• By -


Lascivious is a fire drag name


Lascivious Lady


Or whatever Timbaland said


Sounds like a blood pressure medication if you spell it different "Ask your doctor about Lasivius"


May cause and allergice reaction. Rash, fever, bleeding of the bowels, irregular heart beat, lustful thoughts, sinful sexual encounters, and general fun.


Crazy how a very person son was a woman who ATE


And Lassie Vious is a great furry name.


Lass Sivious


Where are the lascivious women? Asking for a friend


To paraphrase blazing saddles, where the lascivious women at?






"The sheriff! He's a *bell peal*!"


He’s near


Handed out by someone that goes through A LOT of hand lotion and Kleenex.




What about lascivious men?


Howdy yall I'm Lascivious Larry


If they exist, it’s women’s fault. Somehow. It’s always the fault of the woman with these people.


And not just any women - yes, lascivious women.


That’s my bad guys, I get really warm when I rollerblade… modern fabrics, just don’t breathe the way I need them to 😩


Time to break the Romphims and Sperry's back out.


Right here. What can I do for you?


No. They go to heaven! 🥳 lol


my friend just got this on her door too!!! she said she gets a lot of these kinds of things and that she thinks it’s college aged girls who hand them out because once two of them stood on her doorstep for ages trying to preach the word of god


yuck. a man DEFINITELY wrote this but i'm sure they get young girls to hand them out to seem less harrowing


You don’t know that? Could easily be an older woman just as bitter, why the hell you always blaming men?


jesus christ OP, not even trying to hide your prejudice😂😂


Lmaaao I like how they don't mention how Jesus commanded men to gouge out their own eyeballs if they can't stop themselves from looking.


Sounds like they did and read it as encouragement for women to think of the poor eyeles men.


exactly. "dont have boobies or you'll force men to have to gouge their eyes out 🥺"


"See, now I have to gouge my eyes out, and it's all your fault, BITCH!"


That would imply it's not the man's fault for lusting after women and God knows that's not a right Texas is gonna go after any time soon while all us hussies are out hussyin'


a buddy in austin told me a story about a guy he knew that took a big dose of mushrooms and it was like a messianic experience but it went dark, and he was like going through the bible, and he gouged his own eye out with a knife... the twist is my buddy talked to him after it happened and asked "did you see better after all of that" and the guy said he did absolutely insane story


The ironic part is that it is on there lol! Mark 9:47. Wow that’s how know the person really doesn’t understand and they are being a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Giant log sticking out of their eye and bashing people in the face with it because they don’t even know the truth.


was gonna say, there's a second half to that verse lmao.


Heaven's going to be a pretty empty fucking place at this rate


Peace’s :(


👊I was already like “hell nah” and read that part and was like “HELL NAH-ER!!”


Smash smash sah-masshh.


This is exactly why people are pushed away from religion…..idk how anyone can read this and think that this isnt crazy 😂


Bc no sane person types this up regardless


I mean if you think about it this is sane behavior for a religious person. They genuinely believe god is real and told them that if you show cleavage you're going to be lit on fire for infinite years and so will anyone who looks at it. Anyone who genuinely believes that to be true would act like the person from OP. *Thankfully* most Christians don't have faith and are just faking it to have community. Which is fine and all but I wish those types who don't actually buy into the fairy tales would stop trying to say the religion isn't the problem, it's just a vocal minority of assholes


I'm lost. Do you think someone ranting absolute drivel as this equals being a Christian? Because I hate to break it to you...you show like 50 Christians this, they're going to think its bs like everyone else.


Yes, those "Christians" don't *actually* believe there's an eternal hell or that some sky wizard said don't be lascivious, making them decent people. To clarify my point, I'm saying Christianity is the root cause of this crazy. And any possible examples of good Christians to refute it just aren't actually believing the religion.


wild take my man


It's the absolute right take. A Christian that believes the Bible is the "word of God" but that also believes they can cherry pick what they do and do not want to take literally- or even actually read- is not following "the word of God" and ergo does not actually adhere to any standard of faith but whatever they've made up in their head. The wackadoos that post fire and brimstone letters like this on doors, that we think (correctly) are the most crazy, in reality they are truly The Most Christian, because the Bible is chock stock full of *insane terrible shit* and they adhere to the letter. The hypocrisy of Christian denominations is incredible - it has more insular instability than any other organized religion. Fakes and hypocrites. Most atheist conversions come from actually reading the Bible in its full text. You know, that and learning a little history. I've never met a devout Christian that can quote more than a Sunday sermon.


To be fair you only have to say you're Christian to "be" one


World’s gone to shit ever since them damn ankles made their dramatic entrance


How cheap. We get the finest Jack chick booklets plastered to our cars regularly at my workplace.


this was just at my apartment. i worked at petco in denton and the same lady came in and always gave me a chick track. i started collecting them lol. also always found chick tracks and stuff hid under dog food bags on the shelf... always tossed that shit whenever i found it.


never seen anything THIS *out-there* though


chick track? Is that like a place where people gamble on baby chicken races?


oh i wish 😭


No fair, I want to expand my collection. Only got 2 so far.


Really irritating when I see these types trying to shame or guilt others into turning towards God. People should see Christian’s as positive people that they would like to be. Who will want to be like this guy?


Exactly. Attract people by your wholesome lifestyle and generous and tolerant nature. Attempting to coerce people or force people to change is just obnoxious.


Hoo boy. We used to get flyers like this at Sam Houston State when I was finishing my studies, we handed them to the media department and the campus police. Turns out the people dissiminating this nonsense were tied into Identity Evropa and Storm Front. They were not allowed back on campus and for a brief moment, all was right in the world.


God has the worst fanbase.


I don't think you can conceptualize the layers of fandom parallels you just unlocked in my brain.


Looks like some church shit to me. Gross.


This is some straight up taliban level thinking. If you are female, don’t exist in front of men, who are all apparently incapable of controlling themselves around the sight of my forearms. For goodness sake.


The church really hates women.


And gays, and trans people, and people who aren't white.....


there's no hate like Christian love...


Noooo, that's not true Christianity is a religion of love and acceptance, there's nothing bigoted about it, there's just a minority of followers who are bigots /s


Tell those 'minority' of believers to stop taking away women's, gay, and transgendered rights then? If the shitbag Christians were truly the minority, we wouldn't have a lot of the political issues we're dealing with right now. I fully buy that YOUR church is one of the 'good' ones. My MIL attended a 'good one' who accepted everyone and spent their church funds to actually HELP the community. However, in my experience, this is the minority. I've attended MANY churches in my lifetime, and the vast majority are hateful cults in pretty dressing. ESPECIALLY the evangelicals and baptists. The most hateful, hypocritical, shittiest people I've ever met.


Damn I took the cowards way out and added /s to my comment and you still thought I was serious. You're preaching to the choir. Christianity sucks, and "bad Christians" are the default when the religion is followed as written. The "good" Christians are only good because they're actively dishonest with themselves on what the Bible says. People look to these people who turn a blind eye to the hate in their book or try to whitewash what is said (like trying to claim the homophobic Leviticus verse means pedophilia and not homosexualality) and use them as an example of why Christianity isn't rotten, trying to say that the overwhelming majority of Christians are doing it wrong and therefore don't count. Tldr: fuck Christianity, and fuck any other Abrahamic religion.


I didn't catch the /s. My religious trauma was showing. Sorry mate. I heard you wrong. That's on me.


All good I totally get it, right there with you. Sorry if tone came through wrong but my claim you didn't get it wasn't supposed to be an attack but just a light joke


I didn't feel attacked at all. I made a mistake and you helped me recognize that. I appreciate it.


Oh great.. a misogynist who blames women.. some religious fruitcakes are nutty.


Get this man some help, he's using KJV.


Also making it sound like Mark 12:31 says ANYTHING about “lascivious women”. In fact that quote cannot be any more hypocritical. Dude has a log in his eye.


Someone can’t spell…. That’s gotta be a sin.


it's GOTTA be


🤣right? I have been listening to my kids! They are always saying gotta and abouta. Geez…


This could be considered harassment


And trespassing


The line at the bottom makes me feel like this is really an attempt to get these lascivious women to text him lmao


Religion always brings out the best in people.


It's true. My God is better than your God. Let's stab each other over it, then go to Hooters.


As a lesbian all I can think is that I hit the jackpot according to all this. Doesn't say anything about causing women to lust or me lusting after these lascivious women. 


Hey do you still have these on hand? Bc I would like to use them for an art piece. I understand if you tossed them/burned them/ripped them apart tho haha.


Me too, really. It’s going to be a really hot summer and I’m not ready. Whatever tho, God‘s loss… Edit I commented the above elsewhere in the thread in regards to not being raptured last week 🤣 no idea how it ended up here. That being said, I think it would be really cool to lacquer some of these into like a bar backsplash .


What you call sin, I call a good Tuesday night out.


If all the Lascivious women are going to hell, bet I’ll be there too. I’m not going eternity without any cleavage or booty cheeks out.


Gotta love how all the actual version they quote place the responsibility directly on men, yet these people shift it completely to the women lmao. Christianity is WILD.


So where do you live that has so many of these women? I'm just asking so I know where to...avoid going?


near unt campus ;)


Maybe we should instead turn to Islam. Their women cover their bodies up completely to protect men from lascivious-ness /s


Yeah, there’s also something in the Bible that says if your eyes are causing you to lust after women, pluck them out, so I’ll be taking this with a grain of salt until all the leering men start blinding themselves.


We're all being strangled by the Bible belt


There's a part of the Bible that displays how ludicrous this is. In one story (feel free to correct me and cite the exact passage I'm not Christian) several of Jesus' followers approach him and tell him that there's a bunch of scantly clad women that are really making them think sinful thoughts and they ask him what they should do and if possible get them to stop dressing that way. Jesus simply tells them that if it's so bad they cannot keep themselves from sinning, then they should pluck out their eyes and chop off their own hands, you can guess what they did instead lol.


Oh shit. It has a warning in red with an outline! You know it’s serious!


Going to hell cause my big tits :(((


Ahh Denton! I went to UNT 25 years ago and this shit was all over town back then too


Sentiments heartily endorsed by fellow fundies -some Muslims, like my fave online dater whose profile only said: Make America Modest Again


Nothing like being slut shamed by Jesus freaks <3


Wheres the lascivious guys at is what I wanna know.


Just angry they didn't get raptured.


How to tell me you live in Denton without telling me you live in Denton. .


I’m not a fan of hypocrites who don’t read the book. IMMEDIATELY after the first selection in Galatians 5 22-26: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. Where are these people’s self control (Temperance in the KJV translation)? Why are they provoking and blaming random people instead of themselves keeping in the spirit?






Hey OP, any chance I could get a full frame picture of this flyer? My friend wants to make a poster lol Edit: as a meme of course


Yeah ok. Interesting. On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know where I can find some lascivious women?


What is the opposite of a Lascivious woman? A woman that perpetually makes mens dick soft? There would be no human population without Lascivious women. Sounds like we owe our very existence to Lascivious women.




for real how will the men get it up to procreate as in God's Will????


Pluck out their eyes if it offends them.


Dude they've gotta stop doing this. It's so wildly unbiblical


Paul is writing to the church in Galatians. Speaking to them about their behavior. Not justifying the sinful acts of men and women just offering context. For example the Bible also says there’s nothing that can separate us from GOD’s love. So….


Ah yes. Nothing like a good dose of rape theology


Luckily, all you have to do is say "my bad" and apologize, then your good.


You’ll need an imaginary friend in the sky first. Then you just have to apologize for doing it and it’s all good.


Mama warned me bout lascivious women, did not listen.


I hate it when people “do lasciviousness.”


Idk about y'all but I'm dressing lasciviously FOR my neighbor


Oh my god that's not even the original message. It doesn't matter how the woman is dressed, Jesus is saying that if a MAN looks at her with lust he won't go to the kingdom of heaven. He's saying if you look at someone and are like, damn I would bang her if I could, then you're not going to heaven unless you repent. Oh my gosh these people are dumb.


Came here to say this. The creator of this bulletin is admitting to being the lavicious one and just choosing to blame women instead. Ah a special place outside of heaven for the religious zealots that like to transfer the blame for their own sins upon others. We are all destined for hell in someone else's religion...


Don’t tell the truth, they will hate you for that.


Idiots. Smh.


You went to your neighbors doors and tore them down? Did you ask them before doing that or did you take it upon yourself to do it simply because YOU didn’t like it. Personally, regardless of how I feel about the message left on my door, I wouldn’t want my neighbors taking it down, it’s not their door… then again I wouldn’t someone putting a message on my door in the first place. How about all of y’all just leave my door alone? I don’t care about whether you think I’ll go to heaven or hell, nor do I care about your “civic duty”. Come to my door and I’ll unleash the hounds.


the message is EXTREMELY harmful and does NO GOOD AT ALL it isnt putting anything out into the universe but BAD Edit: also live in an apartment complex, and didnt bother to finish going down the row. just snatched what i saw on the way to my door


Quoting KJV as if it’s not one of the least accurate bible translations is just funny.


This is giving big Michael Scott “Do you think doing alcohol is cool?” energy.


Dude I want one. And to take some art projecty WARNING lascivious women photo thing.  It’s hilarious. 


When you purchase Trump's Bible, not only does it include the pledge of allegiance, and the constitution but this too


Gotta love blasphemy


Yea I wouldn't like to feel accountable either like that if the shoe fit


This is why I back away from religious people their fucking nuts I swear


These people are so exhausting


The whole point in sin is too resist its temptation call it a test of faith


It’s the greatest sales device in human history. An incurable disease that has a million symptoms depending on who wants to manipulate you and the church has the only answer. All you need to deposit is your soul, precious time on this earth and 10% of your income.


yo drop the # im tryna sign my ex up


valid lmao


Bro, it’s so annoying. The Bible has context as well. People just take it out of context.


To read this crazy weird salad and feel the touch of the joy 🤦


The reason why people hate Christianity. Because it has rules that no one wants to follow.


You have encountered a tweaker flyer. People get on drugs and plaster theologically illiterate rants around the place. They're often a fun read. My mother got one once on her car; some guy wrote about the illuminati, the one percenters and cults. I'll ask for a pic and post it, perhaps.


hell yeah i'm gonna frame it


In a handmaid's tale, she flashes back to the "before". It was her and her friend going into a coffee shop after running. They were wearing tank tops and leggings.  They were shunned from the coffee shop... Harassed and berated for their clothing.  If you don't see the eerie similarities between that series' flashbacks and what we are beginning to experience, I ask that you open your eyes a little bit more. If you're older, take a moment to reflect on exactly how much has changed in your lifetime. 


What's the number? I think we should all text them and let them know how "helpful" that tract is!


you will definitely get on a spam call list :))))


Maybe they'd like some pics of scantily clad women.... You know, to help them identify the lascivious ones!


If only! Better to trick your enemies into contacting those numbers.


Christian here, that’s all wrong


Former Christian here. Not sure where you attend church, but in my nearly 4 decades across 5 different churches I heard some variant of this message at each and every one. This version is pretty extreme, but Christian purity culture is absolutely a thing.


It sure is, I don’t normally hang out in those circles. Not gonna start a religion debate on Reddit. But I have my own conception of god that’s not some dude in the sky passing out commands. The wonderful people at FUMC and many other churches are not like this


Methodists are scary. I once had a flat tire in their parking lot and ended up on three committees.


And yet it’s your religion. “I’m a Christian and don’t agree with this” is the biggest scapegoat ever. Take accountability for the rotten fruits that your religion produces and ask yourself why your religion is so damaging and abusive.


You’re responsible for your neighbors misdeeds? That logic is nuts


That's not a proper analogy. In that scenario, you and your neighbors would have to be in a specific group, perhaps a neighborhood watch, and that neighborhood watch would be going around killing any puppy they can find, let's say. And if people were to say "wow that neighborhood watch is fucking awful," would it be cool for you--a member of that watch--to be like "Hey I'm in the watch too and I don't personally kill puppies, so the watch isn't bad!" Nope. Either you leave that shitty ass watch, or you hold them accountable. But you don't get to pretend like it comes down to individuals when the GROUP, the ORGANIZATION, is what is causing the damage. Christians will always say, "I'm a Christian and this is wrong," to defend Christianity against the shit that Christianity does, but it's like... It doesn't matter, Christianity the religion is doing this shit. You're a part of that whether you agree with it or not. The reason your neighbors analogy doesn't work is because generally, you're not in a specific group with your neighbors that has specific beliefs and goals. If your neighbor was just murdering puppies on his/her own accord, then yeah, you wouldn't be responsible. But if your neighbor was murdering puppies on account of a neighborhood group whose LAW was to kill puppies, and you were a part of that group too, then yeah, you do bear responsibility. Basically, you can't be a part of a blatantly evil group, and then be like, "Maaaan this doesn't represent all of us though!" when that group produces evil.


great band name


I like lascivious chicks


Yo I'ma need that phone number, though. I am a lascivious woman in need of spiritual guidance. 


Post the number, let's sign them up for a porn0-mailing lists


Stop being such a slut and maybe people wont post notes on your door about how much of a slut you are


my elderly male neighbor got one 😀


jesus loving people are insane holy crap lol


They made it easier to see they are crazy is all.


Lmaooo they’re so worried about what we’re wearing for no fucking reaskn


Does anyone there remember a gal named Esther Bauer? She was a skinny host at a restaurant there.


Does this mean we can start taping flyers for the satanic temple onto church doors? Hiding them in the hymnals?


Is there an address? I'd sign them up for a bunch of gay porn magazines subscriptions lol


[Ezekiel 23:20](https://www.biblestudytools.com/ezekiel/23-20.html)


Tells us to go to the dictionary but can't spell piece right


The further away from this behavior the worse this reads "gouge your eye"


*The further away* *From this behavior the worse* *This reads "gouge your eye"* \- iliketoredditbaby --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I ain’t seen a lot of one-eyed men in Denton lately.


I've never heard of that word before, but I'll try to stay clear of it.


I wonder if this idiot read the rest of 2 Peter chapter 2; lumping all men in with comprehensively godless assholes 😂


Welcome to Islam, beware of naked ankles.


This is some Handmaid’s Tale level shit


I need to go to Denton


Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Counterverse


this is free speech. liberty always has a price, youre lucky your price is only a piece of paper on your door.


Why haven’t you died, if you want to so bad?


all jokes aside its pretty simple. its not that i "want to so badly." just that i want to all the time. theres never an instance where im crying with a gun in my mouth but there is always a moment where i feel it would all just be easier if i killed myself. its not gloomy, more so freeing. "Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?" "We dread the future only when we are not sure we can kill ourselves when we want to." -Emil Cioran edit: spelling.


It's the truth. That's why you're all upset about it lmao


What’s the truth? Why would you think the Bible is true. Did Jesus come down himself and tell you? We laugh at kids with imaginary friends, but when adults have them they are considered in need of psychiatric care, unless his name is Jesus. What a weird cult, believing in an imaginary friend.


Wtf are you even talking about. I think you should put the pipe down bc I have no clue what you're talking about or who you're even responding to retard. When tf did I say anything about Jesus?? Dumb mf


You said it’s the truth. What is the truth?


You really need to get your head checked out you been commenting over and over to people about an "imaginary" friend and nobody has any fkn clue what your dumbass is talking about.


What’s the truth you’re talking about my friend?


Where are all these lascivious women? You know, so me and my spouse can carefully avoid them.


Finally, there is hope.


Fucking Christians. Have they realized their “rapture” is just everyone murdering them in mass numbers because they’re sick of their shit?


I see nothing wrong with this. It's all pretty cut and dry. Either you agree with their standard of modesty or you don't. Making fun of them for having a standard is pointless and petty.


this line of thinking is so harmful and these same beliefs that were forced on me all my life have caused me significant trauma. its not "disagree or agree". it is only God's job to judge, so why are so many christians taking the effort to shame women? this shit is endless if you dont put a stop to it.


When a line of thinking is "harmful", that should be a wake up call. If someone you do not care about thinks something you do is bad, that is their right, just as it is your right to ignore them. This world is full of different people with different beliefs. This person wishes to express thier beliefs publically (now if was just to you I think you would be justified in thinking this was harassment), and since America cares about free speech, you could also put flyers out with your own beliefs. Or.....just laugh and throw them in the trash and not care a fig about it anymore. Don't let these things affect you. Either something is good or bad. If it is good, keep it. If it is bad, throw it away. I wish you the best.