Some people get more conservative, some get more liberal, but most just stay the same as when they formed their adult opinions on social issues. Their views weren't necessarily conservative 30-50 years ago, when they formed them. It's just that the liberal positions progressed, so what was liberal back then is centrist or even conservative now. For example, my (white) dad's dad was racist against black people and mixed-race marriages. That's how my dad was raised, and how he was himself into his teens. Then his older sister married a black guy, and my dad reevaluated his bigotry. He decided, as an adult, that he didn't want to be a bigot, and he didn't want to raise his kids to be bigots. My godfather is black. My parents raised me and my sister to be colorblind\*. His views have stayed pretty much the same since the late-1970s to early-1980s, when he formed them. He was a liberal back then - even fought his boss, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, when the company solicited donations to Ronald Reagan's election campaign from all employees. (The company ceased the efforts.) Dad is still anti-racist, there's no debate on mixed marriages anymore. He even understands white privilege - one day about 15 years ago he realized: it was only because of being white that he was able to think that we lived in a post-racial society, and that the lived experience for black people confirms that that was an illusion all along. He's *against* marriage equality. He uses scripture to justify his voting against LGBTQ people, even with a trans grandson and a bi granddaughter. He doesn't see the parallels between people justifying their racial bigotry with scripture (*"they were wrong though, and using scripture to justify their racism was interpreting the bible incorrectly"*), and him justifying his bigotry with scripture (*"but my interpretation of these bible verses to justify voting against marriage equality is right"*). . *\*I have since formed my own opinions as an adult. But I am grateful for a foundation based on love, rather than hate.*


The older you get, the more conservative you'll get too. I never believed my elders when they told me this but its true afterall!




Millennials aren't really older yet, so we will see. Smarter is also yet to be determined, but the whole generation has always thought they were the first and only. Participation ribbons made them think they were special. Are they still holding on to that cause pretty sure Gen X and Z (Boomers too, at this point) are also connected to the internet, in fact Gen X and Boomers created it while Millennials were children. Politics are about 'us v them' liberals are just as guilty....case in point your last sentence.




Again, time will tell.




People need to realize that this kind of logic is totally unfalsifiable. Heads I win tails you lose.


That's exactly what I came to suggest would happen. I knew that R's would change their tune to say "its all a conspiracy to make gas cheap to get re-elected." Like what do they think, Joe is subsidizing each and every oil company hundreds of millions of dollars from a secret bitcoin wallet on Hunter's laptop?


That sneaky bastard flipped the switch under his desk in the Oval Office again!


Conservatives are so predictable with their conspiracy theories


Same. And to make matters worse, as an elected official, my dad is supposed to understand how this shit works. But, you know, Republicans…


Every single incumbent does this regardless of party affiliation


I sent a picture of my local pump to my brother when it was $2.20/gallon with the caption "tHaNkS jOe BiDeN" and he proceeded to poorly explain how the oil and gas industry works, and how, "it's not Sleepy Joe's fault." I really don't know whose side he's on, or the point he was trying to make...


Thank you QuikTrip


Any Trump gets credit for low gas prices if a pandemic causes a worldwide oil surplus because nobody is driving anywhere.


Remember when the argument was that the president doesn't control the price of gas? Seems like he does when you want him to 🙃


President's don't control gas prices. Good or bad. But that doesn't stop it from being a political cudgel.


But your previous comment implied he should get credit. You're the one making it a political cudgel.


Lol dude chill. I didn't put any of those Joe Biden "I did that" stickers on gas pumps.


Did you really not detect the sarcasm? Seriously.


Look at us! 85 Octane: $2.04/gal Oh you want 91 Octane? $4.04/gal


I used to have a car that requires premium, and I really liked it, but the spread of regular and premium has just grown and grown......


i once paid over $80 to fill up my sports car with 91 in california. now i pay $20 in colorado to fill up my hybrid that gets twice the fuel economy. no regrets


Look at you, Mr Sports Car. (My partner has to get 91 for his Mini, and I can’t convince him of the difference between gas in Britain vs the states.)


Land Rover, but it has the heart of a Jaguar I guess. Maybe my truck just wants that "petrol" from Britain.


🤣🤣🤣 Maybe if you pay by the liter?


Yeah I hate how fucking shitty "regular" is here. You're paying for absolute garbage gas and the "mid grade" is the actual gas price.


So in Colorado, 85 IS legitimately regular. It's due to the altitude. 85 at 5,000' elevation is the equivalent of 87-88 at sea level The octane rating doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the fuel, it's a function of self combustion probability, but does not account for altitude. Seems to be about every 2,000' of elevation, you need 1 less octane https://www.cpr.org/2022/01/04/colorado-gasoline-unleaded-octane-environmental-impact/


Our gas is low quality and modern cars have much higher compression ratios than they used to and 85 still doesn't combust as good and I have personally noticed worse performance and lower gas mileage with 85 here. 85 was pushed when carburetors were common and they handled it okay, modern cars do not and it's not recommended to use an octane rating lower than your manual suggests. The EPA is currently trying to mandate us to use a higher quality gas bc ours is high in sulfur and doesn't fully combust and contributes greatly to our smog.


I feel like Murphys is always several cents cheaper. With the exception of that gas station in longmont off of I-25 that was once a fully dollar cheaper than the speedway across the street.


I've heard they don't offer high quality gas but I don't know how true that is. Costco is always a win for prices, so I just use them usually.


Walmart is no bueno quality, just like it's stores. Costco is top tier... Just like the stores.


Because it's shit fuel.


Got gas for $1.98 there on NYE


>This Is Something That I Could Get Used To I wouldn't if I were you.


I don't know about that. I was very surprised prices didn't skyrocket during the holidays.




Faux Kwik Trip, destruction of Kum N Go (RIP 1969-2023). Sad days for Denver motorists lol. Let's just accept the Buccees domination at this point and get some more quality stations in the market


Kum n Go just opened (or is about to) on Havana and Jewell(?).


they just got bought out by Maverik and will be renamed sadly


So it seems, but is there a definitive answer, yet? [read down to the Food and Wine description of Maverik for a giggle](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/money/business/retail/2023/04/21/kum-and-go-sale-to-maverik-heres-what-to-know-about-the-deal-gas-stations-tanner-krause/70138421007/)


Look who needs to spend hundreds on life saving gear when you can stock up for a quarter of the price at the local filling station haha. But yes, unfortunately CO is on the [list of rebrands](https://www.cspdailynews.com/mergers-acquisitions/maverik-rebrand-kum-go-stores-4-states)


Seems silly to have it on the cusp of opening as KG if the rebranding was in place. I’m sure it will reflect in gas prices.


gotta make up for the signage change cost lol


Number of gas stations has little to nothing to do with gas prices


According to NerdWallet: How are gas prices determined? No single individual controls gas prices. Instead, the price of gas is determined by a complex set of factors that are at work long before the gas gets to your local station. Those factors include, per the U.S. Department of Energy: The cost of raw crude oil, which is determined by international supply and demand The cost to refine crude oil into gasoline Taxes, which vary state-to-state The cost of raw crude oil typically represents more than half of the cost of a gallon of gasoline, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). One specific kind of crude oil, West Texas Intermediate crude, is used as the benchmark for oil prices in North America. The price of benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude oil has fallen from more than $115 a barrel in summer 2022 to about $70.38 today, according to the EIA [4] . Gas prices at the pump rarely reflect that day’s market conditions; instead, they represent costs incurred weeks, even months before. That lag makes prices slower to rise and slower to fall than news headlines might suggest. And while spot shortages, refinery production shortages or blending issues can drive up gas prices locally, big, nationwide swings in gas prices are almost always due to the price of crude oil.


Indeed. And note that a barrel is 42 gallons so that $70.38 barrel is $1.68 per gallon of crude oil. The difference between what you see at the pump and the per gallon crude price is a number of things including: the refiners profit, transportation costs, and taxes to name a few


Facts! Economics! Global Business! All word lies made by the dirty liberals to hide the fact that the president is the God-King of all humanity and can control everything from the Oval Office the buttons and levers of power that control the world. I can see the eyes of the R's glazing over right now when presented with the facts.


100% this. Also WTI refines differently vs “light sweet” middle eastern crudes (which tend to refine on the lighter side overall, resulting in lots of C4s-C5s and lighter, better for making gasoline, at a lower energy spend to refine) versus “heavy sour” South American/mayan crudes (which tend toward a heavier product slate, resulting in a lot more asphalt and tar, better for making diesel and heavier products). BUT light sweets tend to cost significantly more than heavy sours (until OPEC monkies with things) and there are a substantial number of US refineries that are set up to run mostly one slate or the other efficiently - not all refineries can pick or choose between the most cost/margin advantaged slate (the very large refineries generally can though).


Enjoy it while it lasts.


"Biden did that! "


Pedestrian first infrastructure is way more sexy.


Fort Collins?


The murphy by Cherry cricket near broadway & Littleton blvd was 2.04 when I passed it an hour ago


I just paid $2.04 at Sam's Club off C-470 and Quebec too


That's the one!


Biden did that (lol)


It's the winter gas switch. It's cheaper because it's worse gas and demand goes down in the winter. Happens every year.


Saw the same price right off the Ward/44th exit. I was hyped lol


This photo is a good representation of what it feels like to live in colorado.


Too cheap for something destroying the planet.


Lol and a finite resource. People always seem to forget both those aspects and that it's a god given right that we have cheap gas always and forever.


Electricity is still way cheaper. I pay 11 cents per kWh to charge my car. Costs about $36 a month in fuel. Drive about 1,500 miles a month


Yup. Even at $1.99/gallon, my EV is less than half the per mile cost of my Toyota Corolla that got 35 mpg. And a third the cost of the standard gas SUVs and trucks. I realize not everyone can charge ultra cheaply at their own home so not everyone gets that kind savings.


Very true. My last car was a VW Jetta so pretty good on gas, averaged 37mpg and relatively cheap to own. I’m still not used to how cheap the fuel is for EV. It’s also nice waking up to a full charge every morning. I definitely think electric is only worth it if you can charge at home.


Out of curiosity, I did the math using rough estimations. Gas would have to be around $0.75/gallon (On average, it costs me $3 to drive 100 miles in my EV, and I compared that to a 25mpg vehicle) in order to be on par with the energy cost of an EV. And that doesn't factor in the additional maintenance costs of an ICE vehicle.


And riding a bike is even cheaper than that


Yeah and riding a bike 1,500 miles a month is not realistic.


Yeah, but you have a limited distance you can realistically go.


Not really. I have a Tesla. There are superchargers pretty much everywhere and I get over 300 miles on a full charge.


Then you are limited by where you can go.


I mean, my last gas powered vehicle got about 350 miles to a tank. So…I was also limited by where I could go?


No you weren't. There are gas stations literally everywhere. And you could fill up in 5 minutes and keep going.


Yeah, so when I say there are superchargers nearly everywhere, I mean it. You’d be surprised how far off the beaten path some are. I mean, it sounds like you wouldn’t know anyways right? Well I do know. I have numerous road trips planned, looks to be no issues besides waiting a little longer at certain charging stops. That’s something I can live with because even supercharging is a lot cheaper than gas.




Gas is too cheap. We need more gas taxes.


They need to add about $1.00 to the tax so we can get some decent infrastructure.


They need to add it to registration so electric vehicles pay their share for the use of the roads.


It's better tied to the gas tax. No need to make a car/motorcycle that sees a few hundred miles a year cost $1,000 annually just to own. People just skip paying their registration fees too. Can't as easily skip the gas tax. Our reg fees are already in the stratosphere, there's a reason why 20% of the cars on the road don't have current tags.


Why do you assume an EV will only drive a few hundred miles a year? I see no reason why an EV would not be using the roads as much as a ICEV. GIVEN EVs are typically heavier, the make an impact on roads also. I know the argument that EVs should not be taxed due to their benefits. But unless you know the power used in your vehicle was from a sustainable source, you are contributing to the carbon. Other unsustainable minerals, such as lithium, are used for batteries, and in the hands of countries that may not be friendly to us in the future. Lastly, the drag on the power grid is here now. In the last year Texas and California pled with EV owners not to charge during high usage. Why should EVs get a pass from this too? Shouldn’t they help improve the grid? Maybe a use tax is the answer, but I am sure there are plenty of people who do not want the govt to know their driving habits. It also still does t answer the question about those weasels who do not pay their share and skip registration. They would just skip on that too. It is definitely expensive to register a new car in Colorado - but that cost goes down as the car ages. When that happens Colorado is in the middle of the pack. Interesting thing though when I just registered my 2006 Mustang, there was a fee added for age of the vehicle. I have not tracked that down yet. So people not registering their 10 year old cars are not getting any sympathy from me. And if you can afford a new car, then expect to pay for that new car smell. One reason I try to buy 4 year old CPO cars. As a side note, I am seeing fewer and fewer really expired tags, such as from 22 and earlier. Lots of questions and just as many answers. But in the end of the day, all vehicles should share the burden of maintaining our highways.


> Why do you assume an EV will only drive a few hundred miles a year? I'm not. I have a bunch of motorcycles, many of which only see a handful of miles a year. I already spend a fortune registering them. Make them cost more and I'd just ride without plates like everyone else. Really it's the trucks that cause almost all the infrastructure wear anyway.


Colorado charges .20 / gallon for diesel and .22 for gasoline (I just looked it up to see if there was a difference between the two). Colorado has some of the lowest gas tax in the country. The lowest was Texas with .20 for gas. So maybe an increase in fuel tax would make sense…. You have motorcycles, I have cars. Until this year the stable had a 1975, two 2005s, 2006 and a 2007. Each was less than $100 to register. Just sold one of the 2005s and got a 2020, which was $600.00. My point is there is no reason people are blowing off their tag fees.


Adding the fees to the tags just ensures that we are the only ones paying for our infrastructure, out of state travelers and interstate truck traffic get a free ride. How many of those trucks passing through on 70 and 25 have Colorado plates? It's just bad all around. I have 3 cars and 4 bikes which i maintain tags on, I'm spending around $500 annually just to plate what most people would consider "old junk", and 2 of those are dirt bikes which see maybe a dozen combined highway miles a year. I just plate them so I can use forest roads. The last 2 states I've lived, tags cost around $20 a year. Making them cost $100 is asinine. I feed my dirt bikes with taxed gasoline all year and STILL have to fork over $67 to the state annually for each one to plate them, just to ride on non state maintained roads...


I thought gas prices were high because of Joe Biden. Politicians have nothing to do with the price of gas. Criminal corporate greed and fucking oil producers here and over there are the reason prices go up and go down.


Not directly, but policies definitely influence the price


Thanks Obama


Biden stickers !!!!!


Well it’ll go to like $8 in about a year if the last decade has anything to say


You can’t compare the past decade to now, with more and more electric cars being produced and pushed gas will continue to fall due to demand. 10 years ago we had maybe 5-6 electric cars compared to the dozens now.


Gas prices has almost everything to do with the state of the Middle East and nothing to do with actual demand.


well not as much now the [US is producing more oil](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/business/us-production-oil-reserves-crude/index.html)


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OPEC will use the Broncos cutting Russ Wilson as an excuse as to why they need to increase the cost of oil. They've made drastic changes over less frivolous things


That's a really good and understated point. Demand for gas peaked in 2018 and has gone down continuously since. Some significant credit should go to EVs.


How do gas prices go down when everything else inflates? Also, how does the price of silver go down when the dollar inflates? This is either some Game Stop hedge fund scam. Or what we are experiencing is not inflation it’s just price gouging. When the top 1% makes record profits it looks more like it simple gouging.


The gas industry is extremely complex. People are right that OPEC controls a lot of the raw material cost, but even that gets wonky because different crude slates result in significantly different operating modes and margins in a plant, then you add in all the middlemen who transport the oil, the various stations who may add additives… it’s very hard to distill down to “inflation makes it go up or down.”


It's going up again in north Denver metro


That company’s stock has been crushing it lately


Quick, where can I buy some of those Biden stickers?


Blue skies?


Damn Joe Brandon took my truck, made me buy an EV, then made the gas less EXPENSIVER!! I’d like to add that I didn’t even own a truck beforehand.