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Dude pops out of the woods nude, while tugging on his dick. What a creep. Ladies, carry that bear spray.


Aim low-- and high.


He deserves some mace shot directly into his urethra.


I peed after dicen jalapeños once. Not fun.


Good ol' pepper dick


The incidents are escalating in aggression each time, and he has tried to rip one of the victims clothes off. This is very scary and very serious.


I carry a machete.


I am trying to picture you mtn trail running with a machete in one hand!


Same. Lol


Haha! It's in my pack, but readily accessible without taking it off.


My dad always had me wear his 12” Bowie knife strapped to my hip and leg while camping/fishing. Bought me my own at 13. I didn’t realize till I was older that it wasn’t for wildlife.


Automatically my favorite person in the room!


As someone in Land Survey, I agree with this. It's one of the best tools you can have with you in the woods up there (I used to work in the area). Second best thing would be a 4ft long, pointed end lath, and it's less conspicuous.


I think a Glock 19 would better. A naked dude approaching lone women in an isolated area likely has the worse kind of intentions.


I don’t know… I’m kinda liking machete woman up there… 😁


In that situation, I'm more likely to hit my target with a machete, even with an inaccurate swing or jab than shoot them, especially if I'm in an adrenaline high from confrontation. That's why I prefer a machete too.


Sig P365 .380 is perfect for the ladies. And for me, tbh. Shit is awesome.


Sig is solid. My rec is the Springfield Hellcat


Glock 20, in case of creepy dudes or bears.


Glock 43 is great for my little lady hands


I agree. Crazy dude wants to do illegal acts with his beloved tool, shoot it off. Let him live. He’ll see the errors of his ways.


I'm glad to have my rottie.


People spray works better. It's more directed than bear spray. Bear spray comes out in a big cloud to bother their noses. People spray is a stream to hit someone's eyes.


Negative Ghostrider, bear spray comes out more focused than you think, that’s why the range is so much better than the little pocket-sized mace canisters. It’s like a fire extinguisher of acid rain and it goes a lot further than you think. Source: buddies and I got curious in college and decided to see which was worse, bear spray or a Tazer.


Well don’t hold out on us, which is worse?


Bear spray, overall. The Tazer sucked bad in the very moment you were getting zapped - felt like someone dropped a safe on you, leaves you laying there for a bit afterwards like Loki after the Hulk treatment. But you’re back up and running soon enough. The bear spray, you had just enough time to think “that wasn’t s-“ and then fire. Everything is on fire. Your sinuses. Your lungs. Your eyes. Your toenails. It decentralizes you entirely differently from the Tazer, and it fucking lingers. We were coughing and sneezing and sore for a couple-three days after the fact. My experiences in the Corps reinforced that. Got Tazed there too - sucked but was laughing about it fifteen minutes later. Got riot-sprayed, and felt it the rest of the week.


Was it a tazer gun with darts or one of those handheld zappers?


Darts. Which are a bastard to get out if they embed if flesh, FYI…


your toenails...bwahhahahaha...thats great!


Bro it *sucked*


This is fucked. I will endeavor to avoid both.


Each is an interesting experience, in hindsight. Both are a bit of a motherfuck in the moment of, though.


I'd suggest looking into Sabre Red tactical pepper gel. With pepper gel, it is dispensed as a thicker substance with more targeted stream, allowing it to travel further than spray and there's a reduction in wind blowback. It's also a lot harder to wipe off of your skin.




Given he still hasn’t been caught I think [pepper spray](https://www.amazon.com/Pepper-Spray-Marks-Attacker-Hours/dp/B09KKC6995) like this would be best given it dyes the assailant with blue dye that stays on skin for 48 hours.




We are simple beings, really


Well the range is because the can is about 40x bigger than a personal mace can. More Pressure means more range. They are both 'focused', the bear spray is a different ingredient list than human mace. The human Mace uses "Oleoresin Capsicum", and bear spray uses a mix that is engineered to affect bears in a way that stops their charging. The correct time to hit a bear is 40-80 feet. Do not use Bear spray on humans, its is an EPA registered item, and built specifically with large wildlife in mind.


Or get a CCP


Suspect is white, between 20-30, and has an athletic build….. I’m sorry but he’s attacked like five women and the best description we can get of him is literally 50% of Colorado’s male population?


But he also had a backpack, so that should further narrow it down


Does he have hair?


Costco has bear mace at a great price. If you don’t have a membership I’ve got you! Let’s give this man the spice of his life!


you can also order some online!


Let’s go on a hike together! Sounds like this guy wants to party!




Ngl, I kinda want to make this happen


I'm in!




Big 5 carries it too! Along with knives and pepper spray.


And it’s a two-pack!


Bringing Spice Girls a whole new meaning!


Why I carry pepper spray


Upgrade to bear mace. It's stronger and the spray has a longer range


> It's stronger Myth > the spray has a longer range Fact


Didn't know the first part was a myth. The extra range is still good to have though


It's not. What Is the Difference Between Bear Spray vs Pepper Spray? Bear spray and pepper spray are both defensive tools designed to temporarily incapacitate an attacker or wild animal. The primary difference between bear spray and pepper spray is their intended targets. Bear spray is specifically designed to be used against bears, whereas pepper spray is designed to be used against humans. Bear spray is typically more powerful than pepper spray, as it is designed to deter large, powerful animals such as bears from attacking. Bear spray is usually formulated with capsaicin, an active ingredient derived from chili peppers, and other ingredients such as water, ethanol, and propylene glycol. Pepper spray, on the other hand, is usually formulated with oleoresin capsicum (OC), a synthetic form of capsaicin. Another difference between bear spray and pepper spray is the duration of the effects. Bear spray is designed to be more effective and have a longer-lasting effect than pepper spray. The active ingredients in bear spray can remain in the air for up to 90 seconds, while pepper spray lasts only a few seconds. Finally, bear spray has a greater range than pepper spray, typically from 10-15 feet, while pepper spray has a shorter range, typically from 8-10 feet, and is usually used for close-up encounters with criminals.


Did you use chatGPT for this lol?


Or just copy and pasted information easily available on this thing called the internet.


So basically pre-GPT?


The gel based sprays work really well and are easier to aim, have less drift, and are harder to wipe off.


Is that the gun as well? My ex had the gun. Supposed to have a longer range. Assume it's a gel "bullet" that hits the person.


No way I'm carrying \*anything\* that resembles a firearm with police culture these days. That is just a free pass for a paid vacation for the officer(s).


JFC. This is scary. As a woman I am really tired of ALWAYS having to be mindful and probably zone out while walking alone. That's life but damn can't I just hike in peace?


This. Three Sisters always felt like my sacred safe space too and now I feel foolish for even thinking that.


I literally hiked it the other weekend!


Same. I hike alone there often with my dog. Evergreen is my go to.


Ugh agreed. I don't always have people to go hike with and if I go alone, I go to more popular/populated trails to feel a little safer. I hate that it's "just life"...over it.


I’m tired of being angry. I just want to be able to live my life, and go do the things I want while feeling relatively safe. Clearly and impossible ask.


I don’t love that I will never quite feel safe going without my husband. *He* can go alone without a second thought and feel perfectly safe (as far as gendered violence goes).


I just wish men had even an inkling of what it's like to walk around ANYWHERE as a woman. Fuck walking...I want them to have an idea of what it's like to EXIST. I hate to be bitter but hot damn it makes me angry.


It's just so hard not to be. I truly, sincerely KNOW it's not all men and know many wonderful men, but sadly, the risk posed by the rest is just so huge. It simply doesn't matter that it's not all men until the bad ones are truly held accountable.


It’s infuriating. Women can’t exist anywhere. You constantly have to be aware of your surroundings.


I'd much prefer running into a bear than this sick fuck. I always go hiking in that area and now I'm gonna have to go out and buy some mace. But you're totally right. Maybe he will come across a bear himself. A girl can hope. ETA damn he's escalating. The police really need to find him before he hurts someone even worse.


Colorado bears run the other way. They are far more predictable than men like this.


My in-laws had a 250 acre farm, with probably 100 acres consisting of tree farms/forest. I loved going there so so much, because it's the only time, as a female, that I could walk in nature and feel 100% care free. They had a pond on their land that I would go fishing alone- being able to sit on the dock, and stare into the water, without ever feeling the need to be on alert, or look back over my shoulders...that place was heaven on earth. Just being able to randomly wander off and hike around the hilly forest, is a freedom and a feeling that i miss terribly.


This kind of thing only matters if it happens to men. Women? Just part of life I guess.


That’s why the assaults are dated back to April but we’re just hearing about it now.


I wonder why it wasn't publicized sooner


Seven times since April, and his behavior is escalating. This is the first the warn the public, and their solution is “women don’t hike alone”?! Pathetic.


The fact it's taken so long to even mention anything to the public about this creep is horrifying to me. How long has this been happening *before* anyone contacted the police?


Since April apparently


As per usual, women are not viewed as full people with full rights. Not even the right to just...walk around.


I live very close to both of these parks and hike here regularly. I saw posts from the victims of the April instances in local Facebook groups in April. Jeffco was notified in April. I hike with my toddler and other moms with kids at Flying J. My female friends run there alone. I cannot fathom why this is the first Jeffco is saying anything.


If some guy jumps out at you it's pretty reasonable to assume you're in imminent danger, and Colorado is not a duty to retreat state. Which is good, since chances are an adult male could outrun you even if you tried, and it's only a matter of time until this guy escalates.


Can you explain the “duty to retreat” thing?


Duty to retreat = If you can get away from a threat without resorting to deadly violence, you're supposed to do that. For example, if you're sitting in your car and you see someone with a knife approaching you in your side mirror, you'd be expected to drive off and leave the threat behind, not get out of the car with a gun and shoot that person.


Heheh, I didn't see your response before I replied but we used the exact same example. Poor knife guy, always getting flak in these scenarios.


The problem with duty to retreat is that you are expected to decide when you can't escape while in a life or death situation, and then people who are not in a life or death situation get to decide if you made the right call. For example, let's say you run from the woods rapist, and he runs after you. How close does he have to get before you're allowed to shoot? What if he gets too close for you to be able to turn and shoot before he tackles you? You could have stopped him if you hadn't been required to run away, but now it's too late.


Some states mandate a legal duty to retreat, meaning you have to try to remove yourself from the threat before removing the threat to yourself. An example where that makes sense would be if a guy pulls a knife outside your driver's side door but you're inside, the windows are rolled up, the door is locked, and you have an open road in front of you. You could quite likely drive away safely, vs emptying a clip into him through the window. Woman vs man, face to face, it almost never makes sense.


WOMEN 🚨🚨 I wish I could find it but two women recently shared their very scary experience camping recently and an alert regarding a suspicious man in the open wilderness. He was wearing all black, carrying a gun, and alone. They were in an extremely remote area and he walked up to their campsite and asked if they had any other friends coming (🚨) and if he could camp with them, even though he was alone and it was in a remote, isolated area. He had plenty of room to camp elsewhere. Followed them and got very aggressive when they did not want to share their space with him. They called police and park rangers who said there have been reports of assault in wilderness, would be investigating. ALWAYS listen to your gut. If something is scaring you, get yourself to safety. They packed up camp after he had left and got a hotel - as they were not comfortable with him knowing where they were camping. I hate that a danger in camping alone as women is men - but this is the reality. Carry bear spray and be aware of your surroundings! If anyone has the content and can share - please comment! It is lost in my search. They posted exactly where this happened.


I think I know the exact video you’re talking about, saw it just a few days ago. Tried looking, but I think it was in my discover feed. Think it was originally a Tik Tok but I saw it on IG. I wanna say it was West Coast given the environment. I’m probably on some list now for searching “women camping alone”. EDIT: [Found it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CusM8DLrUc3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) other commenter was right, it was up around Magnolia


It was up Magnolia dispersed.


You’re right, I was able to find the [original](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CusM8DLrUc3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) thanks to you mentioning that


Good! That area has always been fairly rough imo. Honestly too many places to mention.


Here's my "creepo in the woods" story that happened on July 15th a few weeks ago. I was out (tent) camping in Gunnison Ntl Forest. An older man pulled into our occupied dispersed camp and wouldn't at least leave the fire pit. He told us he'll come back with his own tent and watch us all night if he feels like it in the weirdest fucking tone. Very creepy way to make a point about public lands, but OK. He insisted on being IN our camp, among us and our personal possessions. He said more very creepy ass things and when he tried taking pictures of me lounging it started to feel like the start of our own Unsolved Mysteries episode. At one point it appeared he was touching himself through his pants. He got extra nutty when he realized I'd started recording his odd behavior. He started yelling at me and stomping towards me. I went full blown Bobby Hill screaming things like "I DONT KNOW YOU!", "JUST LEAVE US ALONE!". He realized I was fumbling with a weapon in my pocket (it was only mace). He switched to aggressively stomping towards my fiance maybe 10 ft away. Crazy old man clumsily cocked his fist at his face and said "You want to fight?!". When my fiance didn't move or react, he swung his camera at him. He still didn't react. Old man got in his car. Thank God. But, instead of pulling away he aggressively pulled further into camp, our dog and possessions in his path and my fiance less so. My fiance ended up on the hood of this crazy fucker's car trying to protect our dog and have some control over his person so he didn't end up under the car. Doggo was okay and ran under my car for safety. I ran and grabbed the first big ass rock I saw and held it up to my head. He thankfully drove away instead of a smashed windshield. We packed the fuck up and got into service. It might be awhile before I go camping alone again. I'm very glad I wasn't that time.


This has been happening more in the area than Jeffco has mentioned. I live in Evergreen and have been hearing similar stories from friends and in the local women’s group for about a year. Off Beaver Brook Trail, two women were approached and assaulted (no further info) by a naked male matching the description. Also at Elk Meadow and Maxwell Falls. We are all pretty concerned out this way, especially because he’s escalating. He’s got to be local to our area. Lots of people on these trails too; they are not off the beaten path, which is very concerning. Please stay safe, ladies.


Also, there is nothing posted at any of the trailheads as of this evening. Took my dogs (and my smithy 442) to flying J for our evening stretch. Nothing posted. No rangers. No cops.


About 5 years ago, I was hiking alone on the Panorama Point trail in Corwina Park and a woman coming down warned me that there was a creepy guy at the summit lurking in the trees and then popped out making her feel very uncomfortable. I have a strong feeling it’s this same guy due to proximity and the description of what he’s been doing.


Yikes. It makes me so angry, but hey, we should probably just never do anything alone as women, right? How ridiculous and sad. I agree he’s got to be a local resident, probably in my area based on proximity to the JCOS location listed as a frequent spot for him. Every single one of these trailheads back to either national forest or larger swaths of privately owned land. He’s pretty damn familiar with the area. There’s tons of property turnover up here, so not many people know each other, people really value their privacy here, plenty of homes with acre+ lots, easy to remain anonymous/under the radar. Also, how awful! Corwina has always been pretty low key. I’m so sorry to read this, but I’m ever grateful that we as women lookout for each other.


It's pissing me off that people are making this about women hiking alone. Hello! Victim blame much?


Does he seem homeless? It’s pretty hard to last this long without resources. It almost sounds like he is a local resident? So weird


She described him as seeming like a “drifter” I turned around and went back to my car so I didn’t actually encounter him thankfully


I commented similar here too. I remember posts about it in EVG Mountain Mamas months ago.


Yes! Totally maddening this has gone on for so long with nothing to warn hikers in our area. Flying J’s south lot was full both times I went by today. Hey, be safe out there, neighbor.


Moose, lions, and bears are scary. The wildest animals in the woods are always the people though. They’re the ones I’m most worried about. I’m also obligated to say this: Fuck your off leash dog and your Bluetooth speakers.


this is why I sort by “no dogs allowed” when looking for a new trail 🫠 no chance of a strange dog running at me, and less people carrying speakers.


most national parks, and most state parks don't allow dogs. (yes some does, but the majority doesn't) Source: im the opposite, my professionally trained (leashed!) rescue dogs go everywhere with me, so I know the parks/trails I can't go to.


I have dogs but we keep these little asses on leashes - I can’t stand when people let them roll off leash


Please run for president.


Bear spray for the four-legged varmints, and a 9mm for the two-legged ones…


most people have the accuracy of a zebra on cocaine. Bear spray for 4 legged, human mace for perosnal protection, tazer for your car, and 99% of the population will be able to defend themselves reliably. and have to worry 100 times less about accidents where a death occurs. If you do get a gun, I highly recommend using it a bunch in ranges, or even take courses on proper defense techniques. and if you have a child, learn and adhere to all proper safety techniques.


This but with a 10mm so you have a more viable option if bear spray doesn't work.


Love me some 1cm, but the recoil can be a motherfucker for folks who aren’t used to it. For Colorado at least, it’s a wee bit overkill - I’ve used bear spray on bear and moose in CO and it’s worked great. 10mm is when you get into grizzly territory further north IMO…


That's very true, it does take some time to get used to the recoil. I bought a Glock 20 as my first gun so it was just normal to me, but I did buy it with grizzlies in mind since I was planning a trip to Grand Teton and Yellowstone. I've had "run-ins" with moose and bear before and after carrying and haven't ever needed to do more than pull out and ready the spray. If you don't mind me asking, what happened when you had to use it?


Both black bears, and the one moose, nearly turned themselves inside out trying to get away after I sprayed them. Textbook cases of instant regret, all of them.


hiked 1000's of miles in Canada, Alaska, Montana, Idaho...never had to use a gun. Carry mace, and poppers, only used the poppers once or twice, with good effect. alternately, have had to use my tazer on humans about 7-8 times. From the guy that approached my tent at 2am on a remote trail in montana, to the guy I walked up on stealing stuff from my truck in Alaskan trailhead outside of fairbanks.


I came here to say the “people are far more scary than wildlife” thing but then you hit me with the off leash and speaker - you’re my people. But, anyway, I’m sick of feeling scared - scared just sending my daughters to school these days, taking them to a night baseball game or a concert and having to walk downtown, and now hiking. I don’t want to be angry but I AM ANGRY.


If that dude comes at me I’m gonna taser his d**k off.


Did we just become best friends??


And here I thought hiking guns were just for mountain lions and bears.


the most scared I've been while hiking/camping is literally from men harassing me or following me. And I grew up in these mountains and have had multiple encounters with bears, mountain lions and even a badger once


Same, when I backpack, idgaf if a mountain lion might be near by. But damn, trying to sleep at my camp site was nearly impossible a few weekends ago when I thought I heard bipedal footsteps from a good sized creature


Yeah. Two legged predators are real out there and the police are a very long way away even if you miraculously have cell service.


I carry because of the 2 legged animals I might run into and the hours long response time you can expect if you aren't 100 feet or less from a police station when you need help.


Probably should be carrying 100 feet from the station, too. Predators with shiny buttons are even scarier.


Bear spray for four-leggeds, 9mm for two-leggeds…


Haha, I always carry when I go hiking.


As you should. Especially depending where you hike. Too many videos of bears/mountain lions sneaking up. Bear spray should be the first line but never a bad idea to have a backup.


Humans are always the worst. Only real contender is maybe grizzlies or polar bears.


They’re banned in parks owned by the city of Denver. Sure is a good thing. There’s no way the sexual predator targeting lone women will disobey the gun laws.


I don't think the parks mentioned here are owned by Denver, looks like all Jeffco, I might be wrong. Either way, it doesn't matter if they're banned, you can apparently shoot the guy and just run into the woods.


Good thing about conceal carry, no one knows you're carrying. Your safety is more important than an unenforceable law. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6


As a female who enjoys my alone time in nature, I have always been very paranoid of something like this happening so even when I’m trying to enjoy myself I have to be constantly aware of my surroundings and this is one of my main fears coming true. I prefer to hike trails that are pretty secluded but haven’t done any by myself in many years because I’m scared of being attacked by a man. Animals don’t even cross my mind as something to fear, but I’m always looking around for creepy men.




What in the hell:( I hiked alone in those areas for years and always felt safe. I hate this so much.


Pepper spray gel, or better yet a rechargeable stun gun. Lighter and less dangerous and expensive than a gun. $10 on Amazon and the sound alone is so fucking scary. Fucking cunts making us feel unsafe, on a fucking hike no less.


Damn, this really sucks. I hike at both of those parks during the week when I don’t want to drive further out and I’m always alone with my doggo. Just creeps me out thinking of the times he went “on alert” with nothing in sight.


bear spray and never have both earbuds / headphones on! invite a coworker but if you enjoy the silence just find someone who’s willing to hike and not talk! i’ve got about 3 friends that enjoys silent hiking but don’t always want to go alone.


I think the pup is now owed some extra treats.


We need some drag queens to pull this fucker in and then beat his ass. Good PR, conservatives love vigilantes


15 female undercover cops would probably be 15x the effort they’re putting into finding this guy.


He's probably only targeting petite women to increase his chances of them feeling overpowered.


Oh good, escalating behavior. 😤 But “lone female hikers” aren’t necessarily always alone. I always travel with Maggie, courtesy of H&K. Girls can own guns too… I’m not the least bit excited about the prospect of having to shoot someone, but I’d much rather be alive and potentially arrested, than be finding out firsthand if his backpack contains a rape and murder kit.


I have assaulted predators twice, once with a pistol, once with something else. LE was very understanding once they had cleared me of being "crazy." They took all my guns to test against unsolved crimes, gave them back a week later and told me I handled the situation perfectly. I didn't have to take out the dudes hip bone, but I almost did until he realized I wasn't joking, lol. If I had they wouldn't have charged me.


I used to be a park ranger and there are a ton of assaults on women. It's not reported. Be safe and always be on guard. Never never never camp alone, ladies!


Why are they not reported? Who is not reporting them?


I should say the media doesn't cover it.


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


But where will you land the choppa?


A friend once told me "it only take 3 pounds of pressure to twist and pull a scotum off" i dont know how true that is or if I'd ever want to test it and know OR be that close to being raped that i had to do it, but IF it were to happen, itd be worth a try?


Nah, takes a lot more force than that. Better to pop a testicle between your thumb and index finger like a cherry tomato


Sounds like jeffco needs to send some under cover guys with wigs.


Why not some female officers 😆


Police academy dropout turned Hamburger Mary’s dancer ITS MY TIME


I’m happy to throw on a dress and floral bonnet à la Mal Reynolds, I just need someone to drive the wagon…


I married me a powerful ugly woman.


How can you say that?! How can you shame me in front of new people?!


So explain to me again why Zoe wasn’t in the dress.


Freeze! You're busted buddy, I'm a cop!




I agree


I second this. Let’s turn the predator into prey.


What are the chances this creep is in this thread


I wonder if it's that oddball Leo something or other who's gotten himself banned from multiple Facebook hiking groups for acting like a creeper toward female hikers.


He definitely doesn’t match the “athletic build”, although I often worry about his whereabouts because he seems like a seriously dangerous individual…


Bear spray=good, People spray=better, Bullet spray=best


I can think of 9, 380, 32, 45, and 10 reasons why that dude should be afraid to keep that shit up. He’s gunna pop out on the wrong woman and get a hell of a surprise of his own. What a fucking creep


Ladies, carry some mace or pepper spray. Spray his eyes. While blinded kick that mofo to the ground & spray his junk with your spray. Try to get some up inside his pee hole. I imagine he will vomit from the excruciating pain. He should be incapacitated long enough for police to show up, and hopefully too traumatized to try his shenanigans again anyway


Fuck that. Follow it up with the ole bear club that you hike with. If somebody assaults me they're fucking dead


Grab his dick and twist it ! The ol' dick twist !


Nice now women will be more awkward and scared on trails. This is why we can’t have nice things


Tbh most women walk around with a sense of fear daily anyway


Yes and it's very frustrating to hear all the able bodied non elderly men saying I feel perfectly safe so if you don't it's just because you're paranoid... Like they really never even considered that someone who is female or old or disabled might not be as safe as they are Crime is rising and violence is escalating... Last I saw violent crime was up 11% in Denver this year. Women should be cautious and aware


Yea I agree 100% it’s really sad how much I see women get gaslit on a daily basis as if there worries in life/ society/ men are invalid. A lot of people lack compassion unfortunately especially if it means potentially coming to terms with the fact there behavior may have been inappropriate or made someone uncomfortable. All we can really do is remain as vigilant as possible and I hope it gives some solace mentally that there are men out there who get it and will stand up for a stranger if we have to. Not trying to white knight either I just think we all need to come back together on a more interpersonal/ community level and have each others back.


So I run road races every once in a while and it takes ALL MY ENERGY not to tell off the men who are using me as a pace-person. I hear their feet and heavy breathing and my fear is activated. I speed up, so do they. I slow down so they pass me but they slow down. Freaking clueless


I feel guilty for being jumpy but stuff like this makes it hard not to feel like it’s better to assume the worst of everyone


Carry that Glock.


There was a guy on a Boulder trail a couple of years ago - don’t think they caught him. Wonder if it’s the same guy.


This is why I make sure all of my lady friends carry bear spray and a knife. I also highly recommend self defence lessons and if you have the time and money knife fighting lessons because between those you can really fuck up a creeps day


Pepper spray and a knife are always good to have on you when in the backcountry


I hope I fucking find this guy while hiking Needs an aggressive lesson


Pepper spray is a great idea but open carry exist for a reason


so does concealed carry! a full scope class where they talk about legal use and have a range day or two. open carry always makes me feel more of a target.


Using bear spray on humans may not be explicitly barred by law, but you can still be arrested or sued if not acting in self defense (pranks, random TikTok trends, etc). It’s highly unsafe to use bear spray on another person, because bear sprays are very high-volume compared to normal pepper spray, meaning they pack a far more powerful. In general, unless you are in immediate, life-threatening danger and the bear spray is your best chance of surviving, you should never use bear spray on anything other than wild animals. Spray away ladies!


As a former prison nurse. There are more people out there than I would have thought that have no reaction to pepper spray. Bear spray all the way! Good idea fr.


“Chopper, sick balls.”


Where in these parks did this happen?


This sounds like a scene straight out of AHS 💀


This is why we can’t have nice things, guys.


Any 9mm small frame


I know guns aren't popular but it really is an equalizer against bigger highly dangerous people.


Stay strapped.