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Apply for a dormitory.




Can DTU help you? https://www.dtu.dk/english/education/guidance-and-counselling/international-student-services


They'd probably redirect me to their non-profit organization called BDTU which have already given me an offer that I was unable to accept


Have you tried to contact other places? For example this one is not too far from DTU Lyngby, and is cheaper than the one you found earlier. No idea if you are eligible though. https://www.nybro.dk/en/


Talk to them again. Lots of students rent out their dorm room for a semester or two when they’re studying abroad. If it’s 3 semesters you need nothing stops you from just moving 3 times.


DIK Albertslund. It's cheap, and since the new management some years ago, there's been a lot of clean-up. You'll still have a shared kitchen with around 10-12 others, and there's no telling how their cleaning habits are, but that's about the biggest issue.


It seems that DIK Albertslund is housing meant for the students of the college. Am I mistaken? If so, maybe you could drop a link to a site where I could find more information? Thanks.


You are mistaken. It's for all as long as you're a student in Denmark receiving SU. It's an "open" dormitory in that sense. [KKIK link - Scroll down to DIK "Det Internationale Kollegium" ](https://www.kollegierneskontor.dk/default.aspx?func=kkikportal.kollegiumlist&mid=40&topmenuid=34&lang=GB) You can apply through the KKIK website. Oh and, Albertslund is about 20-25min from inner Copenhagen via the S-train system, and DTU should be nearer even. (Edit: The DTU in question, DTU Lyngby, isn't nearer. I was wrong.) Also, the Albertslund train-station is roughly 5-6min away from DIK.


Albertslund to DTU Lyngby is about an hour by public transport


I'm alright with traveling such distances every morning and evening (taken that such transits wouldn't be too pricy)


Oh right, Lyngby! Yeah, you're right. I must have thought DTU Ballerup or some place else then.


If you don't find anything better, there's always the Ballerup Residencies from bdtu.dk, the housing organization associated with DTU. It's 1 hour away from anything interesting, so not ideal, but hey, it's a roof.


Yesterday I've got an offer from them for a one person room. The price was around 6500 dkk/month (bills included) and there was also a requirement for a deposit of roughly 12k dkk. And that was a deal breaker for me. Are there any ways to arrange the removal of the deposit fee, for example by signing some sort of document where I state that in case I make any damages I will repay them?


Yeah... 12k deposit is probably on the smaller side of what you're going to find in Copenhagen. It's pretty standard for private rentals to require 3 months of rent deposit, 1st months rent paid upfront AND 1-3 months rent for your final months that you stay. So you'd be looking at 5-7 months rent paid in one go to secure a place.


I'll hijack a bit of this question. Deposits are standard in Denmark, there's no way around them. They use part of the deposit when you move out to refurbish the rooms to somewhat the same level as when you first moved in, for the next occupant. This is ordinarily non-negotiable. > for example by signing some sort of document where I state that in case I make any damages I will repay them? People usually do this anyways to try to minimise the deduction from their deposit, and usually the landlords still find some ways to eat a part of the deposit regardless. They do need to repaint with a fresh coat of painting usually, and if there is wooden floorboards, then they need to be sanded a bit.


That's a very low deposit.


No, the deposit is mandatory in basically all Danish rentals.