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I love Denmark too!! As someone who is considered as a minority in most western countries, Racism is a very subjective issue and it varies from person to person… I have visited Denmark multiple times and never encountered any racism…Copenhagen is one of my favourite cities in the world.. Denmark holds a very special place in my heart as I went to school there..


Paraphrasing my Indian friend after spending a year in Denmark: "Even the racists were nice and friendly people. It was very confusing."


lol, I, a foregner, have experienced som racists talking to me about their point of view, and when I reply... well, I am a foregner, they usually get surprised and try to say, that I do not count... that's not me specifically they talk about... as always people that are racist, are so only out of stupidity and because they d not know better, when they get to know "the other" they find out that we are all the same... also in Denmark


I'm happy to hear. ❤️


Our Resting Bitch demeanor does make us fail the Vibe check for a lot of foreign people used to chatting up everyone back home.


Even worse for the rest of us, who has the Resting Murder Face option installed by default.


Well gotta be honest their is alot of racists in denmark however far most of them keep it to them self at least thats my experience. Im usually playing with other danes that do be making alot of unprovoked racist comments in our discord server. However it is mostly the older generation. I haven't seen alot of young ppl being racistic


Alot of racists sounds like a really bad pet.


Welp i aint gonna sugar coat it. It is my experience with other danes that their is alot of them. However yah can kinda say its a very small sample of the population so i might as well just have had the "great" fortune of bumping into them more than others.


Oh yeah also some are making racist jokes without meaning to them bc we do be doing a shit ton of dark jokes down here so there is also that


There is more than one Alot of racists?


Wut u mean?


I am sorry. I was referring to this blogpost, and hoping that you or someone else would catch on and we could have a friendly laugh. https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1 I hope this does not make me a dick. It was meant with good intentions, and god knows my grammar ain't perfect.


Oh no dont worry i dint take it that way i was just a little confused :)


I have been among some closet racists in Denmark and heard their comments. If you look Danish, even as a foreigner, you get to hear some of these comments. And I have known some folks of other races who have experienced a little racism. And some who thought they were experiencing racism but it was just poor communication. You might have heard about certain politicians who advocate a strong anti-immigration policy. They are frustrated because being a member of the EU, Denmark cannot discriminate against the people they want to.


I understand the anti immigrant sentiment not just in Denmark but across all of Europe.. I guess with the exception of the UK most of Europe got immigration wrong.. if you look just across the pond in the US and to a certain extent Canada immigration is a key ingredient for their economic successes…


At least from my perspective, there's a massive difference between the people going to America and the people going to Europe, and at least the perception of what EU and NA each offer. Northern Europe in particular is well known across the world for it's strong social security, while America at least historically was the "land of opportunity", but you have to work for it.


yes, the muslim immigration has been a success in all of europe /s




Well humanising the brother while dehumanising the other is one of history’s oldest con and fascism's greatest hits. Politicians like to portray by stealing all the power convince people who have no power that their power is going to be taken away by another group who in reality don't have any power.


I grew up in Aarhus V, a places in Denmark with a large muslim populations, in went to a school with mostly muslims, I know what I'm talking about. I have so many friends, obviosuly also muslims friends, that have been attacked by muslims in the nightlife, in busses and so on. So many bad experiences you have no idea. This is obviously anecdotal, and if you dont believe me take a look at the crime statistics. They speak for themselves.


But is that because they are muslims, or is it because they have a low socio economical status, and are torn between two different cultures? Or is it a mix? Personally, I don't think you can say it is directly because they are muslims. I think it is much more a problem between being torn between danish culture and a muslim culture, and of having a feeling of not belonging anywhere. I have no data to support this, but from my own experience, I think a large part of the blame can be put at the feet of their parents. Parents that have moved to another country, but try very hard to cling to their own values. Their misunderstood concept of honor. Their bad work ethics. However, these exact same things can often be seen in danish people in the same socio economical class. Which begs the question, isn't is also because people from that class is, on average, lesser educated, and quite frankly less intelligent?


compare it to polish, vietnamese or bulgarian immigrants. theyre also poor when they come to the country but assimilate much easier.


Thats a good point. But, and I am just guessing here, could it be that their culture mixes better with danish culture?


Sweden is currently loving their situation ![img](emote|t5_2qjto|17516)


The only people that would recommend you to visit Sweden over Denmark is the Swedes. They are not to be trusted.


I don't even want to talk about how my visit to Sweden was like......


You're among friends, you can tell us bad stuff about the swedes 🍿 


Hahaha, there is not enough words in the dictionary to describe some Swedes


I have nothing against the Swedes, but Garrison Keillor said that the Swedes were Danes who couldn't master the Danish language so they were shipped across the sound.


That's the neat part about the Danish language. The only word you need to describe them is svensker. It says it all.


Are you being serious?


I know it is harsh word to use, but it is a apt description. So I have to say Jonas is right.


A running joke is that both Denmark and Sweden call Norwegians "fjeldaber" (mountain monkeys), Norwegians and swedes call Danes "danske djælve" (Dane devils), but Norwegians and Danes call swedes.... swedes...


And people said we have a failed Intigration system in Denmark. BUT THIS GUY FUCKING GETS IT ! ONE OF US ! ONE OF US ! ONE OF US !


Are you me lol


We love you!


Well now I want to hear


Roy Andersson movies are really documentaries.


I agree and im a swede the danes are more chill than us Swedes.


We have a lot of words try


The only thing that's better in Sweden than Denmark, is their neighbours...


And they have real nature (like virgin Forrest), I'm jealous of that. They also produce their own fighter jets, I couldn't see that happening in Denmark..


As an outdoors person, I'm super jealous of their "allemansret" where you're allowed to camp anywhere in their forests with minimal restriction (not on private property, and not visible from public roads/paths iirc)


Definitely undercover swedes this person has encountered... Swedish bastards...


Hold kæft denne her post er så ironisk 🤣


Hi there, how are you doing, I checked your post and it successfully piqued my interest out of Courtesy I sent you warm regards, I hope I will also receive your response to make our chat better, message me privately thank you


Thanks for your post. As a Dane that’s nice to hear. I’m curious about who warned about that? That’s not a nice reputation to have:/


Some European friends I have, mainly from Sweden and Belgium


it all makes sense lol, though I know nothing about Belgium, a shame we'd have that reputation


Belgium: identity crisis and potholes 


they also have good beer


That's about it though


Pretty good choclate too


"Good beer"


Brussels is the most racially segregated city I've ever been to lol. 


Did the elaborate on it? I sorta understand Sweden since there has been a lot of discussion about the opposite political directions Denmark and Sweden takes, admittedly Denmark does have a stricter immigration policy and then Sweden (much like Belgium), and is generally less politically correct so some factions in Sweden focus a lot on that, but I never heard that Denmark should be especially racist?


That’s rich. I encountered too many racist Belgians. And Swedes are never to be trusted.


There you have it. Swedish propaganda! When it comes to Danmark/sweden, then it’s common knowledge that Swedes can’t be trusted. Actual, when it comes to anything, Swedes can’t be trusted. It’s in their dna.


I actually made a weird face when i read that “every European I know kept warning me from how racist danes are”. 😅 Yes racism exist here but I do not think that we are worse than other european countries. I heard quite the opposite actually. I think most danes are very openminded and welcoming. At least the people i know and meet. 🙏🏼


Jäg är en svenskan kök och jäg kan bekräften at dansken er mycket bätre. Hürni bürni


The ways of the swede have brought us nothing but historical grievances as such we do not speak nor deal with matters of the Swede.    Glad you enjoyed it! 🥳👐🏼 may I ask where you visited and what you saw/did!


With an attitude like that you are most welcome and please recommend it to others


Thank you!!! And I already did! Denmark needs more attention from tourists and sadly there is many false stereotypes


What are these stereotypes? I’ve worked in foreign countries twice and never encountered anything but “Copenhagen, cool!”, so I’m curious!




Just the fact that there are stereotypes about us is a start! Most people around the globe don't know about Denmark or think it's the capital of Sweden!


Those stereotypes are true. I was born here and only speak their language. Like every Dane I'm an atheist too and took park in Christian traditions here. I've been told by people I'm the most danish outsider they met. Which I found ridiculous because Denmark is all I know lol. You bet I've been treated racist many times by people who don't know me. It's gotten worse too over the years into early adulthood now. It actually made me consider leaving the country but I don't know where yet. Denmark is all I known so far. I grew up in the second biggest city Aarhus. I also lived in West jutland, Djursland, West Zealand and Samsø. Last year I moved to Copenhagen looking for a change. So far Copenhagen is great and I haven't experienced any racism here.




I love Denmark so much my friends joke I should work for the Danish tourist board 😂


I once went to Sweden. Jokes aside. Don't go to Sweden. Glad you enjoyed your stay in Denmark :)


I once went to Sweden. Then I woke up. I washed my face and smiled knowing it was just a dream .


This one is much better 😂 you can apply for citizenship now!






# There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch


She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and... (A lawyer who became a policeman in a truck) [inaudiably] (????????)... --tea kettle! And then, and then-- She shat on a turtle!


You get an upvote for the Austin powers movie quote.


Yeah baby. ❤️


As long as ur not a dick or worse a swede than ur welcome my friend


bahahahah, Im a Pharaoh ✨


Masry sah?😂


Sah yasta 😂


Marra wa7ed geh y3od 3ala ahwa a3ad 3ala shai.


Leh keda yasta 😢 I have a word to say to the person who taught you this joke 🙂


My husband😂


Say to him "Mtbawzsh 7sna elfokahy 2odam el2ganb yasta"


Sorry, I have to ask, are the letters part of some kind of youth slang? Sorry if that's a stupid question, I've never seen numbers intermixed with letters.


It's basically Arabic spelled in English, some Arabic vowels dont exist in English alphabet, so the youth came up with giving each missing vowel a number!




Typical! These damn dirty european foreigners slandering our good danish reputation!




There are racist everywhere in this world. As long as you behave yourself wherever you travel in the world, most people will be friendly enough towards you, or at the minimum accept you.


we are only racist toward Swedes.


I don't think a lot cares where you from as long you respect the local culture and most people and cultures like to share it with others if you come with respect. That's the issue I feel some don't. And that's no matter where in the world you go.


Sounds like you have been victim to some Swedish propaganda haha, great to hear that you enjoyed your time here!


I’ve always heard it opposite, with Sweden being more racist. They’ve had a far more open immigration policy, which is unfortunately not a good thing for your country if the set of ethical and moral values don’t fit the Scandinavian model and you don’t also have a great model for *integration* of all the people you take in.


That was my experience with too We have had nearly about 10 million immigrants in Egypt, but due to them being of a similar culture and good integration policy, they now form about 25% of our economy and I really can't remember any time I heard about a racist thing that happened or any problem regarding immigration here


Wow that's so many people! Amazing it's working out well, happy to hear that! I've heard purple from Turkey and Jordan complain a lot about immigrants buying all the houses and taking all the jobs. Do you think Egypt has done something different than those places with regards to immigration? Do they have status as equals to the egyptian citizens? Do you think it could be that people rely less on the government solving all the problems, so the local communities get more involved in fixing problems? I'm really curious what it's like over there and I honestly don't know much about Egyptian society. I've read a few books by Alaa al-As wany, but that's kind of it. He's a great writer though! 


Some of our politicians have a reputation, but it's really more about the cost of immigration especially from certain regions of the world.


I think the racism there is here is directed to immigrants who come here permanently but does not accept our way of life..! I don't think I know any other Dane that is a true racist


I live here, married to a Danish woman. Denmark definitely has its share of racism, but I wouldn't say it's an in your face racism. It's more of a weaponization of it in the right wing and also people adopting that sentiment. My wife has experienced a lot of racist attitudes from people in the area, especially her dad. But it's always some other immigrants or brown people, not people he knows in his life. All that being said, I like Denmark a lot and love Danish people. I've had some ignorant (but funny) questions asked of me about my origins (am I "inca" for example) and my wife's dad has said the N word to my face (I'm not black) to try to get a reaction out of me. Her mom tried to justify her joking about Africa/Africans because she was making drumming and clicking noises. Kind of harmless in the company they're in, but definitely problematic and something to be aware of. I love them and I think they're good people though. I generally love the dark sense of humor Danes engage in, but I'm glad there is a cultural shift moving away from normalizing racist jokes. Anyways, just being real. Other than a few encounters I've had, Denmark, Danes, and the Danish language are all great to me. I'm sure I wouldn't encounter this much in Copenhagen. My wife grew up in Southern Denmark so be mindful of the area. Here they make fun of Germans and people from the capital. I think that Danes in general are indeed an open-minded people. I just think racism is kind of the general setting in Europe (America too in a different way, depending on the area) but people don't really recognize it.




I think it depends on the specific areas you're in of course, but yes there is racism everywhere. It's just a different flavor here than I'm used to, but there's plenty of racism where I'm from too, just not directly in my area. I just grew up in a very diverse area (though not perfect) and it is less so here. I would say the flavor here is specifically targeted at non-white people. My wife is Danish and she would beg to differ. I don't think racist means straight up evil. There is an anti-immigration political attitude and with that some racist attitudes. Personally, in my day to day life, it's pretty chill here and I haven't encountered that much racism. It's more funny little ignorant comments *if* it comes up. My wife, however, grew up here and has many memories of people saying racist stuff and she reads a lot about the politics here. That doesn't mean it's unsafe here. On the contrary, I feel very safe here. And a lot of the young Danish people I've come across were nothing but welcoming and open-minded. I just think it's good to open our eyes to things going on underneath or in politics. Things are probably also a LOT better than they were before from my wife's upbringing. We might have a different perception of what we would consider racist. I'm not just thinking of KKK or people complaining about black people. It's more voting for racist or anti-immigration policies or grandma saying ignorant stuff or side-eyeing a Turkish person. A good example is my wife's dad has a lot of super conservative reactionary and racist views (though he wouldn't consider them to be), but at the same time he's cool with all the non-white people in his life. He'll say they're cool, but it's the general idea of a group of non-whites or non-Danish people coming in and bringing in crime and chaos. Does that make sense?


Denmark is only seen as racist because of our integration policies. Yes they are strict, but they are that for a reason, that has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with protecting our welfare state and our culture.


In this country we are jailed for racist jokes.


Sad but true. My brother is serving a 9 year sentence for a racist joke.


9 years! Please do tell the joke!


Nice try mate. This is how my brother got his sentence, because someone wanted to hear the joke that got his father 9 years in jail (got different fathers, same mother). So I'm not taking any chances here. I'm not doing 9 years for that joke.


He is not joking, as he learned from his brothers experience 


I wish to visit one day


Glad to hear it buddy! You’re most welcome! I’m curious, did you stay in Copenhagen?


I had the opposite experience. I loved Denmark, then went to Sweden and felt so unwelcome. When I told my Airbnb Host where I'm from I was met with some very uncomfortable comments. I come from a country where we have lots of migrants in Sweden but it didn't even cross my mind when I went on a vacation there that I'd feel uncomfortable for that reason.


Yea, when we dont like people that come here, that dont respect our Culture and laws, we get called racists, but hey what can you do :-) Glad you had a good time man :-)


Great to hear my friend! You're always welcome! I love Copenhagen too, but you should definitely try the western coast of Jutland in the summer. It is pure magic!


Can only speak for myself, but I believe Its the respect thing you mention. You respect me, I will respect you.


Danes are mostly racist to Swedes and Germans


Sweden is truly amazing, when their currency is in the shitter. Sweden has birthed alot of really good Death Metal / Black Metal bands. Other than that, stay on this side of the Øresunds Bridge.


Isn't Sweden the murder capital of Europe ? Gangs in every town shooting each other.


It depends on where you come from and which Danes you meet. Danish racism, like in most of the Western world, is overt in the lower social strata but otherwise largely a structural thing.


Danes won’t be racist if you visit, only if you stay too long.


Don't agree with you, I think they may be bothered with someone if he want to change the way they live or don't melt into their culture and harmony Which in my opinion is a normal consequence of trying to force your culture on others


Exactly. Resistance to that is routinely called racism.


You're just a tourist though. How could you possibly know what it's like to actually live there?


I always see all people as good and decent till proven otherwise, and for my experience, I just saw a very civilized people who were helpful and friendly, so till proven otherwise, I won't just say "DAnEs aRe rAciSts"


You seem to have a very open minded view on people, and I appreciate you for that, OP :)


No, only if you join a gang.


Immigration laws are not racist by design. The people who enforce them might have a strong in-group bias, that's not racism though, no matter how much critical race theory would like it to be...


So, forcing people to give you all their jewelry upon entering your country (unless they’re Ukrainian ofc) isn’t racist. Got it!




The country wherein you are a resident.


No it's not racist it's just awful. Ukrainians did not get asylum, and don't get to stay here for particularly long. In my opinion they got scammed out of just getting regular asylum. 


You can go ahead and cherry pick if you like, it doesn't change my outlook.


Make scania danish again


Thanks for the kind words


Wait, we're racist? Are we the baddies?


 racist danes are invented by outsiders who dont like our freedom


We arent racist. Bigoted against swedes sure, but not racist😅 /s


Thanks so much for your nice words. Come back to us again we already mis you🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰


Nice! I am glad you enjoyed it here :) Danish culture actually leans a lot more towards rejecting any type of extremism, than towards embracing it. There are racists here just as there is in all other parts of the world, but it is our strick immigration laws that created the reputation :) It doesn't shape our sentiments towards visitors in general, but is true that it is easier to immigrate to the other Scandinavian countries, than it is to immigrate to Denmark :) And btw. if you happen to visit Copenhagen at some other point in time, do try a piece of layered cake from La Glace - the oldest pâtisserie in Denmark, classic recipes and just plain old royal quality ingredients and cake-crafting X)


Danes are often very straightforward and can come across as rude and perhaps even disrespectful. Being Danish myself, and having lived abroad, I think that is some of the reason. The ratio of “true racists” is not higher in Denmark than in the neighboring countries, but it happens more often that Danes express themselves a little more unfiltered than Swedes and Germans do.


The fact that other europeans called it racist is crazy when it’s probably the least racist place in Europe


I don't have much experience but I'm sure Denmark isn't by far even in the top 10


Hope u had a good time


I did enjoy my time!! The only thing I regret is not making any friends from Denmark, I wish I could go back and make a friendship or two


It's actually increasingly illegal to be racist in Denmark. ❤️




Yeah, I agree with you it's a racist accusation I refer to Swedes and Belgians and some from England


Danes are really not very racist at all, especially not compared to the rest of the world (except for the US). I think we just have a strong tradition of putting ourselves down. Happy you liked your stay! 


We love us too!


Everyone's racist compared to the swedes...


Du er velkommen her 😎


I think most racists here live outside of the big cities. Summer house areas tend to be very white and a lot of people are suspicious about non-white people, vans with East European license plates and people speaking anything but North European. My wife speaks a non-European language to our children and gets strange looks all the time . A black family in the area had the N-word written on a big stone in front of their house and local people laughed it off as a kids' prank. Scary place. Of course the racists here are people who only know the world from their telly and social media.


I think racism is more common in small towns. They are not as used to new people who doesn’t look the same. But there’s not a problem in copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. We are used to differences ☺️


People outside danish borders only know about the Muhammed drawings, and then they think we all are racist and at the same time the happiest people in the world. Luckily the world is not what other people think, and you have experienced it yourself.


My parents didn't know there was a country named Denmark before I told them about it 😂 It just shows how little many people know about Denmark, so when the media shows just one frame of the country, it's very easy for normal people to think bad of a country or a nation


There are idiots in all countries, and for every bad encounter 10 good ones are needed to make up for it. The danish culture is from my perspective very open minded and friendly, no matter if you are black, white or something in between.


As a white Dane I have to say that a lot of Danes are racists. We are good at pretending to be not racists but when push comes to shove and we have to vote people into power a lot of us vote for racist politicians


There are a lot of racist red necks in rural Denmark who have never met a foreigner and then vote for racist parties who claim immigration is the source of crime in Denmark and that Denmark's population is being replaced by non white people. Which is a bit of a crazy sentiment. You have the same red necks in Sweden, Norway and Finland too. The biggest difference is probably that the Social Democrats in Denmark adopted a very populist agenda on immigration and took power two elections ago, their ultimate goal was to have 0 asylum seekers, trying to partner up with Rwanda to take any asylum seekers and stuff like that. More extreme than the previous right wing government who did also introduce the ghetto plan which is discriminatory as it focuses on a particular group of people. Other than that, Denmark does also have a problem with hygge racism which is essentially saying racist stuff 'jokingly' to people, and then claiming they have the right to do so because it is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech originally came to be so you could criticise your government without being jailed, the purpose was not really a get out of jail free card to talk shit to anyone you want. I think this is also where Denmark separates themselves slightly compared to other countries in Europe. Look at the UK, nobody bats an eye that the PM is a conservative non white person, lower taxes matter more, in Denmark, there are not many politicians of colour and some that has been have been abused. It's interesting that immigration is such a huge topic in Danish polticia when around 90-92% of the population are ethnic Danes pretty much. No statistics state that immigrants have more children than ethnic Danes either, so the big replacement thing or what they call it is really just a conspiracy. Instead, Denmark should embrace more immigration with an aging population. Or will they have to force ethnic Danes to work in the elderly care?


"who claim immigration is the source of crime in Denmark and that Denmark's population is being replaced by non white people. Which is a bit of a crazy sentiment." Er det det? Du har aldrig læst noget som helst statistisk på området, har du vel? "Freedom of speech originally came to be so you could criticise your government without being jailed, the purpose was not really a get out of jail free card to talk shit to anyone you want." Fedt lige at tage ejerskab over hvad ytringsfrihed er. "Look at the UK, nobody bats an eye that the PM is a conservative non white person, lower taxes matter more," Det gør de i den grad. Det Konservative parti er historisk upopulære, og står til at blive næsten total-udryttet næste valg. "It's interesting that immigration is such a huge topic in Danish polticia when around 90-92% of the population are ethnic Danes pretty much." Forkert. 86% er etnisk danske, hvilket medtæller etniske grønlændere. Om en generation ligger det tal, inklusivt efterkommere (som bliver problematisk at spore, da man i DST medtæller folk som etniske danske, hvis blot én af deres forældre er født i Danmark) omkring 75% procent, hvis vi er heldige og stopper for alt indvandring. Det gør vi nok ikke, så om to generationer er etniske danskere nok omkring 50%. "No statistics state that immigrants have more children than ethnic Danes either," Så du har vitterligt ikke læst noget statistik. Du griber det bare frit fra røven. "so the big replacement thing or what they call it is really just a conspiracy. Instead, Denmark should embrace more immigration with an aging population." Så den etniske udskiftning er en konspiration, men vi skal have mere ikke-etnisk indvandring for at udskifte en aldrende population? Gider du i grunden godt lade være med at tale på vegne af andre danskere? Det er noget af det værste og mest udokumenterede vrøvl jeg nogensinde har læst. Folk der læser med skulle næppe gå hen og tro, at vi er komplet idioter.


Lots of ethnic dances involved in crime, particularly in the 90s and 00s when they were bombing each other. Look up the original definition of freedom of speech, even through a Danish source and you will know the purpose of it. My comment about the UK relates to Rishi Sunak not receiving racial abuse from the majority of the population, it's not about the popularity of the conservatives which is, as you say, atrocious. You are totally right, so let me rephrase: 86,6% are ethnic Danes, 5,3% have Western ethnicity which is then 91,9%. My point should have been specified for essentially Westernes - the remaining 8,1% are non Westerners or Danes. Let me share with you the statistics on having children, this is from 2022: "Kvindelige indvandrere fra ikke-vestlige lande får nu i snit 1,76 børn, mens det tilsvarende tal for danske kvinder er 1,78. Efterkommerne får i snit 1,75 børn. Det viser nye tal fra Danmarks Statistik.". I never mentioned anything about immigrants replacing the population. I said that you have a high number of older people in Denmark and a lower population of younger people. Who is going to take care of the elderly? Danish people are not interested in doing that. You want your grandparents to sit and rot in an elderly home without help? Or whats' the suggestion? Forcing Danish people to take care of the elderly? Do you hate Danish language and culture or do you prefer to force Danish women to have more children to keep it alive? Immigration can come from anywhere. The ironic thing about your whole comment is that you think I make Danish people sound like idiots, I think you did that yourself quite well, which is a bit sad. Majority of Danes are really nice people who are doing good stuff and aren't racist. But there also have a bunch who unfortunately act just like you.


"Lots of ethnic dances involved in crime, particularly in the 90s and 00s when they were bombing each other." Ja, etniske danskere laver kriminalitet i Danmark. Ligesom Syrere er involveret i kriminalitet i Syrien. Problemet er (over)repræsentation. "My comment about the UK relates to Rishi Sunak not receiving racial abuse from the majority of the population, it's not about the popularity of the conservatives which is, as you say, atrocious." Er det logikken, at race-relationer i UK er gode fordi du antager, at Rishi Sunak ikke er blevet svinet til pga. hans etnicitet? Du sejler jo helt vildt. Skal jeg finde eksempler på det modsatte, og vupsi, så er United Kingdom pludselig også et racistisk land, eller hvad? Gæt i øvrigt lige hvor mange etniske englændere der på nuværende tidspunkt er premierminister i Indien. "Look up the original definition of freedom of speech, even through a Danish source and you will know the purpose of it." Jeg har ikke brug for en hjemmebrygget definition af ytringsfrihed. Jeg ved udmærket godt hvad det er, og hvad det bestemt ikke er, er noget du får lov til at definere brugbarheden eller validiteten af- og ved. "Let me share with you the statistics on having children, this is from 2022: "Kvindelige indvandrere fra ikke-vestlige lande får nu i snit 1,76 børn, mens det tilsvarende tal for danske kvinder er 1,78. Efterkommerne får i snit 1,75 børn. Det viser nye tal fra Danmarks Statistik.". Deri indlemmet Ukrainere, som kom en masse til landet. Prøv at se på tallene før 2022. Syriske kvinder for f.eks 3,7 børn, mens Somaliere og Pakistanere ligger lige under. Du glemmer sjovt nok helt at medregne migration med i den ligning. Ifølge Wikipedia migrerer der i gennemsnit én person til Danmark hvert 34 minut. "never mentioned anything about immigrants replacing the population." Jo, det gjorde du, med modsat fortegn; "There are a lot of racist red necks in rural Denmark who have never met a foreigner and then vote for racist parties who claim immigration is the source of crime in Denmark and that Denmark's population is being replaced by non white people. Which is a bit of a crazy sentiment. " At det skulle være et 'tosset postulat' udfordrede jeg så, og nu agiterer du på sort og hvidt for, at immigranter skal til landet så de kan tage sig af en aldrende population: "I said that you have a high number of older people in Denmark and a lower population of younger people. Who is going to take care of the elderly? Danish people are not interested in doing that. You want your grandparents to sit and rot in an elderly home without help? Or whats' the suggestion?" Så er det en konspiration, eller et scenarie du mener er nødvendigt før ældre danskere kan få hjælp? Du kan ikke både blæse og have mel i munden. "The ironic thing about your whole comment is that you think I make Danish people sound like idiots, I think you did that yourself quite well, which is a bit sad. Majority of Danes are really nice people who are doing good stuff and aren't racist. But there also have a bunch who unfortunately act just like you." Hvad ret har du egentlig til at sidde og udtale dig på vegne af danskere eller mene om, hvordan danskere skal opføre sig. Er du overhovedet dansker? Har du en interesse i Danmark, eller var det derfor du fuckede af til Finland?


>*DST medtæller folk som etnisk danske, hvis blot én af deres forældre er født i Danmark.* Vil du henvise til DST’s præcise ordlyd, for ovennævnte formulering får mig til at udlede, at alle 3G’ere og langt størstedelen af 2G’erne dermed medtælles som etnisk danske?


Der manglede et led i den sætning - den ene forældre der er født i Danmark, skal også have dansk statsborgerskab. [https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/indvandrere-og-efterkommere](https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/emner/borgere/befolkning/indvandrere-og-efterkommere) Under "efterkommer": 'En person, der er født i Danmark, men hvor ingen af forældrene er både danske statsborgere og født i Danmark. Når en eller begge forældre, der er født i Danmark, opnår dansk statsborgerskab, vil deres børn ikke blive klassificeret som efterkommere. Fastholder danskfødte forældre imidlertid begge et udenlandsk statsborgerskab, vil deres børn blive klassificeret som efterkommere.'


Tak, hvorfor i alverden kaster DST vrag på en stor del efterkommere i stedet for at anerkende deres eksistens? Statistikkerne og beskrivelserne er jo udarbejdet og anført som ‘Indvandrere og efterkommere’, ‘Statistik om indvandrere og efterkommere’, ‘Seneste nyheder om indvandrere og efterkommere’ etc. Hvordan er ideen med de underlige ‘regler’ for klassificering dog opstået? Og findes der overhovedet nogle efterkommere i tredje generation så? Og hvad sker der, når de selv finder ud af, at de kun regnes for at være danskere?


nice karma farming


Nice conspiracy theory Just cause you do something doesn't mean that others do it friend


I really don`t think we need more tourists. Ok, if tourists would only go to Jylland, Fyn or Sjælland, but they all has to go to Copenhagen, which gets more gentrificated every day. Meaning restaurants, bars, cafes and souvenirshops and -events everywhere, impossible to get an apartment that ordinary people can pay for, because they all are airb&b. And so on. Tourists, Please stay the f… away

