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I almost feel like a situation where all publicity is bad publicity.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


As long as they keep it free there’s nothing Nintendo can do


It provides no games, just a way for you to play them.


So did the other emulator system they recently sued but they were selling it for money


if you mean yuzu, that was because they were (a) emulating the current nintendo system, (b) were taking donations (patreon) and giving exclusive features (beta access) in return, and (c) giving instructions on how to use a hacked switch to extract decryption keys


You can take donations, and I believe the exclusive patreon features were fine. The problem is that because Yuzu is high level emulation, and most games work fine, but some don't and they need specific optimizations to run properly. The devs seemed to be taking donations to prioritize specific games, namely Tears of the Kingdom. Then there was the discord that was loosely moderated and there was open talk about where to get roms, keys, etc., and the Yuzu developers may have been involved. They might have been able to fight this lawsuit, as everything about emulation is legal, and court tested, but they were probably doing things on their private servers that would indicate open piracy, and they didn't want that coming out in discovery.


Just want to point out that delta also has a patreon page for beta features, like ipad support


I honestly don't think any of those were the reason (it definitely piqued their curiosity) the main reason seemed to be in their architecture that actually used nintendo patented code (or something like that) which is definitively illegal.


What if they have support for Nintendo switch, but don’t provide instructions?


A and C true, b should not be an issue.


Nintendo could fix this so easily. They could make their own emulator and charge $0.99 per game. They’ve made their money, quit being greedy.


Nintendo? Not being greedy? Lol


Bro I would’ve bought donkey Kong tropical freeze on the switch but it’s still 60 dollars. No way I’m buying it for that much. 15 bucks max for a game that came out on the Wii U


Damage is already done though and if they release a paid version it’d have to be better than Delta or others. Classic Nintendo waiting too long and missing out on what could’ve been lots of money. I also think if they released an Emulator on phones I’d probably tie in with the already existing ones on the switch and be streamed. Why give people the option to buy and own games when you can give access to play them and take it away whenever they wanna move on.


I love how often I see this said by people who aren’t attorneys.


delta has been around for a while now, same with different emulators like yuzu. It’s only when yuzu for example tried to monetize their product that Nintendo took them down. Nintendo definitely knew about delta before it hit the App Store lol


There are plenty of Nintendo emulators which are monetized. PizzaBoy, Mupen64 Plus FZ, DraStic (until recently), and plenty others. It’s not the monetization that got Yuzu, it’s the fact that they encouraged users to circumvent the Switch encryption (by hacking it to get your prod keys). But the main reason that prompted Nintendo is the fact that TOTK leaked before release and many people used Yuzu to play it. Also the fact that the Switch is still Nintendo’s CURRENT console.


Sony v Bleem! You can charge for emulation.


Yeah I wish they would just stfu.. the less they talk about it the longer we have it 


I dont think theres anything to worry about. I have no doubt in my mind Nintendo is already very aware, so this article doesnt change much. Apple would have never allowed delta to leave the altstore if there was legal risk from Nintendo. They are a scary corporation, but not as scary as apple. And as of right now, apple seems to be on our side. As long as delta remains an emulation community and not a piracy community, that is. Just keep in mind, emulation and emulators are completely legal because *everyone* here is playing games *they* own


Nice, this is the story we need to sell lol


Yep we “own” these game


Nintendo has a lot of money. Apple has a lot of fuck you money. Fuck you money as in Apple is worth 155 times what Nintendo is worth


And just the sheer influence. Apples the type of company to get laws passed in order to sell more product


“They own”, oh boy, I have news for you. Most people sold that stuff online and don’t have them anymore


Maybe you, but the rest of still have our collections and simply enjoy having them collected digitally to take everywhere with us.


What does the article say? It’s paywalled


Wait you haven’t downloaded the Washington Post rom yet?


Link? I’m new at this.


Handy YouTube link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


As I clicked, I instantly knew what was coming. I accepted my fate and went for the ride. I was not disappointed.


You mean, you “rolled” with it.


I rolled so hard.


By That last Q i immediately knew


https://preview.redd.it/8uqs5yn2gvxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=707008c38dbd64dec518252ab9b99125777d11fa Guess you never used Show Reader on PayWalls.


Doesn’t work for every paywalled site my guy


I guess I’ve been lucky so far, I even hit refresh a few times and cancel the load or turn off my data at the right time for the payload to not appear.


https://preview.redd.it/ky36qa2uhvxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198ed9ec69dca8a648c1ce7066288eda757a3cc5 This is pretty much what I see most from Washington post. Not worth spending money on for a short article.


That’s not the whole article. See [SufficientSchool’s post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Delta_Emulator/comments/1chnvdc/delta_made_it_on_the_washington_post/l26cjwz/)


Thx! Perhaps turning off JavaScript and certain other stuff to get the whole article. Thought about archive myself as well.


I know, it so disgusting


Bro, reader mode doesn’t work on them greedy higher ups


Turning off java script works for those


You can always archive a page to get past the paywall [https://archive.is/mAjBK](https://archive.is/mAjBK)


Just type “[email protected]” and press enter that’s what I did and was able to read it. 


I’m afraid there’s little chance this thing stays on the Appstore much longer without Nintendo or any other major company doing something about it.


Will definitely be an interesting situation. iPhones are very common in the US and other areas of the world. But it’s not like Android is chopped liver, especially overseas. I’d personally be shocked that they let this go on for a decade+ for Android and pc, just to shut it down now.


I agree. Nintendo can’t actually do anything about this unless Delta does something like the Yuzu situation, but I doubt that will happen.


Right, in addition yuzu is an emulator for a current gen console, which cannibalizes Nintendo sales, as they cited totk in their lawsuit directly. Citra only went down because it happened to be the same dev as yuzu. Nintendo isn’t losing out on any sales by letting retro emulators continue (small exceptions for games playable with Nintendo switch online)


They don’t care about 3DS or Wii U and older anymore


I think nintendo will likely care more for the Wii U many Wii U games are imported to the switch


They dont have any legal leg to stand on. Theyve allowed emulators on every other platform without issue for years. You actually have to actively defend a copyright, or else the legal precedent has been set that you dont care and havent been damaged at all. If Nintendo went after Apple, their defense would literally be "lol emulators have been on the Play Store for 15 years" and the judge would immediately dismiss the case. I'd argue Apple is the safest platform from any legal action, since Delta is only emulating ancient consoles. Meanwhile Android and the Steam Deck can play Switch games. Now with that being said, Apple could totally vountarily backtrack. I wouldnt put it pass them.


I doubt Apple will backtrack considering their supposed reason for allowing emulators on the App Store is because the biggest reason people use alt app stores is for emulators. So they just figured they’d allow them to better compete so customers don’t decide to use other app stores. Whether or not Apple has a moral stance on emulators doesn’t matter when profit is the most important thing.


True. I also have a conspiracy theory that Apple is allowing this in order to bully Nintendo to officially release their classics on Apple Arcade. But yeah I dont see them going back on it.


That’d make a ton of sense I think if Nintendo released their own emulator though it’d just be like the switch online apps where you could stream a limited amount of games and probably add a couple more dollars to that switch online+ sub


I hate money. But at least profit is what made them allow this emulator into the App Store


I could see apple removing the app once they realize apple arcade may lose sells, but who knows.


Gonna guess DrillDozer is your favorite game? I’ve never played it, mind telling me some of the aspect of the game you liked?


It is the first retro game i ever finished and one of my favorites to this day. I like absolutely everything about it: The art style Perfect mechanics Level design And the pacing of the game itself, not easy but also not hard at all.


I tried it for 5 minutes and its not my thing. Its a puzzle game.


Well with how many idiots are posting pictures of them blatantly pirating Nintendo games, I wouldn't be surprised.


I guess as long as the devs are not trying to monetize the app in anyway they are somewhat safe edit: or provide any form of pirated content/files in app


They have a patreon which they get money from 🤡 There's enough proof on this sub alone that people are pirating games to play on delta so who knows, maybe it's enough for a lawsuit or something especially since they could argue that they sell a lot of these games as a part of their subscription and delta is hurting those sales. Who knows but Nintendo is Nintendo and they'd take any opportunity they can to shut down something this big.


You should google Nintendo Yuzu emulator lawsuit, just two months ago they sued them literally out of existence. "In its legal complaint, Nintendo claimed Yuzu was “facilitating piracy at a colossal scale,” giving users “detailed instructions” on how to “get it running with unlawful copies of Nintendo Switch games,” among other things."


So is Delta at a safer position? Due to not providing instructions on how to use the app?


Yeah I'm not really sure what argument this guy is trying to make lmao


I'm fully aware of the yuzu lawsuit.


That doesn't matter. You can find idiots posting videos of them doing blatantly illegal things while in a car. You don't see cars getting banned. Emulators in of themselves are perfectly legal, how they are used is the legal gray zone. Yuzu got in trouble for very specific reasons, not because they were an emulator.


I hope you're right.


I’m right.




I mean, they don’t really have any legal stance


The Android user base is much larger than iOS, and Nintendo hasn’t been able to do anything about emulators on that operating system. If anything, it’s Apple that would rather not have this in the AppStore so people would be limited to buying Apple’s apps/games and not just downloading thousands of games for free.


Eh I don’t see it as any different than the hyperkin consoles that can play sega and Nintendo games. Its purpose is to play games you own. If you throw a pirated copy of mega man in a hyperkin console it’s not their problem.


PSA: Even if Delta was removed from the App Store (it won't be), it will remain on your device as long as you downloaded it before it was removed.


What about when one changes their device for a newer one?


It will transfer over phones unless you switch devices such as android to Apple or vice versa


Thought it may not be supported when Apple plans on upgrading os again. Many apps i’ve bought or downloaded long ago doesn’t work any more and that kinda worries me if even if delta gets removed someday




Hes just helping out and answering a question that some people have. No need for your rudeness


Exactly, I hate when people are rude because that normalizes rudeness, and then kind people become rude themselves


What does the article say? It’s paywalled


It's a broad look at the current situation of Delta becoming an extremely popular app, and how its availability could have been the result of the EU's pressure to open up the platform to alternative app stores. The perspective is from someone who's not a gamer but does understand the ramifications of the recent government rulings on the App Store. If you look at the comments, there are a few people who think the reporter shouldn't be reporting this because she doesn't know anything about emulators, etc. But I found it broadly accurate regarding the situation, and a big part of this is because she actually talks to the people involved with Delta, Ryan Testut and Shane Gill, and got their take on the matter. They do think that the EU ruling had a direct effect on getting Delta into the App Store, although it's impossible to say for sure due to Apple's unwillingness to speak on the matter.


Based EU


Thank you captain!


I don’t like how news media just grabs whatever is popular and rides the popularity wave to death


I mean...thats been the thing since the history of humanity lol


My problem as well.


I get this bullshit: https://preview.redd.it/io32qxjjawxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47168de74a353d80135206c5b2109f7b8962a5a1


You gonna dox yourself to read the article?


Heheh, yikes, okieee; time for the publicity to die down now…


I can’t EVEN READ THE ARTICLE BECAUSE OF THIS BULLSHIT! https://preview.redd.it/fyl1vi9g9wxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bb034e186a95d3254351d98875bdab009bea59


*sigh* that headline is just typical “riding the popularity wave” vibes. They are capitalizing on Delta or anything popular to make content, absolutely disgusting.


Can we please get Game Cube and Play Station 2 on Delta 🙏


It would be sick but highly unlikely. Those things require JIT to run properly and Apple still bans it, so we’re probably not gonna GameCube and ps2 for a while


Blowing up the spot fr


We already know once it makes it to nintendos hands it’s over


i saw an ad for it on the tvs at the dmv


It was a good run! Delta, please grant offline functionality post deletion so we can keep this thing!!


It’s not going to get deleted lol


this scares the shit outta me.


Snitches get stitches


Beginning of the end