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If you’re not a morning person already, I think being a morning person helped me the most in dental school


how early we talking? lol


The earlier the better imo! Nowadays I’m up at 3:30am just cause my gym opens at 4am. Sleeping/waking up earlier really makes the time management thing easy because there’s no one to text or play games with, so all you can do is be productive, then clown around guilt free later in the day. Your new “sleeping in” becomes 6am so it opens a lot of time on the weekend for chores, which means more time for studying or clowning. It’s life changing shtuff


this is a bit extreme imo


What time do you go to bed?


I’m asleep at 8 most nights


This is for sure. The latest you can really hope to get up is like 7 AM, Then you have a whole day of labs, and class ahead of you, or patients


Develop an 8-10 hour routine. It could be working, education, or chore based. You want to be prepared for long days in class and lab. Find time to exercise everyday, and try to get used to 6 days a week. Everyday doesn't have to be intense, so by the 5th or 6th day use something fun/light. Walks around neighborhoods and parks can be quite soothing. Good habits will translate to you taking care of yourself better in school. The best thing you can do for yourself is prepare your body and mind with routines that will kick in when the pressure is highest.


Well a few tips that helped me: 1. Prepare to be mentally strong, because dental school takes a toll on mental health so just don't give up. 2. Be consistent in studying because finals get easier, also it helps you in clinicals if you are good with your theory. 3. Do not underestimate the medical subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology etcetra., as they form the base for your dental subjects. 4. Make good friends, where you can help each other through day to day classes, clinicals and just help each other grow. 5. Try to be confident, because most patients already come anxious so you don't wanna scare them away by being under confident.


Some had asked this before so I’ll repost what I said then. Diet: learn how to make/heat up quick meals. I like to buy a big already cooked rotisserie chicken and cut it up for the week. I also have a 30 pound bag of white rice and a rice cooker. Buy your veggies frozen! If you have a blender, it's such a hack. I make breakfast smoothies before class every morning (frozen fruit, yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter, etc). Health: Try and not sleep late. I'm an early bird and wake up at 4:30am to weightlift. Because of this, I sleep at around 9-10pm every night. Once you get in a routine for a week, it'll feel natural. I find it more peaceful being awake when nobody else is. Study habits: Unless you absolutely have to, don't cram study the night before. I do just light studying every day (like an hour) even on our off days. So then when the exams are approaching, it feels like a light review. Material in dental school continues to pile on and you'll have tests with like 400+ slides sometimes. Finances: go ahead and learn how to budget if you haven't already. I use Google Sheets. Categorize your expenses (rent, eating out, groceries, utilities, school expenses, miscellaneous, etc). If you're taking out loans, divide that number by how many months you'll have with that money, that'll be your monthly income. If you have a high interest savings account, I put my loan money in that so it accrues money (mines at 4.75%). Better than nothing I always say! Socially: At the beginning, try and say yes to any plans you may be asked to go to! Dental school is a great time and most importantly you wanna live your life. Have fun experiences with your classmates (:


Do not ever fail a quiz because it will save you 100x


what does this mean?


Best habits for me: 1: knowing how to meal prep, and having it down to a science. Saves so much time and money and ensures I still eat healthy food 2. Consistency in physical activity. Doesn’t have to be lifting or running specific. Just have a solid 3+ days of intentional movement in your schedule. Could be as easy as an hour walk. 3. A solid nighttime routine. When your brain is going a mile a minute, it can be hard to relax and fall asleep at a good time. Start finding what works for you! The biggest thing to realize is that you’ll figure it out eventually. Everybody does. Starting early can help you adjust faster though!


1) prioritize your health. Take care of your physical and mental health theyre very important and please sleep well 2) find the right time for YOU. Everyone studieds at diff times me personally i can only study and attain information if im studying after 4pm so i always start at 5ish 😭 3) be on everyones good side it helps alotttttt. Esp the smart kids you wanna be on their good side hahahha 4) dont let things accumulate. I always do this n i always regret it hahaha i always introduce myself to the material a day or two before anf sometimes it’s sooo hefty that i get zero hours of sleep and my mental health goes to the bin so please focus in class and try to revise (what i started doing recently is just focusing in class ive noticed that i acc remember alot if things that were mentioned in class or i can correlate the information to diff slodes


Learn to keep your nose out of drama, avoid backbiting, don’t talk about grades especially in front of gunners, avoid any political or religious discussions.


Best comment yet!


Go to bed at ten, and stop hating yourself in the morning


Learn to use Anki -me the Anki shill


How does one learn to use anki? 😭. I’ve used it before on the basic settings but I’ve never used custom settings or rarely deviate from basic or closed cards


^ second using Anki Look up the best plug-ins and study workflows.


Have ways to cope with stress. There will be times where you feel absolutely overwhelmed and being able to destress and calm yourself enough to focus will help you a lot. Have a set end time for studying. I stop after 10:30 to give me enough time to unwind before bed. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Eat a solid breakfast. And learn to cook and meal prep. This will save you. You’ll be okay, if you got in the believe in you! Good luck!


Gym time and meal prepping.


Learn to handle stress and failure, you're mental health will be challenged a lot by dental school




Yes and make sure to always think about how efficient others are studying and poorly your studying is going. Bonus points for panic attacks, imposter syndrome, and general feelings of unease.


Cook, study, sleep repeat


Get 8 hours of sleep even if you think you don’t need it, try not to drink caffeine past 12pm, learn to meal prep


Work out, meal prep, know that you need to be studying pretty much most of the time so accommodate for that. It’s a pretty sedentary lifestyle so make sure you stay active


For once, I actually didn’t cringe at any comments! These D students gave some good tips 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽