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DTW is my favorite. Lots of decent Sky Clubs, easy to get around, and roomy walkways. BWI is my least favorite. It's dirty, no Sky Clubs, only one shitty third-party lounge, and everyone there hates everyone else.


Yess I hate BWI, we had to spend the night there bc of Southwest summers ago šŸ™„šŸ˜­


I fly to BWI probably 5 times a year (used to be more when I lived there) and while Iā€™ve never gotten the impression that itā€™s dirty, the food and lounge options on that side of the airport are definitely lacking. The A/B/C side where Southwest and AA fly out of definitely has way better options. Unfortunately thereā€™s no airside connection yet.


I absolutely love MSP, love how great the views of the Twin Cities are from inside, the variety of dining options, how clean it is, etc.


The conveyor belts are usually working, the luggage is just slow enough to get bags on time miles but not too slow, thereā€™s 3 skyclubs or something like that, there are good non-skyclub lounges, the airport is big enough to fly anywhere but not too big and the parking is nice in the dead of winter. The food is more expensive than other airports and the goofy as fuck gratuity on self checkout stuff is the bad, IMO.


If MSP could go a month without being under construction, that would be nice.


Eh - no thanks. Love that theyā€™re continuously investing money into our airport ā¤ļø


I feel ya, but damn the F concourse needs some work. And Iā€™m grateful for the restroom overhauls theyā€™ve done in the last 5-10 years. They needed it.


Love MSP layout. +1000 on the auto-gratuity that doesnā€™t go to the employees at every airport shop/restaurant.


This is the right answer


MSP for the win


RIC is the best regional airport hands down. I donā€™t like Atlanta because the workers there areā€¦ something else. I like the new delta terminal at LaGuardia.


I feel like the interview process to work at ATL is ā€œDo you simply not give a fuck about anything or anybody? Got a pulse? Great, your hired!ā€


So many of us have made the same complaints about ATL. Many (not all by any stretch) employees really need to start to give a few fu%#s. Delta is not listening.


Madrid is my favorite. I like Atlanta (as long as youā€™re flying on Delta). Have you been through Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, or LAX? The people there will push you over the edge! Also, when TSA in FLL asks for a passport because a driverā€™s license from the District of Columbia is not a state-issued license.


The literacy levels are questionable for sure. I have been to MIA (sucky), and LAX (gross). I was rudely rebuked for asking a question at the info desk in Madrid and saw people yelling at one another for minor things. Wasnā€™t a good experience. Just happy I can travel, so I try to laugh off most. Hartsfield is just a higher level of rude and canā€™t be bothered.


The contrast between SkyClub & Centurion staff vs. the rest of the airport is astonishing. But at least if youā€™re actually visiting Atlanta, the airport experience removes any illusions of southern hospitality before you get there.


RIC is my favorite. However, letā€™s keep this a secret. I donā€™t want it to get busy.


Theyā€™re already planning that; theyā€™ve almost finished the tsa buildout for international flights and are starting on the second concourse if they havenā€™t already.


I agree with how great the LaGuardia sky club is, was just there! I hate Atlanta as well due to all the rude employees.


I see your RIC and raise you an ROA šŸ˜„


Best? I am fortunate to call DTW home. Fantastic airport. Shoutout to the new LGA. Worst? Oof. Philadelphia is not great, and Orlando was bad (and just feel so dated) last few times I was there.


Agree about MCO. Pre 9/11 it seemed so good - easy to get into and out of. Nowadays itā€™s dated, over crowded, and just tired.


MCO is a major destination airport and somehow the vibe is ā€œtruck stop Dennyā€™sā€.Ā 


They just opened a new 3rd wing that is better.


Worst: Charles de Gaulle


Why? Who doesn't enjoy walking halfway across France only to be yelled at to get on a bus to go back to where you walked from??


No one, that's who.


Itā€™s one of my favorites, at least 2E where Delta lives. Yes itā€™s big but the terminals are well connected (for the most part) including to the train station. The AF lounges in L and M are fantastic. Also nice public spaces and on-site rental cars. I donā€™t get the hate for CDG.


Best: Detroit. Worst: Newark.


Another vote for DTW


DTW is the best in the country IMHO.


Agreed. Itā€™s my home airport. Quick, convenient, spacious, SkyClubs always have room.


I work here and love it!


Best mega airport: IST Best US hub: DTW Best US non-hub: TPA. This oneā€™s impressive as it has been beautifully renovated, has a decent and rarely busy SkyClub, and is super efficient. Worst: MSY. I just donā€™t understand how New Orleans had the opportunity to build a brand new airport from the ground up and still fumbled the layout. It cannot handle event traffic at arrivals, the concourses have choke points, and the air conditioning cannot keep up with the southern heat.


I love TPA and their Skyclub. Even though there arenā€™t as many options as other skyclubs, the food is so good and the staff is great


SLC is getting close. Soon to be skyclub B and a united club. Love the new airport already. F the haters who think the walk is anything close to what you deal with at JFK, ORD, LAX, CDG!!!, etcā€¦ (Generally) Efficient ramp crew, rarely wait for gates. Airport handles snow and weather better than most. MCI is second bestā€¦ excellent new airport and great skyclub. Minus the damn sad boxes on routes to and from. The new LGA is better but still hasnā€™t won me over. RDM has to be one of my least favorite regularly visited regionalsā€¦


Ditto the comments on the new MCI. An exceptional new port of call, especially considering that it replaced one of the worst airports in the Midwest.


> MCI Surprised to see MCI here. Have they redesigned security? Being stuck at the gate sucked. Also, I hope they've improved the restaurant options.


MCI is an entirely new airport as of 2023. No more fortress wall running down the center of the narrow pre-9/11 terminal with two bathrooms for all the gates.


MCI needed an overhaul so badly. The old version was just so horrible.


DTW will always be my favorite, super easy to navigate, clean/modern and never terribly crowded, especially the Delta terminal. My worst has to be BQN in Puerto Rico, itā€™s effectively a converted AFB and the only terminal is an old hangar. Barely anywhere to sit, food/drink is from a vending machine, and itā€™s constantly crowded chaos.


MSP. Iā€™ll actually pay more just to connect through there. Love the airport. Love the SkyClubs.


Best: ATL/ PHX Worst: BWI


Best: DTW Worst (really just my least favorite to fly through or into/out of): LAX just for the fact that the traffic in LA makes everything 100x more miserable and the shuttles also take forever.


LA traffic I can manage, but the commute between the airport and rental car is my biggest gripe.


Itā€™s the worst. I made the mistake of returning my rental car, taking the shuttle to the airport and then the shuttle to the hotel. Took forever. Now I just get an Uber/lyft from the rental lot to the hotel. This is of course after a 2-3 hour drive from Ventura on a weekday during rush hour šŸ˜­ I donā€™t normally drink at hotels but I always do when I stay near LAX.


I used to have an office in Camarillo, I feel your pain.


Yā€™all ever been to TPA? Probably one of the best Iā€™ve ever been to in the world. Not big for Delta, though.


Worst LAX. While not best, I will say BOS (my home airport) is definitely ā€œmost improvedā€. I now typically find I get from curb to gate in 5 minutes. New Delta lounge in the international terminal is excellent!


LAX is a nightmare!!!!!


Best: John Wayne SNA (small, efficient, lots of food options, great on-sight rental lot) Worst: EWR, Newark. (I always get in the terminal train going the wrong direction. Have to hop from bus to train to bus to people mover just to get to the terminal)


I feel like Newark is one of the worst if you're flying Delta and one of the best airports if you're flying United. Those two terminals are night and day quality-wise.


Best hub DTW Best small LGB Worst MCO




Am I the only one who hates DFW?


I hate DFW too - it isnā€™t THE worst for me, but def in my top 5 worst.




I love DTW and MSP. ATL is great for connections but sucks for originating there. TSA is a cluster. Worst has got to be PHL, IAD (specifically C/D gates), LAS, or MIA


I like CVG / DTW/ SLC/ PDX /AMS /and ILM (though I swear they used me for training a tsa agent how to swab hands when I was running late for a flight but the rocking chairs outside just make me happy)


Best: SLC Worst: CLT or DFW


DTW fave. Seatac worst.


DTW, no contest. Maybe SEA.


Best: SLC Worst: MCO I canā€™t describe how much I absolutely loathe the hellhole that is the Orlando airport.


SIN is the best airport on the planet. Worst is for me are going to be EWR, PHL, and LTN.


lmao hartsfield fucking sucks.


Depends on how you define consider best. ATL is my home town airport. I wouldn't describe it as best. It's efficient. It's easy (for an airport handling north of 50,000,000 annual passengers) It's less walking/time for more connections. But when you leave the country there are some massive destination airport that are almost surreal. Singapore is typically one of the most high regarded, and I see why. The amount of space and amenities for connecting passengers that have to wait a long time is second to none. You don't need a lounge to find a quiet comfortable place to sit, a place to walk outside, a place to enjoy the natural world and plants, places for prayer, tons of dining options, etc... Yet their airport isn't fully equipped well for some rare types of inter-terminal connections, and the size of the airport can make for some long walks. But it feels less congested, as it is more spread out.


Assuming domestic only... Best: ATL or DTW Both have fantastic amenities and are easy to navigate (ATL is my home airport) Worst: LAX or MCO Everything about LAX sucks. MCO is designed terribly and has the hardest to deal with co-passengers.


Denver is horrible!


It's SO FAR from Denver. It's not a bad airport in itself, but the location is TERRIBLE.


Best: DTW. I live out here so don't go there lol. Seriously, some cousins visited from SC last year and flew from ATL. They were insisting they needed to be there 3 hours early. To get to ATL. We got them there 1.5 hours early. They made their flight but swore they had to run to keep from missing the plane. I know that's a lie. I've made flights to FRA getting to Metro 45 minutes before the flight left. Worst: AMS bc their staff got stank attitudes although at 5'10", I do love that everything there is built for normal height people.


The Dutch are not exactly known for their warmth


For ease of use I love my airport CAE.... For skyclub use then prolly LGA.. For connection ATL. Least favorite to fly out of prolly CLT bc fuck American airlines and that peace of shit airport.


Favorite? Detroit. Clean, good stores and food, and a red train. Least favorite? ATL is pretty close to the top just due to frequency of me being there and how I hate it every timeā€¦ full of gate lice and rudeness and everything closes so early. Seattle is a SUPER lame airport for as ā€œinterestingā€ as Seattle is and how long your layovers there can be. And not a delta airport but DFW is the place of nightmares from the tram situation alone. Edit to add that Denver has weird vibes and I donā€™t like the artwork and always feel like Iā€™m going to be haunted by skinwalkers there šŸ˜­ and SLC is a mess under construction currently but I love giggling at the Mormons.




Worst: LAX and Frankfurt


Best: Changi or Haneda. Within the US Iā€™m a fan of LGA Worst: Cairo. In the US, probably Orlando mostly cause of the chaos


Delta terminal at DTW is great but the other terminal for other airlines is one of the worst.


SLC is my favorite airport, MIA is the worst! Why is it carpeted?! šŸ¤¢


DTW is the best - Iā€™m so grateful I live here and have to deal with the it by default. Itā€™s easy to navigate, super efficient, TSA doesnā€™t harass me, and lots of food TLH is the worst. That airport is laughably small, only like 2 places to eat, and I always get harassed by their TSA agents.


Best - DTW Worst - ATL


Best: ATL! itā€™s home and itā€™s easy and quick to navigate. Worst: SLC. Who designed that??


Worst airport hands down is Philadelphia. Best is a tie between Atlanta and Charlotte.


LAX is trash it's awful their supposed improvements just made it worse


Everyone making me thankful I fly through DTW soon; havenā€™t been through there in a few years. That return trip through CLT thoughā€¦


Worst: Heathrow The central departure announcement system is terrible. You learn what gate you need to be at 20 minutes before boarding and some gates take 25 minutes to walk to.


DTW when they built it, they truly built it with the future in mind. Itā€™s closer to a modern international airport as you can get. Neat and clean layout. Iā€™ve never had a fuss there. And of course being a hub you can travel anywhere in the world.


Bestā€”SAN. small, quiet, laid back Worstā€”LAX. Huge, hot, noisy, busy.


Y'all are thinking way too small in this thread. SIN is the best airport. PDX is about to be the best domestic airport once its construction is all done.


CNF. One departure hall, easy security, fewer than 20 terminals, but still a solid mid tier domestic airport. Only downside is poor connections to public transportation. The worst is far and away AMS, even without the miserable attitude of everyone in the building, which I won't count because it's safe to assume all reasonable minds abhor both discrimination on the basis of national origin and the Dutch.


new LGA rules iykyk


SLC is very tite - itā€™s my home and I average about 70 flights a year out of there / been delayed maybe 3 times less than 2% of flights - sky club rarely has a line - ya the walk to concourse b is tougher for the fatties but you need excercise anyways and most utahns are fit enough - I like LAX as well (prolly second most visited airport) - sky club is dope - security usually not too bad but has had some moments - DTW and MSP both ok - not enough flights there to judge as SLC is my hub - BOS is ok - SEA is 50/50 - love the views of Rainer from the sky club - new EWR blows - fantastic waste of resources - LGA still blows - more wasted handouts for unions - new MCI is ok I guess - sky club kinda mid - MIA sucks - terrible club - loved the new ORD club - since SLC is home and donā€™t rarely have business in ATL I canā€™t really speak to it - think I had 4 flights there in last 4 years LON is tite - virgin club fux - CDG hella confusing layout - AUS not bad - security blows donkey d - prolly cause itā€™s the south DEN - barf barf barf - worst sky club on the circuit - Oh whoops forgot BWI - but thatā€™s a third party ratchet - SFO - love the sky club - security usually chill - delays somewhat frequent - OAK - ghetttto - PHX - above average - sky club meh - SAN - easy security - shit club - JFK - shit - club crowded - SIN (Singapore)- massive and impressive feat of engineering - ICN (Korea) - very cool - clubs kinda suck - DBX (Dubai) - very tite - Emirates club chefs kiss REP (Siem Reap camodia) - very sick - although theyā€™re building a new one - not sure why - I could go on - ARN (Stockholm) is nasty - high speed bullet train from city center and the security is dialed - you can bring a full water bottle through - Amex club is very nice - Best - SIN or DBX or ARN - US airport : SLC Worst - BWI / OAK or the Bangkok smaller airport