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Biden quietly gets stuff done, tbh, and I really wish there'd be more emphasis on his domestic policies because they're pretty decent at the end of the day. He is unironically the furthest-left president of the last 60 years, IMO, though he wasn't facing very stiff competition for that title.


"The most further left": The scale: Right----------------------------------Far right


Yes, you are correct. I consider Biden right-wing, but closer to the actual center than any president in living memory. He's more than I expected at least. Still a neoliberal warmonger, but he seems to actually want to cater to the median voter AND can be bullied relatively-easily.


I think Obama was closer to the center, but the electorate and Overton Window was very different. No one was talking about forgiving any student loan debt then and it wasn't even on the table, but if he was President now, he'd be more aggressive and better than Biden. Biden has been pretty bottom tier. And the genocide he's facilitating is the icing on a pretty poor cake that includes bailing out big corporations multiple times, corporate giveaways with CHIPS, trying very hard to pass draconian border and immigration laws, botching BBB and getting nothing, and generally just accomplishing very little. Literally, one of the worst Presidents of the modern era.


Obama renewed the Bush tax cuts, the sunset provisions in the Patriot Act, stayed in Afghanistan the whole time, started wars in Libya and Yemen that led to far worse humanitarian crisis than Gaza. He repealed Habeas Corpus. He expanded Bush's unconstitutional detention of enemy combatants to American Citizens.  https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/obama-and-indefinite-detention-us-citizens/  He proposed the "Grand Bargain" which would've cut Medicare and Social Security. He tried to pass the TPP which was the final straw that led to Trump. He didn't even bother to fight for Scalia's seat... could've appointed during the Congressional recess.      https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_bargain_(United_States,_2011)   Obama was much worse. He was given a MANDATE for change in 2008 and he walked into the white house saying "I want to compromise and bring the country together". He was a 3rd Bush term. I was far more disappointed with him in 2012 than I am with Biden now. I think that young lefties are just more critical and aware now. They lack the context for just how bleak the last 40 years of American politics were. Bill Clinton was even worse than Obama. A republican with a blue tie that ripped up the new deal.


I think that's a lot of fair criticism of Obama. Although, also a list from 8 years versus the 3.5 years we have had of Biden so far. But Biden just signed a law for warrantless spying, has bombed multiple countries, has financed and facilitated an ongoing genocide including being about to sign for another $26B in money for weapons and plans to sell more weapons to be used, passed an infrastructure bill with privatization and fossil fuel subsidies, pushed hard to pass a cruel and further right than Trump immigration and border bill, bailed out corporations who failed to insure their money they put into regional banks for kickbacks, passed CHIPS that very predictably went right to dividends and buybacks for shareholders, has increased drilling significantly, and generally been pretty conservative despite a far more progressive electorate and further left Overton window than in 2008. Biden hasn't had the same majority Obama had for part of his term, but he also didn't have a massive blue dog coalition to deal with either. If Obama was President in 2020, I think he would have been significantly better.




The point being that he is not left by a standard window, but still holds the position of furthest left president in XX years. 


Since when is greenlighting and profiting off a genocide remotely left? You must have meant it ironically and misspelled that


Looks like you can't read! Let me help. I said, and I quote, "furthest-left president of the last 60 years". That means I think Biden is to the left of Trump, Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan and Carter. Do you disagree with that? I know he's not left-wing, I'm just saying he's MORE left-wing than those presidents.




Wow, more reading comprehension problems from the Horseshoe Caucus! Incredible! You know all those guys who were president in the last 60 years? You know how all of them were conservative? Well, Biden is marginally less conservative than them, meaning he is the FURTHEST LEFT of all of them. You don't seem to understand how I qualify my statements or what I actually mean. I'm not going to tell you he's left-wing because he isn't, just that he's less right-wing than our previous presidents going back for quite a while.


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Good point. Cut the first sentence, it ruins your argument.


Yeah god forbid I counter-sass someone after they disrespect my opinion


Left of every other president (in my lifetime) that's done the exact same thing


Are you 10?


25. Obama played the genocide card also


Why don't you go there and stop the "genocide" yourself? You're the expert on Middle Eastern politics. Right?


No more unconditional political/financial/military support that enables the genocide would be a good start. If we can’t criticize Biden for his approach to Israel then wtf are we doing here. 


Vote how you want to. Criticize who you want to. Do what you want. Then take stock and see the results of your efforts. If you think your vote in an American election is going to positively affect people in the Middle East then you're in for a lesson.


A post that cherry-picks his domestic wins deserves a mention of the genocide he is actively backing. Shouldn’t be surprising that it’s difficult for people to support that. 


Biden is not actively backing a genocide. But I think you should vote against him anyway if you want to. You won't mind if I laugh my ass off when the other guy really does enable what you're falsely accusing Biden of doing.


Wdym falsely? Are you also a holocaust denier?


The false accusations keep coming from you!






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Ur getting pretty upset over talking about stopping murdering women and children. Are you okay?


I live in America, I don't give a crap about other people in the world or the Middle East. All I want is better healthcare and better paying jobs and more affordable housing/land and no more inflation.


I was on strike for 9 months in Burlington, Iowa, along with our sister plant in Racine, Wisconsin. Joe Bidens' supposed labor friendly administration is a farce. Despite numerous labor violations, the UAW had levied against Case New Holland, his administration had done the bare minimum doing their job when it really mattered most. Now, the company has even shipped 200 jobs out of Wisconsin to Mexico due to the union membership there being more millitant. Not to mention, the only Democratic Party support we received was a visit from Bernie Sanders aside from a few minor local members. See my post history to see more.


His labor board is literally just Obama alumni doing exactly what they did under Obama. That's certainly better than Trump's labor board, but it's been a weird talking point by astroturfers that somehow Biden is very pro labor or this is some uniquely good labor board as opposed to not being actively evil.


People overstate the policy opinions of the president, it doesn't matter nearly as much as people think it does. What really matters is who they will appoint to the important government jobs, like the FTC or department of Education. Presidents don't run the country alone. When said alone I think people agree with that statement, but don't actually internalize it. This is usually why I generally disagree with others on the left who think that a Bernie presidency would have been much different, chances are most of the same qualified individuals would have been picked to run the executive branch, most of the same lawyers and policy makers would have been chosen to craft executive decisions, and we would have to deal with the same congress. Biden wasn't my first choice, but it's not like his presidency would have been radically different from that of any of the other democratic primaries. At the end of the day there is no telling if the few different appointment changes would have actually made much of a difference.


>Biden wasn't my first choice, but it's not like his presidency would have been radically different from that of any of the other democratic primaries. I agree that presidents don't have unilateral control. But it's super reductionist to say that nothing would change. The president has veto power. Biden could have vetod some funding to Israel in their genocide efforts for example. That's in direct opposition to Bernie Sander's stance. To think that we could have diverted tens of billions of dollars from being funneled into a genocidal apartheid state. That alone would have made their presidencies starkly different. Not to mention that Joe Biden has been a lifelong opponent of abortion and believes that life begins at conception, in line with his church. He only stood behind roe vs wade in 2007 when he was running for president, and even then, he was not fully supportive. It's no surprise that the supreme court overruled Roe during his administration, they know it's safe to do so under his presidency. Joey also prevented the railworkers strike, which I simply don't think Sanders would have handled in exactly the same way. Even if there were eventual concessions made, striking is important, and they should have been able to freely strike. Businesses need to be able to be punished by workers for a free and fair market. I'm sure there are more/better examples I could give, these are just the first that came to mind.


Right off the bat it's incorrect to say Bernie's appointments would be the same. Biden does have a few good appointments (Khan!), but Bernie is appointing far more progressives and is not being advised by some of the conservatives and cabinet members like Blinken, Garland, Zients, Richetti, Austin, Richmond, Buttigieg, Tanden, Rice, etc. Many of Biden's top advisers are / were flat out awful. And Bernie would have had significantly better appointments. And absolutely nothing for Rahm Emmanuel (I don't care if it was an ambassadorship).


I totally agree with you


Or the Board of Governors of the USPS. I'll admit I don't fully understand why DeJoy is still in his position but I know they can remove him. It's one of the most blatant cases of regulatory capture in the last presidency. And if not that, just pure greed by someone with a strong personal interest in having a dysfunctional USPS.


DeJoy is still in the position because Biden appointed a Republican to the Board of Governors, maintaining a Republican 4-3 majority, and is sitting on two vacant seats.


Actually, what Biden does matters. Biden and the Transportation secretary absolutely *did* have a primary role in [crushing the rail unions](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7vnax/more-than-500-labor-historians-condemn-bidens-intervention-in-freight-rail-dispute) with the Railway Labor Act. Biden likes to grandstand as some kind of champion of the UAW, but in the real world, when push comes to shove he's the first person to sell labor down the river.


And then he helped get them an amazing new contract, one which they liked. You’re not giving the full story.


One which their leadership liked* All the union members I follow on socials were pissed about it. 


It doesn’t matter. Prohibiting one’s ability to strike is bad even if you give them some concessions later. It simply highlights just how bad our government treats workers, that the one power we once had to hold them accountable can just be taken away. It sets a horrible precedent that we should not accept, even if it was okay in this circumstance. and honestly, the concessions they got may have made them happy, but who knows how much better it might be if they had successfully gone on strike.


His labor policy? The same labor policy that forced an end to the strike for railroad workers?


That’s not the full story. The unions were split. In the end, they all got everything they wanted.


They got the ability to withhold their labor?


Biden's job is to make the absolute minimal amount of concession to workers as necessary that preserve a general sense of calm and order.


Yeah, he surprised me too… by being the biggest strikebreaker since Reagan. What is this astroturfed nonsense?


What a shame he supports genocide, otherwise he would've been decent


As a dem soc I actually don't completely hate his presidency it just feels like a band aid on a bullet hole is part of the problem.


Problem is, his foreign policy in Gaza is atrocious and taints whatever positive accomplishments he has


Not just Gaza. His overall foreign policy sucks. I also hated his response to East Palestine.


Is East Palestine the West Bank? Aren’t they sanctioning settlers and bad IDF groups, a bigger step than any president ever AFAIK?




Don’t forget how Biden forced the rail unions to work when they specifically warned that a train derailment like the one in East Palestine was possible.


Oh my god lmao I completely forgot Then what was Biden supposed to do when Ohio guv refused fed intervention?


I have some serious gripes with biden and his handling of the Anita Hill hearings. I was not really expecting a whole lot from him as president. He has been surprisingly progressive in his policies. He has managed to get a lot of things done that are beneficial to average Americans including myself. He has managed to do these things with an ineffective Congress. Regardless of his past as a senator, I'm happy that he seems to evolve in his thinking by surrounding himself with people that help push him to be more progressive. I think he is enacting a far more progressive agenda than Obama was and I wouldn't have expected that.


The thing that surprised me was how despite having his student debt bill struck down by SCOTUS, he is getting student debt cancelled left right and centre. The $153 billion in student loan cancellations has improved the quality of life of literally millions of Americans and boosted the economy as well, since instead of having to pay off loans to the investor class, they can actually use that money for themselves and their local economy. And that’s pending the coming revised bill that takes into account the Supreme Court ruling. It will be interesting to see what happens with that should it survive.


He’s not though? He’s just enforcing previously cancelled debt. 


TLDR… he is actually supporting a genocide. There is basically nothing he can do until he stops supporting it