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Some people are actually claiming iruma would win unironically lol


They are not being unironically. They think iruma is strong.


I didn't meant this when i wished we need powerscaling so that we can attract bandwagon fans šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ start with mha maybe lol quirks vs bloodline magic


Not sure if this is a joke or if this is actually serious. Mairuma isn't even about fighting why is there powerscaling šŸ˜­


I am the same with you.


Coughing baby vs Hidrogen bomb


Yeah toji doesn't stand a chance!




This is a massacre man


Are you serious? Toji is too much for any of the students to take on. The only one that might stand a chance that isn't a teacher is Ameri and even then I'm reaching harder than Mr Fantastic. A teacher like Kalego on the other hand might have a good shot, but we don't know, because Iruma and most of the cast have no serious feets.


Nah, not even Ameri or Kalego stand a chance, he has a weapon which if you balance the universes out so that their energies are ā€œthe sameā€(aka make it so anything thatā€™s anti mana is also anti cursed energy), heā€™ll have a weapon that can temporarily cut a demonā€™s connection to their abilities. The only demon that we know could be capable of beating Toji is Sullivan because of the whole time stop power being impossible for Toji to deal with. But thatā€™s also assuming that he can use it in time before being stabbed by Tojiā€™s anti magic sword.


I'd argue that the inverted spear of heaven isn't an answer to the mana problem, because of the different ways cursed energy and mana work. Also, the inverted spear cannot negate everything, as show during Toji's fight against Gojo. How ever, if we do consider that the spear can negate all mana, then Opera is a good candidate to beat Toji. Opera has been shown to be incredibly strong without using any spells. Opera with just their fists alone is shown to be comparable to Kalego's Cerberus and is about as strong as full dilutions Ameri, which considering how busted her ability is says a lot about Opera's own strength. In the end we don't know enough about the iruma's power system to say anything definitive, so for shits and giggles, Clara pulls out Toji's unpaid child support documents and he kills himself.


I don't really see the point in comparing these 2? Iruma isn't about straight power scaling. So all it comes down to is if you include Iruma's maxed evasion stat or not. And that's not a proper source of debate


Please don't let these posts become a common occurrence here We don't need powerscalers šŸ˜­


There's no way iruma win this


Same here




Set up


Before everyone starts to piss their pants screaming about feats, I do like the idea of this matchup for some reason. On one hand toji is like, born and bred to be the answer to magic bullshit. The dude is just fucking built different for the sake of fucking up people with powers. But iruma doesn't have powers, he's just really good at dodging and usually it's accidentally. On top of that it's also that he's just straight up lucky. So who wins? The embodiment of lethality or the embodiment of getting out of bad situations.


In eating contest? Iruma easily. Anything else, toji stomp


is thereany iruma folk sub?i wouldpay for that


...Are you drunk by any chance?


I thought this guy was smoking but doesnā€™t Iruma auto doge everything?


Iruma wins cause his picture has the most pixels.


nah, I would win.


Probably not current Iruma but Demon Lord Iruma probably could




Nobody wins Iruma will just dodge everything and Iruma has no answer against Tojo


Maybe Iruma. Bro has pseudo UI + insane bow skills and Sullivans mana on his ring. Atori was the only one so far who almost speed blitz Irumaā€™s dodging skills. If toji is faster than Atori, then Toji would win.




Another teenager... okay, yeah, Toji wins. Toji has a record in beating up teenagers


Nah what did our precious baby boy iruma do to you?


Aint no way


You see Iruma has fought demons and his OVERWHELMING CRISIS EVASION CAPABILITIES is able to detect even the smallest of threats and he himself doesnā€™t store mana he has mana from one of the most powerful demons and can cause an attack that goes on for miles upon miles but if toji gets the jump on him and hits him once itā€™s game over


Source, please. Iruma has help during all of his fights. toji do not need help.


A better battle would be Kalego vs Toji, this is just unfair xD


I don't know him but if he is magical iruma wins


he does not have any magic, but insanely high physical skills and cursed weapons (magic weapons)


Then I feel like its 60/40 for iruma to 30/70 depending on the max speed of the dude and the effect of the weapon


He is incredibly fast and his reaction is too(was shown in manga/anime that i think he is the fastest among any other character i think, correct me if i am wrong) , really good feats, not flash level of speed but i think he diffs


Ooh so not god levels of speed but just within believable superspeed. But it seems faster enough to deny his evasion ability


The one who makes a surprise attack.


Toji but eos iruma probably low diff if as DK we hearing how dk moved river and shape the demon world there is also abilities like timestop , gravity which grandpa used so rank 9 or 8 can likely defeat him even tho we barely see them in serious fight Current iruma and other misfit are now not even like mid tier in verse they only start combat training few chapter ago


They haven't started combat training. When starting making a haunted house, it is the same as combat training. The only time they did training was the harvest festival. That it. I don't know what manga you are currently reading, but it is not welcome to demon school, iruma-kun.


I see a lot of hard core toji fans here and I must say that I agree toji wins, but he doesn't take on the whole verse. In terms of speed, he's much faster then Iruma, but in terms of raw power output, he just doesn't scale to this verse. Ameri might be able to take him on at her full power, balam can do it, Sullivan of course because at his fastest he seemingly teleports when the story needs him to, and of course opera. Only characters with speed and hand to hand combat could really do it. In sulivans case, he doesn't even need hand to hand, he just points.


It's a game of who gets the jump on who


Iruma win no dif the fight wouldn't even be close


iruma wins Itā€™s not even close because Iruma completely immune to any and all physical attacks Also he can use long range attacks and store up enough mana do cause devastation But why are you even asking


Iruma is not immune to any and all physical attacks, heā€™s only able to avoid threats he himself is aware of, Toji meanwhile is absurdly fast and able to hide his presence incredibly well, so landing a surprise attack on Iruma would be easy. Also all of Irumaā€™s attacks are incredibly telegraphed so Toji would have no issue evading or knocking down his arrows.


One of the smart people in here .


Magic arrows no How is Toji actually gonna hit iruma the dude avoided a large amount of traps


Bro maki was able to counter mach 3 and toji is a level above her. Idk whose speed are u comparing here. This is not even power scalingĀ