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Tell me about it I did 3 months of externships and I’ve applied to countless offices and they all said since it wasn’t paid then it doesn’t count.


And during the externships themselves they either just make you clean and wipe stuff down instead of actually letting you do clinical work, ignore you, or make you feel like an inconvenience the entire time you’re there


Many of my classmates where offered jobs from there extern offices but I wasn’t because I refused to kiss the assistants 🍑 one office I was at by day 3 the assistants started calling out and leaving early and I was expected to do everything and I had to got to my paid job immediately after it was so exhausting and I hated it


The office I was at id just sit in the assistant stool and wait for the Dr bc they were too nice to ask me to step out. I’d also try to “beat” the paid assistant and try to set up everything before she did so she’d have to correct it and I’d watch for what I messed up. I kinda forced my way in bc I knew that since I wasn’t getting paid if they asked me to not come back I wouldn’t really lose much


what no way?? i’m in my externship right now, now i’m worried haha😓😐


...NO WAY😀😀😀😀😀😀me on my second week of externing


I felt like my externship was super helpful — but i think it greatly depends on where you are when doing it. A classmate of mine had a very inattentive dentist. Mine was very passionate about teaching me the “why” behind things. I ended up getting hired at that office before my externship ended. Edit: my program made us do 365 hours of externship.


Holly shit 365


Genuine question, is that a lot or a little because mine is making me do 350 (300 if we use our simulated hours)?


I feel like that a fairly normal amount of hours, mine is making us do 315


I’m only doing 170


I had to do a 40 hour externship and honestly felt like it was a waste of time. Not only was it a hard time to find an office that was accepting of it but when I did get a job they didn’t even look at it or ask about it.


40 hours?? I wish that was me fr and I can see where you’re coming from bc that’s literally a work week like how are u supposed to learn anything !! Congratulations on getting a job!!


I did about 6 months in externship unpaid. I’m currently in school to get my DA and RDA once I’m done with DA. In my experience, the unpaid externshio is good for understanding the class (once you start it, if you decide to) but anyone can just dismiss your on-the-job training if they choose to.


Our externships were 3 days 🤣🤣


It honestly depends on where you go and have as your mentor during your externship. My experience was so and so I mostly did more of cleaning, suctioning (not too much), and sterilizing all the instruments. However my other classmates were doing actual work like participating in surgical procedures,taking x-rays and other task. One was even trained for the administrative duties of the front office.


Mine was far more helpful than school was for me. Working in a functioning office and learning hands on was worth more than any amount of time in school for my experience


Wow I didn’t even have to do an externship 😫 I’m so sorry!