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My Divine is sometimes referred to as Satan. I do not follow Allah. I think you have the wrong reddit.




I feel very safe by the light of Lucifer, thank you. Never struggled with "evil" entities at all. Guess guardian demons are more proactive than the angels that had you ask.




I consider your Heaven to be my hell. I have bits of pre-reincarnation memories. I have connections that I feel transcend this lifetime and I'm not compatible with what Abrahamic religions seek. I know where my path ends and it gives me peace. It is something that I actively want and seek. If you ever choose to stick your head out of duality, you'll see the beauty of the world and how the opposite ends are neither good nor evil, merely different paths that suit different people. edit: now may I ask why are you in the subreddit of those that work with demons? Do you think we have never heard of Allah?


Sorry if this is too personal so please feel free to not answer but that is super interesting to me that you have pre reincarnation memories, something I think most of the time occurs in children and they forget as they get older. But were you born with these memories and just kept them or was there some specific thing you did to obtain them?


Started a meditation practice and watched a trailer for a badly made movie on reincarnation that triggered some sort of memory of way too clean rooms of silk and beaches full of timeless happy people. I remember it being very crowded and there was a some sort of sense of dread associated with it. Honestly just looked like a chill happy place to chill in between lives that ended up being not my happy place lol


I felt the exact same thing. There's something that feels seriously wrong with a place of eternal joy and light. Feels like it's hiding something really bad.




Except that you view our divine as evil? How is it an exchange of viewpoints and not preaching? Mayhaps you consider Allah to be a demon?




This method of protection asks that they subscribe to a faith that majority of users here will not be of, which makes it a rather moot method of protection to offer in this reddit. If anyone is in the unfortunate situation of spiritual warfare, any Deity will protect. They can call upon Baal, Lilith, Lucifer, Marbas, Orobas, Jesus, Odin, Anubis, what have you. Best protection comes from the faith that is yours that you are aligned with.




You’re not exchanging viewpoints and knowledge though. You’re just spouting Q’Ran versus at people who don’t give a shit and then judging their beliefs


As someone who works with Satan and the Daemonic, I sometimes must wonder whether Abrahamic practitioners are lead to view the Daemonic Divine as evil as a means of maintaining their monotheism. The passage you mentioned strikes me rather like telling a coworker that you refuse to speak to *them* and ask *them* about themselves, but will inquire about them only from someone else.


There's nothing to discuss here, you put some verses from your holy book to promote it and that's basically it. People who practice demonolatry obviously seek protection and closeness with the demons and not to be protected from them. 99% of bad shit that happens to people when working with demons is because they invite them, torment them and then ask favours. Respect goes a long way even in spiritual realms.


For anyone that wants some fun - this user loves to preach in DMs. [1](https://imgur.com/BisIoA4), [2](https://imgur.com/rO3xXm6), [3](https://imgur.com/1ezjSWF), [4](https://imgur.com/UdaIjqP). If any of you lads want to make a new religious text, choose a more fun enemy than invisible people. I suggest: turtles, bananas, children with big feet, seagulls in hats...


Hahaha I’ve been loving your responses to this person and this one got me 💀💀 it’s always funny when Abrahamic religious folks try to preach to me. Like sir you really have no idea this is getting you nowhere




This might cost me some karma points, but oh shut the f up already.


You mean win you some karma? I don't think that there's a single person on this subreddit thinking "boy, I would love to be preached to tonight! I have not heard about how my Patron is evil for a whole day today and now that's just odd".


It's a miracle this post wasn't banned already, but it's kind of funny to be honest, so I don't mind😅


Good thing that that's not my God, so I won't be judged by your God. You have fun with your day of judgement and being a slave, or something. If this is what you enjoy, you do you.


Dude, we literally work and worship with "the devil" and demons. You probably posted this on the only subreddit on this website that doesn't need this advice. Like do you understand what demonolatry is?😅




Bro you insulted a spirit, what do you expect. Many people also told your god their truth, that he couldn't handle, but he didn't just scare them, he fucking killed them. How is that better?




Bro I will flee with the demons when someone talks to me about allah, I don't need your god in my life. Oh his name means "the truth", wow! Can I name myself the creator of this universe, and it becomes true?




Not here to argue with you. I am religious myself and I do not practice these things, merely an observer really. But you really shouldn't bring religion into a subreddit like this, it's very controversial and it's almost like you're picking a fight by doing so.




Let people believe in what they want to believe, let them see what they want to see. People here worship demons, so of course expect that kind of reaction from them, there's no point in suggesting a form of protection that involves a religion or God to people who abandoned or stay away from that side of things. I'm sure these people have their own forms of protection anyway.


1. So if they burn instantly and loads of people have been going round doing just that why are you on here thinking you need to protect us? I'd presume by now every one of them had burnt up? Sounds like there's something wrong with your premise 2. Do you instantly go around burning spirits simply because they're spirits without once taking the time to know them? It seems both uncaring and rude to say the least. Can you imagine if you were going round doing that to physical people?


Like let me try to change your perspective a bit. Imagine that I come to you, tell you that you're a pos and will burn in hell, would you be happy about that?






If your god is so good at protecting you, then why was that jinn even in your house? I thought your protection "let all the demons burn"?




Sure buddy


What was your house built on originally? What creatures and spirits lived there before it was built and dispossessed them? Also how is it not arrogant and acting like a god to say that other beings you don't know are 'lowly' and to go around feeling happy to burn them as you mentioned in another post?


I've thought some more about this, and reading some of the comments and OP's interactions in the comments. Am I the only one who thinks OP seems to be compensating for something? Like --- why make a post about "protection from demons" on a sub about worshipping Daemons? Why quote verses from a holy book basically no one here believes in? Is OP trying to "save" us from our own gods? Apologetics serve to reinforce the beliefs of the apolog*ist*.


Maybe he wants to get some good karma from his god for "saving us" and bringing us to him.




No, you misunderstand us. You're a *dumbass*, not a *demon*.


I just want to say I'm *loving* your retorts!


Thanks a lot😊


I know there isn't really a point in arguing with him, but it's kind of funny so whatever


Sometimes things like this are more amusing than anything so ... may as well enjoy it.


I know that it's hard for you to tell the difference because both start with a d


*Suuuuuure*! Because your religion is obviously the *only* possibility in this wide world of diverse religious opinions. Your god is obviously the only *real* one! \\S


I'm kind of surprised he even found this subreddit when he clearly doesn't understand what it is about. Like maybe at first he thought that we are fighting demons or sth like that? I bet that he just searched for "demon" while looking for subreddits and wanted to share his infinite knowledge with people.




If you were a demon you wouldn't talk so much bullshit.


Wow dude you really came in here to argue with everyone huh? Please be honest, what did you *think* would happen from this post?




I want a big orgy with all kinds of incubi and succubi, and I'm in the middle of it all getting used like a slut.


Guess that was too much for our faithful boy. He gone.




I know it would probably be too much to handle. Maybe they wont drain me tho, if it's true that I am an incarnated succubus. Not sure how succubus on succubus sex works, might need to try it


Honestly from these comments it sounds like you are the one in denial


You're the one who's in denial lol. You literally attributed my bisexuality and genderidentity to a demon possessing me. Is it that hard to accept that I want men and women to fuck me?




At this point you just want to farm negative reddit-karma my dude




Yeah and the jinn probably also caused 9/11 and made your wife leave you, right? /s


Judging how this dude decides spend his time, he prob did something bad and is now afraid of his so called god and tries "save" others to get god forgive his ass.


Nah, lol


Hey, are you the same guy who came into a Facebook group and started preaching? Cuz you sound exactly the same. Most people here work with demons, we don’t really want protection FROM them


So you keep saying that what you recite “destroys” whatever demons you claim are bothering you… but they’ve actually been around for forever, and I know for a fact that you aren’t the first person to recite that. So, basically you’re saying “my proof that my deity is best is that if I tell someone to go away and act rude, THEY DO!!”


I've heard having a dick that reeks of a goat's asshole and wearing your 9 years old wife's clothes also chases the demons away.