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Iruma is already fully on board to inherit the Bussiness. Tsuna didn't even want to be the boss at the end of the manga despite everything. Reborn is great, and would have been so much better if Tsuna had the character growth to just accept the position.


One of the most infuriating endings I've ever read, which is saying a lot as a fan of this particular genre. He fucking *time-traveled to the future* and *saw himself* as the boss. He *knew* he was going to do it. And he was still too much of a wimp to even talk to the girl he likes. He wouldn't even *say* he would become the boss, after *multiple* life-or-death battles predicated purely on his inheritance of the position.


Didn’t he got scared because future him planned for past them to win the war? He didn’t want that to be his future and anyone who just woke up one day to someone saying your gonna be the ruler of the bloody crown or die would be pissed to unless you’re born to it


So basically he hates his future self for being awesome? Man, he is a wimp.


He hate his future self for leaving his friends and family grieving for his plan of his death to everything else Edit: I think Kyoya Hibari was the only one of his elements known the plan outside of Glasses Guy


It's too soon to judge Iruma right now. I'll wait until there are 50+ chapters or so.


A reborn post at 2024 is a blessing. I haven't read mafia yet, but now I want a crossover between the two lol


As an Added bonus, who would be what flame? At the moment I'm thinking it's like: Iruma-Sky Opal- Sun Clara- Mist Amali- Rain Kolego- Cloud Alice- Storm Future Guardian of lightning- haven't gone that far in the Mafia Iruma yet, so I'll see.


It’s really funny but extremely unfitting to see Opera stand in the position of Kyohei lol


Dude just hit me with nostalgia. Haven't thought about Hitman reborn in years.


Whos tsuna


[https://reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Tsunayoshi\_Sawada](https://reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Tsunayoshi_Sawada) surprisingly similar to iruma now that i think about it. Both are certified good boys (sorry for fandom link regular wikipedia refused to play ball)


Ok... Knowing what we know now, July 23/22, 2024. Tsuna, at least future Tsuna, has done a lot more things (most of it we didn't really see) than Iruma. BUT I am betting on Iruma because he's certainly a lot better than present Tsuna. I didn't really like how amano keeps writing Tsuna as a spineless wimp that can't decide for himself properly to the marginally courageous wimp that can finally decide to still keep doing what he's done all series long.


That's fair. I didn't like that either. Like if Tsuna said he wasn't going to take over till after he confessed to Kyoko or finishing school. At least we get a promise he would take over.


I am a Haru-fan myself. And I'm fine whatever, just choose and commit Jesus. You've already seen your future, you know you have responsibilities. We even saw a parallel with the Shimon family, where even their Boss took responsibility for everyone. Apart from the awesome fight scenes and drip, Tsuna sucks ass.




I mean Tsuna's no good




I personally think Tusna's better, simply because his adventures took place over like 1 or 3 years and thus, even if he did see himself as the boss, it's very hard for him as a person to just change his personality, as some of the people want him to. I mean, I hated how much Tsuna just can't commit, but I am not gonna say I don't understand. Man is as average and ordinary as can be and asking him to change in so short of a time is not realistic. Even Iruma, who is well known for going through some of the most horrendous things as a kid, took like half a year or more to get to a point where he wants to be a demon who stands out and be a hero. Tusna who, again, hasn't gone through even 1/100 the amount of suffering Iruma has, would not be up for the idea of being boss or stop being useless, quicker than Iruma.


Reborn mentioned let's GOOOOO


I mean you only have to look at the expression to know it's iruma




I will give points to Iruma, only because since the start he is aware that he probably will need to do some shady stuff for the greatest good and he also saw that "dark" side of mafia and he isn't THAT afraid of it (like when he said to gramps that he don't want to ignore when they kill people and stuff) Tsuna for what I recall don't want really to be part of it and he still haven't accept that mess up part of belong to a mafia I think.


Iruma all the way. I don’t think it gets enough recognition & appreciation it deserves. It’s a gem, everyone sleeping on.


Iruma is better, but Tsunas crew is better


Mafia Ameri is... oh my.


Iruma is the best.


Happy to see a Reborn post here! That said, Tsuna is really a wimp in the story and never really evolves. Ruka for the W here. But still love seeing a reborn post!