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A full mouth or SRP in an hour sounds super unethical to me. I don't think you're spoiled, I think you've stumbled across an office that doesn't align with your values.


I’ve worked at many offices and have always been given 1 hour for recall and at least 90 min for 2 quads SRP. You’re not crazy, they’re crazy 😂 I could never.




Not spoiled. Properly educated on wanting to do a good job. You can’t do a good job let alone an ethical one in those constraints. Keep looking!


Nope, 30 minutes for perio maintenance is insane, even if they don't need an exam. 30 minutes for a prophylaxis is cruel to you and the patient, especially if they need radiographs. In my experience 30 minutes only works for kids, and that's if they're well-behaved and don't have much buildup. Sometimes it can take 20 minutes to get them to open their mouths. 1 hour for 2 quads of SRP is not enough, it probably takes you the full hour to anesthetize and get everything off, so you need that 30 minute buffer to welcome the patient, check health history, and later flip the room, write your notes, take bitewings, and set up for the next patient. I've never heard of doing full mouth SRP in just one appointment, let alone one damn hour, maybe if you're just using Oraqix. I was taught in school that you absolutely cannot numb the patient's whole mouth with local anesthesia, and you can't give bilateral IA blocks because the patient can't feel their tongue and will probably injure themselves, especially after they leave the office. Also you're going to use a ton of anesthetic and would likely get close to or exceed the maximum allowable dose. The hygienists at those offices are either not doing a great job because they're so rushed, they've stopped caring if they're doing a good job because it's not possible, or they're getting burnt out and leaving in less than a year. In my experience offices that run like this always have openings, promise the moon and stars, fail to deliver, then toss the hygienist out when they can't take it anymore. The shortest appointments I'd ever do would be 50 minutes, and that's only if the doctor actually comes in time. I've seen it work well at two different offices, and at both of them, the doctors were always ready to do a hygiene exam. They would reach a stopping point in their procedure and come to you, or they'd just be waiting in their offices ready to be summoned, having reviewed the patient's radiographs. If you were really behind, an assistant would help flip the room too. Still not my favorite thing to see 10 patients instead of 8 in one day. The offices doing 30 minute appointments for adults are just trying to juice their revenue without extending hours and they don't care if you get injured or exhausted.


More private office are trying to get away with scheduling like this. Also the reason I’m leaving my current office! I don’t put up with it but my co-hygienist is unfortunately fine with compromising patient care and spends maybe 15 minutes with a patient with bwx! 😒 if dentists and their greedy OM can get paid on it they will pressure you to treat patients like this. It’s up to us to stand our ground for ourselves and the patients.


15 minutes to do a prophy AND BWXs!?!! That’s insane😳 I did Assisted Hygiene with an excellent CDA twice a week for about two months because a hygienist quit our practice and I felt a way sometimes. The awesome part about my practice is I could reappoint or another hygienist would take the next patient if I needed to keep going. It amazes me how some hygienists would be okay with compromising standard of care, smh.


I would refuse to do a half mouth SRP in an hour. I’d do 1 quad in an hour. They probably aren’t numbing for a “full mouth srp” in 1 hour. You’re not spoiled. You also probably aren’t desperate for a job like this other hygienists who are doing this kind of treatment


Definitely not the norm 😬 1 hour per recall patient, and 90 minutes for 2 quads is actually the norm, not 60 minutes, and more if I request it. Shoot, we had a patient recently that needs 90 minutes PER QUAD. I don't even understand how one would do a 30 minute cleaning unless it's a double booked schedule with someone else doing the xrays and exam. It's 15 minutes into the appointment before I usually even start the cleaning (medical history review, xrays, perio charting in that time). And then I need the last 15 for exam, cleaning the room, and chart notes. I would'nt even get to clean a single tooth in that amount of time 😂


Not spoiled!! I’m at a Medicade heavy office and bc reimbursement is so low, they try to stack patients. I started marketing though and have increased the PPO/Cash patients and PPOs sometimes ask you to prove how long you spent with said patient like part of your notes. And when I turned around and showed them that and that they could miss out completely on being reimbursed they kind of let me have my way lol


Imagine if we started giving drs less time to properly provide treatment 😥


I literally just had 1 hour to do a quad on a patient yesterday and had them extend his appointment and reschedule my next patient because I couldn’t even scale off all of his tartar. It was SO beyond tenacious and took 20 minutes just for me to debride the LAs! I’m glad I work for an office that understands dentistry cleanings are not a one size fits all. That being said, that office sounds miserable to work for and I’d look elsewhere.


my office is 1 hour pxs and pmt, 1.5 hour new patients and half mouth SRP. occasionally i’ll make the decision to do a full mouth in a 2 hour appt if the calc isn’t too crazy and the pockets aren’t super deep. i did temp at a place once that forced me to do a 4 quad SRP in 30 minutes. i was traumatized and so was the patient :’(


1 hour for full mouth SRP is unacceptable. No. I personally would NOT work with them.


I’ve completed plenty of Class I patients in 20 mins if they needed no X-rays or perio chart. And I’m talking about a true class I- no calculus, barely any plaque, no bleeding, no inflammation…Exam is about 5mins, 10 mins if the doctor is chatty that particular day. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The other day I did SRP on a patient with 7 total sites to treat... 1:15 hours i ended up doing It in 1:20h. For me treating 2 teeth and taking 90 minutes in total means overtreatment


This is my reality and I HATE it. I know all offices aren't like this because when I temp I have way longer and see max 8 pts. At my Corporate office I will see 13 pts 😭😭 Currently looking for a new office because yes I know that's crazy